7NJ DAY, DECEMBER 14, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THY Hemstitching Picot Edge Dress Pleating . Plain Stitching Gold and Silver Thread Work ASK TO SEE THE CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND IDEAS AT QUALITY HEMSTITCHING SHOP 711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE PHONE 2526 Room 12, Over Arcade Theatre Toledo Plans Opera Entertainment Isaac Kinsey, '16, is in charge of the alumni, entertainment for members of the opera cast and chorus when the production shows at Toledo. A djnce will be given at the Collingwood club following the performance. Wahr's University Bookstore is open evenings until Christmas.-Adv. FARMERS MEET IN FLINT CONVENTION will end Friday, when reports will be submitted and acted upon. Prof. Kingery To Retire on Dec. 15 Dr. Lyle B. Kingery, professor of dermatology, will leave the Universi- ty Dec. 15 to take up private practice. Dr. Kingery expects to locate in Port- land, Ore., about Jan. 1 where he will specialize in dermatology, syphilology, and radio therapy. Get your Luggage at Wilkinson's. You'll find bargains there,a-- money-saving ones. Come down and see our stock. 325 So. Main St.-Adv. Forty Eighth State SIRS. G. E. MICKLE Annual Convention of Grange Opens Sessions ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN I I1 I i "'" r .-. K i " DISCOUNT on GIFT BOXES and GREETING CARDS We are overstocked as we did not an- ticipate the early Christmas vacation. These Gift Boxes are the choicest se- lection of New Stock from CRANE, HURD, WHITING, HAMPSHIRE, AND OTHERS in linen, vellum, kid and bond finishes SUITABLE FOR- BURTON AND FRIDAY EXPECTED TO SPEAK AT BANQUET TODAY Flint, Mich., Dec. 13. - Heralded as one of the most important farm meet- ings in the history of Michigan, the forty eighth annual convention of the State Grange opened hero today. The present economic conditions of the farmer in general was the factor making the convention an outstanding one in the organization's annals. In addition to a discussion of several questions of interest to agricultural- ists, consideration of a future course relative to Grange policies is on the program. Certain changes are neces- sary in the financial methods due to drafts on the organization's reserve funds during the last year, according to A. B. Cook, of Owosso, master of the Grange. Conservative Market Possible Proposals for a closer affiliation of some sort with the workers in the larger centers of the state whereby a co-operative marketing system might be worked out is said to be on the program. Considerable discussion of this question has been heard in labor union and agricultural circles during the last year. The recent annual con- vention of the state Federation of labor went on record as favoring a close study of various co-operative propositions. Several prominent farm- ers and managers of farmer's organ- izations were visitors at the labor meeting, but to date the farmers as a whole have not placed themselves definitely in favor of co-operative markets. Burton and Friday to Speak Today was set aside for welcoming of delegates, the annual address of Mr. Cook, and regional conferences. The officers will make their reports tomorrow. The banquet also will be held, at which President Marion L. Burton of the University of Michigan and President David Friday of M. A. C. are expected to speak. Thursday's sessions will be devoted to further reports and to conferring of the fifth and sixth degrees. The convention T HOUSANDS of smokers have proved it-and now give the verdict to you- Of all the other tobaccos NATURE has produced --none can approach the finest varieties of pure Turkish for cigarettes- None has the delicious FLAVOR of the finest Turkish- None gives the ENJOYMENT of the finest Turkish- None will SATISFY you as will the fines; Turkish- None but the highest grade and personally selected Turkish tobaccos is used in MURAD. To enjoy 100% pure Turkish at its VERY BEST-to reach the o A Q * PEAK of Cigarette .Quality-you have but to smoke MURAD-- Try MURAD to- day and "Jfudge for Yourself-- " S. ANARGYROSO -~. - ~C fr9r, J f. .H FATHER MOTHER SISTER BROTHER OR FRIEND Smaller boxes for those you wish to remember; more pretentious ones for those to whom such afgift is fitting. Prices range from $1.00 upwards O. D. MORRILL, 17 NICKELS ARCADE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS , >« F ,A. m $6.00 Hats, now - $4.25 2.50 hose, now - 1.75 1.50 Neckwear,now 1.05 5 West 46th Street NEW YORK 30 Per Cent REDUCTHO $50.00 SUITS, now $55.00 SUITS, now $35.00 - $38.50 324 South State Street Upstairs Represented by RED KILGORE