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January 06, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-01-06

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XXXII. No. 73



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Roentgenologist Has Been Connected
With Teaching Staff
Since 1907
Dr. James G. Van Zwaluwenberg,
professor of roentgenology in the Med-
ical school, passed away early yester-
day morning at the University hospit-
al, following a brief illness of pneu-
monia. He was taken to the hospital
Sunday morning, having been ill but
a few days.
Dr. Van Zwaluwenberg was born
May 5, 1874, in Ottawa county, of
Dutch-American parents. He attend-
ed Hope college at Holland, '89-'94,
taught chemistry there during the fol-
lowing year, and entered the Univer-
sity as a sophomore in '95. He receiv-
ed'his degree as a bachelor of science
in 1898.
During the following five years he
took up chemical engineering. He
became interested in the study of med-
icine, however, and entered the Medic-
al school here in 1903, graduating in
'07. During his undergraduate years
he was a demonstrator in anatomy,
and from '07-'09 he was an assistant.
in internal medicine, becoming an in-
structor in that department in 1909.
Becomes Professor in 1917
He became an associate piofessor in
roentgenology in 1913, and was made
a full professor in'1917. He was also
a member of the American Radiolog-
ical society.
He married Miss Neal Benjamin on
Nov. 27. 1903. He is survived by his
wife and two children, a son and a
Funeral arrangements cannot be
definitely made until the arrival of his'
brother from California. The funeral
will probably be held Sunday after-
noon, and will be strictly private. The
house will be open to friends and
former colleagues from 2 to 4 o'clock
Saturday afternoon.
"In the death of Dr. 'Van'," said Dr.
Hugh Cabot, dean of the Medical-j
school, "the University has lost an in-
valuable servant, science has lost an,
important exponent, and the world hast
lost a great man. In his work he dem-t
onstrated integrity to a very high de-c
gree. Utter self-forgetfulness was his,t
even to excess, and the only thing
that he ever neglected was himself.
Had Broad Outlook
"His capacity forborganization and
his knowledge, of business methods
(Continued on Page Eight)

Scholastic Work
High,_Says Hall
"The scholastic standings of stu-
dents at Michigan are the highest they
have been for several years," said Reg-
istrar Arthur G. Hall.
Of the 4,600 students enrolled in the
literary college, only 80 have been
warned and 22 placed on probation
at mid-semester, whereas a year ago
there wehe 150 warned and 100 on
The reason for this improvement,
according to Registrar Hall, is that
high school principals are using bet-
ter judgment sn recommending stu-
dents for admittance to the University
and that the students now 'entering
Michigan are the product of post-war
education and ziot affected by the
turmoil of the exciting days of the
"war in America."

Proposals Presented by Elihu Root
Divided Into Three Main j
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Jan. 5.-The full naval
committee of the arms conference
adopted today the first two proposals
as tosubmarine warfare destruction
offered by Elihu Root, but regrouped
the provisions into three clauses. The
first clause provides for reaffirmation
of existing by-laws of naval warfare.
The second applies these rules of war-
fare specifically to submarines. The
Root proposal number three was to
intitiate a new precept of internation-
al law banning submarine warfare
against merchant vessels. Law three
also was accepted by the committee.
The effect of the Root proposal, as
adopted, is to forbid submarine action
against merchant craft so far as the
five signatory powers are concerned.
The, Balfour amendment, making the
provision of this clause immediately
effective as between the five powers
also was adopted. The committee did
not reach the Root proposal to hold
submarine commanders personally lia-
ble under penalty for violation. This
clause will be taken up by the com-
mittee tomorrow.



Will Deliver Lecture on
torical Course on "Why
Kids Lie"

Judge Ben B. Lindsey, of the ju-
venile court of Denver, Colorado, will
deliver the next number on the Ora-
torical association letcure course at
8 o'clock tomorrow night in Hill audi-
torium. The subject of his talk will
be "Why Kids Lie".
Judge Lindsey is. known, through-
out the whole modern world for his
work in the juvenile court of Den-
ver. His laws and his court pro-
ceedings have been made the model
for acts of parliament in Great Brit-
ain. He is as much an authority in
France, Germany, Austria, and Italy.
When the envoys of the Russian Ke-
rensky government aine to America
they brought a message of fraternal
thanks to him from the new Russian'
republic. Delegates from Japan have
sat in his court to study his methods
and take his message home to their
people. His name is one of the great
American names among the foreign
nations and his work is one of the
great American achievements in so-
cial reform and relief of the unfortu-


