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December 11, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-12-11

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Barton Pond Again Mentioned as
Suitable Place for
Rowing may be recognized as a
sport at Michigan if favorable action
is taken upon a student petition sub-
mitted to the Board in Control of Ath-
letics at its meeting yesterday noon
{u the Union. No definite decision
was made by the board'upon the plans
contained in the proposal but after
thorough discussion it was submitted
to a committee of the board, compos-
ed of Fielding H: Yost, Charles B.
Ducharme, and Prof. William H.
Frayer, of the history department, for
report at the next meeting.
Boat House at Pond
The plan as submitted by the peti-
tion would establish a boat house on
the shore of Barton pond, using the
lake itself for a course of the regu-
lation length, one and five-sixteenths
miles. The fact that the course would
of necessity be curved toward the up-
per end of the pond is declared to be
of no importance, as the Canadian
Henley regatta is held every year on
a course similar to the one propos-
ed. With the present width of the
lake, it could be made to accommo-
date comfortably seven crews rowing
abreast. The smoothness and freedom
from other craft is also cited as an
advantage possessed by the pond.
W. A. Warner, at present coach at
the Detroit boat club, and W. T. No-
ack, '22, have vlunteered their servic-
es as coach and assistant coach for as
long a time as the Athletic association
may require them. Winter training
quarters for the crew could be pro-
vided in Waterman gymnasium by the
construction of eight rowing ma-
chines, according to an agreement al-
ready made with Dr. G. A. May, di-
retcor of the gymnasium. More than
25 experienced oarsmen are declared
by the petitioners to be on the cam-
pus at the present time, with the pos-
sibility of others not being included in
the computation.
Competition Plentiful
Competition could be provided by
the crews of the University of Wis-
consin, the University of Toronto,
Syracuse university, and seven boat
clubs within short distances of Ann
Arbor. In addition, the Michigan crew
could enter the American Henley re-
gatta in the East after sufficient train-
ing and compete with such schools as
Princeton, Cornell, Syracuse, Colum-
bia, and the University of California.
The initial outlay for equipment and
the year's expenses is computed to be
less than $4,500, with three shells, a
coaching launch, rowing machines,
and oars provided. An offer from the
Huron Farms company for some land
adjoinng Barton pond and favorable
(Continued on Page Teu )

Noted Jiusicians
Appear Here In
Monday Concert
Ann Arbor will be given the oppor-
tunity to hear the work of two re-
nowned musicians for the first time at
8 o'clock tomorrow evening in Hill
auditorium, when Edwin Nyiregyhazi,
Hungarian pianist, and the Detroit
Symphony orchestra, Victor Kolar
conducting, will give the second con-
cert of the Extra Concert series.
Mr. Kolar's rise from the ranks of
the orchestra to his present position
has proved again and again the high
quality of musicianship which he pos-
Mr. Nyiregyhazi also appears for the
first time in Ann Arbor. He has chos-
en for his offering Liszt's first con-
certo in E flat major, consisting of four
movements. This work of the Hun-
garian composer requires not only a
complete mastery of the piano, but
also an almost uncanny understanding
of the modern orchestra.
The pianist is a strange. figure on
the concert stage. Tall, thin almost
to a point of emaiation, he has much
the same weird atmosphere that mark-
ed Paganini. With an air of utter,
weary indifference to all external in-
fluences, he seems almost to have
reached the impassive calm of the
Oriental. Yet he is all vitality once
he sits before the keyboard.
The orchestra will offer Tschaikow-
sky's fifth symphony during the first
part of the program and after Mr.
Nyiregyhazi's appearance will close
the program with the ballet music
from Gounod's "Faust," and Enesco's
"Roumanian Rhapsody" in A major,
Opus 11.
More than $2,000 was realized for
the women's building fund from the
Christmas bazaar which was given
Friday and Saturday in Barbour gym-
nasium under the auspices of the
campaign committee of which Neva
Lovewell, '22, is chairman. The ba-
zaar was well patronized and nearly
all of the fancy work was sold imme-
dliately after the doors opened the first,
day. A final sale of all remaining
goods was made at an auction late
last night at which Catherine Stafford,
'24. acted as auctioneer. '
The tea room was under the direc-
tion of Margaret Whyte, '23,.and made
more than $200. During the entire ba-
zaar the fortune tellers were kept
busy and the booth, which was under
the direction of Lois Whitcomb, '22,
made $70."
Miriam Reid, '23, had charge of the
bazaar, Dorothy Jeffry, '24, was treas-
urer, Ruth Deemer, '22, was chairman
of the marking and placing commit-
tee. Martha Shepard, '22, had charge
of the construction of the booths and
the decorations and Katharene Mont-
gomery, '22, was chairman of the pub-
licity committee. A complete reporth
of the bazaar will be, made Wednes-

