THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUr8DA'r, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Univer- sity year by the Beard in Contrel of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusiveir entitled to the use for republicatien of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the loeal news published therein. Entered .at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class smatter. Sunscription by carrier or mail, 13.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, 960 Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- nature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will be published in The Daily at the discr'etion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daiy office. Unsigned communications will receive no consideration. No man. uscript will be" returned unless the writer incloses postage. The Daily does not"necessarily endorse the sentiments ex- pressed in the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 MANAGING EDITOR .......... BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL Assistant Managing Editor..................Hugh W. Hitchcock City Editor.............................E. P. Lovejoy, Jr. Night Editors- R. E. Adams C. P. Overton Edward Lambrecht M B. Stahl Hughston McBain Paul Watzel Editorial Board Chairman.....................T. J. Whinery Assistants- S. T. Beach E. R. Meiss L. A. Kern Leo Hershdorfer Sunday Magazine Editor................Thornton W. Sargent, Jr. Exchange Editor............................George E. Sloan Music Editor.............................Sidney B. Coates Sporting Editor.............................. George Reindel Women's Editor...........................Elizabeth Vickery Humor Editor.................................E R. Meiss Assistants R. N. Byers L. L. Fenwick B. H. Lee W. B. Butler H. B. Grundy 3. E. Mack A. D. Clark Agnes H dolmnuist Rathrine Montgomery Harry C. Clark H. E. Howlett R. C. Moriarity j. P. Comstock, Marion Kerr R. B. Tarr Sn P. Dan L. S. Kerr Virginia Tyon H. A. Donahue M. A. Klaver Dorothy Wipple W. V. Elliott Marion Koch I,.. L. Yost J. B. Young BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER...........VERNON F. HILLERY Advertising .........................F. M. Heath, A. J. Parker Publication ............................-Nathan W. Robertson Accounts...............................-John J. Hamels nJr. Circulation .......... ..................Herld C. Hunt Assista ts. Burr I. Robbins Richard Cutting H. Willis Heidbreder W. Cooley James Prentss W. Kenneth Gabraith LI Beaumont Parks Maurice Mouie J. A. Dryer Walter Scherer o in Goldring RichardwHeidemann Edw. Murane- Tyler Stevens TH Wolfe David Park Paul Blum TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1921 Night Editor-M. B. STAHL Assistant-Robert Tarr Proofreaders-Leland L. Yost Cecil R. Betron There will be an important meeting of the entire editorial staff and all tryouts at 5 o'clock this after- A BOAT CREW ON THE POND From time immemorial the establishment of row- ing as a Varsity sport at Michigan has been agi- tated the movement has reached its culmi- nation in the form of a student petition sent in to the Athletic association, asking that plans be inaug- urated for the using of Barton pond as a course, to the end that Michigan may be represented on the water in the near future as other universities have been in the past. The pond, surveyed some time ago with the same end in view, is said by many to be one of the finest water courses in this part of the country ; still it has never yet felt the weight even of a scull. Appar- ently, the money expenditures neceessary to obtain trainers and equipment have in the past held up progress. Some two years ago steps taken by a cer- tain group of enthusiastic students toward placing an impromptu crew on the pond, though ending in failure, marked the nearest successful real attempt to approach the project in a materially practicable manner. Now, however, outward signs would seem to in- dicate that the time has come for the taking of some action by the authorities on this matter of row- ing at Michigan. At present we have more than the course itself at our disposal. Two men from the Detroit Boat club, one a student, have volunteered their services as coach and assistant coach; and the petition recently turned in goes to show that not only would it be possible to establish a crew here without the outlay of prohibitive sums of money, but that