THE MICHIGAN DAILY Do you need a trunk? Wilkinson Personal Greeting Cards. Excellent has them--and good ones too. 326 S. assortment at Wahr's Bookstores. - Main 8t.--Adv. Adv. b '4 i t Holiday OVERNIGHT BAGS WEEK END BAGS BRIEF CASES COLLAR BAGS SILK SHIRTSY FANCY HDKFS LINEN HDKFS. 4 SILK NECKWEAR KNIT ECK WAR SILK AND WOOL HOIERY WOOL HOSIERY Hints Wiomnen Wives of officers of administration, professors, and instructors are invited to attend a meeting at which plans for a Faculty Women's club will be. perfected at $ o'clock Saturday after- noon, Dec. 10, in the gallery on the second floor of Alumni Memorial hall. The dhidren's building of the Hom- oeopathic hospital will be under quar- antine until further notice. Girls who wish to work with the children are asked to go to the door of the main building marked "Registration for Out Jury Declares Collins Guilty Charles Collins, who was arrested here last December on. the charge of robbing the Purfield Shoe Co., was given the verdict of guilty by the jury in Judge Sample's court yesterday afternoon. Collins is supposed to have taken all the money from the register and then to have held up the clerks in his robbery. His sentence has not yet been given. Michigan Dames Bazaar Nets $75 Approximately $75, the proceeds of a bazaar given last week in Newberry hall, will be donated to the Wo- men's building campaign fund by the Michigan Dames. SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY $1.00 TABLE DE ROTE 11:20 TO 2M0 -"t the - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INN Excellent a la carte service evenings TELEPHONE 48 RESERVATIONS any time I fyou Wish CANES UMBR ELLAS UNDERWEAR HATS CAPS SUITS OVERCOATS GLOVES JEWELRY SPORT COATS BATH ROBES PAJAMAS Opera music INDIVIDUAL BOXES Wadhams &Company TWO STORES STATE STREET MAIN STREET =r i11111UIllll llill lll ~il IIiltl llfllfllfllll1111[lll ililtiltlitilllllilflillllll w w SAre You Going Home Christmas? ~ Have You Learned to Dance?_ w _ If not, come to me at once and I will teach you w ra in time so that you may participate in the Yule-tide Festivities. Surprise the folks back home. _ w °r aD - -- SH alsey s D a nce S t udi os - Wuerth Arcade w - Patients." MASTER MASONS All Masons on the campus are in- vited to attend the Christmas Dance Chaperones for dances over the of the Craftsmen's Club to be held at week end are: Union-Friday, Miss the Packard, Saturday night, Dec. Martha Hills; Saturday, Mrs. H. W. 10th. Tickets on sale at Quarry's Drug Cake; Armory-Friday, Mrs. H. G. Store.-Adv. Berger; Saturday, Mrs. E. G. Heartt. GARRICK t 50c to $2 DETROIT Sat. Mat. 50C to 2.00 There will be a meeting of the exec- The Sm rt Musical Comedy utive board of Mummers at 2 o'clockt"I R E N E" Friday afternoon in the Women's league room of University hall. New York Cast and Production All girls taking elective work of any kind who have not yet presented a certificate from Dr. Walker must do so before Tuesday, Dec. 13. Those failing to do so will not be allowed to attend class until their certificate is prepared. All league houses which have not TODAY AND TOM paid their tax of $1 toward the ex- penses of the bazaar tea room should pay it at once to Margaret Whyte, '23. The tea room at the Christmas baz- aar will be open for lunch at 11:30 o'clock this noon. The Women'sCosmopolita~nalub will meet at 7:15 o'clock Saturday night at Newberry hall. There are still some vacancies in J o y i the swimming classes which are be- ing held in the pool at Barbour gym- nasium. Any girls wishing to enter these should do so at once. MASTER MASONS 6 All Masons on the campus are in- H e r L o i vited to attend the Christmas Dance of the Craftsmen's Club to be held at the Packard, Saturday night, Dec. d Ms s~antand Masil' 10th. Tickets on sale at Quarry's Druga n Store.-Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. THE PRICES Book of Scores-,,*"** * **.*a* In SheetForm . . . . . - GET YOURS AT ALLMENDINGER'S MUSIC SHOP 305 MAYNARD .. $2.00 .40 Sho )ws at --7:00 -8:30I~ . i 1:00--3:30. QRROW TODAY AND TOMORROW B~ebe Daniels 1LL rd "Ducks and Drakes" ter " I, 5 West 46th Street :-: U. New York .9 This is your opportunity to purchase Finchley Men's Wear at a 30 Per Cent. Reduction $55 Suits now $38.50 . $50 Suits now $35. $1.50 Neckwear $1.50 $3.00 Shirts $2.10 $2.50 Hose $1.75 $80 O'Coats now $56 324 South State Street Upstairs - Represented by Red Kilgore