THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1922 Schafer Kig O Biliad WrldHere Are Three Of b'arrel's Stars To Whom , 1ichigan Scaefer , King Of Billiard WorldPOPET inUnion Exhibirion AMatch Tuesday TOACK OLooks For Victory On T he Cinder Paths This Year a Schaefer, who plays against With two such finished playersit is -TAl I[LINOIS COO8or Roger Conti, the French champion reasonable to assume that the game at evenin ha Tasyleo afternoon they will play at the UJnion will be National Champions See Great Year I i pecig,has a style f play that quite the best bit of billiards that has Ahead if All Goes eculiar to himself alone. In the ever been seen in Ann Arbor. World's first place his stroke is an unusual champions in any line of sport are one. Instead of keeping the driving rare people and the opportunity to see S arm vertical and close to the body asonwh swlwrtyotette SQUAD ROSTER FILLED WITH is the usual manner, he has developed should call out a large number of lo- NAMES OF VETERAN STARS w a side-arm stroke which is at once cal enthusiasts. very graceful to watch and very effec (By Associated Press) . tive. It seems to enable him to touch Urbana, Ill., Jan. 14.-Coach Harry the balls more gently and with great- Intram ural Items Gill's track prospects for the Univer- er accuracy at close range than the sity of Illinois this season look even . covniulstoewudprmt.- better "than last year when the Illini . ,<'' :. - o4"t naShifter Bridge The schedule of games for Monday wonethe firstsnational intercolegi . In addition, he does not stick to one is: at 6:15 o'clock, Acacia vs. Alpha meet at Chicago, in the opinion of ath-of type of bridging but changes his Delta Phi, Beta Theta PI vs. Chi Psi, letic followers. bridge to suit the character of the shot Delta Chi vs. Delta Kappa Epsilon, The Gillmen last year carried away "W to be played. For a close shot he dou- Theta Delta Chi vs. Delta Beta Tau; at more honors than any other team at; .l bles his fingers up under the palm the Penn games by winning the four This permits of a more effective and 7 o'clock, Alpha Chi Rho vs. Phi Sigma mile and distance medley relay races, accurate draw with a minimum of Kappa, Chi Phi vs. Delta Sigma Phi, placed first in the hop step and jump, force. On long shots he uses the cus- Kappa Nu vs. Sigma Chi, Zeta Psi first and third in the high jump, first tomary spread-finger bridge and vs. Psi Upsilon; at 7:45 o'clock, Beta in the discus and second in the jave- grasps the tip of the cue very firmly Phi Delta vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon, The- Lin. betwen the fingers. ta XI vs. Hermitage; at 8:30 o'clock, No Penn Trip He combines Cochran's ability at Phi Delta Chi vs. Alpha Rho Chi, Del- The team will not go to Penn this open table shots with Horeman's skill ta Sigma Delta vs. Xi Psi Phi; at 9:15 year, but will atend the Drake re- . at the close nurse and goes them one o'clock, Delta Sigma Pi vs. Cygnus, lays as usual. After the Illini indoor better with his originality when a Alpha Kappa Kappa vs. Phi Alpha relay carnival here, March 4, and the difficult shot presents itself. It was Gamma, Phi 'Chi vs. Pi Upsilon Rho, indoor Conference the following week, this which enabled him to defeat Phi Rho Sigma vs. Nu Sigma Nu, the men take to the out-of-doors in Hoppe in the last tournament. And preparation for their trip to Texas, LEFT, CAPT. WALTER SIMMONS, ONE OF THE FASTEST DASH MEN IN BIG TEN CIRCLES. CENTER, VAN while he is playing he is all billiards. The referees for Monday night are April 13 to 21. ORDEN, A WEIGHT MAN FEARED THROUGHOUT THE MIDDLE WEST. RIGHT, HOFFMAN, CON- Between innings he watches the play as follows: at 6:15 and 7 