ICE CREAM WOLVERINES TO ORGANIZE GOLF STEAM has already written asking for a dual with O. S. U. in the mc FOR CONFERENCE MEET IN CHICAGO meet with Michigan next spring and same day as the footba: 1 ! it is possible that a meet may be held that school. Arrangem nts are now being made application and also five best scores imuiIIIIIIIIIIInwInInlI i nIIIlluumIlluI to vbe held in thatl chy the1latter part any standar(1 nine hole course. All FOUNTlllt{iNI1 in Chicago ?r a Conference Golf meet made over the Ann Arbor course or AAMOUNTAC E to i,6cd i-11T?,t cr_: , 'e pa aln , ,oil in a fa rewell dCoubles tourniey he d on the courts of the Hoboken Tennis Club yesterdy dfternoon. The tournament ws a wo-ronnd doubles eliminaion affair, in which Ichya Kumagac and Zenio Shimidzu, the two members of the Nipponese combina- tion, wielded their raccuets in opposi- tion to Watson . Washburn and Harold Throckmorton, Francis Hunter and Howard Voshell, and Samuel Hardy and Dr. Sumner Hardy. ThU t o Jaannese stars, because of their stellar performances in the avis Cup matches and alo because o0 their ommendable display of good sportsmanship in other tournament play, e eyd a great deal of popularit with ^merican tennis gal- leries during their stay in this country. It was wth a great deal of sincere regret that the goodly number of enthursiasts tuned ilOut to watch the final play of the two stars from the OVER 21)0 F RE SIMEN ENLL FQR BXN(ma iNsTRUCTION.I Boxing, a new minor sport at the University of Michigan, will formally open on Monday, October 22, at Water- man gym when Coach Sullivan will be on hand to register appicants for boxing instruction. It is thought that there wili he a greater number of registrants for boxing this year than ever before. Over 200 freshmen hav signified their intentions of taking in-. struction. Coach Sullivan will be in the boxing room from nine until five. He was authorized to return to Michi- gan by the Boxing Board of Control. The first business meeting of the Boxing (Iub will be held in the Union at 7:30 o'clock next Tuesday night. Ten men who were elected to the club last spring wiii be pubically in- itiated early At' November. Try a Daily Want Ad. It pays.-Adv. short lid, Typewrii Sere- 'aul a"dCommercia Courses. New T1erm - Oct. 3rd I 11A ILTOx Engineers Agency. P UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT I U DEN TS SUPPLY ST O RI I. 1111 South University Avenue [lillll{111lllillilillilIllless Islas Ravages aam aIan aas Want aIanIaa*""ma.... ...f4 . '"" t rw.-r ,, ,. t , : " , . z . .., t r °' ' . < c _ :O Z "."5.' .. and Architects Materials. White Swan Laundry Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Note Books R. H. Fyfe & Co., Detroit Announce a Special Exhibit of Fall Shoes for Men Beginning Monday, October 3rd, the Fyfe Store of De- troit will conduct a# comprehensive display of men's fall ox- fords and high shoes at the establishment of ARTHUR F. MARQUARDT 608 East Liberty Approved eastern lasts, pa~trns and shades will be shown in a complete variety, including many models at popular and moderate prices. The exhibition will continue for one week in charge of Fyfe representatives. O. D. MORRILL 17 NICKELS ARCADE Special ratea to students for rental machines. L. C. Sraiith, Underwood, Royal, Hammond, Remington, Oliver, and other well known makes of typewriters SOLD, RENTED, CLEANED & REPAIRED. Our SERVICE DEPARTMENT is one of the best in the STATE. Woodward and Adams DETROIT SCHAEBERLE & SON MUSIC HOUSE PIANOS, -PLAYER PIANOS, PIANOS TO RENT. VICTOR VICTROIAS & RECORDS A Complete Stock of Victrolas and Records always on hand. TRY OUR RECORD SEVICE C. F. Martin Guitars & Mando- lins Buescher & King Saxophones Orpheum Banjo Tangos and Mandolins All Instruments and Supplies for Trap Drummers Best Strings for All Stringed Instruments We repair all Stringed Instruments, re-head Drums and Banjos, re-pad Saxophones, re-hair Violin Bows, etc. Bring your instrument troubles to us. I IF I NEED OF ANYTHING IN THE LINE-OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OR MUSIC IT WILL PAY YOU (in real money) TO GET ACOUAINTED WITl US Down Town 110 S. MAIN ST. White rant