S DAY, JAN AR Y ,1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE & BR OO N" A New Magazine, Published in Italy by Americans (By G. D. E.) about it. It is like Knut. Hamsun's article, "The Function of Criticism," persons writing such stuff always nau- novel by that name except that it deals a most surprising thing. A couple of seates me. Editorial note: This is the first with a whole family instead of one months ago I found Aiken larruing in- "Maple-Sugar Song," an interpreta- of several articles dealing with person. I don't know when I have read to Mencken publicly for the latter's tion of an Indian lay is, I think, rather some of the new magazines. anything of deeper pathos, of more methods of criticism, and here I find excellent. It breathes a simple bio- A month or so ago, through the kind- genuine artistry, of more lasting ef- him using the Mencken tenets over logy, the endless charm of primitive feet in the mind of the reader. It alone and over again. The article is good, life. It is in free verse. ness of Robert Frost, I was introduced is worth far more than the price of and I therefore presume that Aiken's "Bambino'a Beginning," by Haniel to the first issue of "Broom," a month- the whole magazine. former article was a bit of profession- Long, is too short and ias too much ly magazine published in Italy by Am-1 The frontispiece poem "Lake," by al jealousy, of a sophistry to suit me. It isn't ericans. As a combination of print Bayard Boyesen is an extremely beau- "Lilacs," by Amy Lowell, I can't bad, but it is somewhat superficial. craft and literary craft, it is easily the tiful thing in rhyme and rhythm. even read-and I rather like Amy Then I find some satires in verse; S- A sort of expressionistic story is Lowell. I think that she must have what Edward Arlington Robinson, best periodical since the ill-fated "Marnia," by Wallace Gould. I can- smoked an especially vile stogie be- Ezra Pound, Maxwell Bodenheim, Al- "Seven Arts.' not say much for it and I feel that if fore writing it. fred Kreymborg, Robert Service, and "Broom" is especially well put up. the author had been more expansive "He Laughed at the Gods," a story Robert Frost would have to say on A stiff paper cover bearing the "Fab- he would have had a better piece of by James Oppenheim, is especially Einstein, if they were to say anything riano" brand is in itself distinctive. work. fine. It stands next to "Hunger." about him or his theory. These things In fact all the material used in the bfipg a Maf, shrdlu ETAOI OaiIa "Ip the Dock," by Walter de la Mare, were written by Louis Untermeyer, printing is far above that in use by "A Union of Beggars," oy Manuel is such a poem as Carl Sandburg but the same thing has been done be- any magazine of note in this country. Komroff is an odd sort of story. I am might write, except that it has rhyme. fore, several months ago. Wasn't it The paper is high-grade throughout; damning my weak memory because I I like it very much. in "Vanity Fair?" And wasn't it done the pictures are all pasted in. cannot think in which publication it "The Soul of an Artist," a story by by Louis Untermeyer? I am not cer- The editors of "Broom" are Harold was that I read a similar story. Oh, J. D. Beresford, has taken better with tain. Anyway, satires, above all, need A. Loeb, Alfred Kreymborg, and Giu- I have it! It was in a volume of Rus- various of my friends than it has with to be new in point of attack. seppe Prezzolini. In the November sian short stories from the Modern me. I think it is a little maudlin, a "America Invades Europe," by Em- issue, which is'the first issue, Kreym- Library, a union-of-thieves story, little childish in places, but I cannot ma Veronica Sanders, s an article borg's name appears with such others "The Outrage-A True Story," by Al- say that it is bad, and the writing, dealing with the extension of our lit- as James Stephens, Conrad Aiken, eksandr I. Kuprin. Komroff is also a technically, is sound throughout. erary efforts beyond our own borders. Amy Lowell, James Oppenheim, Wal- Russian, if his name means anything. "Hospital Nights," by Lola Ridge, I like it very much. "America-made ter de la Mare, and Louis Untermeyer. I suggest the reading of both these another bit of free verse, gets beyond of the Puritan, by the Puritan, for the But all of these things are super- stories, though I prefer to think that me after the second stanza. Up to Puritan, remade of the Machine, by the ficially important when the literary Komroff's sketch is a blasting satire that point it is fair; beyond, it is trash. Machine, for the Machine-is only value of the publication is considered. at the field of literature. It certainly "Fairy Tale," by Donald Corley, may passing through what is practically I doubt whether I shall have the sapee fits well enough. be all right, but the thought of grown (Continued on Page 7) to discuss all the contributions, but I The "Chinese Poems of J. Wing," in can give a brief resume of them. free verse, may interest some. They giJJIUIIUIIJIIJIlI111JJ1111111JJllIll llll lJll1illlllllllllll; "Hunger," the first story, is the best do not interest me extremely though short-story which I have read the I find some fine bits of phrasing in whole past year. I place, it in the them lead of two others, "Out of Nowwhere "The flowers are grey as in water, ='U WHITE GOLD AND PLATINUM Into Nothing," by Sherwood Ander- The scarves of mist quiver like sea son, wich first appeared in "The Dial" weeds; h DIA1END 3OU°TIN S "" aEQA, FRep DIAMOND MOUNTINGS and "A Concerto in A Flat," by H. I expect bubbles in the wake of a Mumford Jones (who has written also bird The beautiful new modes in Diamond Mount- a deal of trash), which appeared in Which swims across the window." ings are a radical departure from the older the "Smart Set." Of course I have not Egad! I would give my five hun- styles. Many a pretty Diamond is vastly im- readall the short-stories of the year, dred books to be able to write such a proved if set in a mounting of newer design. but these three are, in my opinion, simile, All diamond setting is done in our own work- easily the best of those I have read. The verses are translated by E. shop. NONE SENT AWAY. "Hunger" is just what the name sig- Powys Mathers. nifies. There is no petty symbolism Then by Conrad Aiken there is an chlanderer& eyfried Famous for Diamonds 113 E. LIBERTY ST. New Ye=r's 9 Economy venience electric d ing year. SAVE & YO TRIC The C 1 9 2 2 . .1l11!!1lIIi11IIfIlIilllIIIIIIIlD11DIII11DIDmmemmmmmmmmamaaeaamaamaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaameamamaemmmrmmmm !Iltlltt1t11Ultlltlltlt1111111titltllitllliIII ttltlltiititltilt1161iitlitiillltllll111itttliltilUittll y, as well as comfort and con- calls for an increased use of devices in the home the com- E YOUR MONEY, YOUR TIME BUR LABOR BY USING ELEC- DOMESTIC APPLIANCES Detroit Edison Co. OR. MAIN & WILLIAM STS. PHONE 2300 .r .. i _ A r r_ s o _ r = r_ _ rQ r w s a r a r i rr s e + ... s :. w _ * i L _ _ v F Y A a O r 1 S r it ! r " 1i M a r s r r _ s r = w a r i a .w s t r r MAN, OH MAN! If Your Mother Only Knew r - about -- Besimers' Grilled Steaks She would be positively ashamed of the way she starved you when you were a youngster. Get them upstairs across from the D. U. R. station. wig11l11/1111111111111/111I11111I111111IIIIII111111I1111ItII1/1111 if Iis Ias rrrrrrrtrrrrsrrt.r...t........ :[11I11nuu1111nU1unlunllnuli1u11u111uIII[Jill 1111111111111111IIIIIIIItIt11Ii1111iIllittllll. "dIIIIIIIIIIIIItI11UIlIlIIIIIIlII111IIII[fill IIIqi[IIIIIIIIi1111IIIIn11111111111InIIIIIIIIIIII11111111;