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January 04, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-01-04

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Would Take Immediate Effect Between
Five Great rowers of the
(by Associated Press)
Washington, Jan. 3.-The American
proposal to prohibit use of submarines
against merchant vessels, now the pre-
dominant issue of the arms negotia-
tions, has been accepted in principle
by France, but her delegates have de-
ferred finial approval pending a discus-
sion of the precise language of the
Italy and Japan to Approve
British acceptance previously has
been given, and although neither the
Italian nor the Japanese have receiv-
ed final instructions tonight; there
were indications that neither Rome nor
Tokio would interpose serious objec-
tions if the proposal received France's
full approval.
The exact nature of the French res-
ervation was not revealed, but the im-
pression was gathered in some quart-
era that it might concern just what
conduct would be expected from mer-
chantmen in view of their immunity
from submarine attack.
What Is "Merchant Ship"
Should that point be raised, an inter-
esting and many sided discussion
might result for in several quarters
there has been apparent a tendency
toward the opinion that the terms
"merchant ships" will be strictly de-
fined with express stipulations as to
whether merchantmen are to be per-
mitted-to arm and whether it is to be
permissable to disguise warships as
vesse s of commerce.
The French delegation, however,
in making known their acceptance in
principle, has emphasized that they
not only agree to the original propos-
al of Elihu Root that the new provis-
ion on submarine warfare becomes ef-
fective when all nations have agreed
to it, but also to the amendment of
Arthur J. Balfour which would make
the provision immediately effective as
between the five great powers.
Other Acceptance Awaited
At the same time the French have
accepted the additional Root declar-
ation under which any submarine
commander violating the rules of in-
ternational law would be liable to
/trial for an act of heresy. In regard
to this also acceptances still are
awaited from the other foreign govern-
ments. It is possible the deelgates'
instructions will be sufficiently com-
plete, however, to' permit a meeting
of the naval committee of the whole
(By Assolated Press)
Washington; Jan. 3.-Congress will
start 'upon the 1922 legislative pro-
gram tomorrow faced with the pro-
spect of being kept steadily at work
unitl late in the summer.

In addition to debate over the rou-
tine appropriation bill, there confronts
the senate the probability of one fight
or a series over new international
agreements resulting from the Wash-
ingotn firms conference. ,President
Harding is understood to be prepared
to forward all of them to the senate for
consideration once the arms confer-
ence has concluded its work.
For the first time, house and senate.
will deal with the measures supplying
money to all governmental functions
in budget form. They are slated to be
started through the house Jan. 5, when
the treasury appropriation is taken up.
Under the program laid down by
Chairman Madden of the house ap-
propriations committee, a money bill
would be put through the house each
week until all are turned over to the
The senate will begin Work with
three agreements respecting import-
ant matters pending on its legislative
calendar. The first of these, the resol-
ution decalring Truman H. Newberry,'
Republican, to be the duly elected sen-
ator from Michigan is to be acted on
with speed early next week.

F. P. GLAZIER, '80,
Frank P. Glazier, .'80, former state
treasurer, died suddenly at his home
at Cavanaugh lake last Sunday night
after an illness lasting several
months. The funeral will be held at
his Cavanaugh lake home this after-
Mr. Glazier was for many years ac-
tive in state politics, and was elected
state treasurer in 1904 on. the Republi-
can ticket. He has been galled a phi-
lanthropist, his greatest donation as
such being the Old People's Home,
Chelsea, which cost more than $40,000.
During his term as treasurer of the
state Mr. Glazier was indicted on the
charge of embezzling state funds, and
was sentenced to 10 years' imprison-
ment at Jackson. He was paroled after
serving less than half that term, and
his sentence was .simultaneously com-


