THE MICHIGAN DAILY I, ~ . /1 TEAM iu INTRAMURAL NOTICE NOT UP-TO STANDAR MILTON ROMNEY STANDS OUT AS STELLAR PLAYER ON SQUAD (By Associated Press) Chicago, Jan. 7.-Coach Nels Nor- gren, in charge of the Maroon quin- tet, is worried. He has a large and promising aggregation of steady and consistent players, with two or three individual stars, and plenty of mate- rial which can be molded into-stars; yet his team is weak and. far from the standard set by last year's squad. Birkhoff, Crisler, andbothergalumni' who won fame in the basket game are assisting Norgren from the sidelines. Romney Is Star - Romney, who showed up as an Indi' vidual star and point winner in the early games, is having trouble totget the proper co-operation and team work into his efforts.NIngthe short passing' game, which Norgren is us- ing, Romney is successful at receiv- ing, but has .proved inaccurate in passing. He is quick, however,,pnd an excellent player ,by far the best the Maroons have this year. Captain Halladay, who has shown a surprising lack of form for an experi-i eiced and consistent player, is visibly worried about himself. Coach Nor- gren expectsthim to improve with the progress of the schedule, however. Promising New Men Among the new men two have shown much promise. Campbell Dick- son, a sophomore, is quickand an ac- curate passer. Besides standing a good chance of being a regular mem- ber of the line-up, he was a substi-' tute on this year's football squad and is sure of a position on next year's team. He is also a high jumper ofl ability. Frieda, the lanky Junior fromt Minnesota, has shown himself adept at throwing baskets. He is also a. possibility in the lineup near the end7 of the season. Bobby Stahr and John Bryan, both veterans, are doing fairly well in their £ positions.. Bryan has recbvered from1 the trouble with his knee cap that took him out of the football lineup and, barring a reoccurrence, will be in the opening games. The first Confer- ence game will take place Jan. 7 with Ohio State. Two Minnesota Men Eligible Again Two athletes at the University of Minnesota have been declared elig-1 ible for the remainder of the season, Newt Doyle and Don McClintock. Doyle is a basketball man and will in all probability play in the Gop- her's opening Conference game against Northwestern tomorrow night. The interclass bowling tourna- ment will open on next Tuesday. All entries must be turned in to the Intramural office by Monday night. All classes are eligibile to enter as many teames as they desire. 200 Yearlings Out For Track There are over two hundred fresh- men out for the All-fresh track team, according to Archie Hahn.tAlthough it is too early in the season to know definitely just what each man is able to do, several of the yearlings have been showing very good form, and something good may be expected from thema. Among the most promising are Am- stedt in the mile run, and Gibson in the quarter. Amstedt, like several other men, . won his numerals this fall in the fresh cross country run. The men are required to turn out at least three*times each week for prac- tice at the gymnasium. BOWEN ELECTE'O CAPTAIN 'Of CROSS COUNTRY TEAM J. A. Bowen, '24E, was elected cap- tain of the 1922 Cross Country team at a meeting held Thursday evening. Inasmuch as last season was Bowen's first year on the Cross Country squad some or cie ability of the new hill and dale leader can be readily seen by his election to captaincy._ Bowen was aI 1reliable man on this year's squad, al- ways ready to do his best in the five mile grind. Great things are predict- 'ed for him as leader of next year's team. Lose Many Stars The squad next year will be greatly handicapped by the loss of Penberthy, captain of last year's team, Chute, who placed sevnth in the Conference meet. Whitemore, Standishand Ear- hart, who were also reliable men on last year's team. Thishandicap will e be partially overcome by the entrance of Isbell and Mencke of this year's freshman squad into Varsity competi- tion next autumn. Arndt will also be with the squad and it is hoped that Harry Davis, who is considered by many to be the best cross country runner in the Conference, will also be eligible. a Distance Men Practically all of the cross country men turn out for track when the call is made for candidates. The cross country training .develops endurance as well as speed and for this reason hill and dale men are generally suc- cessful on the track team. Standish, Arndt anl Bowen are candidates -for the one mile in track, whi'e Davis and Chute are competing in the two mile. !