SUNDAY, DECEMER 11, 1921 The Limitatio (Continued from page 1) the friends of China would be well advised to receive what the Con- ference is giving in the spirit it is given. People, who talk loosely about the Conference and criti- cise its attitude toward China, are either ignorant or do not have China's interests at heart." This from an American delegate and upheld by the other powers gives us a good idea of the effort that the Conference is making to settle diffi- culties, and yet it shows also why some questions may never be solved. The question is a great one and yet it is only one of the many others that must be solved before the agreements on disarmament so far attempted will come to mean anything. Mr. H. G. Wells, a man well quali- fled to know the situation and at pres- ent a special correspondent at Wash- ington, in a statement recently said that as yet, in his estimation, "the Conference has not touched more than the outer threads of the writhing international tangle that has to be dealt with." Whether or not the tangle will ever be straightened out is not a question to be answered by anyone, but opinions as to what will be the action taken should the purpose of the Conference fail are easily voiced. Quoting Professor Crane of the po- litical science department again, "If no decisions can be given regarding the Par East question and subse- quently no agreements reached on dis- armament policies, the Conference will be a failure. The powers will go home and do all they can to increase their armaments in anticipation of war. If that is the case, America will THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 6 ns Conference not be the power to suffer most as she has resources and equipment ready to build twice as many ships as Japan and to elevate herself in a short time to the greatest naval power the world has ever seen. The realization of this fact ought to have a great bearing on the attitude of the other powers." "The most hopeful thing about the Conference," said Professor Crane, "is that Japan is changing her point of view. In former years Japan has en- deavored to copy western ideas and Child Delinquency Discussed Here By Cincinnati Judge (By Milliard H. Pryor) psychological profesisons. The courts Some startling statements concern- have been surprisingly deficent in hav- ing child delinquency were made by ing qauified experts for this work and Judge Charles W. Hoffman in a lec- equipment to work with. This has ture here recently. And Judge Hoff- greatly retarded work with the ment- man spoke with authority. He is rat- ally deficent children." ed as one of the leading men in the "A great deal of the preventative juvenile court field. In addition he work in connection with the juvenile is judge of the Cincinnati Court of courts will eventually be taken over Domestic Relations with which he has by the schools in the opinion of Judge been since its inception as one of the Hoffman. He showed how the vari- first courts of its type in this country. ous social -service organizations are institutions, and as a consequence she I Delinquency is a disease that is had taken Germany as her model in destroying more children than some the political field. But the Japanese of the most malignant diseases known attitude has changed-now she sees to physicians," he declared. "Chil- things in a different light. She is Le- dren who come under the jurisdiction ginning to understand our political of the juvenile courts can be divided ideals. She is realizing now that she into two classes-the normal and the should have taken a conciliatory atti- mentally deficent." tude toward China instead of the op- Conditions at home are in practical- pressive one she did. Japan is deep- ly every case responsible for the de- ly involved in the Philippine question linquency of the normal youths, ac- with the United States, and in fact a cording to Judge Hoffman, who said more recent development at the Con- the method for preventing these con- ference is the possibility of a tripar- ditions was through improvement of tite agreement between the United the home. Great steps are being taken States, Great Britain, and Japan pro- toward this end in the larger cities, viding not only for limitation of arma- he said. ments but for limitation of territorial "In treating the cases of the mental- expansion in the Pacific. Such a plan ly deficent, juvenile courts have been will settle a number of questions and greatly handicapped," Judge Hoffman at least be one more step toward stated. "A surprisingly large per- peace." lem to the medical, psychiotric, and Professor Crane in summing up his ideas on the Conference said that he is more than hopeful of the results that will in the end be accomplished. "Although the delegates hope to bea home again by Christmas, the dura- tion of the Conference will depend en- tirely upon the number and signifi-f1 (Continued on page 7) already doing a great work in co- operating with the childrens' court. "The day is comning," he said, "when the stones of the industrial school will crumble from disuse, and science and medicine will unite in saying of the children 'they shall not perish!'" In tracing the history of child leg- islation down to the present, Judge Hoffman showed that laws for deal- ing with child offenders existed in the early days of Elngland although the- were seldom enforced. He illustrated the recent inhuman treatment of ju- venile offenders by stating the case of a boy 12 years who for a crime conimitted at the age of 11 was hung in the state of New Jersey as recently as 1828. Child legislation in the United States is comparatively re- cent, according to Judge Hoffman, who said that first steps were taken. Are You Perplexed about that; Christmas Present? Most people are HERE IS A SUGGESTION: BUY SOMETHING THAT IS AT ONCE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL- A GIFT; THAT WILL BE A DAILY DELIGHT AND THAT WILL KEEP YOU IN MIND THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Let us show you those, serviceable Electrical Appliances that every wo- man wants for her house and table Early Shopping is best The Detroit Edison Company MAIN AND WILLIAM STS. Phone 2300 L Calkins-Fletcher Drug Company