"We are nearer a solution of the
railroad problem than' ever before,
but present rules must work, or we
must be prepared to give up our tra-
ditional policy of private ownership,"
declared Prof. I. Leo Sliarfman, of the
economics department, in a speech be-'
fore the Grand Rapids Association of
"The situation depends on the sen-
ate, and the restraint of all concern-
ed. Railroads and employes must
realize that they are engaged in a
public function and must be willing
not to insist on some of 'their rights.
The government must, on the other
hand, interfere as little as possible in
the technique of management of the
"The railroads must co-operate. Past
policies kept the railroads from func-
tioning as they should have been when
the normal method is to have a system
of co-operation. It is both inconsist-
ent and unintelligent regulation to in-
sist that they compete with one an-
other, as was done before 1920."
Speaking on the question of railroad
rates, Professor Sharfman said,
"while the rates should not be exhor-
bitant, they should be sufficient to
maintain the credit of the roads and
provide adequate service for the pub-
lic. It is not jlusf to insist that. the
railroadssbe guaranteed sufficientrev-
enue to yield six per cent. A guaran-
tee will lead to public ownership of
the roads, and we are not ready to
assume public ownership and opera-
lumnus Tells Of


Evans Recital
Stresses Three
Types Of H~usic

(By Sidney B. Coates)
Numbers chosen by Harry Russell
Evans for the first twilight prgan re-
cital of the new year, given yester-
day afternoon in Hill auditorium, were
of three types: Melody, Bach, and or-
iental music. Each of the three types
proved popular.
Mr. Evans commenced his program
with that grand old melody, Handel's
Largo in G, a narrative song almost
religious in character, suggestive of
Massenet's Elegy. Both this number
and- Schubert's "Ave Maria" which
came later in the program were play-
ed with a feeling and a choice of
stops that did justice both to the
works rendered and to the instru-
ment on which they were played.
Following the Largo came Bach's
massive Fantasie and Fugue in G
minor, calling forth all the possibilit-
ies of the organ and of the artist. The
work is one of stupendous effects and
is also full of difficulties, some of
which are still to be mastered by Mr.
Evans. Bach is a composer who pro-
fits by repetition and is one who has
offered a challenge to organists as
a life work. He is in a place by him-
self and a mastery of his most dif-
ficult works is a task worthy of his
The oriental section of the program
represented by Stoughton's Persian
Suite, made up of three parts, was
played with Mr. Evens' usual skill
in works of this type, but the work
itself, being another attempt to give
the whole story with only the musical
background, leaves much to be de-
Expct UTalmon
Back By Jan. 15

Tryouts for the Spotlight vaudeville
were held last night in the Mimes
theater, and although not as many
turned out as were expected, much
original and promising material was
brought to light.
The Spotlight will be given in Hill
auditorium on Jan. 24, and promises
to be as good and better than it has
been in years past. The committee
urges all students who have any ideas
for a stunt to report to either E. Mor-
timer Shuter, director of the Spot-
light, or to William. Michaels, '22, any
afternoon this week in room 308,,
Union, or in the Mimes theater. Bur-
lesque acts and comedians are needed
particularly. Tryouts will be held
again the first part of next week
The following appointments have
been made: chairman of( ticket com-
mittee, Guy R. Moulthrop, '22; chair-
man of publicity committee, Robert
C. Moriarity, '24; chairman of pro-
gram committee, Paul H. Blum, '24;
and stage manager, Frank E. Camp

{ 4'

"Professor Hobbs in the Orient,"
which is a letter from Professor Hobbs
to President Burton, and "Vick, All-
American Center," feature this week's
issue of the Michigan Alumnus which
came off the press yesterday.
The communication received by the
President from Professor Hobbs re-
lates some interesting experiences of
the professor in his explorations in
the Far East, among them being an oc-
casion of a dinner at which some Mich-
igan alumni were present and the af-
fair was opened by a Michigan loco-
motive. Following the article about
Ernie Vick is one entitled "Michigan's
All-American Record," in which it is
pointed out that the Wolverines lead
the Westi in All-American selections
and that no other coach in the game
today has developed as many All-Am-
erican stars as Coach Fielding H.
There is a descriptive and historical
article on the new School of; Educa-
tion in which it is pointed out that
"Michigan was the first University in
America to establish a chair devoting
full time to the science and the art of
teaching, but it is also the last to elev-
ate teaching to the independent status
of a profession."
The other main articles are "New
Opportunities for the Drama," "Mich-
gan at the Learned S.ocieties," and
the contents of the "Event and Com-
ment" section.