+ HOCKEY NQTICE Get 'Em From 0& H Men's' EXCLUSIVE Shoe Shoppe Informal Varsity hockey prac- tice will be held daily this week at 6 o'clock. It is expected that the hockey rink will be complet- ed during the week, so that prac- tice will be held from 7 until 9 o'clock in the future. O&H Annual One- OFF SALE Fourth I A Greater Stock to Choose From MANAGERIALTRYOUTS NOTICE. A call for tryouts for assistant intramural manager has been is- sued. Sophomores desiring to try out report to W. F. Elliott, daily between 2:30 and 4:30 o'clock at the Intramural office, room 3, Press building. I I It stands to reason that an exclusive men's shoe shop woul'd be the logical place to come to, for here you have the choice of the largest men's shoe stock at a saving of 25c on every $1 worth of high grade footvear. Black B r o w n Nor we- - N or we- glans at gunsat $6.75 6 7. Daily Want Ads Pav.-Adv. STEAM 6 eAS FtG TELEPHONE 214 F-1 A Reliable Jeweler CHAPMAN 113 South Mair Bits Of Sports Get 'Em From Men's - Shoe - Shoppe 335 S. MAIN ST. April 12 has been the date selected for the opening of the 1922 season of major leagues. The season will close on Oct. 1, the schedule calling for the usual number of 154 games. Charles Brickley, former Harvard football star, has been offered the posi- tion of head football coach at North- western university it has been an- nounced. With six teams entered on its schedule the city basketball league, under the sponsorship of the city Y. M. C. A., began its series of games last Wednesday night. The six teams which have officially entered the ser- ies are: Grotto, American Legion, Blue Front, Packard, Moe,and Broad- way leaders. The different teams will play their games at the Y. M. C. A. Redecorated and remodeled during the Christmas holidays, the swimming pool of the ity Y. M* C. A., will reopen to the "Y" members Jan. 9. It was closed Dec. 20. Patronize Daily Adverttsers.-Atlv J. J0'Kane Al. F. Herder UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Sts. SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister January 8, 1922 "HISTORY AND HOPE" With reference to Mr. H. G. Wells's history of the world. 10:40 a. m. DEAN HUGH CABOT speaks at 6:30 before the Young People's meeting, on "The Es- sentials of Life From A Physi- cian 's Point of View." Supper 5:45 p. m. MUSIC JANUARY 8 Mr. .Stahl at the organ; An- them from "HolyCity;' solo by Miss Werkheiser. A Welcome to All! ,SUNDAY'S CHURCH SERVICES What Others Say: GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR WHICH NO OTHER AN CAN FUJLFILL LIFE "In all the ages of the ages there never has been, and never will be a man, or woman just like, me. I am unique. I have no double. That is true. No two leaves, no two jewels, no two stars, no two lives-alike. Every life is a frehs thought from God to the world. There is no man in all the world who can do your work# as well as you. And if you do not find, and enter into God's purpose fori your life, there will be somethingI missing from the Tlory that would otherwise have bee nthere. Every jewel gleams with its own radiance. Every flower distils its own fragrance. Every Christian has his own particu- lar bit of Christ's radiance and Christ's fragrance which God would pass through him to others. Has God given you a particular personality? He has also created a particular circle of individuals who can be reached and touched by that personality as by none other in the wide world. And then He shapes and orders your life so as to bring you into contact with that very circle. Just a hair's breadth of shift in the focus of the telescope, and some man sees a vision of beauty which before had been all confused and befogged. So, too, just that grain of individual and personal variation in your life from every other man's and some one sees Jesus Christ with a clearness and beauty he would dis- cern nowhere else. ft. fuheu'z yistwnd Cor. Catherine and DivIsles St. 7:35 A. M.-Holy Communion.. 10: 30A. M. - Morning Prayer and Sermon by Rev. Simpson Auhyahkaosa Brigham of St. John's Church, Walpole Is- land, Ontario. 4:30 P. M. - Vesper Service. Address by the Rev. Chas. T. Webb. "Great Men in the Christian Church: St. Chrys-u ostom." Supper for students at Harris Hal at 6:00 P. M. Speaker, The Rev. Simpson Auhyah- kaosa Brigham. "An Indian Story." B ~1 I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIR I New Hats Huron, Below State AND t 10:30-Morning Worship. 12:00-Sunday School. Guild Class at Guild House. FIR ST METHODIST GHUI Cor. S. State and F. Washington Sts. REV. ARTHUR W. STALKER, D.D., Pastor MISS ELLEN W. 100RE, Student Director RCH "UPPER ROOM" BIBLE CLASSES LANE HALL We are Siiowing NE W HA TS for immediate wear, in satin and taflta 's. Vlacks and colors 5:30-B. Y. House. 