SrnWvasa Sastri Glorifies

Major Harrison Soule, Connected with
University 25 Years, Dies at
Age of 89
Major Harrison Soule, treasurer of
the University for 25 years, until he
resigned in 1908, died early Mondayl
morning at his home, 720 south Uni-
versity street, at the age of 89. Drop-1
sy was given as the cause of his
Had Many Friends
Major Soule was known to Ann Ar-
bor and University people as one, of
the most lovable and interesting men
in the community and incidents areI
told of his career, of his humor and
his popularity among all those whol
worked with him or knew him.
Originally a New York state man.
Major Soule came to Michigan: and
was educated in the Marshall
schools, later spending two years at-
tending Albion college. After spend-
ing a short time in business he went
into the employment of the Michigan
Central railroad which after three
years he left, at the outbreak of the
Civil war, to raise and drill the Al-
bion Rifle Rangers. This organiza-
tion later became Company I of the1
Sixth Michigan Infantry. Major Soule
was first a captain, and later promot-I
ed to major. He was mustered out
of the army in August, 1865.
Became Treasurer
He then returned to 'the employ of
the Michigan Central, where he re-
mained until 1883, when he accepted
the position of treasurer of the Uni-
A gradual failing of health for the
past two years led up to the death of
Major Soule, but his rapid dec'ine
sta'ted last summer, and he had been
very ill for some time before his
death. He is survived by his widow,
a daughter, Mrs. L. L. Clark of this
city, three grandchildren and six
great grandchildren.

Clements Library, Dental Addition
and Physics Building Are
Much progress hastbeen made in the
past two weeks on the new building
program. With ground being broken
in differentrplaces about the campus
preparatory to the erection of new
buildings, a greater Michigan is fast
becoming a reality.
Work on Clements' Library
Great strides have been taken in the
work on the Clements' library. Over
20 feet of the old Engineering build-
ing were razed in a few days, four
class rooms and six offices being torn
down in the process. At present a
steam shovel an a number of work-
men arebusy removing the ground
staked off for the site of the new li-
brary, and it will be but a short time
before all will be in readiness for the
laying of the foundation.
Addition to Dental College
Plans fot the Dental addition have
been completed and excavation has be-
gun. The Buildings and Grounds de-
partment of the University has been
given charge of this part of the work
and will lay the foundation, after
which estimates will be obtained from
different architects and the contract
let for the construction of the build-
ing proper.
Contracts Being Let
Work on the new Physics building
will soon be started. Borings have al-
ready been made and construction
companies approached regarding es-
A contract was given last week to
the Ann Arbor Asphalt Construction
company for the razing of some thirty
houses on the University property
across the streets from the present
Medical building, prior to the erection
of the new Medical building on this


Production on Tour
Audiences in Middle


Independent preliminary tryouts for
the Midwest debating team will be
held in room 302 Mason hall on Satur-
day morning, Jan. 7. The question
taken up will be the cancellation of
the Inter-allied war debts. The op-
posing teams in the big contests this
year will be those of Illinois and Wis-
consin. Preliminary tryouts from the
debating societies will be concluded
before Saturday night.
In place of the three judges former-
ly chosen,decision will be given by
only one judge, who will be an expert
on debate, probably head of the ora-
tory department of a rion-contesting