Aided Children
The judge's efforts on behalf of the
children of Colorado brought him first
into conflict with employers who
were exploiting children in industry
and with organized vice that was
corrupting great numbers of youths
and young women. He won his fight
and went on to give battle to the'
larger forces of corruption in city,
state, and nation.
He sought to obtain playgrounds
for children by forcing the street
railwaystand other public utilities of
Denver to pay their proper taxes,
sought to protect the children of the
poor by obtaining' the passage of
laws to protect their parents from
merciless and unjust employers.,
He effected the passage of these
acts by breaking the power of the
employers over the political parties
of the state and later broadened his
campaign as he went along until he
joined his fight with the great strug-
gle for reform that was then being
fought by the whole nation under
Theodore Roosevelt. r
Enthusiastic Over Work
The speaker for tomorrow night is
an extraordinary character, accord-
ing to the Oratorical association. He
has probably .taken more punishment
and received less reward for his ef-
forts than any other leader in the
modern American revolution, yet he
is as cheerful and enthusiastic as
when he began. His sympathy is
still as quick as it was for the first
childish victim of social injustice.
brought into his county court in Den-
ver two decades ago.
David Friday, president-elect of
Michigan Agricultural college and
former professor of economics .in the
University, has been granted permis-
sion to delay his assumption of duties
as president of the Agricultural col-
lege until April 1.
The state board of agriculture
granted him the leave after he ex-
plained that hc ould not leave his
work as economic advisor to the con-
gressional committee on agricultural
inquiry which is now meeting in
The state board made an urgent.
request to Professor Friday that -he
make arrangements to visit Lan-
sing during the week commencing
Jan. 30, and address the agricultur-
ists who will be visiting the college
during "Farmers' Week." It is not
known whether-Professor Friday com-
plied with the request of the board,
which desires that Professor Friday
deliver an address to the visitors.
Reeves Recovering from Illness
Prof. J. S. Reeves has been con-
fined to his home since Wednesday
suffering fromn a slight illness. It is
expected tha he will return to his
duties today or tomorrow.

