' - r Y'r1irI IH nI urrnror i "
:60-Research club meets in histolog-
ical laboratory of Medical building.
1:15-Organ recital at Hill auditor-
4:00---Mimes' dinner in room 319 of
and the Detroit Symphony orchestra
in Hill auditorium.
S:00-Ch-rstian Science society meets
in reading room of Lane hall.
ciety is especially requested to be
present at the meeting tomorrow
Tryouts for the annual French piy
will be held every day .this .week
from 4 to 5 and 7 to 8 o'clock in
room 202, south wing, of University
hall. All French students are elig-
Alpha Nu Meets Tonight
There will be a special meeting of
the Alpha Nil at 7:30 o'clock tonight
in the club rooms.
Number 831
Every member of Polonia Literary
To the Beans:
There will be a conference of the Deans this morning at 10 in the Pres-
ident's Office M. L. BURTON.
Second Semester Elections:
The election blanks of all students in the College of Literature. Science.
and the Arts must be handed in to the proper Committee on Elections, Mon-
day to Thursday, Feb. 6 to 9, as follows:
Freshmen-Room 206 (second floor, north), U. H. For all those hav-
ing, in October, less than 24 hours credit.
Sophomores-Room 208 (second floor, south), U. H. For all those hav-
ing, in October, from 24 to 53 hours credit, inclusive.
Juniors and Seniors-Registrar's office. For all those having, in Oc-
tober, more than 53 hours credit.
Assignment to sections in certain courses, mentioned on the back of the
examination schedule, must, for all students, be made by the Committee on
Classification in the auditorium of University Hall.
All elections should be made at this time in FINAL form. For purposes
of personal consultation, instructors should be seen before Jan. 29. After
that date they will be inaccessible.
ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar.
Research Club:
A regular meeting of the Research Club will be held in the Histological
Laboratory of the 19[edical School on Wednesday evening, Jan. 18, at 8
o'clock. (Council meeting at 7:30). The papers for the evening will be as
follows: E. D. Campbell, "A Force-field Theory of Solution"; J. R. Hay-
den, "A Comparative Study of the Constitutions of Czecho-Slovakia, Po-
land, and Jugoslavia. H. H. BARTLETT, Secretary.
All Ex-Service Men:
A general meeting of all ex-service men will be held Thursday, Jan. 20,
7:15 p. in., in Reading Room, Union. A short meeting to discuss' plans for
the Memorial Room.
Second Semester Elections - School of Education:
Second semester elections of all students in the School of Education
should be made in the office of the School, Room 105, Tappan Hall, Mon-
day to Thursday, Feb. 6 to 9.
Freshmen should see the Committee on Elections, Room 206, University
Hall, before handing in their blanks.
Assignments to sections in certain courses in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts mentioned on the back of the examination schedule
must, for all students, be made by the Committee on Classification in the
auditorium of University Hall.
Unlrbrsity Lecture:
Professor Henry Chamard, Professor of French Literature of the Renais-
sance in the University of Paris, will lecture in French Thursday evening,
at 8 o'clock at Sarah Caswell Angell Hall on "Moliere et la grande come-
die". This is a University lecture and the public is cordially invited.
The Solis Prize in Natural Science:
Final notice is here given that all applications or nominations for the
Solis Prize' for research in Natural Science (including Medicine) should be
made at the office of the Graduate School, where detailed information as to
conditions and procedure can be had, not later than the end of the present
semester. ALFRED H. LLOYD.
Detroit Symphony Orchestra:
The Detroit Symphony Olchestra, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, conductor and
piano soloist, will give the following brilliant all-Russian program in Hill
Auditorium, Monday evening, Jan. 23. During Mr. Gabrilowits'ch's appear-
ance -as pianist the orchestra will be directed by Victor Kolar: Overture
"Russian e Ludmilla" (Glinka); Second Concerto for Piano and Orchestra
in C, minor, Opus 18 (Rachmaninoff); Symphonic Suite "Scheherazade"
(Rimsky-Korsakoff) I. The Sea and the Vessel of Sindbad; H. The Tale of
the Kalandar Prince; III. The Young Prince and the Young Princess; IV.