o'clock, Ohl- The Illini will meet Rice Institute FERENCE JAVELIN THROW CHAMPION, WHO TRIUMPHED OVER BREDE, OF ILLINOIS, AT THE of his opponent with undivided atten- macher, Kerley, Andrus, R. W. Smith; at Houston Saturday, April 15. and CONFERENCE MEET LAST JUNE IN A SENSATIONAL BATTLE. tion and tries to figure out where he at 7:45 and 8:30 o'clock Ohlmacher, the University of Texas on the follow- "makes his mistakes so that he may and Wilson;at:1 'lkAdu ing Wednesday at Astin. This will. avoid repeating them. So seriouslyj Weitzel, Wilson, and Landre. end the journey. -Several other meetsG~ does he take his work that when he were planned, but because of lack of GOOD THINGS EAT misses a shot, whether it be hard or time and- because Coach Gill does not of the simplest nature, a lobk of dis- The results of Friday's games are: want to overtax his athletes, the men A new organization has been form-_ r gusted chagrin over-spreads his coun- Society league, Michigan UniondeCra - will return and prepare for the Drake ed at Cornell recently in the way o Fruit Salad . ..2 feated D etroits.-clubt16mto w il, CraftsheH ead L ettuce Salad . . . . 25caa tenance. men defeated Forestry 24 to 8 Arch-games. Twenty men will make the a varsity track association. Member- 1 Chicken Sandwich .........25e " game loser southern jaunt.0 adie 0 He is a game loser -and a sporting itects' society defeated Cutting 27 to ;harton Excellent hip in this organization is similar to1 Club Sandwich .. 5c ! winner and in all is a fit man to hold 2, Skull and Bones defeated Hul- Capt. Russell Wharton, winner of the Cornell Cross Country club which Special Steak Dinner.. ..75c the title. Unlike Hoppe he is anxious berths 13 to 10 Bayonne club defeated t indr nd udr ron er tohas been under way for some time. Delicious Soup.............1e a . eisaxosthe inoor and outdoor Conference two Fine Home-Made Pie ......lOc a and willing to defend his title when- Eagles 10 to 7, Upstaters defeated Py- mile races last year, has started his Clubs of this type are bound to be 91 Eat, Smoke, Drink ever he is called upon to do so. Un- ramids 19 to 9. regular training. Gordon MMcGinnis, valuable assets in promoting interest Rest and Play a der the conditions of the last tourna. The Church league results are: who fared so well on the Illinois chai among students in the sports they rep- READY TO SERVE Pa ment he is not required to defend his Methodists defeated Baptista 18 to pionship cross country team this fall resent. 11-2 57bh hAll Michigan title before the 15th of March, when 15 ,Episcopalians defeated the Broad- is _.ny mena histo pa Hoppe. It is interesting way Methodists 30 to 4, Presbyterians runnIorsmohl nhs ri-Pinvited, requested and fi he playing jaunts than -he has ever done be- Because of the lack of interest in CLUB LUNCH-40 exeted to note how this condition arose. defeated Congregationalist 0 2 to 0. fore. Ed Wells, Deusenberry, Patter- winter football practice at the Unip to make use When the rules of the last tournament son, Swanson and Yates are the other versity of Pennsylvania Coach Hels- FULL DINNER- We B f "'were drawn up, S. R. Benjamin, Hop-, Illini distance runners who should nan has decided to abandon practice pe's manager, was so sure that his 1922 LITERARY -CLASS place well this season. until spring. Inclement weather has SPECIAL man would win, that he insisted upon Illinois will be stronger in the jave- also figured as an important reason 12 __ the above clause beinginserted before The lists of paid and unpaid lin and dashes the only two events in 'or the coach to make such a deci- SUNDAY DINNER s_ '! he would consent to Hoppe's playing. dues will not be posted in the which the Illini