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Criticisms, Comments Fly Thick
And Fast At limes Production
A blind man could enjoy the opera. but when the "Loveland" dance comes
Here is no slur on the comeliness on the house is stampeded. . "That
of the male chorus girl-and no slur Powers can dance, but he makes a
tough looking little Mick," said he
on the splendor of the costuming. Yet with whom we were "taking in" the
it is true-a blind man could enjoy the show. To which we replied, "Quite
opera. The audience would "put on" true, but not only can our friend Welch
the show for him. It begins as soon dance, but he has a leg which many a
as the first curtain goes up. "Femme" in this audience is envying
"Those are Union, life-membership to no small degree. And I don't know,
buttons on the curtain," whispers your but they say that he's had offers to go
next seat neighbor to the clinging-vine on the professional."
beside him. 'Poet Has Nerve"
Chorus Men Start It!! In the meantime the professor's wife
"Yes, pretty, isn't it," she drawls,r
and then, excitedly, as the perform-
ance opens, "chorus men starting the
opera. Isn't that queer."
And down the row a deep bass
voice booms out, "There's Van Brace.
Typical chorus man, what? They call
'em the twelve jolly consumptives.,
Look the part, I'd stutter."
And as Julia steps from between the
"flamingoed" drapes, drawing a good-
ly snicker at her rather deep-voiced
I am the ingenue," the collegiate
in the row ahead of us had been con-
centrating her gaze on one of more
stunning chorus ladies and she final-
lv broke forth, "Did you say that was
Mr. Winslow. Do you know it's posi-
tively uncanny the manner in which he
handles his arms and legs. He's al-
most too graceful!"
"This Dresbach's got nerve, we'll
say," stated the man on the aisle in the
row behind us. "Any man who can
get up on a stage and act like that for
the enjoyment and enlightenmet of
youth behind you breathes, "Not so the general populace has it coming to
bad at that, I'd say. She'll pass." him. And he gets a~way."
Enter the Hero Then there's the Stop dance, where
"The seventh one from the left end,"
eat faster,the for Jack,s of the fair sex always draws comment-and innumer-
btfrsl fotred Jack, somewhat in- able other number cause a sufficient
congruoausly attired in high hat and ; uaantity of remarks so that without
tuxedo appears, 'smiles, doffs the "taIl"'ouai d markscoulhatjoythe
silk and announces, "I am the juven- -
ile." And from all sides comes, "Isn't opera.
he handsome? They say his nick-
name's Buck, and the funny part is
he comes from some 'nowhere town' BUTCH REPRESEheeTas.
called Three Oaks."
So it goes all through the casts' CR
introduction-and when the curtain is
CC.' ij'i ,i; zz%.,i .%a...i. .. f,:..:k.>..i..S 4 v 2 a'i iX
Give yourself one of these
Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits'
actuarly rung up comment comes thick-
er and faster. Julia's use of "her"
eyes, arms and shoulders during the
"Loveland" number draws a laugh,
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A. J. Barnouw, Queen Wilhelmina
professor of Dutch literature and art
in Columbia university and official
academic representative of the Dutch
government in this country, will de-
liver a series of three lectures at 4:15
o'clock Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes-
day, Dec. 12, 13, and 14, in-the Natural
Science auditorium. Professor Bar-
nouw has the reputation of being a
brilliant scholar and is well known to
Ann Arbor audiences, having lectured
here during the winter of 1919.
"Contemporary Dutch Literature,"
will be the topic of Monday's talk.
Tuesday's lecture will be an illustrated
one upon, "Art and Artists of the Sev-
enteenth Century." "Holland's Coloni-
al Expansion," wil be Professor Bar-
nouw's subject Wednesday.
Dean Mortimer. E. Cooley of the en-
gineering college and Prof. Robert M.
Wenley of the philosophy department
will be speakers at the sophomore en-
gineer smoker at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday
night in the Union assembly room. En-
tertainment will include boxing and
wrestling. The Varsity quartet and
Ranjo quintet will furnish musc,
"Eats" and smokes will be served.
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