THE MICHIGAN DAILY IRST SEMESi ER EXAM SCHEDULES ARE NOW READY Examination schedules for the first emester may now be procured in the egistrar's office, University hal. 'he schedule is as follows: courses on ionday at 8 o'clock, second Monday -12; at 9 o'clock, first Tuesday 9-12; t 10 o'clock, second Tuesday 9-12; t 11 o'clock, first Monday 9-12; at 1 clock, second Thursday 9-12; at 2 'clock, second Wednesday 9-12; at 3 'clock, second Tuesday 2-5.- Courses on Tuesday will come as ollows: at 8 o'clock, first Saturday -12; at 9 o'clock, first Monady 2-5; ,t 10 o'clock, first Thursday 9-12; at 1 o'clock, first Saturday 2-5; at 1 'clock, first Wednesday 9-12; at 2 x'clock, first Friday 9-12; at 3 o'clock, econd Wednesday 2-5. Exceptions to this schedule are nade in the following cases: French . (all sections), second Monday 2-5; pansh 1 (all sections), second Mon- Lay 2-5; rhetoric 1 (all sections), first T'hursday 2-5; history 1, la, and 1b, Irst Wednesday 2-5; economics 1 and 6, first Tuesday 2-5; psychology 7, rst Thursday 2-5; mathematics A, w, 1, AE, 2, 2E, and 51 (all sections), Irst Friday 2-5. XTENSION LECTURES TOTAL TWLLE INAL Extension lectures for this week 'uimber 12 in all. Prof. J. B. Edmon- on, of the School of Education, spoke esterday at Elk Rapids on the sub- ect, "Why a Parent-Teacher Associ- tion," and Prof. C. S. Berry, also 4f the School of Education, had peeches scheduled yesterday and to- lay at Reed City. Prof. R. M. Wen- ey, of the philosophy department, ad- tressed a Detroit audience yesterday. Ris subject was not announced. Today Professor Wenley will speak t Centreville on "Citizenship and tesponsibility." Professor . Edm>n- on will repeat his lecture on the iareni-teacher association at Tra- erse City. Prof. Henry F. Ada r.s, of he pycology department, will al = peak today at Grand Rapids on "The ?sy(hology cf Advertising." Prof. onis Eich of t tl dejartment of pub- ic speaking, will read "The Taming f the Shrew" at Hudson. Other lec- ures are Prof. W. C. Hoad, of the agineering school, at Midland, on he subject, "Relation of Public Water o Public Health and Economy"; Prof. s, S. Berry, of the School of Educa- ion, at Mt. Pleasant, on "American- zation"; Prof. Clifford Woody, of lie School-of Education, at Reed City, sn "Possible Research Work in Public chools." The . last-named lecture W111 be given Saturday morning. T heWhitney "The Bat," by Mary Roberts Rine- art and Avery Hopwood,. one of the reatest dramatic successes in years, rhich Wagenheis and Kember will resent at the Whitney theater on Sat- rday and Sunday, Jan. 14 and 15, is, iaking one of the most spectacular HUCBERT Wed. & Sat. Mat. fre to45 MICHICAN Nlights 75c to $2.50 (DETROIT) The Prpvidence Players Present IThe Emperor Jones" By Eung'ne O'Neill with CHARLES CILPIN aARRICK Mat.Wed.Sat. o toto DETROIT EDDIE CANTOR in 'The Midnight Rounders" with.NAN HALPERIN and Glittering Chorus tours of the country ever achieved by a play. Capacity audiences are the rule at each performance and thou- sands who desire to see the perform- ance are finding themselves unable to secure seats., The success of "The Bat" on tour is not hard to understand. The play itself is 100 percent entertainment. it is thrilling, mysterious, and dra- matic. More, it is uproariously fun- ny. Critic