have been weak in sion. 12 TO 2 P. M. ale Othertise he would have been able to Registrar's ofilce until the aft- previous years. The return of "Bun- $1.00 ._ challenge Schaefer immediately fol- ernoon Of Friday, Jan. 20. Every nie" Buchanan, Illinois pole vaulter Notre Dame's track and relay teams 4_- - I lowing the tournament and Schaefer seniqr who has not yet paid their of two years ago, has brightened pro- will leave next month to compete in WIL-L-S would have been practically obligated dues please mail check for $2 to spects in this event, for he is accred- several invitation meets in the East. Phone 173 U .. miI - q1i to play him. the treasurer att once. Enclose ited with leaps of over 11 feet. Col- They will take part in the Milrose 315 SOUTH STATE STREET f p , Iv." Conti Skillful self-addressed and stamped en- lins and Sharp are also out for the games at New York, Feb. 10; the Bos- to 3 A Tst'v C5 S" s Conti, who is accompanying Schae- velope for receipt. pole vault. Perry Nagel, dashman ton A. A. games, Feb. 4, and at New- c'WL1 P LOJNC ssoma6 f0r on his tour, is an opponent worthy c. MAURICE ATKINSON, who pulled a tendon in his leg last ark, Feb. 6. Notre Dame is quotel as_ _ _ _ __ __ _ _t"" t of the 'champion's skill. Though quite Treasurer. year one week before the indoor Con- having one of the strongest track your cla t q e romNDail young, only 20, he has wonderful pos- (_ference meet, has returned to the teams of the country this year includ- Buy your class toques from DaIly sibilities as a bilhiardist and in a year _________________ squad and looks good. Bob Ayres. ng Captain Wynne ,Gus Desch, Mon- or two will stand an excellent chance freshman last year and formerly the 'ague and Hayes. Hayes is Mid-West- of becoming champion. He strongly Hinsdale high school sprint marvel. srn champion in the .100 yard dash. contests Horeman's claim to the cham 'ENSIAN PHOTOS is the one Illini ten second man. Hank pionship of Europe, maintaining that I Wilcox is also good in the dash. University of California footballSW A I N the latter would never consent to a Group photographs of campus Relay Strong team will. be given two trophies at a "iatch with him in that country and organisations and classes for the In Paul Sweet, Dave Fields, Fred luncheon in San Francisco Jan. 23. AmF that in this country he has to his cred- 1922 )&Iichiganensian must be Schlapprizzi and Douglas Fassenden, One Is the Pacific coast conference Lantern Slides i itthe majority of wins over the Bel- j taken during the month of Jan- Illinois will have a fast mile relay championship cup and the other from gian. A titular match between these uary. Sittings should be ar- quartet and an exce'lent set of 440 the Pasedena tournament of roses GROUPS two would produce some excellent bil- ranged at once. men. All of them have run better committee. Gov. William D. Stephens ifards with the odds somewhat in on lDyih rFahih lrdwtted seht_- than 51 seconds flat. H. M. Osborne is expected to preside. doors or Fuside ti's favor. winner of the high jump and hop, stepIndoos or Outside and jump at Penn last year, has re- In 1878 Michigan played one foot- turned and leaped 6 feet In the high ball gm.Ta a ihRcn 713 E. University A e THIS THIS jump the first day of practice. He college, and the Wolverines won 7-2. COLUMN placed second in the all-around com- netition event in the Illini carnival sCLOSES last year. Brutus Hamilton of Mis- AT 3 P. .A DVERTISING AT 3 P.M. souri beating him. Coach Thorne Here Thrice Weekly * * 1 Organized 1863 FUR RENT Arrangements have been made by F r t st N atoL nal the wrestling team whereby Coach Thorne will be here three times a FOR SALE-Two beautiful pieces of WOR RENT-For next semester, large- week hereafter. On Tuesdays and emb'roidered goods. Received recent- 'warm, newl s furnished broom for Fridays he will be in the wrestling B a n k ' 1Y from India. Materials suitable for twcampus. Seperate beds, double desk. room of the gymnasium from 3 to 6 J-Hep gowns. Phone 2863-. 