THE THEATERS Sigma Delta Phi mee held at 4:30 o'clock to'. Cook building. THE MICHIGAN DAILY afteitde They should be taken by MANUAL ARTS CONFERENCE one 1ri who can stay and help to ar- TO BE HELD HERE DEC. 8-10 range that house's table for the bazaar. ~-- Ann Arbor will again be the scene Wives of officers of administration, of an educational meet when, on the dig vill be professors, Qnd Instructors are invited last three days of this week, the man- TODAY Screen Arcade-Alice Brady of the East." - f ;"' _ f- 4L a MarthaI to attend a meeting at which plans f a Faculty Women's club will be Perfected at 9 o'clock Saturday after- in "Dawn MaJestic -The Sheik," with Agnes Ayres and Rudolph Val - entio. Wuerth--Earl Williams in "Dia- monds Adrift." Prpheum-Frank Mayo in "The Shark Master." THIS WEEK Staget Garrick (Detroit)-"Irene," mus- ical comedy. Second week. Dec. 6 to 10 Whitney-Michigan Union Opera "Make It For Two." MASTER MASONS All Masons on the campus' are in- vited to attend the Christmas Dance of the Craftsmen's Club to be held at the Packard, Saturday night, Dec. 10th. Tickets on sale at Quarry's Drug Store.-Adv. Wahr's University Bookstore is open evenings until Christmas.-Adv. There are still some vaca 'fies in noon, Dec. 10, in the gallery .6n the t e be second floor of Alumni Memorial hall. ing held in the pool at lHarbour gym, nasium. Any girls wishing to E'ater The Children's buil-ling of the Hom- these should do so at once. 1 oeopathic hospital will be under quar- _ _antine until further notice. Girls who Mortarboard will meet at 7:3 01 wish to work with the children are o'clock this evening at the Delt r asked to go to the door of the main Gamma house. Dues will be payable h nilding marked "Registration for Out at this time. ,atients." ual arts conferen1ce will be held here. The conference will take up all voca- tional work that is taught in the schools of this part of the country and will include an exchange of ideas be- tween the teachers of the work and the teachers of colleges and educa- tional institutions providing training for vocational teachers. Promineit men from all over the state will attend the conference as well as members of the University vo- cational educational staff are who car- rying on their work throughout the state. Adelia Cheever house and several of the small dormitories will be open dur- ing Christmas vacation. Girls who will be in Ann Arbor during the holidays should see Dean Myra B. Jordan. Girls who will be here during Christ. mas vacation are requested to sign in bluebooks placed for this purpose in Barbour gymnasium and at the candy booth in University hall. The finance committee for the Jun- ior Girls' play will meet at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon in Barbour gym- nasium. Each house which is contributing to the Christmas bazaar must send all articles to the receiving booth in Bar- bour gymnasium by 6 o'clock Thursday A 11 members of the make-up com- mittk'e of Masques are required to be preserit at. Sarah Caswell Angell hall at 7 o'cock tonight to practice making up memkbers of the cast who are in the Christman' play. All members of the cast are a'so required to be present. All girls who can work for an hour at the bazaar should sign up on the ist, posted in the league room in Un- iversity hall at once. Because of preparations for the baz- aar, classes in gymnasium and basket- ball will not be held after 3:45 o'clock this afternoon. All junior girls are requested to pay their tax of $1 between 8:30' and 4 o'clock Thursday at the booth in Uni- versity hall. HOUSE PRESIDENTS MAKE NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP PLANS Plans for the neighborhood groups were discussed at a meeting of the league house presidents held Wednes- lay afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Euphemia Carnahan, '22, explained that after Christmas these groups will begin to function properly when they entertain the other houses on the. campus in various ways. Neva Lovewell, 'Z, asked that all houses contxibuting to-the Christmas bazaar hand in their work between 4 ,nd 6 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Each house is also expected to fnrw ish papek and core to wrap the ar- ticles. ALPHA CHI OMEGA ALUMNAE AID BUILDING FUND BY PARTY Prizes, donated by Ann Arbor mer- chants, were awarded at the bridge party given Wednesday afternoon at the Alpha Chi Omega house by its Ann Arbor alumnae for the Women's build- ing fund. The first prize for bridge was a corsage, given by the Blu-Maize Blossom shop; second, a box of