THE MTCHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY _ _. ... i tre Dame aiso appears on the baseball ISH 09LL Trill schedule. A dual track meet for Feb. 18, at East Lansing, between M. A. C. and P DePauw, was set by the Conference. Intramural Items SIX GAMES WILLBE PLAYED ON 3 SOUTHERN TRIP DURING SPRING RECESS The following basketball teams will play at 6:15 Thursday night: Alpha (By Associated Press) Delta Phi vs. Zeta Beta Tau, Theta Madison, Wis., Dec. 14.--The Uni- Xi vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Delta versity of Wisconsin baseball team Chi vs. Beta Phi Delta, Delta Sigma will enter the south this year for the Pi vs. Phylon; at 7 o'clock: Delta Sigma Delta vs. Xi Psi Phi, Delta first spring training trip ever taken Theta Phi vs. Psi Omega, Gamma Eta by the Badger Varsity nine. The trip Gamma vs. Sigma Delta Kappa, Trigon will be taken during the vacation per- vs. Cacique; at 9:30 o'clock: Delta iod of April. Chi vs. Beta Theta Pi. While no definite arrangementE --- have been completed, the Wisconsin The referees for the different courts coach hopes to have the Badgers meet from 6:15 to 7:45 are: Court 1, Smith, Alabama university, Mississippi uni- R. W.; court 2, Ohlmacher; court 3, versity, and the Mississippi Agricul- Brown, T.; court 4, Leibly; at 9:30 tural college in two contests apiece. If o'clock: court 1, Shafter; court 2, unable to schedule with these schools Shoesmith; court 3, Burkhart; court he plans to arrange to play the Uni- 4, Sandre. versity of Tennessee. Six games will be played on the trip. Finals in the interfraternity bowling The squad loses six regular men tournament will be staged on the Un from the last year team, but strong ton amlent wilcl estged onten, material is available to fill the holes. ion alleys at 3 o'clock this afternoon, The graduation of Williams, star pitch- the four highest teams in the two pre- e whduwon oneof is ames liminary rounds competing far hon- last season, is the hardest blow, whil. ors. The chosen quartet is made up some difficulty will be had in locating of the following aggregations: Delta1 a catcher to step into Davey's shoes. Theta Phi, Phi Mu Alpha; Phi Delta Training will commence in the cage Theta and Zeta Psi. shortly after Christmas, when a call will be sent for the players. The Wilson Illini Leader spring trip is expected to be a special David D. Wilson, right end on the inducement for material, and a large Illinois 1921 football eleven, was elect- squad is expected to turn out. ed captain of the 1922 team to fill the vacancy caused by Don Peden's inelig- Tuesday Sees 8 Interfraternity Games biity. Wilson did not win a regular Interfraternity basketball scores for berth on the Illini team until the mid- Tuesday night follows: Kappa Sigma dle of the past season, his strong 10, Sigma. Alpha Epsilon 9; Lambda game against the Buckeyes being Chi Alpha 19, Theta Chi 4; Trigon 20, largely responsible for his election. Cygnus 13; Alpha Kappa Kappa 33, Pi Upsilon Rho 3; Phylon 9, Cacique The British imperial bushel is about 3; Nu Sigma Nu 2, Alpha Sigma 4; three per cent larger that the United Phi Chi 30, Phi Alpha Gamma 7; Phi States standard bushel. Kappa Psi 8, Phi Delta Theta 15. Low Heel and Squared Toes WOMEN who thought they never could wear low heels have found in our Cubist a fit, comfort, and smart daintiness they have never known in an outdoor shoe. MARGARET E. SPAIN, '0, CONTRIBUTOR TO MAGAZINE Margaret E. Spain, '20, is the author of an article in the December issue of the Collegiate World entitled, "Tradi- tions Day" in which she describes the' various activities on the campus which foster college spirit and traditions. Be- ginning with a detailed description -of Traditions day, she presents pictures of Cap Night, the freshman-sophomore contests, Swing-Out, and the social at- mosphere of the Tap room. Other articles in this month's issue are: "The Glory of the Colleges," "De- veloping Undergraduate Statesman- ship," "The Rubylat of a Freshman," cartoons and various excerpts of hu-. mor from various college magazines. Hockey Tournaments Planned The intramural department has made arrangements for class and in- terfraternity hockey tourneys to be played after the Christmas vacation. Managers of class and interfraternity teams are requested to fmake their en- tries at the intramural office before the close of the week. WESTERNERS INVITE STUDENTS TO CLUB MEETING TONIQHT Students from Arizona, California, .Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mex- ico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyom- ing, North Dakota, South Dakota, Neb- raska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Western Texas are invited to attend the Prat meeting of the :Westerners at7 '8:0 o'clock tonight in Lane hall. 'ENSIAN NOTICE All campus organizations are requested to have their group pictures for the Michiganensian taken between Jan. 3 and 28. Since there will be absolutely no extension of time, it would there- fore be advisable for the organ- izations to arrange for sittings I with their photographers before I going home for the Christmas holidays. Wabr's University Bookstore is open evenings until Christmas.--Adv. evenings until Christmas.-Adv. a Everything in' any ingjeton hop-: No. 4 Nickels Arcade at 25% /Discount including knitted dresses, dimity blouses, sweaters, and scarfs. 0 j j 1l. BLACK OR BROWN $9.00 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET Ig ______________Ir/ Ynl lI i1~l . WT heMichigan Daily wishes you A Merry Christmas. Before you for go home put in your order a Michigan Daily for the folks at home. A great Christ- mas gift OUR OFFER: We will send the daily to that alumnus or friend for the rest of the school year for $2.50. Just send in the name and address. rest! We will do the 4 I