Future of

His Native Country in
"The Political Situation in India"
was the subject of the lecture given by
Srinivasa Sastri, Hindu statesman and
orator, and India's delegate to the
armament conference in Washington,
last night in Hill auditorium under
the auspices of the Oratorical associa-
Has Representative System
The speaker stated that the present
government is but onetyear old and is
at present a machine representative of
the people but up until the time of
the adoption of "The Government of
India 1,Act " of 1919 by the British
parliament, the Indian government
was distinctly not representative. The
speaker then told of the vastness of
his native country and told of the di-
vision of the country into provinces
which correspond roughly to states in
this country. Each state or province
has its governing body and then the
whole is loosely controlled by the cen-
tralized power which is under the
3ritish government.
Expects Dominion Form Soon
Interesting to many was the state-
mnent by Mr. Sastri that he believed
dominion government to be very near
at hand for India which would put
that country in an equal plane with
Canada and Australia. However, the
speaker stressed the point that India
would never attain the status by en-
couraging a feeling of hatred towards
Englandf and declared that his people
could never attain absolute independ-
ence by brute force because the na-1
tives could not oppose so formidable
a power as the mother country.
Great Future for India
The keynote and summing up of
Mr. Sastri's lecture was that there is
a great future for India as a domin-
on of the British empire when that
status is attained and that that future
will, come about through the co-opera-
tion of the natives and the govern-
ment of Great Britain.
Mr. Sastri is of the Brahmin caste
in India, that is those of the priest-
hood, and received a very liberal edu-
cation in his native land. He is
spending his lifetime in working for
she upliftment of India and is a
thoughtful and eloquent critic of gov-
ernment. He is at present a member
of the Viceroy's council.
Tickets for basketball games will
be open to the public at large after
Jan. 10, until which time they will be
sold to students only.
With the return of the students from
the vacation the tickets have enjoyed
a slightly better sale, say the officials
in charge of the distribution, but there
are still a number that have not been
disposed of. These will be placed on
general sale after the first conference
games have been played.
Officials of the Athletic office state
that the proposed boycott of basket-
ball by some of the students was un-
fair and unwarranted in that Michi-
gan has done everything in -athletics
in the way of improvements by the
proceeds from the contests, and has
not depended upon contributions and
notes for large amounts from its
alumni and students. Since the inaug-
uration offbasketball the association
has seen fit to grant admittance by.
coupons from the athletic books, a pol-
icy not obligatory, much to the con-
trary of what some have thought.
This year that policy was shown to
be inadvisable.
The two groups of tickets are now
on sale at the Athletic office and
students may purchase both of the

Eleet Faculty -Members Officers At
Scientific Associ litjon Conference
Faculty members of the natural and r. H. H. Sheldon and P. H. Gieger.
physical science departments repre- The American Physical society's
sented the University with more than next meeting will be held on Feb. 22
its usual prominence at the annual in New York City.
conference of the American Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Science'
held at Toronto, Canada, Dec. 27-31. TWOl
Elected to Offices0O
Among other executives of the con- -
ference were Prof. Bradley M. Davis,I
who was elected president of the Am..
erican Society of Naturalists, and Prof.
A. F. Shull, elected secretary, bothi One boy is dead, a man is seriously
from the University. Prof. Guy M. inured as the result of New Year's
Whiple oftheSchol f Eucaioncelebrations and one woman is dead
Whipple, of the School of Education, as the result of an accident New
presided over one of the sectional con- Year's eve in Ann Arbor.
ference meetings, and presented a Raymond, Fletcher, 17, living at 604
paperon"Tests of Students on Pro- south Main street, was discovered
bation." Sunday morning by his father and
Many Papers Presented brothers, dead, in their automobile in
Among other papers presented at the front of the house, the victim of too
conference were those from the de- much liquor, according to an autopsy
partment of zoology, including a paper performed on the body by the coro-
by Dr. A. F. Shull on the Relaitve ner. Fletcher had been out on a par-
Nuclear Volume and the Life Cycle of ty with some other boys and had been
Hydatina Senta"; "Respiratory Me- left by them in the car in front of his
chanism in Aquatic Lepidoptera," by house, as he had said he did not want
Prof. P. S. Welch; "A Contribution to to go in then for fear he would be seen
the Colloid Chemistry of Protoplasm," dhis parents in an intoxicated con-
by Dr. Lewis V. Heilbrunn. He was found the next morning,
Botanical papers presented were, dead, in the back seat of the car. The
"Variation and Mutation of Pestaloz- coroner'stautopsy showed that there
zia guipini", and one other, by Prof. was more than a pint of moonshine
Carl D. LeRue and a presidential ad- whiskey in his stomach. George Ro-
dress on "Species, Pure and Impure," goch, 1006 south Main street, is being
by Prof. Bradley M. Davis. held, charged with mans'aughter.
The department of psychology was Fatal Auto Accident
represented in a paper on "The Out- Mrs. Mary Maroney, 60 years of
look for the Reconciliation of Con- age, living on north State street, died
flicting Theories," by Prof. W. B. Pills- in a local hospital, late New Year's
bury, eve, after being struck by an automo-
Papers on mathematics were pre- bile driven by Leland Wooster, of
sented by Prof. L. C. Karpinski, and Rushton. . According to Wooster's
by Prof. J. W. Bradshaw. statement, heawas driving on Detroit
by Pof. . W.Bradhaw.street when, as he neared the corner
Next Meeting in New York where it crosses Catherine street,
Papers on physical sciences by mem- Mrs. Maroney ran across the street
bers of the University included: "Pow- in front of the car. He jammed on
er Factors in Radio Curcuits," Prof. the brakes, he says, but the time was
N. H. Williams; "A Magnetic Fall of too short for them to be effective, and
Potential Method for Testing Short the car swerved, and struck the wom-
Iron Bars," Prof. A. W. Smith; "The an a glancing blow which knocked her
Infra-Red Absorption Spectrum of to the pavement, fracturing her skull
Water Vapor near Six Microns," Prof. and breaking a leg. i
W. W. S'eator and E. R. Phelps; "The Wooster helped her ito his car and
Product of an E. M. F. on Closed Cir- drove her to the hospital, where she
cuit by a Light Effect on Argentite," died later. He is not being held by the
a police but reported Tuesday to the
prosecutor. An inquest is to be held
Student Receives Italian Medal regarding the cause of the accident.
Harold A. Furlong, '24M, Michigan's J Lehman Shot
medal of honor man, has received a Carl A. Lehman, former prosecuting
communication informing him that he attorney of Washtenaw county, was
has been awarded the Italian war cross accidentally shot in the hip New
for bravery. Year's eve by his son Arthur, 14, who
This honor has been bestowed upon was celebrating the coming of the new
Furlong in accordance with a resolu- year by firing off a shotgun out in the
of the Italian government, to front yard. The full charge passed
tionofatheliansoeUnmentato through a heavy storm door on the
award all holders of the United States front of the house and struck Mr. Leh-
congressional medal of honor with the man. The attending physician expects
highest distinction that Italy may be- to be able to save the leg but it will

