THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DIEMENRR 10, 1921 MICHIAN HAS FIRST DEPARTENT F GEODESY AND SURVEYING SPECIALISTS Recognized as Separate Branch of Accepts new Duties Englneerina by Board of "The action of the Board of Regents Regents last week had for its purpose the re- cpenitg of this door, EXPECT CHANGE TO BECO)E j "The department of geodesy and EFFECTIVE BY NEXT FALL surveying accepts the new responsi- biiit es that have thus come to it with Action by the Board of Regents assurance of a successful future," ays Professor Johnston. "Thorough Friday i reorganizing the department training always instills confidence of geodetic engineering and surveying nd confidence begets love of work. made Michigan's engineering college Real success is measured in terms of the first in the country to recognize happiness. These are the first planks' geodesy and surveying as a branch of of the platform of the reorganized de- enineering in which it will grant de- artment." grees corresponding to those granted in mechanical, civil and electrical en- POSITIVE CURE FflR ANCER gineering. The reorganized deuart-P CLAIMED BY FRENCHUEC -LIMDBYFENHSURGEON ' . cwt/ 'Y .. . i m Vr ____ -__ _ _ .. _ L- -Izz-- & Ip OVERNIGHT BAGS WEEK END BAGS 1 BRIEF CASES1 COLLAR BAGS1 SILK SHIRTSt FANCY HDKFS. LINEN HDKFS. SILK NECKWEAR KNIT NECKWEAR SILK HOSIERY SII K AND WOOL HOSIERY WOOL HOSIERY I Hints CANES UMBR ELLAS UNDERWEAR FIATS CAPS SUITS OVERCOATS GLOVES JEWELRY SPORT COATS BATH ROBES PAJAMAS 1 I o tAmong a number of theories, ex- While no specified courses of study periments, and attempted proofs of in the new deartment have been made supposed discoveries which have been rmla'ic. Prof. Clarence T. Johnston of ecntv advanced in the treatment the department of geodesy and sur- andcurDrPa can reoeser- veying, states that enough interest has on by Dr. Baronani, surgeon emeri- been manifsted in this kind of in- I tusof the Municipal hospital of Blois, in Paris, thathehssceddief stucioit show t hat stherenare ofmanyheasuceddIe- stctin forh thate wopeare n Peting a positive cure for the disease. rtentes for hose who prepare ~Hs theory is that the disease orig- themselves for such service. "Landm. s1rveying has been at a low ebb in rates in trole in cer n ds, t'^i contr fo man yers, sas Ithrough an alteration of the globules' 5 country for many years,' says and blood plasm. He claims that the Professor Johnston, "due largely to cure is effected by the application of the fact that our universites have a chemical organic treatment which never attemted to place the practice ot only reacts on the general condi- on a scientific basis. Closely associaf-Lin of h ay etbt gl tecn ed with these land surveys are many tion of the patient but heals the canc- nrohlems relative to riparian, or land er without directly acting upon it. water boundaries, which must be worked out by men of scientific train- ing; but little scientific thought has been brought to bear upon them in ourr country. Columbia has recently begun teaching the subjects more sci- entifically than they have been treated before, but merely touches the points that Michigan can now cover thor- oughly. "So inadequate has been the college training offered in this branch hereto- fore," states Professor Johnston, "that ,n many instances the government has been compelled to train men itself in eeodesy and surveying in order to supply the demand for these technical ten in its own departments." Four- teen branches of the federal govern- ment and rpany state and city depart--H uylers ments are concerned in surveyin work. Work involving geodetic ele- -ents will grow as engineering ad- ministrations extend their influence in the opinion of Professor Johnston. at The Busy B IHs Bakgrouind in HistoryJ "Surveying has a background in history comparable with that of as- tronomy or architecture. Surveying. f'ther of engineering. is proud of her sons, yet equally sensible of the hon- ors and rewards which are or should Ye his." In the University of Michigan, the subject has been taught since engine- ering work was introduced in 1857. Professor De Volson Wood, with one or two assistants, taught all of the courses unti: the advent of President Angell in 1872. Prof. J. B. Davis, one of the three professors who came with the new administration, was made pro- fessor of geodesy and surveying in 1891. "During the period before 1895, while engineering was being taught in the literary college, the instruction was of a more general and fundament- al character than it is today, because there -were but few opportunities for specialization," Professor Johnston says. "As a result, the University of Michigan has furnished the country with many astronomers and other sci- ELF-CONFID entists, who were graduated with the you stand bachelor's degree in engineering. With ithelps that st the growth of professional influence with the best in specialized lines of engineering long naturally students have found the door, closed to those branches of study which are associated more closely with pure science Headquarters for D a n c e and he One Banquet Programs De Luxew New Lincs in Paper, Leath' r, Wood and Celluloid The Mayer-Schairer Company 12 South Main Street STATE ST RE ET MAIN STREET Ut Tfat -NElft- Im " Aw9& Immw %PAW of INDIVIDUAL BOXES adhas & Company TWO STORES Candy .l InLa"- )ENCE comes next to legal knowledge when before the bar and plead your first case. And elf-confidence if you are on familiar terms things of the world, those luxuries that be- to the successful man-such as C Cigarette Sold the World Over" Retn~mber that Melachrino contains only the finest Turkish Tobaccos as originated by Miltiades Melachrino. Egyptian cigarettes are simply those that originated in Egypt. 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