THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ I ,.. . r Y ' .y rat +.: 1S x ' '.S f .Ar: ____,. ..._ . . _. __ _ x . _...___... ... ... .. .__._.. ... .w._....... _. ..... ,. TO 093 THET "M" Given to Twenty-Two Football Men and One Cross Country Runner 80 FRESHMEN RECEIVE THEIR NUMERALS AS RECOGNITION Awards, 93 of them, were given at the giant pep meeting held in Hill au- ditorium Wednesday night. Of the total number, 23 are "M's." One of the 23 is for cross country, the remain- ing 22 being for football. "AMA's" to the total of seven, were granted, and 23 reserves were granted their class numerals. Freshmen, too, came in for their share of the football awards, 24 going to members of the yearling class. In addton to the single "M" grant- ed in cross country, six members of the Varsity harrier squad received the coveted "CCC", while six fresh- men of the first year hill and. dale team were granted numerals. The complete list of awards follows: Football "M": T. P. Banks, '23, F. C. Cappon, '23E. L. B. Curran, '23E, W. 0. Dean, '22E, R. J. Dunne, '24L,.- P. G. )oebel, '23E, J. E. Johns, '23E, i. G. Kipke, '24, B. Kirk, '23, R. T. Knode, '23, S. E. Murhead, '24, L. E. Neisch '24, C.~C. Petro, '24L, D. F. Roby, '23, J. G. Searle, '23P, F. W. Steketee, '23, D. Swan, '24E, E. Usher, '22, I. C. Uter- itz, '24, W. 3. Van Orden, '23, H. A. Vick, '24M, H. E. Wilson, '22. Football "AMA": W G. Crawforth, '23, S. Garfield, '23, J. Gunther, '23, John Henry, '22, John Keatley, '23, J. Landowski, '23, F. Novy, V. R. Rich- ards, '23D, C. J. Smith, '22L, Donald Weman, '24.1 Reserves: W. C. Abendroth, '23, K. S. Anderson, '23E, K. A. Blumer, '24E, U. S. Bratton, '23, F. Brenner, D. A. Burgess, '24E, P. A. Edwards, '24E. G. P. Elliott, '23E, H. Friedman, '23, W. M. Flower, '24, D. E. Hathaway, '22E, R. J. Kuhlman, B. V. Lawson, '24, H. Martin, '23, j. W. Morey, '22, M. R. Norcop, '23L, R. R. Powell, '23. L. S. Selling, '22, H. Taylor, '23E, F. S. Tracey, '24, H. S. White, '23E." Freshmen: N. S. Aldrich, F. H. Baldwin, J. G. Blahnik, E. G. Bowman, E. A. Chapman, M. F. Christie, H. T. donnley, C. L. Davis. F. Dawson. F. Day, M. W. Decker, L. Goldstein, J. M. Keefer, H. J. Kehren, J. Miller, F. R. Monihan, J. Murray, L. Savage, H. Steele. T. C. Tracy, E. R. Vandrevort, H. Vreland, H. J. Walters, J. H. With- erspoon. Cross country "M": George Chute, '22. Varsity "CCC": R. Arndt, '24; J. A. Bowen, '24E, E C. Earhart,, '23K. F. Penberthy, '24L. S. Standish, '22, E. R. Whittemore, '22E. Freshman cross country: W. H. Amstutz, Isbell, H. W. McFarland, H. C. Nicholson, C. A. Reinke, F. F. Zinn. Wahr's University Bookstore is open evenings until Christmas.-Adv. WEDGETYPE EPRESS Intramural Items Delta Theta Phi defeated Phi Delta Theta in the final match of the inter- fraternity bowling tournament yester-, day afternoon at the +Union. It was the best match of the tourney. the scores being 2558 to 2508. Dodge, of the winner, was high point man with a total of 637 for the three games. His high score was 247 rolled in the firso game. Damon and Miller were the high point men for the losers. Damon rolling 232 in the final game. The match was very close and was not decided until the final game. W Basketball scores for Wednesday were as follows: Kappa Beta Psi 6, Delta Tau Delta 8; Phi Gamma DeltaI 1, Alpha Sigma Phi 6; Sigma Nn 18, Alpha Tau Omega 4; Kappa Nu 18, Phi Sigma. Kappa 4; Psi Upsilon 19, Delta Sigma Phi 11; " Sigma Chi 24, Alpha Chi Rho 7. Basketball games for Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1922, follow: At 7 o'clock, Beta Phi Delta vs. Phi Delta Chi; at 9:36 o'clock, Chi Phi vs. Zeta Psi, Phi Sig- ma Delta vs. Delta Upsilon, Acacia vs. Theta Delta Chi, Hermitage vs. Phi Mu Alpha. For Wednesday, at 6:15: Medics- Nu Sigma Nu vs. Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sigma vs. Phi Chi, Phi Rho Sigma vs. Phi Alpha Gamma; at 7 o'clock, Theta Chi vs. Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi vs. Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Phi Delta Theta. At 9:30 o'clock : Hill league-Sigma Nu vs. Alpha Sigma Phi, Kappa Beta Psi vs. Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Tau Delta vs. Phi Sigma Delta, Delta Up- silon vs. Phi Gamma Delta. Referee assignments are as follows: Tuesday at 9:30 o'clock: Brunstig, Shafter, Weitzel, Shoesmith. Wednes- day at 6:15: Andrus, R. W. Smith, Wilson. At 9:30 o'clock: Shoesmith, Kerley, Landre, Brunstig. Mlinnesota Plans Hockey As Sport; (By Associated Press) Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 15. -- Al- though not recognized as a major; sport, hockey will be played under the institution colors, it was decided by the athletic board of control of the Uni- versity of Minnesota. Refusal to des- ignate hockey a major sport by the athletic board was based on the fact that this winter sport is not a Cen- ference game, although it is played by several members of the Big Ten. Hockey officials were instructed by the board to arrange a schedule for this winter and map out a program of appropriations necessary. The ques- tion of granting letters to hockeymen was held in abeyance by the board, pending the success of the sport from a university point of view. C. E. GEHRING, '23, WINS FINAL ROUND OF HANDBALL TOURNEY C. E. Gehring, '23, won the singles off the handball tournament yesterday' afternoon when he captured three straight sets from Scarnechia in the final round of the tournament. In the five matches Gehring has played he has demonstrated his superiority by taking the first three, of the five games, each in a noteworthy fashion. Gehring will be presented with a sil- ver loving cup in recognition of his victory. The doubles tournament will be held late in February. Daily Want Ads Pav.-Adv. 'ENSIAN NOTICE All campus, organizations are requested to have their group pictures for the Michiganensian taken between Jan. 3 and 28.f Since there will be absolutely no extension of time, it would there- fore be advisable for the organ- izations to arrange for sittings with their photographers before going home for the Christmas holidays. S PALDI N G Traverse City Club Elects Officers Officers of the Traverse City club were elected last night at a meeting held in the Union. The following were elected: President, Donald Williams, '22; vice-president, Gwendolyn Santo, '25; treasurer, Peter R. Abbott, '23E.; secretary, Julius Hanslovsky, '24. If you need a hand bag before ing home Christmas, you'll find a la assortment at Wilkinson's, 325S.EM St. You will be surprised at our : prices, too.-Adv. Michigan Banners, Pennants. Bla ets. and Pillows at Wahr's Univer Bookstore.-Adv. !. A ~\BE~A : a S I :~LD7t~ IUbJ Basket Ball When purchasing equi. nent for basketball any athletic sport,insi upon SPALDING's. SO isfaction is inevitabl Catalogie onrequest ip- or -is t ;at- ale. A irrrU risttuw uud xa Won pX ivm jrar to all A.G.SPALDING & BROS. 211 So. State St.. Chicago C'p ('p The Largest Line of Popular- Priced Holiday Gifts I Widu 1 rJ05TMAJES Hoag's 209 - 211 East Washington PHONE 112 Tailors IHaberdashers -Hatters TELEPHONE 214 F-1 alpaaCie aaaa is aan I RM4 al 1.1 Chop Suey CHINESE AND AMERICAN RESTAURANT Quang Tung Lo. 613 E. Liberty MEET ME AT THE FOUNTAIN j Since the days of "Joe's and the Orient" about the Most Popular Place in Ann w Arbor to get a cool drink 0 or a light lunch I _ * _ae * S ILL~af.ID9CIGARS lr2ES Kit y to treat you right" oi- -3f - e ' lip Wshing you a Merry Christmas' o and a Happy New Year My Dairy Lunch 512 E. WILLIAM STREET WE WILL MAKE YOUR DAM- AGED FURNITURE AS GOOD AS NEW! .1 'j , _~ A . S p ';' Q ';r+^'. W , J " ? I I I ANN ARBOR FURNITURE CO. Phones 2059 -- 2847-W 809-811 N. FOURTH AVE. I WWIflUUUURUEffiEUWI r We W'i Pack and Mai i I AA No more wrinkled or lopsided neck- ties. Use the WEDGEP-RESS TIE- PRESS. Takes but a moment to place the tie over the wedge and push it in. It works while you sleep and in the morning you have practically a new tie. There is no heat to take the life and lustre out of the silk. A necktie wiakes the best Xmas gift when it is accompanied by a WEDO- TYPE TIEPRESS, which will make the tie last twice as long, and keep it free of wrinkles until it is worn out. We will be glad to send free descrip. tive matter to anybody. Send a postal card today . . . orf better yet send $3.W and the WEDGETYPE TIE. PTRESS will be sent prepaid. We take all the risk and agree to refund your money if it does not do the work to your own satisfaction and liit is re- turned within five days. We have a special offer to make to a very limited number of students who wish to pay their expenses by demon- strating this useful article among their friends. If interested send stamp for our special proposition to demon- strators. We Will Close Them Out! We have decided to discontinue our READY MADE FRAME DEPARTMENT and have marked down'to rock-bottom prices every ready made frame in the store including ALL FRAMED PLATE MIRRORS ALL FRAMED PICTURES ALL SWING and EASEL FRAMES Se our window-note the attractive prices. This is an excellent opportunity to GET A CHRISTMAS PRESENT AT A BARGAIN' WENZELS 207 E. Liberty Just leave us the name and address and we will do the rest No worry for you, no trouble --- and what is even better, you will have the pleasure of knowing that you are giving an ex quisite Christmas gift. If you want to give something that will be appreciated, just you give Preketes your order and le- them be responsible. T heAnnArbor Sugar Bow F WEDGETYPE TIIEPRES$ TKESPAYTH CO. FORT WAYN E,IN R ii 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET NOTE:--Tw'enty per cent discount on Silt Boxes '