competition could well be arranged with any number of other crews, notably those from Wisconsin, Toronto, Syracuse, and seven boat clubs relatively near at hand. With such possibilities offered her for the set- ting up of rowing as a Michigan sport, it would be a misfortune if the Univeersity should fail to make the most of her opportunities. Rowing has come to be one of few forms of competition to be recog- nized by organizations and institutions of learning the world over. With track events, it forms the basis of international athletics, and is coming to be one of the most favored of all sports by schools which haye at hand the required facilities. With one of the best possible courses available, and with some twenty-five trained oarsmen en- rolled here, Michigan has the finest prospects for a successful entry in this field of competition. Now is the time to-make the best of them. FOR STATE AND CIVILIZATION The impasse in the Irish situation, in recent dec- ades, has been between southern Ireland and Ulster, on both religious and economic grounds. Other is- sues there have been, and Great Britain has had her share in creating them; yet Britain has more and more evidenced a desire to remove causes of fric- tion. wlhpre a vriv affetntfurl n.1A t~m,..+ ^rT..- land's political status has been upset by the refusal of either North or South to accept it. Today, as never before, world conditions demand liberal views, and it has become obvious that the hos- tility between Ireland and Ulster must be modified, or circumvented, in the interest of geneeral prog- ress. The recent treaty between Britain and Ire- land signalizes a manly willingness to look ahead, rather than back, in order to gain certain definite desirable ends. Britain has decided to trust Ireland with self-government, equally with Canada and other states in the British empire. Ireland, while desiring absolute national independence, has agreed to accept Britain's proposals, as a progressive step. Together they have made provision whereby Ulster may by her own choice either become a part of the new Irish Free State or become likewise a separate government with judicially established boundaries. The treaty as made remains to be ratified by the two governments, and it is confidently hoped that ratification will occur within a few days. In that event, it is also confidently expected that Ulster and Ireland together will evince the same forward-look- ing, patriotic spirit which made the new treaty pos- sible, and that either in union or as neighbor states these doughty peoples will henceforth co-operate. ATHLETICS FOR ALL The intramural department is hitting the bull's- eye pretty regularly these days, with the institution of cross counry runs, basketball leagues which in- clude almost the entire campus, and the invention of "speed ball". On the heels of these three inno- vations comes the announcement that free skating will be provided for every University student dur- ing the winter, accompanied by the expressed hope that free swimming can be provided. This activity of the intramural department is a healthy sign. The present system of vicarious ath- letics where a chosen few who are already physi- cally fit represent a student body of eight thousand while the eight thousand sit passively by, content to watch amusement of someone else, is certainly not. akin to the ideal of the greatest good for the great- est number. "Athletics for all" is a worthy slogan which the department seems to have adopted for its own. The method of instituting competitive athletics and arousing student interest is far superior in get- ting students to exercise than the compulsory gym- nastic system some colleges have devised. Both are beneficial, but the interest of the student in volun- tary athletics far outbalances the mechanical mo- tions of formal calisthenics, and is certain to do as much to keep him physically fit. The Netherlands is interesting for three things: its literary reaction to the modern tendency in let- ters, its remarkable and original colonial system, and the art heritage it possesses from the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries. All three of these will be treated in University lectures in Natural Science auditorium today, tomorrow, and Thurs- day, by Dr. A. J. Barnouw, Queen Wilhelmina lec- turer at Columbia university. Here is an oppor- tunity to learn from authoritative lips the actual facts pertaing to the art, literaure, and