THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDN J-HOP COMMITTEE STARTS J FA 9 5,7 M-CHOCOLATES FOR Jo Y BLOOMFIELD'S FOR M-CHOCOLA TES WORK ON EXPENSE BUDGET Members of the J-Hop committee are beginning to gather up informa- ti.n about the budgets of former Hops with a view to working out expenses incidental to this year's Hop. No date has yet been definitely decided upon, but opinion seems to indicate that it will be held shortly after the semester examinations in February, rather than before spring vacation. The Eskimo wears a one-piece suit, & he wears it all the year 'round - sleeping or wak- ing, fishing or hunting, eating or resting -_- BUT who wants to be an Eskimo with such an Expert and Reasonable Priced Tailor so near as A. G. Marchese 321 S. Main Street D EPARTMENT PLANS IMPROVEMENTS IN CAMPUS BUILDINGS Various improvements in the cAn- pus heating and ventilating systems are being planned by the building and grounds department of the University. As a result of numerous complaints, Statistics have been taken of the heat- ing and ventilating conditions of the various buildings. Although these re- WILL DIRECT VOCATIONAL BUR. EAU FOLLOWING SANCTION BY REGENTS Prof. George E. Myers will direct the vocational bureau of the Detroit ublic- schools beginningJan 1 fol- MAY this holiday season be a joyous one for both you and her. It will be if you say Merry Christmas with a box of the original M-Chocolates made BY /30loom Fied I F LO11 in 1k IJ 1 11 11111 5 . 1 fnl- ports do not bring any radical defects to light, thermostats are being care-,F owing permissiot granted by the Uni- ully watched and bad thermometers versity Board of Regents at their re- replaced. Severalnew machines have cent meeting. Professor Myers will been installed in the power house in continue his work at the University, ,rder that there be no deficiency in directing the Detroit bureau a short the supply of heat or ventilating time each week. Dower. His duties will consist in develop- In addition, it is planned to build ing the project of the vocational bur- hundreds of feet of new tunnel in eau which is not yet in complete form conjunction with the present under- and up to this time is unique among -round system which carries heat, public schools in this country. light, power, and electricity to all of At present the bureau consists in the buildings on the campus. The gathering information concerning new tunnels will no doubt be incorp- commercial occupations in Detroit. ,rated as a part of the building plan This information is used in vocation- at present being considered by the al counselling, also students who are University. _ no longer able financially to attend school will be aided in procuring po- SHINES AT BAZAAR NET $30 sitions. Each individual case will FOR NEWBERRY GIRLS' FUND be taken up by the bureau and the student will be given the kind of em- At= Handled by all the leading candy stores A in 7r Buy Men'sGifts- 'in a Man's Store IF YOU make that logical decision, you're a long way on the highway to- ward a man's satisfaction. When. you decide to choose that gift at this man s store the goal of his gratification is in plain view. HOLIDAY SHIRTSf AN ESPECIALLY EXTENSIVE AND ELABORATE DISPLAY. YOU CAN ,IMAGINE HOW FINE IT IS WHEN WE SAY EVEN. GREATER THAN USUAL..................$1.50 TO $8.00 GLOVES EVERY SORT FOR EVERY SERVICE, MOTOR GLOVES, GO L F GLOVES, FUR-LINED GLOVES, UNLINED AND* FLEECE - LINED GLOVES, D R E S S GLOVES OF MOCHA, CAPE, BUCK OR WOOL................50c TO $10.00 HOSIERY HOLIDAY DISPLAY OF NEW HOS- IERY, DISTINCTIVE STYLE, TREAT- MENTS PARTICULARLY APPROPRI- ATE FOR A PRACTICAL GIFT. 25c TO $2.00 NECKWEAR WE SHOW NOW THE VERY SMART- EST INNOVATIONS IN NECKWEAR- GRENADINES, NOVELTY KNITTED EFFECTS ANDCHARACTERFUL BIAS STRIPES ................50c TO $2.00 ;- ' . ' , "She stoops to conquer," the slogan' of the Newberry Shoe Shining parlor' vas demonstrated at the League ba- zaar when nearly 300 pairs of, shoes were shined adding about $30 to the fund. The shoe.shining parlor is now per- manently located in the basement of Helen Newberry residence. All Uni- versity women are invited to add to "the light of State street" by partak- ing of a Newberry shine. 'U . ®I II .. UUWUVUUgUUUURUU wom omr.,N; ,.-.:.. : . a-, B. B. PIPES Standard of the world and always the favorite with Michigan men. We have been Ann Arbor distributors for sixteen years. Class pipes and pipe repairs a specialty. -z j 0I31ARDS CIARS CANDIES PIPES LUNCHEIS SODAS "We t1ry to treat you right ployment most suited to him when- ever possible. A possible 'development of this will consist in having vocational counsel- lors in each high school and inter- med-ate school in the city. The duty of the counsellor will be to advise each student as to what courses to take that will fit him for his future profession or calling. This develop- m'nt is likely to produce highly spec- ialized vocational training in, the schools. WESTERNEIS, SE rTTONAT, CT ' 3, PLAN MEETING THURSDAY The first regular meeting of the Westerners, a sectional club, com- posed of all students.from thefollow- ing states: New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Ne- vada, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, North Dakota, South Da- kota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and western Texas,, will be held at Lane hail at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening. All students on the campus from th. enumerated states are eligible for membership without restrictions, and are cordially invited to attend and participate in the first meeting. The officers of the club are: president, Maurice R. Norco , '23L; vice presi- dent, Homer E. Martin, '23; treasurer, Doris Keller, '22; secretary, Josephine Lang, '24. In addition to the regular meeting here will be dancing and music fur- iished by the club orchestra. Several all-campus entertainers will be on the .grogram. I 6mw - I~ am a amUa amp aUaUsellsa r Come and See the Store of the Christmas Spirit See Our Windows and the Display Inside . uertk 6c Next to Wuerth Theater