Anglo . Japanese Alliance Annuled;
Treaty Applies to Pacific
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Dec. 10.-A new quad-
ruple agreement to preserve peace in
the waters of the Pacific was announc-
ed to the world today by the United
States, Great Britain, Japan, and
On consideration of the internation-
al realignment, Great Britain and Jap-
an' agreed to consign to the scrap-
heap the Anglo-Japanese alliance, long
viewed with apprehension by both Am-
erica and Asia. The provisions of the
pact, which is in the form of a 10 year
treaty, are confined to the "regionstof
[the Pacific ocean.' Under them the
foreign powers are. to respect each
other's island possessions, and are to
meet in convocation if disputes arise,
or if any of the four are threatened by
any other power.
Announcement of the treaty terms
was made at a plenary session of the
arms conference by Senator Lodge of
the American delegation, and was fol-
lowed by expressions of approval by
the plenipotentiaries of Great Britain,
France, Japan, Italy, China, the Neth-
erlands, Belgium, and Portugal.
The signatures of the representa-
tives of the powers have not been af-
fixed to thedocument, and there is an
intimation that they will be withheld
until the question of the naval ratio
shall have been settled definitely. The
naval situation remains unchanged
pending word from Tokio, but there is
general confidence that the approval
of the American "5-5-3" plan will be
made unanimous in the near future.
Prof. William D. Henderson, of the
Extension service, will give a brief
Christmas address upon "The Chris-
tian Spirit" at the University Christ-
mas service in Hill auditorium at 7
o'clock tonight.
The following musical program has
been arranged:
Organ prelude, "Holy Night"....
.......................Mr. Moore
"Christmas Bells"...University Choir
"The Light from Heaven"......
...........Mrs. William Wheeler
Violin Obigato ....Mr. George Clancy
"The Shepherd's Christmas Song" ;
. ...University Choir
Violin solo ........Mr. George Clancy
"Christ and the Children" ......
.................University Choir
Organ postlude, "Christmas Of-
fertory" ..............Mr. Moore
The next University service will be
held on Sunday evening, Jan. 15, 1922,
when Prof. Jeremiah W. Jenks, '78,
Ph.D., LL.D., of New York university,
will be the speaker. His subject will
be "The Soul of Business".

Well Woven Plot, Clever Dancing
Will Cause "flake It For Two"
To fie Remembered fiy Audiences

(By E. Vickery and M. Koch)
With grace in every movement,
unusually perfect rythm, unbelievably
light feet, and make-ups which would
have deceived even the most observ-
ant, the chorus girls of "Make It For
Two" won the hearts of the audience
at the matinee performance yesterday.
The stop dance, garden of girls, and
maize and blue dances of the second
act were particularly effective from
the standpoint of grace and costuming,
almost making the audience forget
that the creations are worn by men.
To Earl Powers, '22, and to Howard
Welch, '24, as leaders of the choruses
and for their solo parts, must go much'
of the credit.
For a solo number of real skill Jul-
ian Zemon, '23, was deserving of the
hearty applause awarded his soft shoe
dance during an interim of the sec-
and act.
The atmosphere created by singing
the "Victors" and by the maize and
blue chorus should bring a thrill to the
hearts of Michigan graduates who hear
the oprea on its tour. Outside of a
few touches of locaL color "Mage It
For Two" gave no hints of campus
colloquialisms, which should make it
a great success in other cities.
McManus could easily obtain new
ideas for his Maggie in "Bringing Up
Father" from William Sutherland, '22,
who takes the part of Mrs. Houghton.
Her rasping high keyed voice brought
scores of laughs from the house when
she unreasonably "wore the trousers"
In Henry's family. To her and to
James Dresbach, '24, as the masculine
Amy Lowell, who sometimes obeyed
the wrong muse, belongs the laurels
for character interpretation.
Arthur Holden, '24, carried the male
lead naturally and in a simple manner,
winning applause for the rich quality
of his voice in his solos, especially
"Loveland" and the song of the sea-
Costumes, settings, drops, and prop-
erties are worthy of the amount of
time and money spent in their produc-
tion, and can be rivaled only by such
companies as "The Follies."
Between acts when one glances
through the program he is impressed
by the clever style of the synopsis,
and the resume of the work done in
the production of the greatest of
Michigan operas.