5:45-Guild Church. P. U. at Guild Social Hour at 4 6:00-Guild Devot ing. Topic: "DoS mas ShoppingI Nicholson, leader. ional Meet- Your Christ- Early.' Earl 'I fTA . 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship. Pastor's Subject: "THE IMAGIN- ATION AND RELIGION." 12:00 Noon-Student Bible Classes in Auditorium% of Lane Hall. 6:00 P. M.-Social Half-Hour for the Young People. 6:30 P. M.-"MY FRIEND BILL," Subject for Wesleyn Guild De- votional Meeting. Leader: Mr. Andrew Miller. 7:30 P. M.-PRESIDENT JOHN W. LAIRD, of Albion College, Speak- er, Wesleyan Guild Lecture. Subject:""THE MARKS OF THE REAL MAN." Special Musc for the Day: "Prayer" (Wolf-Ferrari), Miss Struble and Mr. Brooks; "Benedictus" (Gounod), the Chorus; "Before the Heavens were spread abroad" (Parker); the Chorus; "People Victorious" (Parker), Miss Howe; "The Alpine Maid's Sunday" (Ole Bull), Miss Struble and Mr. Brooks; "0 Trinity of Blessed Light" (West), the Chorus; "Hear My Cry" (Milligan), Mr. Dewey. 7:00-All join in University Service at Hill Auditorium. See tin "Upper Room" Bulle- and Printed Schedule. Sunday Class for Men from 9:30 to 10:15 CHURCH OF CHRISTI 1. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HURON AND DIVISION South University Ave. Dana Richardson 115 E. Liberty St. (MO. SYNOD) ' Cor. Third and West Huron Sts. C. A. BRAUER, Pastor 9:30 A. M.-Public worship (German) 10:30 A. M. - Bible School. 11:30 A. M. - Public worship. COMMUNION SERVICE Prof. W. D. Henderson's Class for Students in "JESUS IN MODERN LIFE" MORNING WORSHIP at 10:30 Morning Subject: "Does the World Need Saving?" Bible School at Nine-Thirty. Christian Endeavor at Six-Thir- ty. Student Classes at Noon. H. C Coffman, Teacher of Men's Class. Mrs. F. P. Arthur, Teacher for the University Girls' Class. 12:00 CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVER LOST1 LOST-In M. C. Station Saturday eve-w ning, a black pin seal hand bag, reg- istration cards within. Reward. Grace E. Jefferson. University Hos- pital, 7 S. 0. 74-2 LOST-Glass case containing glasses and fountain pen between S. Wing and N. S. Building. Please call Miss Krom, 1657-W. 73-3 MISCELLANEOUS REWARD-For return of black smooth cow-hide traveling bag. No ques- tions asked. Chas. L. Madden, 901 E. Washington. 2129-W. 72-4 LOCKSMITH-All kinds of door and trunk keys. Phone 2498. Dell keel-, er. . 71-6. kz YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY I F THIS COLUMN CLOSES TI SING AT 3 P. M. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Dress suit in good con- dition. Average size. Phone 2981-M. 73-2 FOI SALE - C Melody Conn Saxo- pIione. Silver finish and in fine con- dition. 224 S. Thayer St. 1612-R. 71-21 FOR RENT FOR RENT - Two warm, pleasant rooms. Could be used single or double. 429 S. Division St. 72-3 WANTED Sermon: to the "Bible Leading Nations Savior." Social Half-Hour at 6:00 Prdgram at 6:3Q Helene Sooy, '23, leads. Topic:-"Judging Unkindly." Gilbert Bishop, Organist F. P. ARTHUR, Pastor WELCOME i ZION LUTHERAN CHURCN Fifth Ave. and Washington St. E. C. STELIIHORN, Pastor An After Christmas Reflection. "The Word was God. * * * And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we be- held his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." St. John. 9:00 A. M.-Bible study hour. 10:30 A. M. - "The Christ As- suming His Office." 5:30 P. M.-Student Forum in Luther Chapel. 7:30 P. M. - "Weather-Signs and Other Signs." All services in English. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. I I TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCN Fifth Ave. and William St. Rev. L. F. Gunderman, Pastor II Morning worship at 10:30. The subject is "DANIEL IN BABYLON." This service closes the ministry of Dr. J. B. Silcox in this church. The class for University students which is conducted by Mr. George A. Kuyper will not meet today on account of the absence of Mr. Kuyper from the 'city. The first discussion of the year will be held on next Sunday morning at 12:00 o'clock. University students are invited to meet at the University Hospital at 3:00 o'cock for the regular monthly sing. The Congregational Students Association meeting wil be held at 6:15. Short talks will be given by members of the cabinet on the plans for the year. 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship. 7:30 P. M.-Evening Service. A cordial welcome is extended to all. WANTED TO BUY-Trumpet or net, preferably C. Will take B Phone Standish, 120. cor- flat. 72-3 I