TE MICHIGAa DAi Y THE 64 9 9 INN AT LANE HALL Same high quality of food. Lower prices. Good music 5:30-6:30 every evening 999 TAXI 99 9,T X NOW C35 nts Every Passenger Insured Against Accident GIS' GLEE CLUB TO TUESDAY NIGHT, IN.2 With Miss Marion Struble, of the faculty of the Sch~ool of Music, and Florence Shirey, '22, as accompanists, the University Girls Glee club will give its first concert of the year on ;uest night of the Jackson Women's club, Tuesday, Jan. 24. A double quartet from the Girls' Mandolin club will accompany the Glee club in the college songs. Miss Nora Crane Hunt, director of the club, and Murza Mann, '22, will bethe solo- ists. The Glee club will leave Ann Arbor on a special car Tuesday afternoon for Jackson where they will be en- tertained at dinner by the Women's club. The complete musical program will be as follows:r 1 (a) Laudus Atque Carmina, A. A. Stanley+ a cork from a tightly stopped vessel partly filled with the substance. The great absorptive (sic) power of char- coal at extremely low temperatures was shown by the exhaustion of a Geissler tube by charcoal immersed in liquid air. Ordinary air from the lec- ture-room was liquified by cooling it under a pressure of four atmospheres. Dr. Sheldon produced snow in the hottest part of a Bunsen flame by1 placing in the flame a steel ball prey- iously immersed in the liquid air. The extremely low temperature of the ball caused the hot gas and moisture in it, to solidify and remain frozen in the flame for a considerable period of time. That liquid air 'exhibits magnetic properties similar to those of steel was shown by the motions of a test- tube full of the substance in a mag- netic field. Air was poured in the water compartment of a toy steam- ^ngine, and its pressure upon vapor- '7ation had the same effect as that of steam upon the piston, though the! surface of the eneine was covered with at thincoat of frost. More than 600 students attended the lecture. Home-made Cakes and Pie Made to Order Ilecker 's Delicatessen 119 :ast Liberty Street 1ffIU1f11111I~ tEU 111E111110 1111!111111111111111111111E1 IUI l11Ui1tllllll All Suits and O'C( arr. by Florence Shirey, '22 (a) Gypsy Song .............Brahms arr. by Paul Ambrose Glee club -, iHat Annual TRA ACE A PU4. PAM CM. shoe Sale 4 every Pair Reduced --en's, Women's High, Lola and Dress Styles Walk-Over Boot Shop 115 S. Nain Street __ -- - , " !! No-owwww- HOUSANDS of smokers have proved it-and now give the verdict -to you- Of all the other tobaccos NATURE has produced -none can approach the finest varieties of pure Turkish for cigarettes- None has the delicious FLAVOR of the finest Turkish- None gives the ENJOYMENT of the finest Turkish- None will SATISFY you as will the finest Turkish- 2 (a) Pilgrims Chorus from Tann- hauser............... Wagner (b) Allah's Holiday ........Friml Quartet: Carol Walters, '23, Avon Rich, '23, Ada Nutten, '22, Joyce Van Alstyne, '23 (a) Yamato .........Murza Mann, '22 (b) Tinged Wings....Murza Mann, '22 Whistling Solo ......Murza Mann, '22 4, (a) A song of Seasons.....Hawley (b) De Coppah Moon........Sheiley Glee club 5 (a) The Butterfly ............Hubay (b) Hindoo Chant, Rimsky Kou Kou-Kreisler (c) From the Canebreak......Gardner Violin-Miss Marion Struble Ye College Singe 6 (a) Varsity...... ..E. V. Moore (b) Goddess of the Inland Seas, Peters, arr. by A. A. Stanley (c) When Night Falls, Dear, arr. by Florence Shirey, '22 (d) College Days........E. V. Moore Glee club and Mandolin club double quartet (a) Lazy Song ..............Lawson (b) My Little House.........Pierce (c) Homing.............Del Reigo Miss Nora Crane Hunt, contralto 8 (a) Good Night, Good Night, Beloved .............Pinsuti arr. by N. Clifford Page (a) The Yellow and Blue......Galey The Glee Club LIQUID AIR LECTURE PROVESINIERESTIN6 Running a steam engine at a tem- perature of 300 degrees below zero was one of the expediments performed by Dr. H. H. Sheldon, of the physics department, during a lecture upon ,iquid air and the effects of its low temperature upon the properties o other substances, Wednesday night in West Lecture room, Physics bui'ding. Four quarts of air for the experi- ments was transported from the Air Reduction Sales company of .Detroit, in silvered vacuum flasks, or "thermos bottles." The substance retails at $2 50 a quart. It boils continuously at ordinary temperatures its boiling po'nt being 190 degrees below zero Centi- 'rade or 310 degrees below, Fahren- heit. Surrounded by atmornhare of ordinary temperatures, it vaporizes at the rate of about one-seventh its vol- ume per day. Dr. Sheldon froze a vessel of mer- cury at about 40 degrees below zero and used the froen metal success- fully as a tack-hammer. "Cooking" a beefsteak on ice with air, he broke the meat with a hammer when it was "done." Fruit, flowers, and rubber tibing were among the other sub- ctances likewise made brittle by din- ning in the- air; the mate'a s flew apart like glass at a slight blow. Explosive pronerties of te liauli were demonstrated by the popping of THE MICHIGAN DAILY SELLS PANCAKE FLOURI! In The Michigan Daily, issue of November 12, 1921, The Mich- igan Milling Company advertis- ed M IM ICO PURE BUCK- WHEAT FLOUR for those good old Buckwheat pancakes. A few days later an order was receiv- ed for some of the flour from a man in Kentucky. Mr. Frank Allmendinger of The Michigan Milling Co. has w ithheld the name of the person, but he states that the purchaser wrote him that he saw the ad in The Michigan Daily and it made him want some of that good old- fashioned flour. MICHIGAN DAILY ADVERTIS- ING SCORES AGAIN. Sound Busin i i i i i ess °I N0TI CE FOR THE JUNIOR-HOP: A first-class Hair Dresser and larcetler from Deiroit has been engaged to assist MRS. T. L. STODDARD 707 No University Phone 2652 Make Your Appointment Early. Gentlemen's Manicuring by Appointment must be conducted on a sound basis. We take pride in the fact that the manner in which our i{{{111.11{111111114{{{111{f{{"1 {1111M{ institution is conducted is such that we. can heartily invite the public to make a thorough inspection of our statement. The Ann Arbor Savings Bani RESOURCES OVER $5,OOO,OOO.OO WADHAMS & co. i{ I TWO STORES 25% Discount -W ;' F fa{ I tc None Turkish but the highest grade and personally selected, tobaccos is used in MURAD. T f .,.RA To enjoy100%pure Turkish at its VERY BEST-to reach the PEAK of Cigarette Quality-you have but to smoke MURAD- TryMURAD to- day and "Judge for Y'ourself-!" The Pre - Inventory Clearance Sale Just Starting Makes All Prices on Coats, Suits, Dresses, Blouses, Millinery ps.,: 20c IARGYR0 S. it $TOO% WO W Y P LORILLAO CO.=I for Winter Wear the Most Sensational Wm. Goodyear & Company has ever given fI Goodyear's ."AMA A A"MA DOWNTOWN w 1