TU'I)A~r bW= nn 1, i 'itomen E THE MICHIGAN DAILY wmmmm. _. ._ _ .._" .... .... .. . .. _ n .. N* AT THE THEATERS DORMITORY OPEN DURING HOLIDAYS All girls taking elective work of any kind who have not yet presented a certificate from Dr. Walker must do so before today, Dec. 13. Those failing to do Aso will not be allowed to attend class until their certificate is prepared. Adelia Cheever house and several ofJ the small dormitories will be open dur- ing Christmas vacation. Girls who will be in Ann Arbor during the holidays should see Dean Myra B. Jordan., Wyvern society will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. All dues must be paid immediately. Stylus will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at Martha Cook dormitory. There will be an important meeting of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at New-1 berry hall. A discussion of the con- vention and the summer conferences will take place, and delegates to the national convention will be elected. Miss Marguerite Stuart, student sec- retary for the central field of the Y. W. C. A., is in Ann Arbor for a few days to work with the hospital units and the local Y. W. C. A. Dean Myra B. Jordan will be at home for all University women from 3 to 6 o'clock this afternoon. Senior Girls' play committee will meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. All girls who are going to be in Ann Arbor during Christmas vacation are asked to sign the bluebooks .in Uni- versity hall or Barbour gymnasium by tomorrow, as the Women's league is planning to have vacation parties for them. Athena Literary society will meet at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu room. Yule Tide Spirit At Y. W. Vespers "By the crackling blaze of the yule tide log, And the light and the candle flame, And the maze of a song Will be carried along Till the spirit of Christmas you claim." This is the motto of the Y. W. C. A. vesper services which will be held at 4:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Newberry hall. Candles and a yule log in the fire place of the south room will add to the Christmas spirit of the entertainment. The program will consist of carols and the reading of a Christmas story. TODAY Screen Arcade-George Cohen's produc- tion, "Get WBlh Quick Walling- ford." Majestic - presents Night." J. L. Frothingham "Pilgrims of the Wuerth-William Fox presents "Over the Hill." Orpheum-Charles Ray in "Mid- night Bell." THIS WEEK Adelia Cheever dormitory will be open during the holidays for fjniver- sity girls who wish to rent rooms for that time. An exceptionally low rate is being charged, the price being at $3.50 a week. Breakfast will be the only meal served at the house. Laundry privi- leges and free use of the sewing ma- chine are also being offered. Miss Henriette Scranton, the present social directress, will act as directress during the holidays. It is thought that many of the girls planning to remain in Ann Arbor will take advantage of this opportunity for a few weeks of dormitory life. If you need a hand-bag before go- ing home Christmas, you'll find a large assortment at Wilkinson's, 325 S. Main St. You will be surprised at our low prices, too.-Adv. SHUERTMatinee wed. - 50C to $i.oo MICHIGAN Nights . 57C to 7.nO (DETROIT) Sat. Mat. - soc to $1.5o The distinguished American actor WALKER WHITESIDE In Gordon Kean's mystery melodrama "THE HINDU " GARRICK Ngat.- . . to2.oo DETROIT Arthur Hammerstein brings FRANK TINNEY in the Musical Comedy " TICKLE ME" ?Iummers Give Play At fleeting "A Cup of Tea," a one-act comedy by Florence Ryerson. was presented by the new members of Mummers at the regular meeting of the club yesterday afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The play was directed by Maan Munz, '24, and the roles included the Poet, played by Gladys Gage, '25. his, wife, Margaret Beal, '25; Mr. War- ing, Olive Lockwood, '22; and Mrs. Waring, Ruth McCann, '25. Wahr's University Bookstore is open evenings until Christmas.