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January 11, 1922 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-01-11

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4 i %Oo.W'W% A--ft . - --- 1

25c to $1.95 per pair--all sizes
309-311 No. 4th Ave.
Your father koIvs
Underwoody e- -
writing. You letter 7
strikes a repohsze
chordwhen you writ
it to him on t c
Underwood Port 1e
"The machine you ew I
eventually carry"
'JQQ *A a d

Alumnae Council to Report Work at
Meeting Here January 21.
Official announcements concerning
the campaign which is being launched
for the purpose of raising $1,000,000
with which to construct and enlow
the University of Michigan League
have been sent out to 9300 Michigan
women, through the office which the
Alumnae council has opened in
Alumni Memorial hall through the
courtesy of the alumni. These cir-
culars were sent to all women who
have earned at least 15 hours of credit
in the University of Michigan whose
addresses are known, and to faculty
women, and to the wives of membars
of the faculty, regents and adminis-
trativu officers.
Included in this circular a,-,
sketches ci the proposed building; the
section of the campus plan whi ch
shows the location of the University
of l\ichigan League; statements of
the amount which must be raised; the
purpose of the building; information
concerning the committes and those
eligible for membership; statement:;
iron 'resident Marion L. Burton,
Dian John R. Effinger, Dean Myra 3.
Jordan, Junius E. Beal, Walter 11.
Savwyer and Edna Croff, '22, president
of 'the Women's league, as to why
the building is a neessity; and, finally,
what part the alumnae can take in
this campaign.
Pledge Cards Enlosed
With each announcement was sent a
pledge card for membership in the
University of Michigan League and a
request for information which will aid
in making the catalog of alumnae cor.
iect. At present the c'-a'ncil has t vo
types of catalog, a geographical aa l
a. alphabetical, one. Every effort tay
iinz nade to have thae perfe.;i'v
The office in Memoroai hail is unler
tlt irection of the Al i;anae couni!
which has placed Edna Blake Dress,
20, ir cbayge, with the iuea of add-
ing others as the work increases. Of-
fice hours will be from 8 to 5 o'clock
daily. All University women are in-
vited to go to the office for infor-
mation concerning the campaign. This
ofie is being financed by the under-
graduate women's campaign commit-
tee which has turned over to the
A'nimnae council $1700, and by the
orgau'.zed groups of alumnae which
have voted to support the work to the
amount of $2400 this year.
Stationery for Women
Plans have been made for station-
ery to be used by every Michigan
woman which will bear a Michigan
seal and information concerning the
building and campaign. This station-
ery vill be sold to the women at cost
from the office in Alumnae Memorial
Definite reports of what alumnae

groups are doing to aid this cam-I
paign will be made at the meeting of

ih, alumnae council which will be
held in Ann Arbor Jan. 21, at which
iimre delegates will be present from
the 27 organized groups and also from
onie cities where Michigan women
have not yet organized.
Percentage Given
DY Flower ahoes~
When ordering flowers at either
i'landers or the Blumaize shop by
adding the few ,words, "Give the
League credit," 20 per cent of the
sale will be credited to the League
account without adding anything to
-he purchase price of the flowers.
This 20 per cent will be given for
every order made in this way. The
2ommittee ask the co-operation of all
university students and faculty.
Margaret Whyte, '23, has charge of
the arrangements for the sale of flow-
irs. Cards will be sent out to all
women whereby they may check up
"he orders given for the benefit of the
League and by returning the cards to
the chairman aid in the work for the
University of Michigan League.

"Nothing less than your very best
for the fancy dress party this year,"
says the committee in charge. They
are planning to have only six or seven
stunts instead of the usual large num-
ber and each of these is sure to be
unusuall original and new. Each of
the four classes, Mortarboard, Senior
society, and Wyvern have been asked
to present a stunt.
All houses are asked to dress to
represent some unified group or idea
and there will be a prize given to the
House which is judged best. Then
there will be prizes awarded for indi-
vidual costumes which are particu-
arty unique.
The party will begin at 7:30 o'clock
Saturday night and because of the
small number of stunts there will be
ample time for dancing. An admis-
sion fee of ten cents will be charged
to those who are in costume while the

charge for those who are not in cos-
tume will be 25 cents. For all. non-
League members the admission will
be 50 cents.
"A University of Michigan seal on
every Michigan woman's letter" is the
slogan of the committee of which
Among the newest of plans for rais-
ing money for the University of
Michigan League is the one for sell-
Eing riding tickets. These tickets are
good for six rides of one hour each,
either for cutter or saddle horse hire.
They are transferable and may be
used at any time up to July 1, 1922.
The sale of 1000 of these $5 tickets
will realize $1000 for the campaign
fund. Mary Jane Lawson, '22, has
charge of the sale and information
concerning them may be obtained
from her.
The tickets will be placed on sale
at some definite place as soon as pos-
sible and an announcement will be
1 made later of that place.


