THE MIC HIGAN DAILY -., . . .M.. ....W. .....,....,...._..,. . ., :_...... .. . . .. . . r , .* t. c ._,, s " , : .. :' " \. "M y. " :7'w rr 9 Daily Want Ads Par.-Adv. Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. DANCE! Chop Suey CHINESE AND AMERICAN RESTAURANT Quang Tung Lo. 613 E. Liberty AT MACCABEE HALL Cor. Main & Ann EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING VARSITY JAZZCOPATORS DANCING -9:00 TO 12:00 Gentlemen 50c -- Lailies 25c WOLERINE QUINTET TO MEET CINCINNATI FIVE MATHEW'S MEN WILL ENGAGE OHIO TEAMS THIS WEEK END Victorious in their opening contest with Western State Normal college, Coach Mather's Maize and Blue basket- on Friday night, the Wolverines face the powerful court aggregation of the university of that Ohio city. Cincinnati Strong Cincy has no weak team. If any doubts of that ever existed they were dispelled on Saturday night when they met and defeated the fast-going men of Ohio State by what, in basketball,I is an overwhelming count. The finall score was 33 to 11, the Buckeyes never having a chance with their more pow- erful opponents from the city of hills. On Saturday. Coach Mather's men Alumni Praise .Michigan Eleven As "Duke"'IDunne Pays Tribute To Yost The entire Varsity football squad, their support during the football sea- All-fresh squad, and coaches were son had done much for the team. The given a "bust" in Detroit last Saturday Michigan leader paid a tribute to Yost nightin celebration of the close of the in which he said the team believed in past gridiron season. Detroit alumni Yost and was behind the coach to a hired special cars on the D. U. R., and man, and that no greater proof of his the teams were given transportation ability was needed. to the city, where they were the guests.Goebel Optimistic of John Kunsky at his Madison thea- Captain-elect Paul Goebel, also made ter. Following the theater party, the a short speech. He said that each year Varsity squad was taken in taxis to Michigan had lost one less Conference the University club to dinner, while game, and that in 1922 it would not lose i CHRISTMAS Greeting ( Stationery and Gif ts an unusually desirable selectio STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE 1111 So. UNIVERSITY AVE. :t turn their faces and stepsI vu ' 'tuuy %+auLaut diretionofhincinadtiwhere'journey northward once more, stop- lirection of Cincinnati, where ping enroute at Cleveland to repay the visit of the Case football team thiS fall, a visit that resulted disasterously for the gridiron warriors of the Scient- . arC s ists. Case is set for revenge, and has a quick-stepping, straight-shooting ag-~ gregation of basket tossers that is apt to make trouble before the Maize and nBlue can claim a victory secure. fl Mather Will Take Nine Men It is probable that, with the ex- ception of one of the guards, the same lineup that opposed Western Normal will go into the game against Cincin- nati at the opening whistle. Nine men and Coach Mather will make the trip and, as the squad is in excellent physical condition, the Varsity mentor will have plenty of opportunity to ®C N ewatch his hopefuls in action against some really stiff opposition. the Reserves, All-fresh, and marched to the Chamber of merce, where they were served. band Com- Dunne Praises Yost At 8 o'clock in the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce building the "bust" started with several selections from the band. Mayor Couzens of De- troit, welcomed the men on behalf of the city of Detroit. Following hisI speech of welcome Coach Yost spoke in recognition of the work the men did during the season. "Duke" Dunne speaking for the team, assured the members of the Michigan club that Buy your class toques from Daily advertisers.-Adv. a single game. Prof. R. M. wenley, who was an honorary guest, gave a short talk. He was accorded an ova- tion and responded with a stirring ad- dress on Michigan spirit. The Dominion of Canad was es- tablished in 1867. 'ENSIAN NOTICE All campus organizations are requested to have their group pictures for tie Michiganensian taken between Jan. 3 and 28. Since there will be absolutely no extension of time, it would there- fore be advisable for the organ- izations to arrange for sittings with their photographers before going home for the Christmas holidays. x I f vnimurUII WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THOSE ORGANIZATIONS OR INDIVIDUALS WHO EXPECT TO BUY SHOES FOR NEEDY CHILDREN, THAT THEY CAN SAVE A GREAT DEAL, BY TAKING A I V A N T A G E OF OUR VERY LOW PRICES DURING OUR CLASS MANAGERS, NOTICE All class athletic managers should report to the Intramural office at once for instructions re- garding the interclass basketball and bowling schedules. I'I i F Big Removal Sale of Shoes Allmand & Forsythe Going home Christmas? So are we and we're getting our luggage at Wil- kinson's, 325 So. Main.St.-Adv. Michigan Banners, Pennants, Blank- et.. and Pillows at Wahr's University Bookstore.-Adv. Buy your class toques from Daily advertisers.-Adv. Try a Daily Want Ad. It pays.-Adv V ENUS PENCILS F OR the stdent or prof., rivals all for perfect pencil work. 17 black degrees and 3 copying. America Lead pencilCo. =.2FifthAvq. Newyork Basket Ball when purchasingeom ment for basket ball any athletic sport,ins upon SPALDI NGs. S isfaction is inevitabl Catalogue on request SPALDIN p. or ist le. G A 120 EAST LIBERTY STREET A. G.SPALDING& BROS. 211 So. State St., Chicago am I s ALL $1.50 NECKWEAR 5 West 46th Street ALL $1.50 SOCKS $1.05 NEW YORK $1.05 I 30(l Per Cent REDUOTHO ALL $50 SUITS now $35 $55.00 SUITS now $38.50 4. I 324 South State Street y Upstairs 4 Represented by Red Kilgore a I IIIMr I I I I r Nm .