kY, DECEMBER 8, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MEN TOAID OPERA Student Committeemen will Cooper- ate With Alumni in Various Cities on Itinerary PLAN HELP IN ADVERTISING AND GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS Committees of Michigan students, appointed by the Union and intended as an aid to alumni in cities along the route of the 1922 opera, "Make It For Two," were announced by R. E. Swart, '22E, president of the Union, yesterday. They will assist in advertising and co- operate with committees of the vari- ous alumni associations that may need their aid. Grand Rapids Committee The committee for Grand Rapids is composed of James M. Crosby, Jr., '22, chairman, Winfield Rogers, '24, Craig Ferguson, '22, Donald Steketee, '24, and John P. Anderson, '24; for Chicago, Charles Hummer, '23, chair- man; Roland Libonati, '24L, R. J. Kull- man, '23, Everett Michaels, '23, and John A. Friedleund, '22L; for Indian- apolis,4I. E. Wilson, '22L, chairman; James B. Brill, '22E, Martin Dickie, '22E, and Edward Block, '24. The committee for Cincinnati is com- posed -of Blackburn Wheatley, 124, chairman; W.' F. Hanselman, '23, C. H. Boyd, '23E, and W. S. Mendenhall, '23; for Lima, O., Francis Platt, '23, chairman; J. A. Bernstein, '22, Ned Seymour, '23, S. of M., and Gustave Weinfeld, '24M; for Cleveland Joseph Crabbe, '23, chairman; William Goss, '24, Warren Clark, '23E, Thomas Orab- be, '24, and W. R. Kreinheder, '23; for Toledo C. S. Finkbeiner, '22E, efair- man; Harry Parsons, '23, W. E. Ket- tricks, Jr., '23, and Buckley Robbins, 23. Michigan Towns Represented Towns throughout Michigan will be handled by the following committees: for Pontiac Maynard Newton, '22, chairman; Lamar Brace, '24, Wilson Lyons, '22E, Manuell Baxter, '23, and Donald Fildew, '22; for Bay City James Duffy, '24, chairman; Donald McCabe, '24, Charles Shearer, '24, Vic- tor Method, /23, and Guy Moulthrop,, '22; for Port Huron William Ottoway, '23, chairman; David McTaggart, '23E, Fred Moore, '24E, Gordon Maitland, '22D, and Gordon Godley, '22E; for Saginaw William O'Keefe, 22L, chair- man; P. , S. Keeler, '22E, William Bandemer, '22E, Ferdinand Schemm, '25M, and Maurice Guenin, '24E. INSTRUCTIONS TO WORKERS ISSUED FROM COMMITTEES Every women's house which is con- tributing to the fancy work booth for the Women's building bazaar should send all articles from that house to the receiving booth in Barbour gym- nasium by 6 o'clock Thursday after- noon. In cases where several league houses are combining for a booth all I articles which are to be on sale in that booth should be sent together. A poster bearing the name of the house in maize and blue 6x12 inches in size must be taken to Barbour gym- ,asium by 4 o'clock Thursday after- noon. Each house must provide suf- ficient string and paper for wrapping the articles it contributes. Ann Arbor girls who are contribut- ing food for the tea room are request- ed to take it to the middle parlor in Barbour gymnasium by 9 o'clock Fri- day morning. All candy must be taken to the gym- nasium by 6 o'clock Thursday. work as a page at the bazaar. Two girls are needed each hour to make change, and do other errands. Buy your class toques from Daily advertisers.-Adv. LEARN TO TYPEWRITE YOUR NOTES AND THEMES Hamilton Business College' I State Savings Bank C:)r. flain and Washington All girls who signed up for working in booths Friday morning are expect- ed to report since they are needed to help in getting the bazaar ready for to open. A list has been posted in the League room in University hall where girls may sign up for one hour of Capital $300,000 Surplus $300,000 Resources $4,000,000 Corbett's Stupendous I Ten Day ,I L Now In Progress At the most opportune time of the whole year for you we are closing out our big stock of BRAND NEW Fall and Winter men's wear at prices in most instances actually BELOW COST. Nothing is spared in this great sale. We must make a RE A L CLEARANCE. Costs have been forgotten. It's your chance- to buy strictly high grade merchandise at money saving prices. Nothing has been imported for this sale; it is a real, honest to good- ness Paradise of Bargains, such as Ann Arborhas not seen in years. the Past have made History. This one will be a repeater. CORBETT SALES in :* U The Greatest Feature of Our Sale is the Rema kable Prices at which We are offering Mufflers $3 BRUSHED WOOL, now $2 TRAVELING BAGS SPECIAL VALUES $18 Bags ....... $10 $25 Bags .......$12 Collars I 50c values, now.. ..35c 35c values, nc 25c values, n ow... .25c w. ... 15c FITFORM f Buy a Dozen, Men! SUITS AND OVERCOATS BUY A SUIT AND OVERCOAT OF CORBETT BEFORE GOING HOME All are absolutely new Fall and Winter clothes tailored by the best tailor shops in the country. Highly worthy of your consideration at original prices. See what we have done to these Fitform Overcoats REGULAR $35 values, now............... . .... 23.50 $40 to $45 values, now ................ 33.50 $50 to $65 values, now ..............38.50 BUY ONE OF THEM, MEN ! ,itform Suits Former $35 to $40 values ........... ..$28."OV Former $40 to $50 values ...............$34.50 IT'S A BROKE MAN, INDEED, WHO CAN'T WEAR ONE OF THESE FINE SUITS HOME THIS CHRISTMAS!I Neckwear News THE SEASON'S NEWEST NOVELTIES ' 'N 75c and $1.00 SHIRTS-SHIRTS COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS, WHITE OR TAN WITH NEW LOW COLLARS II Hosiery Buy a Box at these Prices PURE SILK 50c- 75c - $1.00 WITH CLOCKS $1.25 - $1.50 Packed in Christmas Boxes LISLE HOSE 50c values - 35c 3 pairs for - 90c 35c values - 19c 3 pairs for -- 50c $3.00 values, now .... Neck Band .. $2.25 Shirts FANCY STRIPES IN PERCALE AND MADRAS $2.50 and $3 values, now.................. .$1.85 Every man should own a couple of these. DRESS GLOVES $3.50 values, now...................$7 FLEECE-LINED KID GLOVES "$2.75 Terms Cash Alterations at Cost $2.50 values, now ....... ...... .$2.00 $3.00 values, now ..... ............. . 2.25 $3.50 values, now . ...... ...........ยง 12.75 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL HATS AND CAPS Hundreds of Other Values Not Listed w TOM CO RBIETT Extra Spec al IMPORTED WOOL HOSE 95c and $1.00 Bath Robes $13.50 and $15.00 values Now $5 and $6.50 116 East Liberty Street Where Fitfori Clothes Are Sold _.