81-2 Large clothes closet. '510 E. Jeffe. o'clock, and on Saturdays from 1 to I- r802 6. The wrestlers are working out O de tNt kAt -iesas good asnew size 11, FOR RET.hrge doble room for'every day, whether he is here or not. Oy ykat, as good as new, size J1, MRRENT-Largedouble roomsfor Coach Sullivan, of the boxing teamC 1 wih slhoes attached. Phone 2141-M girls. One and one-half blocks from an 80-2 Sampus. Inud e 816 K Washing- will be out of the city until Jan. 15. OR SALE-One baritone saxophone to.81 The library of congress Was estab- one slide trombone, one banjo, two FOR RENT-Robns.. Now 'or second lished in 1800. It was destroyed inPI .,ent on bums, one dress suit. Call 93.6-W. semester. Reasonable< -808 E. Mad- 1814 when the capitol was burned. It 79-3 ison._Phone 1395-R. 80-4 suffered from fire again in 1851.S' FOR SALE-1920 Ford coupe. Forced FOR RENT-Very desirable suite in SavingsyD eposits to sell. Termns. Phone 1268. Ad- good location for next semester. Also Yu'lfn aybrgnswnyo dress1007 E. Huron. 81 single room. '429 So. Division. 81-3 read Michigan Daily Ads.-Adv. FtrL SALE=-Tuxedo, size 36. Almost FOR RENT-Light front suite, run- nefr Call Moore, 18. 81 ning water, well heated. 1609 _TomsonSt__66W._ 1 Another Special Sunday Dinner FOR RET-Room for two men st- WANTED-Roommate by woman grad- dents. One half block from cam- u'hat're iden.for seconsemst"eto pus. $0.00. 214 S. Ingalls. 81 "YOU ENJOY YOUR FOOD SO MUCH MORE WHEN IT IS EATEN IN PLEAS- shaesite. Address Box J. M.H. UR OU DI GS THIS NOON YOU SHOULD TREAT YOURSELF MichiganDaily. 81. FOR RENT-Suite for 2 or 3 students. ANT SURROUNDINGS. TU WANTED-Dressmaking and remodel- One block from campus. Modern. TO ONE OF OUR SPLENDID DINNERS. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO EAT IT IN ing done accurately. $4.00 per day. B . AN AGREEABLE ATMOSPHERE. JUST TRY IT. Call 1182-R. 81 FOR RENT-Two large front rooms In new house. Apply 1011 Church TODAY'S M N WANTED-Suite not far from campus St.n79 house.Booksy ickenCoupTwtA Ric MENU for two quiet students. Box D. . Udent Note Books Chicken Soup with iceSALADS Michigan -Daily. 81-2 FOR RENT-Rooms for three men Celery Hearts Olives Waldorf Salad Spinach with Egg Salad y. T Phone 1194-M. 422 1 Washington -give you better value Roast Chicken with Dressing Head Lettuce with Thousand Island Dressing IJORT St. 7-4'TVeal Cutlets Southern Hash DESSERTS ELANEo for your money. Glazed Sweet Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Apple Cherry Banana Pie laOST - Will party who picked up' __eaHoney Cake Cherry Jello Reits "Mathematics and Finance" in EX-SERVICE MAN, good mechanic, -they work better and Macaroni with Cheese Strawberry and Vanilla Ice Cream P. 0. Wednesday. Please notify W. can do house-work, drive car, most Stewed Corn Mashed Turnip Tea Coffee Milk Postum Hill;wear longer. F. HIll, 2388-J. 81 any work;. has family, needs work. LOS'-Sheepskin coat, Jan. 2, on In Inquire A. E. Wood, 2741-R. 81-2 -all sizes and rulings. te-urban care going to Jackson. Re- FURNITURE Repairing, Upholstering. -mk to seethem.o ityA n -ward. W. . Butler, 810 S. Univer- Refinisbing, Caning. Verne Smith. 4lly. 470-M. 793 Phone 2616-R. 78-15 LOST-Two-fingered driving mitt, Iast DANCE TO some mean music every 50&510 E. WILLIAM STREET Wednesday, Fl'tder call 1837-M. Re- Saturday night at Woodman Hall. ROwar4, 80-2 Everybody coma. %I 4 d