sta- tionery from O. D. Morrill's. The award for "Five-Hundred" was a box of candy from the Busy Bee. Twelve tables were taken. The alumnae believe this to be a good start toward their fund. Other affairs will be given in the near future. Students' Engagement Announced Announcement has been made of the! engagement of Florence Thieme, '23, to John S. Thomas, '22. Miss Thieme is the daughter of Prof. and Mrs. H. P. Thieme and is a member of the Alpha Phi sorority. Thomas belongs to the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Dr. eorw# . iklekle OSTEOPATHC PHYSIvIAN : Office howrc daily by appoint- = went Telephone 2526 I Rm. 12. Over Arende Theatre S 711 N. VniverIty Ave. I NOW SHOWING The Season's Biggest Cinema Amazement! .., A story of stolen love, that has sent a new thrill through the English-speak- ing world. Filmed in a blaze of bar- baric splendor and sweep- ing through unforgettable events, ara wor'm AONCT AVM~CSAND M VIOLPO4VAGMCT9NO A GCO!WE MEWL~OFR PIRODUCTON SPECIAL MUSICAL SCORE EN --- BY-- LARGED ORCHEST PRICES EVENINGS MATINEES 14c - 35c - 50c ALL SEATS - 25c RA - GARRICK Ni .g.Sato 15 D!ETvOa OatS Ma oc to: . ThO S rt Musical Comedy IRENE" New York Cast and Production COMING! HOBART BOSWORTH IN "Blind Hearts" "IN EVERY MAN AND EVERY WOMAN THERE IS SOME GREAT MOVING PICTURE SCENARIO" m THIS IS THE ASTOUNDING STATEME? MADE BY THE WORLD'S GREAT EST MOTION PICTURE PRObUCER - DAVID W. GRIFFITH MAYBE YOU CAN WRITE PHOTOPLAYS, AND DON'T KNOW IT - NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY ! $75.00 WILL BE GIVEN AS PRIZES $75.00 IN COLD IN GOLD FOR THE BEST PHOTOPLAY SCENARIO WRITTEN FOR THE University Movie Contest NOW BEING CONDUCTED BY "THE MICHIGAN DAILY" - Ug SPECIAL NOTICE!t I emember in writing that without a plot there can be no photoplay. This is the most important factor, and remember that a series of JIcidents more -or less closely related LO NOT MAKE A PLOT. A plot Is a recital of the means by which the de- termined objecthis gained or lost. .4 OLQT SHOULD CON-. SIST OF A STRUGGLE, SUSPENSE, & CLIM4x Center ground thing which are possible, prob- able and plausible an4 avoid plots 'whioh are too -wildly speculative. RULES OF CONTEST 1. All manuscripts must be typewritten on white 8% x 11 inch paper. Original copies, not carbons, must be submitted. 2. Manuscripts-should be written as short as pos- sible but fully explaining situations and detail of story. 3. The writer's name and address must be onsthe upper left hand corner of the first page of the man- uscript. 4. Manuscripts not accepted will be returned only if self-addressed and stamped envelopes are en- closed. 5. Manuscripts will be judged by competent judges picked by The Daily and the producers. 6. Two prizes will be awarded, the first of $50 and the second of $25. 7nrManuscripts should be addressed to The Daily in care of the scenario editor, 8. The contest closes at 6 o'clock Saturday night, Dec. 10, 1921. A FEW SUGGESTIONS 1. A scenario is the description of the action of a story in its proper order, but not necessarily di- vided into scenes of giving the detailed action. 2. Don't forget that the heart and soul of the scenario is its story. That is the great thing, the essential thing, and the all important thing about the scenario. If the story is a fascinating thing of heart-interest, clean romance, adventure or mystery, then your scenaro is good at heart. 3. Stories of a dramatic type are desired. Drama makes a more definite appeal and is easier to por- tray than comedy or farcial comedy. 4. Avoid "slap-stick" and gross comedy situations. 5. Avoid sex themes or situations developed on the worn-out subject of the "eternal triangle. 6. Remember that language cannot be photo- graphed, therefore avoid lengthy description. Thp story must be one of action, one which may be vis- ualized. 7. Portray your characters concisely and at all times be consistent in 'the development of your theme. 8. It is suggested that the story be based on some plot which revolves around the University. I I U Remember this contest is open to all students of the Univer- sity with the exceptions of the "Michigan Daily" Editorial and Business Staffs. NOTE:-Any students who are considering submitting scenarios and who desire any further infor- mation can interview the producing company's representative at the publications reading room, second floor of the Press Building, from 2 to 4 o'clock any day except Saturday. ;a SOMEONE IS GOING TO WIN -IT MIGHT AS WELL BE YOU Contest Positively Closes at 6:00 O'Clock Saturday Night, Dec. 10th, 1921