--Adv. L R E NERS E A --AND---.. N RESSERS S 1 04 g WSOI roM S I Tone6Z& I N N G - G Phone 628 REPAIRING I Iniuri 1 Stage Garrick (Detroit)-Frank Tin- ney in "Tickle Me," a musical comedy. Shubert - Walker Hindu," Michigan (Detroit) -- Whiteside in "The a mystery melodrama. "iA I LAST TIME TODAY CHARLES RAY .f J-HOP NOTICE in I Junior hop committee will meet at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday, Dec. 13, in the Union. All junior classes which have not held hop committee elections should hold Isuch elections immediately. sceCharles Hummer, '23, Chairman Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. Midnight Bell" TODAY ONLY A d/filling Mystery Tale of the Paris Police P THE RAZOR THAT SHARPENS ITS OWN BLAtDES mw lq .nro B; p4 Al "'1 GI Ii' S( TI , -. :. ^ . : ,,Y YX I "I a month ARRY home one of these handy little 63- lb. typewriters today. Pay for it at the easy rate of $5 a month. 0. D. MORRILL 1' NICKELS ARCADE The Pmonal Wridng Machine Silver plated razor, atrop, year's aupLy of blades, in compact case, $5.0 A Christmas gift for me IN ten seconds a man gets a freshly stropped blade with thisrazor. Morning after morning he enjoys the same comfortable shave. The Valet AutoStrop Razor strops, shaves and cleans without removing the blade. Saves money on blades every month in the year. Come in and ask for a demonstration today. It will settle one or more of your gift problems. A variety of attractive sets $5.0 to $25.00. just a few strokes on the strp-the blade is keen -ga'in P yE. PhillIps 0 1t1P nh"elm, Famous ritlor of' /THE ., IPHE REAT PER. ION (,J r) I (r 11 p "The Quarry" I. Claude Drake, Prop. DANCE Every Tuesday Night 9:00 O'clock Wood man Hall, Main and Washington Stag Dancing Deer Dancing Fox Trot Contest First Tuesday of Each Month Music by University Syncopated Novelties F SOUTHERN STUDENTS NOTICE All students who are planning to go through Detroit or Toledo to Cincinanti or Louisville on Friday night, Dec. 16, and who would be interested in arrang- ing for a special car are asked to call J. M. Burge, '23, at 1016 im- mediately. WEDGETYPE IEPRESS No more wrinkled or lopsided neck- ties. Use the WEDGEPRESS TIE- PRESS. Takes but a moment to place the tie over the wedge and push it in. It works while you sleep and in the morning you have practically a new tie. There is no heat to take the life and lustre out of the silk. A necktie makes the best Xmas gift when it is accompanied by a WEDGE- TYPE TIEPRESS, which will make l the tie last twice as long, and keep it free of wrinkles until it is worn out. We will be glad to send free descrip- tive matter to anybody. Send a postal card today . . . or better yet send' $3.50 and the WEDGETYPE TIE-1 PRESS will be sent prepaid. We take all the risk and agree to refund your money if it does not do the work to your own satisfaction and If It Is re- turned within five days. We have a special offer to make to a very limited number of students who wish to pay their expenses by demon- strating this useful article among their friends. If interested send stamp for our special proposition to demon- strators. L ____ 1 K a " tstory of a pretty girl,a qanq of Parisian bandits an organ-grinder and Scotland yard _._ "PILGRIMS OF THE NIGHT" dIrma of international intriguce. (ida piedfrom "rPassers Dby hy 6: Philips Oppenhezm WITH LEWIS STONE, RAYMOND HATTON, RUBYE DE REMER ADDITIONAL One of the Best Comedies Yet! I U Matinee Adults - Kiddies - 2-4 - 30c - 15c "FALLING FOR FANNY" I The Picturization of WILL CA RLTON'S Famous Poems "OVER THE HILL" COMING SOON a- ONC l i .*..r .A i I I ( 1 1 I A * * * * a * * * * lk Nf I I' i i Evening Adults - Kiddies - 7-9 - 500 - 20c 4t* ..;_.:. .. M.. R # * * * R WEDGETYPE "rIEP R ESS THE S AY'TH (CO. '' I i ' I u s } Ii 1 " y 1*1 *