colonial pol- icy of his tiny, but vigorous cuntry. Assure the S. C. A. children something like a real Christmas before you leave for home. If you have- n't already done so help "stuff the ballot box" for them today. The mammoth new stadium at Stanford that cost merely a couple of hundred thousand will be worth watching. The Telescope K DAWN (With apologies to Kipling) On the diagonal today, As at eight I chanced to stray Crost it; I heard the campus bells an' wot they seemed to say, "Why git up twixt night an' day ?" An' lookin' east to my dismay I seen the sun come up like thunder outer Ypsi crost the way. -Vee Dee. About This Time of Year Today's nominee for the Saw-Test Cranium League is the bird who absent-mindedly puts a "Please do not open until Christmas" stamp on his laundry box. - Jonsie. Quoth Eppie Taff: Here rests the last Of Millie Muff, Who sneezed to death In her powder puff. - Si Lee. Ann Arbor Daze: When we heard that she got married. --Nuf C. E. D. A Sappy Story On the hearth the wood flamed up, Seemed to fight as it roared, But outside, the hewn timber Was all in a-cord. Famous Closing Lines "You're faded," said the crap-shooter as he took his winter overcoat out of the closet. DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jackson TIE TABLE (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6.o5 a. n.. 7:0s a. in., 8:io a. in. and hourly to 9:1o p. M. Jakson Express Cars (local stops of Ann \rbor), 9:48 a.,-m. and every two hours to :48 p. in. Local Cars East Bound-5 :55 a.-M., 7:00 a. mu, and every two hours to 9 :oo p. ni., tz :oo p. in. To Ypsilanti only-z z :4o p. in., 12.25 'n Saline. hane at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-y:S0 a. M., 2:40 p. m. To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limited cars: ':48. 10 :49 a. mn., t2:48, 2:48, 4:48. Jackson and Lansing-Limited: 8:48 p. -. 1921 S 4 11 1R 25 DECEMBER M V W T 1 S 6 7 8 ' 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 NOTICE TO MEN F S1 9 16 28 30 1921 S 3 10 17 24 81 Sheepskin Coats, Moleskins, Craven- etts, O'Coats, Pea Coats, Mackinaws, 4. Narcissus Bulbs with Bowls at We do all kinds of high-class Hat work at pre-war prices. Hats turned nside out, with all new trimmings. aire as good as new. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 PACKARD STREET Telephone 1792 11111l1|1111 lillllilillillll!til l lllll TAKE IN the Sisson during your Holidays! Greatest place to dance in Chicago-every Wed- nesday and Saturday. You meet all the old friends at the Sisson in Chicago. Dinnertuoludind dancing $.50 The famous Sisson Society Syncopators Lake Michigan at Fifty-third Street tu1tilsillu1111111n lllunullill l and Corduroy Reefers, $7.50 up You should take one of our Steamer Trunks, MUSIC or BRIEF CASES on your holiday trip. WoolBanket GRAHAM' S 7ioth Ends of the Diagonal Walk 0. D. Army Shirts, Now $3.35 This is the double elbow, two pocket olive drab army shirt which is in great favor with the boys. The most comfortable, and practical shirt for general wear at school, work or sports. A fine gift for men. Also other wool and flannel shirts at $1.25 to $5.00. Finest Assortment of1 Blankets. Auto Robes, Steamer Rugs, and Army All prices from $2.50 up. s Tom Wye Coats any color or style at $4.25, $7.00 and $7.50. Coat sweaters, slip-over sweaters, Hockey sweaters, Boys' and Girls' sweaters of all kinds. at lowest prices. MUNSON ARMY SHOES are just the shoes for winter wear. We have all kinds of High-Top Shoes, Munson Army and Dress Shoes, Rubber Boots in Slicker, Knee, Sport and Hip styles. Lowest priced, most comfortable and highest quality Men's and Boys' SHOES. Surplus Supplies Store, 213 N. 4th Av. "It pays to walk a few blocks" 4 'A " M. I I ;QmMQ;mmm-- - I - . ==.%\ r 1 +? . , ' a t" 1 "~ 4 1 In Architecture EN you go after your first big commission, you'll VV zeed something more than a knowledge of stresses and strains, periods and piping. You'll need the atmosphere of success, and the air of knowing your way 'round. One evidence of this familiarity with the world's good things is the habit of preferring that citizen of the world- o henCac hrno "' The One Cigarette Sold the World Over" .4 - Remember that Melachrino is the masterblend of only the finest Turkish Tobaccos as origin- ated by MiltiadesMelachrino. Egyptian cigar- ettes are simply those that originated in Egypt. But the tobacco is what you want to know about-and if it's Melachrino-it's right. 7 r .;