(By Leo J. Hershdorfer)
Another Union opera has gone down
in the history of Michigan's dramatic
activities asa success. "'Make It For
Two", product of the pen of Lo L.
Niedzielski, '24, and the admirable ef-
forts of Mimes' players, after six suc-
cessive performances in Ann Arbor,
has earned for itself a name that will
live long not only in the minds of the
student body, but, it is safe to pre-
dict, among the alumni who will have
the opportunity to view the opera dur-
ing the coming weeks.
"Make It For Two" presents a well
woven plot, interspersed here with
touches of genuine humor, there with
scenes that recall the wierd, roman-
tic tales of the Arabian Nights,and
again with hints of realism, of Broad-
way, of Long Island and of Ann Arbor
Last night's performance, the final
showing here, proved that with prac-
tice comes perfection, for the few
rough spots which had somehow made
themselves noticeable in earlier per-
formances were entirely eliminated.
Not a male foot in the chorus was
lifted a second too late to execute the
difficult "spiral kick", not a jewel-be-
decked hand fluttered awkwardly in
the air - Adam would never have
recognized Eve, if he had been in the
audience last night.
The scenic effectsnare especially de-
serving of mention, and the rapid
change of scenes from spring to sum-
mer, from fal to winter in the dance
of "The Four Seasons", drew hearty
applause. Music there was a-plenty,
and credit and praise are due to the
composer, Forman C. Brown, for his
wonderful songs, "Naughty Eyes" and
"Loveland" promise well to remain
permanently in Michigan songdom.
Wilfred R. Laurie, '22L, and W. R.
Sutherland, '22, were typically charac-
teristic in their interpretations of the
roles of Mr. and Mrs. Houghtn, while
Carl W. Guske, '22, as King Nemo
was the irresistible "life of the party."
Arthur H. Holden, '24, as the deter-
mined lover, and Howard .S. Stimson,
'24, as the clever lawyer, with Julian
L. Zemon, '23, Gordon D. Weir, '24,
specialty dancers, gave to the show
an air of professionalism, and Lyonel
E. Ames '24 proved so effective in his
makeup that he *would have no trou-
ble in gaining admittance to the Jun-
ior Girls' play.
Students who wish to obtain seats
at the performances of the Union
opera, "Make It For Two", on its road
tour during Christmas vacato can
send in mail orders to the Unin and
obtain accommodations this week.
The demand for tickets that is report-
ed from the theaters on the opera trip
indicates that students in Ann Arbor
should act as soon as possible if satis-
factory seats are to be had.
Dates and towns of the opera trip
are as follows: at Grand Rapids Dec.
16, at Chicago Dec. 17 and 19, at In-
dianapolis Dec. 20, at Cincinnati Dec.
21, at Lima Dec. 22, at Cleveland Dec.,
23, at Toledo Dec. 24, at Pontiac Dec.
26, at Port Huron Dec. 27, at Bay City
Dec. 28, at Flint Dec. 29. at Saginaw
Dec. 30, and at Detroit Dec. 31 and
Jan. 2.
Irish Question at Standstill
London, Dec. 10.-No striking de-
velopments in Irish affairs are ex-
pected before the middle of next
week. The British prime minister
had no further meeting today with
Sir James Craig the Ulster premier,
who conferred with Austin Chamber-

lain, the goevrnment leader in the
house, and will report to, the cabinet
on Monday.
Unnecessary to Call Doctors Sunday
It is announced by the Health
service that when students wish to
call one of the doctors on Sundays,
it is not necessary to call their pri-
vate homes. Simply call the Univer-
sity exchage, and they will connect
you with one of the doctors.
Green Ticket 578 Wins Dames' Quilt
If tlre bolder of the green ticket,
number 578, which was sold with gum
for the Michigan Dames' quilt, will
present it at 916 E. Washington street-

Leland, Houghton, on Opposite Side
State Purposes, Hopes,
Consolidation of the two hospita
and medical schools at the Universi
largely occupied the attention of ti
Board of Regents at their meeti
Friday, but1n addition considerab
other business was transacted.
Present' Policy to Continue
The Board vted that the prese
policy of the relation of the Unive
sity hospital and the Medical scho
should be continued.
Approval was given the reorganize
tion of production methods in the en
gineering shops. The departmento
geodesy and survey was 'establish
in the engineering college to suppla
the surveying department.
Hereafter physical training will 1
required of all freshmen in the c
lege of pharmacy, according to acti
taken by the Regents.
Sellars on Leave
Prof. R. W. Sellars, of the philos
phy department, was granteda ea'
of absence for one year for the pu
pose of study In Europe. This lea
will begin with the second semest
of this year and continue through t
first semester of next. A. C. Beni
min, A.M., was appointed by the R
gents to assist in caring for Profess
Sellars' work here during his absent
Mrs. Elroy Jones, '20, was elected
the board of governors of Betsy Ba
hour house, to fill the vacancy caus
by the resignation of Mary Turner.
Awards of the Phillips scholarshij
were made to the followipg student
Frances Bonner, '25, Bessie Io
Palmer, '25, Mary Jeannette Laughli
'24, and Winifred Isabel Gray Sme
ton, '24.
Check Received
A check was received from Mrs. I
B. Earhart to. serve as the basis for
loan fund of $1,000 for Universi
The class of '72 will present
bronze tablet to be placed in Alum
the first women to receive degre
fact that in that class were graduat
the first women to receive degre
from this University.
The zoological museum was autho
ized by the Board to furnish expe
advice and assistance to the Unite
States fish commission in econom
Deal with Rooms Question
The real estate board of the city
Ann Arbor in a resolution dated No
28 expressed deep concern over ti
proposed destruction of houses
make room for University building
and recommended that as few' as pa
sible dwelling houses be destroyed, b
that they rather in as many cases a
possible be removed to other sit
where they could still be used. T
resolution was passed in .view of t.1
shortage of rooms for students.
At the request of the school a
thorities of the city of Detroit, Dr.
W. Myers is permitted to spendext