Beatrice Hoek, '23, is chairman. These
seals are one inch square and are
for use on the back of letters. A
color scheme of maize and blue has
been carried out with a sketch of a
building in blue, the phrase "Univer-
sity o;Michigan League" in blue, and
a background of yellow.
These seals sell at the rate of 10
for 20 cents. The committee expects
to have them distributed to all or-
ganized houses this week. Seals will
also be on sale at the booth in Uni-
rersity hall.
During the vacation a large number
of seals were sold to alumnae in
Grand Rapids and Jackson. Other,
alumnae groups have signified their
desire to use them.
City Y Holds Pot Luck Supper
Members of the City Y. M. C. A. and'
the Women's auxiliaries of that or-
ganization held a pot luck supper at
7:00 o'clock yesterday evening at thei
2ity Y. M. C. A. building.
The women held their monthly
meeting preceding the supper.
You'll find many bargains when you
-ead Michigan Daily Ads.-Adv.

to the
Student Body
The Chinese Gardens wishes to announce to the Student
body the opening of its

Dancing Room
You are assured of Good Music, Courteous Treatment;
Fair Prices
An invitation is extended to you to make us a visit.
See management for estimates on
Fraternity and Sorority Banquets,
Dinner Dances, Smokers and after-
noon Dansants.




,r t t. ex'S, (
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'i tC ; I 1 ee J ( 'nA
' < r
yG' vl.r cr

The lightest Portable
when cased for travel

Rooms may be rented with or without Music, with or without
Dining Service
Chinese Gardens

106 So. Main St.

Tel. 1549


S. A. MORAN, 711 N. University

~~ {,


New Pictorial
Patterns and
Spring Number
of the Fashion
Magazine have
arrived and are
on sale at the
'Pattern Counter
on the
First Floor





Wash Goods

and Neckwear

Now that the holidays are over and things are commencing to get back to normal
again you will be thinking about your spring sewing. This is the very best
time to start before house cleaning and another good reason is that our new
spring goods are arriving daily, everything so new and fresh. If you, select your
materials early you get the first choice and do not have to take picked over stocks.
There are new Ginghams, voiles, suitings and crepes now here with more ex-
pected any time. All excellent in quality and at a great reduction over last year's
prices. These are the very materials you will want for pretty little afternoon
frocks and the kiddies' dresses. There are also a lot of nice crepes that are
popular for underwear and gowns.

Soft Tissue ginghams with a narrow
satin stripe come in the newest checks
and bars, all colors including brown,
pink, red, blue, yellow, green and lav-
ender, priced at 69c a yard.-
Fine French ginghams, extra good
quality, in small checks and all col-
ors at 65c a yard.
The ever new and popular Anderson
Zephyr ginghams in large and small
checks, all colors at 75c a yard.
Ivanhoe Zephyr ginghams, in fine
checks and many different colors,
priced at 50c a yard.
We have just received an excellent as-
sortment of cotton voiles, 40 in. wide,
in many different designs and colors.
There are dark blue, brown, grey,
black, red, and copenhagen back-

grounds with contracting flowered,
striped and polka dot figures, some-
thing to please everyone's taste and
priced at only 50c a yard.
New Spring "Everfast" suitings, 36 in.
wide, very nice for one piece dresses
or suits, come in lavender, pink, blue,
green and tan and priced at 50c a yd.
Peter Pan cloth in plain and figured
designs, 36 in. wide, in the plain cloth
the colors are pink, yellow, copenha-
gen, pale blue, brown, peach, green,
black, and grey, with the figured back-
ground there are blue, brown, green
and rose, priced at 65c a yard.
Cotton crepe, 32 in. wide, comes in
white, pink, yellow, lavender and
flesh, and only 29c a yard.


: .

11 ~ -

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Colored organdy collar and cuff sets
conie in yellow, pink or blue and are
prettily embroidered with different de-
signs in contrasting colors. These are
priced at $1.25 a set.
Three piece sets consisting of collar,
cuffs and vest are made -of plain or
barred organdy in all colors and fin-
ished with lovely hand work in con-
trasting colors, priced at $2.00 a set.
A dainty little vest and collar set
comes all linen, in white, blue, laven-
der, and tan, has drawn work and
hand embroidery, would look well on
a serge dress that has a tailored style,
and priced at $2.50 a set.
Then there is the three piece Bramley
style in duvetyn, consisting of collar,
cuffs and vestee in tan only, at $3.50
a set.

Eyelet collar and cuff sets are made
of fine white linen with a shaped col-
lar and are $1.25 a set.
A pretty allover lace collar and cuff
set is only 89c.
We have many pretty collars in the
straight style, they are made of all-
over lace, embroidery, organdy, net
with real filet edges, and Irish Cro-
chet, these collars are very good mod-
els for wear on your suit coat and are
priced from 9 to $2.75.
In the popular Bramley style there
are nets with real filet lace edges and
medalions set in the points, priced at
$2.50 to $3.50 each.
Allover embroidery sets consisting of
either collar and cuffs or collar and
vest in ecru are very attractive and
priced at $1.25 and $2.00 a set.

y w



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