Feast at Bagdad. The Sea. The Vessel is wrecked on a Rock. Conclusion.
Tickets are still available at the University School of Music at 50 cents, $1,
$1.50 and $2 each. CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary.
Twilght Organ Recital:
The following program will be given in Hill Auditorium, Thursday aft-
ernoon of this week at 4:15 o'clock by Harry Russell Evans: Grand Choeur
in March Form (Guilmant); Romanza (Mozart); Slumber Song (Wood);
Rhapsody in B minor (Silver); Prayer from "Rienzi" (Wagner); Liebestod
from "Tristan and Isolde" (Wagner). The concert will begin on time and
the doors will be closed during the performance of numbers. No admission
charge. CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary.
Play Production (Public Speaking 14a); election for second semester:
Those who wish permission to elect this course should consult with me
in my office at the south end of the stage in the auditorium of University
Hall on Jan. 18, 19, 25, or 26 at 4 o'clock, or by appointment. This is a four
hour course, meeting for lectures and recitations on Tu., Th. at 10 and for
supervised rehearsals and group conference on M., W. from 2 to 4.
Education 4f and Botany 1:
Education 4f, in the School of Education, also numbered as Botany 16,
in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, on "Observation and Spe-
cial Methods in the Teaching of Botany", will be given the second semester
on Wednesday, at 9 JAS. B. POLLOCK.
R. O. T. C.:
There will be a meetifg of the R. 0. T. C. at 7:30 p. in. Thursday at the
Michigan Union. The Room will be announced on Bulletin Board in lobby
of the Union. The Band will meet as usual at 7 p. in. on Thursday at New-
berry Hall. ROBERT ARTHUR.
English Departient:
The English Department will meet for luncheon at the Union on Thurs-
day, Jan. 19, at 12:10 o'clock. W. R. HUMPHREYS.
Romance Club:
The Romance Club will meet today, Wednesday, Jan. 18, at the Michigan
Union, 4:15 o'clock. A. G. CANFIELD.
For Students in Elementary Physles:
Dr. H. H. Sheldon will give a lecture, with experimental demonstrations,
upon the properties of liquid air, on Wednesday, Jan. 18, at 7:30 p. m., in the
West Lecture Room of the Physical Laboratory. Students taking an elemen-
tary course in physics- are invited. H. M. RANDALL.
Preshman Engineers:
It is very important that each Freshman Engineer see his mentor this
week (Jan. 16 to 21). Each Freshman Engineer must attend assembly this
week. Assembly Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1922, 11 a. m. room 348 Engineering
building. Professor Emil Lorch will address the Freshmen.
Union. N
:15-La Sodledad Hispanica lecture
by Mr. Mercado in room 203 of Tap- Only a Few -
pan hail. WM
:15-All ex-service men on the cam-=l
pus meet in reading room of Union. 2
;:30-Boxing club initiation metingi: r0Nestor Johnson H OCKEY SKATES
in room 302 of Union. on
:t0-Commerce club lecture by Walt.
er Kitson, '12E, in Natural Science
auditorium. -
-:00-Polonia Literary circle meets at n etookstore
Lane hall. -
:04-Concert by Ossip Gabrilowitsch .,°..I.guImuuIuuIuuIt1iu1guig uigmagsiiIl
00-Rotary club meets at Chamber
of Commerce Inn.
0-J-Hop committee meets at Un-
0-Lecture on the Genesis of Speech
y Prof. Fred N. Scott in room 162 of
atural Science building.
5-Romance club meets - at Un-
7:00-Varsity band practice in Uni-
versity Hall.
7:00-Foresters' All-stag skating party
at Saginaw forest.
7:15-Freshman Glee club practice at
7:30-Alpha Nu holds special meeting
in University hail.
7:30-Council meeting of the Research
club in histological laboratory of
Medical building.
7:30-Westerners meet at Lane hall.
7:30-DeMolays meet at Harris hall.1
7:30-Zionist society meets at Lane
8:00-A ristolochites meet in room 300
of Chemistry building.