time in Detroit each week to dire
the vocational education departme
of the Detroit public school-system.
At the request of Prof. T. C. Tru
blood, of the oratory department, t
Board will take immediate steps1
improve the acoustic properties of t
auditorium of University hall.
Two members of the Board of 1
gents cast their votes with explani
tory statements in the vote on t
merger of the Medical school on F
day. Regent F. B. Leland, of Detro
on casting a negative vote, issued t
following statement:
"It has sufficiently appeared ti
approilmately one-seventh of the pe
Wie of the state when ill desire t
services of a homoeopathic physicia
The average expense to the state
the Homoeopathic school and hospil
during the past five years has not e
ceeded $25.000 a year. I believe
large number of the people of t
i state who dnesrA hmnAnathic srvi





Eckersall Favors West In Selection
Of Mythical All-American Elevens

Washington, Dec. 10.-By a vote of
197 to 90 the Walsh bill, providing for
appointments of 22 additional federal
district judges, was passed late today
by the house and sent to the senate,
afteran amendment which wouldhave
required federal judges to devote all
their time to judicial duties had been
ruled out on a point o' order.
Prof. George E. Myers; of the vo-
cational department, spoke yesterday
morning at the closing session of the
Manual Arts conference on the prog-
ress in the development of plans for
training of teachers for vocational oc-

More than half of Walter Eckersall's
All-American team, which is announc-
ed today, is composed of western men.
Iowa leads all colleges, in that two of
her griders have been placed on the
first eleven.
Michigan is represented on the third

eleven by Vick, who was chosen after
Stein, Pittsburg, and Wallace, Ames.
"Bo" McMillin, Centre, was given a
place on the sport writer's third team,
being rated below both A. Devine,
Iowa, and Killinger, Penn State.
The choices for the first and second
teams follow:

McPherson Browning. vice-president
and general manager of the bond de-
partment, of the Detroit Trust com-
pany, has been secured to speak in
the upper reading room of the Union
at 3 oclock this afternoon. His sub-
ject will be "Investment Banking-Its
Opportunities for College Graduates."
Mr. Browning has been with the De-
troit Trust company in charge of the
bond department for the past 14 years.
For the past two years he has served
as a member of the board of governors
of the Investment Bankers'gassocia-
tion and was last month elected treas-
urer of that association. The Invest-
ment Bankers' associationis an or-
.ganization comprising some 550 of the
leading bond investment houses in
the country, including the important
syndicate groaps.
Postmaster General Will Hays has
issued a booklet which has been sent
to postmasters all over the country,
telling them of the troubles the mail
service comes under during the hol-
In general the idea of the booklet.
is to urge people to be more careful
in sending Christmas parcels. Bel
careful of the wrapping, of the ad-
dressing, put both sender's name and
the one to whom it Is to be sent on
the parcel, legibly and in ink. Get
things mailed early and thus help the
postal employes to get Christmas

First Eleven ' Posi Ion Second Eleven
Crisler, Chicago ......,...........R E.....................Roberts, Centre
McMillan, California............R.T.......................Ellis,.Detroit
Pucelik, Nebraska ............G....................Brown, Harvard
H. Stein, Pittsburg-................C ..................Wallace, Ames....
Baer, Penn State ................L.G...................Trott, Ohio State
Slater, Iowa ......................L.T.............Keck, Princeton (capt.)
Anderson, Notre Dame ...........L.E................Swanson, Nebraska
A. Devine, Iowa................Q.B...............Killinger, Penn State
Aldrich, Yale (capt.) ..............L.H...............A. Elliot. Wisconsin
Kaw, Cornell......................R.H...............Mohardt, Notre Dame
Owen, Harvard ... ......................F.B.............Locke, Iowa

e will be

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