THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATi FFICAL NEWSPAPS. OF THE UNIVRSITY .XICA of MICHIGAN Published every aorning except Monday du 4 Lthe ave !it7 ear' by the B.ard in Contrl of Studet fPuilatiosia. MiM NI r THE A&SOCIATEID PRS Tc'"hAsoftiateo Press is exclusivel etitted to the xzsphlicten of at inew disatas5 u ~Itea it nv not otriwe ortditsd:'n this papr'aadite localnews Pbished there.a Entered at the postoix at An Arbr, Michigan, as seod tless atter. ASutscription by carrier or spil, 134.O Offices: Ann Arbo Press buildng,.Maynard Street. Phones: Business. 960; Editorial. 24x4. Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- nature not necessarily to appear in print but as an evidence of faith' and notices of events will e published in The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. Unsigned communications will receive no consideration. No man- jusrivt Will be returned unless the writer incloses potage. T'1.he Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex- resed. in the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF Teepione 2414 MANAGING EDITOR..........BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL Assistant Managing Editor...............Hugh W. Hitchcock City Editor -...............................E. P. Lovejoy, Jr. N4idt Editor- - R R.E. Adams G. P. Overten t john' P. Dawson M. B. Stahl Edward-Iamtrebt Paul Watzel tditorial Beard Chairman...*.........-L. Armstrong Kern Leo.' Herhdorfer . R. Meis Sunday Magazine Editor...............Thoruten W. Sargent, Jr. Ixchange Editor.'...........................George E. Sloan Mausic Editor...................... .....,...Sidney B. Coates Sporting Editor ...................-.. --.George Reindel Women's ditor ......... -..-... -ElizabethVickery ifun r .Iditor- ..............................- ER. -Mess Assistants KingsleyS. Anderson L. L. F