after critic has declared unequivocally, that one character in "The Bat" is unquestionably the fun- niest character ever seen on any stage. And this in a play that has been called "the greatest mystery play' ever written." FACULTY MEMBERS ATTEND MEETING OF BIOLOGISTS D. D. Van Slyke, '05, Elected President of Biochemical Society at Yale Meeting. Several members of the medical faculty attendedbthe meeting of the Federation of the Biological Sciences at Yale university during the Christ- mas holidays. Dr. F. G. Novy, of the bacteriology department, was presi- dent of the Society for Experimental Pathology, and Dr. C. W. Edmunds, president of the Society for Pharma- cology and Experimental Therapeu- tics, these being two of the societies which form the Federation. Dr. Ed- munds was re-elected for the coming year. aur.. E. E. Nelson, of the department of pharmacology, presented a paper at the meeting. Donald D. Van Sylke, '05, of New York, was elected presi- dent of the Biochemical society. Dr. Stacy R. Guild, of the depart- ment ofanatomy, attendedthe meet- ing of the Anatomical society which was also held at Yale during the holidays. Try a Daily Want At. It pays.-Adv in R A E LAST TIMES TODAY Douglas McLean in "THE HOME STRETCH" Also Carmel Meyers This "AD" with 15c will admit you today Tomorrow - Larry Semon SOON - "THE SHEIK" With Rudolph Valentlio UR AEw VS Princess Pat PRICE $9.00 LOW-HEEL blucher model that women franklyadmit is the most comfortable brogue they have ever worn. *1 /' &1a r wQ-& TODAY AND SATURDAY numi iwn iu r , rij 1 "When I'm Mayor, I won't need a Husband, thanks!" 1IT ADX E There isn't a man UI stop Connie being Mayor - but, gee! aren't some women- rough on a pretty girlI I >"Joseph M. . SY Schenckv ostace' JUST WHAT IS IT? WHO WILL DARE SAYI A GENTLE SLAM AT -- MERE MAN - A COMEDY OF BALLOT PAPERS -- AND BALLET CAPERS - ADDED Se"e 2:00 and 3:30 Lloyd-Ham -Hamilton Even ig 7:00 and 8:30 I ONLY TWO DAYS MORE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY TWO DAYS MORE The Sunshine Kiddies of Melody Lane "SNOOKS" IMPERSONATES EVA TANGUAY'S "I DON'T CARE" THE CO-STARS SING "MA" RITA PRESENTS "I AIN'T NOBODY'S DARLIN PHOTOPLAY ATTRACTION A HEART. INTEREST STORY WITH SCENIC BEAUTY II James M. Barrie's Featuring "6The Little Alice Calhoun Flinister" PRESENTING A PERFECT CAST MAKING A SCREEN CLASSIC ti- ---IN- "THE ADVISER" NUFF SAID - YOU ARE ASSURED OF ACTION AND TIONS NEVER SEEN BEFORE i .um- ' ;,_ EVNNr 70,9Q FUN SITUA- MATINEE - 2:00, 3:30 Adults - 30c Kiddies - 1 Oc F( Swi EVENING - 7:00, 9:00 Adults - 40c Kiddies - 1Oc I --" WAIT NO LONCER! CLOTHING PRICES ARE WAY DOWN Beginning Saturday Morning at 8:30 A Mighty CLEARANCE SALE Of Suits and Overcoats '1l I Friday - Saturday Jack London's "A Star Rover" NECKWEAR SAVINGS $1.50 and $2.00 NECKWEAR 51 All Divided into Two Groups $2.50 and $3.00 UNIONSUITS REDUCED TO $1.85 $18.75 $28.75 Regularly up to $45 Regularly priced to $35 COMING -- i Charles Sheep-Lined Coats Prices Cut On Pajamas $2.50 AND $3.00 VALUES................$1.85 AT MARKED DOWN Rann PRICES Kennedy's The Servant A Trouser Sale Our Entire Stock of Trousers at Radical Reductions $10 and $12 Values.. $.85 $7.50 and $850 Values 45 ) $22 VALUES REDUCED - TO- $13.85 F. W. Gross 309 SOUTH MAIN STREET - IN - The House" II (