In. a season that is the most un-
profitable yet experienced by profes-
sional theatrical productions through-
out the country, the 1922 Union opera,
"Make It for Two", made the most suc-
cessful road trip in the history of
Michigan shows during the Christmas
vacation, playing to crowded houses
and receiving the acclaim of all crit-
ics who viewed it. Financially it was
the most successful opera ever put on
by the Union, the advane indications
based on its reception in Ann Arbor
being fully carried out.
Meets with Great Success
The success of "Mae It for Two"
is declared to be a still greater ac-
complishment by Union officials be-
cause of the new territory in the
Middle West that was covered, a num-
ber of towns that had never been vis-
ted being on the list. The Middle
West is now declared to be opened
for the annual operas of Michigan,
since the enthusiastic reports of all
who saw the 1922 show can be expect-
ed to advertise the University among
the states of the Middle West.
Critics Applaud /
One Cincinnati paper declared that
"nothing better has been seen in this
city" and that "the University of
Michigan has made a place for itself
in Cincinnati." A Grand Raptds pa-
per said that "it surpassed all operas
of previous years." Another critic, in
Lima, Ohio, said that "professional
producers have much to learn from
the men who directed the Michigan
production." All other reviewers
along the route of the opera were en-
thusiastic, the costumes, scenery, and
dancing receiving the greatest share
of praise.
Coipany Entertained
The members of the cast, choruses,
and committees received an uninter-
rupted series of entertainments
throughout the two weeks from alum-
ni in the towns visited. Dances in the
afternoons and receptions and dances
in the evenings gave proof of the hos-
pitality of Michigan graduates and
their friends toward Michigan's repre-
sentatives in the student opera.
Members of the American Philolog-
ical association and the Archaeolog-
ical Institute of America were en-
tertained by the University in a joint
conference Dec. 28-30 in Ann Arbor.
Dean J. R. Effinger, of the literary
college, delivered the welcoming ad-
dress Wednesday evening, a smoker
for the men was held on the same
evening, a large luncheon for the vis-
itors was given at the Union Dec. 29,
followed by a reception that evening
at Betsy Barbour house.
Practically all leading American
universities were represented at the
meeting. A number of papers were
read, including ones written by Prof.
Campbell Bonner and Dr. J. P. Har-
land, of the Greek department, and
Prof. F. W. Kelsey, of the Latin de-
partment. A large number of visitors
attended the exhibition of Greek and
Coptic papyri which was purchased for
the University by Professor Kelsey
last year.
During the meeting, officers for both
oragnizations were elected, the Arch-
aeological institute electing Ralph V.
D. Magoffip, professor of violin at
Johns Hopkins and a Michigan gradu-
ate of the class of '02 ,as their presi-
dent, and Prof. F. G. Allinson, of
Brown university, being elected pres-
ident of the American Philogical as-
Dr. F. E. Robbins, assistant to the
President, was responsible for the
success of the meeting, acting as
chairman of the local committee on