Chimes PresentssuCMPUSTHET
.First 19X22 Irssue
With a half tone print of a Michigan N ow ON 0FF1CI
man getting off the train after a vaca-
tion to come back to the "eternal
round", the January Chimes makes its
debut on the campus this morning. ILD
As attractive as the cover, are the
numerous articles which fill this COMMITTEE IN CHARGE OF
month's edition. APPROVES SITE FOR
In addition to the stories and fea- STRUCTURE
tures is a clever cartoon by James
House, Jr., '24L, in which he depicts
Michigan's contributions to t1a foot- FUNDS WILL NOT COs
ball hall of fame in a full page car- FROM PUBLIC SOUl
toon. Vick, the latest addition to the
,growing number, is drawn in full with Michigan Is First College to T
Yost and the other players grouped Drama On So Large
about him. a Scale
The basketball team's hopes in the
Conference, the story of the new Uni- Tentative sketches for a Uni
versity of Michigan league, explaining theater to house all forms of
the new building for women, the Vic- dramatic activities, announced
tors, with its whys and wherefor, and theater committee of the Campi
the short story contest are just a few matic association last Novembe
of the writings that this month's mag- now been officially incorporat
azine contains. the building program of the 1
The Chimes again devotes space to sity, following a favorable vote
the pen and camera, and a double page meeting and executive action b
of pictures, "About This Time o' ident Marion L. Burton.
Year," give a part of college life that The report of the committee,
is the most attractive Chimes has yet is composed of Prof. J. Raleig
presented. son, of the hfnglish department,
man; Prof. J. F. Shepard, of t
chology department; Prof. R.
Hollister ,of the oratory depar
Sec. Shirley W. Smith, and P
BT REMIRS A. Kenyon, of the romance an
department, was first submitted
D DR I U committee of five, in charge
University's general building pr
,for consideration. 'The resou'
HEADS OF CHIEF DELEGATIONS the committee of five, which col
TO SUPREME COUNCIL a summary of its favorable acti
DISCUSS PROGRAM was ratified by the Reegnts a
meeting on Dec. 8, is as follow
(By Associated Press) "Resolved: That the commi
Cannes, Jan. 5.-The program for five approve in general the est
the forthcoming international eco- ment of a campus theater upon
nomic conference was uppermost in on the east side of Twelfth str
today's conversation between the pre- tween North University avenui
miers of the chief delegations to the Washington street, the funds f
supreme council which will be in ses- theater to be provided from othe
Sion here tomorrow. public sources, and the-buildin
The French view has been that the sobdesignedas to combine w
agenda should be strictly laid down outdoor theater to the east th
in advance. It is understood that David Commttee Appointed
Lloyd George, the British premier, The Regents then authorized
agreed to this. dent Burton to appoint a con
Reparations were discussed by the to assume full charge of the d
experts today, the Belgians stoutly op- plans. This executive action w
posing any changes that would com- en during December by the a
promise their priority of the 2,500,- ment of the theater committee
000,000 gold marks due' from Ger- official committee in charge o
many. The French delegation is back- liminary plans under the autho
ing Belgium on this point, but it is in- the Board of Regents.
cined to make concession to the As thet plans of the Campus
British viewpoint -to the extent of re- matic association now stand, t
ducingthe cashapaymentsto 500,00,- posed theater has been apply
000 gold marks annually and the rest official action of the Regents tia
of the reparation in time. President and has been definit
Participation by Germany at the corporated in the building pr
eventual international economic con- of the University. The fact that
ference is now taken for granted. former members of the theatei
mittee have been named on t
ficial committee insures the exe
adthe preliminary plans a
The establishment of a bt
similar to the one incorporated
sketches of the committee is ca
ed to have great effect on the
development of student life I
SAYS FORDNEY BILL IS ATTEMPT University. The attitude that 1
TO RAISE TARIFF WITHOUT ready officially been taken meat
DUTY INCREASE Michigan is definitely committe
program for the furtherifg of al
The "American valuation" feature effort, with educational and e
of the Fordney tariff law is "an at- mental work in all forms of dri:
tempt to arise the tariff without an included as an important eleme
increase in the rate of import duty," Ample Faclties
according to Prof. C. E. Griffin of the . The building that will be pr
economic department. if present proposals are carri
"It is unfortunate that at this time, is declared to be fully capab
when foreign trade is, upset, because handling all types of student dr
of unfavorable economic conditions, work. There will be two audito
that any attempt to increase the tar- numbers of rehearsal and dr
iff should be made. Resumption of rooms, and adequate space for a
trade is what we need at the present and administrative purposes. Ti
time, and if we are not going to im- that an outdoor auditorium is als
port from the countries which have 'vided at the rcommendationa
unfavorable balances of trade, our building committee means tha
dwindling foreign trade will continue general educational program i
to decline." matics, which its sponsors conc
Large manufacturing concerns such be the purpose of the University
as the United States Steel Corpora- ter, can be still further enlarge
tion, the Standard Oil group, and the Michigan will be the first Am

General Motors interests are not car- university to attempt a college
rying on any agitation for a high scale ter on any such' scale as is at p
of tariff, according to Professor Grif- proposed. Harvard and Vassa:
fin. They are more interested in 'a number of workshop-th
bringing about a resumption of trade,' throughout the country are 'thi
than they are in securing the "protec- precedents for an experimental
tion"- of the Fordney tariff bill. educating amateurs in the dran
The fundamental principle of its allied arts.
"American valuation" is that import Nationally the effect of the
duty must be paid on goods of for- plan, it is hoped, will be to ai
eign manufacture on the basis of value schools and normal schools, U
in the port ofrentry,hrather than on guidance and advice, in, the dr
the value of the goods in the coun- work that they have of recent
try where they were manufactured. voluntarily assumed, and to
The latter method is the one by which Michigan in the front rank as sp
valuations have ben determined under to the dramatic revival that hi
previous tariff legislation." - denced itself throughout the cc

Prof. Rene Talamon ,of the ro-
mance languages department, will re-
turn Jan. 15 from Washington, D. C.,
where he is employed as interpreter
in the office of the general secretary
of the Conference on Disarmament.
Prof. A. G. Canfield, head of the
romance languages department, in
commenting on Professor Talamon's
return, said that Professor Talamon's
work would be ended soon and he ex-
pected him bark in Ann Arbor ready
to resume his work in the langue de-
partment no later than Jan. 15.
The lectuer on "Marshal Foch"
which Professor Talamon was to de-
liver under the auspices of the Cercle
Francais on Jan. 11, will be postpon-
ed indefinitely owing to the fact that
Professor Talamon will not arrive in
Ann Arbor until after that date.







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