Makes Tenth Man to Be Picked from
Among Yostmen for High
Once again Walter Camp has chos-
en his mythical All-American football
team. Once again the name of a
Michigan man adorns that list of
In choosing "Ernie" Vick, Wolverine
star of the past four seasons, for the
center position of his mythical 1921
All-American eleven, Camp has paid
"Ernie" the most singular honor, in a
football sense, that any college foot-
ball player is capable of receiving.
Position of Honor
When the "dean of football critics"
places a man on his mythical eleven,
the stamp of that man's superiority
over the hundreds of other college
men playing at the chosen positio
upon the public mind is the only nat-
ural and immediate sequence. His
opinion commands respect in the foot-
ball world. Not-only is the man se-
lected honored but in no small way
is the glory reflected upon his coach
and school.
Coach Yost prides himself in hav-
ing had such an adept pupil as Viek.
To hear him speak of "Ernie" and to
watch that broad, characteristic smile
of his come into play as he does so
would leave little question as to that
score. g
"Camp made no mistake in select-
ing Vick for his center," said the
veteran Wolverine football mentor in
making mention of the 1921 mythical
All-American football team, yesterday
afternoon. "Ernie" is the most ac-
curate passer that ever put a ball into
play. Under pressure he was as de-
pendent and reliable as at any time.
Any sort of a player can show up well
while the sun shines, but it takes a
real player to stand up during- the
storm. Defensively "Ernie" is a won-
derful tackle.
Fourth Year on Team
"He is a good diagnostician-yes, he
is wonderful in diagnosing plays and
his judgment in sizing up the oppos-
ing attack is most uncanny. 'Ernie' is
one of the boys wiho has played upon
four Michigan teams, that is including
the S. A. T. C. eleven. He came from
Scott High school of Toledo, where he
played at half, but in casting about
for much needed center material Vick
was selected."
This, in short, is the tribute which
Coach Yost paid his now famous pro-

"Chuck" Webber, '15, Visits City
Charles C. Webber, '15, more famil-
iarly known to Varsity baseball en-
thusiasts of those days as "Chuck,"
spent a day in Ann Arbor enroute to
Denver, Colo., where he is pastor of
the North State Community church.
Mr. Webber is chairman of the edu-
cational committee. of Denver Labor
college and conducts a course in trade
union problems in that institution.
Mrs. Webber, nee Ardelle Perkins, '17,
is secretary of the Denver Labor col-
lege and conducts courses in public
Interurban Schedule Changed
Important changes were made yes-
terday in the schedule of the D. J. &
C. railway.. East bound express cars
will leave five minutes earlier, the new
time being 7, 8 and 10:05 o'cldck in
the morning, and every two hours,,
thereafter until 8:05 o'clock at night.
The first eastbound limited is the only
one effected, leaving five minutes ear-
lier at 6 o'clock. Westbpund limited
cars will leave one minute earlier ,at
8:47 o'clock, and every two hours un-
til 8:47 o'clock at night. Westbound
express cars leave two minutes later,
at 9:50 o'clock ,and every two hours
until 9:50 o'clock at night.
In order that The Daily may
I render the campus a more com-
plete news service it has been
I decided to print the paper in
I eight point type on a nine point
base, instead of in eight point
type oi a ten point base which
was formerly used. This means
j that while the type will be of
- the same size as before there will
I be less space between the lines
which will mean more actual
I reading matter in any given
I amount of space than was possi-
I ble hitherto. This innovation
will add approximately 30 inches I
1 reading matter to the average Is-
I sue of The Daily.
I *1

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