4 f THE MICHIGAN DAILY PI DALY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Volume WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1921 Number 62 To the Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans at 10 o'clock this morning in the President's office. M. L. BURTON. Lost Articles: Since the opening of the school year, a great many articles have been found and turned in at the Secretary's office, which have never been called for by the owners. There are umbrellas, fountain pens, keys, silver pencils, gloves, shell rimmed glasses, and pocketbooks. All who have recently lost such articles please call at the Lost & Found Department, Secretary's office, University hall. SHIRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary. Notice: Mr. Arturo Macias Lopez may learn something of interest by calling at the Registrar's office. ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. All Students: Students having in their possession books drawn from the University Library, are notified that all such books are due Friday, Dec. 9. on account of the impending Christmas vacation. F. L. D. GOODRICH, Associate Librarian. Graduate Students: The Graduate club is holding a party for all graduate students on Wed- nesday evening, Dec. 7, at 7:30 o'clock. This is an excellent opportunity for graduate students In the various schools and colleges to know each other. Preceding the social program, a representative of the Graduate students will be elected for the Student counqil. Plans will be presented and dis- cussed for a dance to be held immediately after the Christmas holidays. JOHN F. ROSS, Secretary. Sophomoe Engineers: Assembly in Room 348 on Thursday, Dec. 8, at 11 o'clock. in architectural corridor of the Eng- ineering building. Coach Thorne, of the wrestling team, will be in the wrestling room from 1 to 5:30 o'clock today and tomor- row.,- Chaliapin Concert Changed to Dec. 20 Feodor Chaliapin, the great Russian basso, who was to sing on Dec. 6, at Arcadia auditorium, Detroit, has found it necessary to postpone his concert until Dec. 20. Tickets bought for the concert on the date first scheduled will be good on Dec. 20. Fred C. Kelly's "College Thoughts After Twenty Years," in Christmas Chimes.-Adv. !111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111|1111!I11|1111111111111111111111111|11111uullllllllllllllilli11u1111111111R111u11111t:ii . FOR Mi ci g a n CHRISTMAS Je ry and Stationery Song Books and Memory Books Blankets and Pillows5 Banners and Pennants - m- W A H R'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE = iltittt1i1111 11tit l t11 Il til !!1!111111 ll i lll111#1111 11tlitttiltlt i#111111!11 1 111111llllf iilltllllllu11lllltltltl Michigan Banners, Pennants, Blank- I don't care what happens or who Magazine subscriptions. Best club ets, and Pillows at Waher's University it happens to, so long as I can find rates at Wahr's Bookstores.-Adv. Bookstore.-Adv. that Episcopal booth at Barbour gym- Christmas Chimes appears on the War's U er Bokstore is op nasum on Friday afternoon and Campus Thursday morning. Just a evenings until Christmas.-Adv. Saturday.-Adv. quarter.-Adv. 1: lz I Sheepskin Coats Moleskins, Cravenetts, Overcoats, Pea Coats, Mackinaws and Corduroy P.FIELD. Freshman Engineers: Prof. W. D. Henderson, of the University Extension department, will address the freshman engineers on Wednesday, Dec. 7, at 11 o'clock, in room 348 Engineering building. C. E. WILSON, Head Mentor Freshman Engineers. Graduate English Club: The next meeting of the Graduate English club will be at 7:20 o'clock Thursday, Dec. 8. The place of meeting, however, will be Helen Newberry residence and not Newberry hall as previously announced. Professor Camp- bell will speak to the club at this time on "The Methods of Comparative Literature". All graduate students interested in the study of English are invited to attend. NEIL E. COOK, President. University Chors All members of the University Choir are requested to be present at the rehearsal in Lane Hall this evening. Next Sunday evening the Choir will sing several numbers at the Union Service in Hill Auditorium, which will be largely a musical service. GEORGE OSCAR BOWEN, Director. Romance Club: - The regular monthly luncheon of the Club will take place today at 12:15 o'clock, Dec. 7, at the Union. A. G. CANFIELD. Musie Students Recital: The following program will be given at the Tr-iversity School of Music by advanced students at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening: Prelude and Fugue, No. I and' II, from 'Well Tempered Clavichord" (Bach), Doris Schmidt; Theme and Variations (Proch), Birthday Song (Woodman), Esther Hollands; Soiress de Vienne, No. 6, Liszt), Geraldine McHenry; Would God I Were the Tender Apple Blossom (Old Irish), Myself When Young (Persian Garden) (Lehmann), Thomas E. Dewey; The Nightingale (Alebrieff-Liszt), Marche Militaire (Schubert-Tausig). Max Ewing; Concerto, No. 2, D minor (Spohr) (First Movement), Clarence Post. The general public is invited. No ppro-. nyone r'ood sen- Oated,; its for iepre- ots are guar- "TheQuarry" G. Claude Drake Proprietor Icy-Hot Carafe quart $7.75 U [] Reefers, $7.50 up KNICKERS, SUITS AND BREECHES Renember we are headquarters for Sport, Hiking' and Riding Togs for Ladies and Yen and have a large assortment to select from in Khaki,Whipcord, Corduroy, 0. D., Serge, etc. Also Sport Hose, Leather and Wrap Puttees. Finest Assortment of Auto Robes, Steamer Rugs, and Army Blankets. All prices from $2.50 up. Tom Wye Coats any color or style at $4.25, $7.00 and $7.50. Coat sweaters, slip-over sweaters, Hockey sweaters, Boys' and Girls' sweaters of all kinds at lowest prices. MUNSON ARMY SHOES are Just the shoes for winter wear. We have all kinds of High-Top Shoes, Munson Army and Dress Shoes, Rubber Boots in Slicker, Knee, Sport and Hip styles. Lowest priced, most comfortable and highest quality Men's and Boys' SHOES. Reg. 0. D. Wool Army Shirts, Dress Shirts, Underwear, extra qual- ity Wool Hose, Auto Gloves, Wool and Leather Gloves of all kinds. GILLETTE RAZOR SET AMD BLADES 48c. EXTRA BLADES ALSO Surplus Supplies Store, 213 N.4th Av. "It pays to .walk a few blocks" Icy-Hot B~ottes $2.50 anid up. Icy-Hot Food jar pint-size $3.75 Other Icy-Hots from $1.50 to $10.00 (-/ Cs- HOT ofou ieeps Contents Cold for3 Days: Not for C24 Hours Ise:" ;;Zs ; ii Headquarters for Dance and B a n qu Pr oy ra et THE. OPERA MUSIC ns De Luxe a 0 I admission charge. j New Lines in CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary. 1 I ^ I IY II I YI Y r { WHAT'S GOING ON WEDNESDAY 1i O-Rainbow club luncheon at Un- ion. 8:00-Junior architects meet in room 311of Enginering building. 4:00-Non-fraternity junior lits meet in room 205 of Mason hall. :0---Wayarers meet in room 304 of Union. 6: --elta Sigma Rho dinner at Un- ion. 7:00-Freshman Glee club practice at Union. 700-Indianapolis students meet in Union.' 7 *(-DIde club meets at Union. 7 00-Kentucky club meets at Union. 7 :15-Regular meeting of De Molay, followed by rehearsal of both de- grees in Harris hall. 7:30-Students' recital at School of Music. 7:80-'22 engineers hold smoker at Union. 7:30-Pennsylvania club meets in room 318 of Union. 7:30-Graduate club meeting and party at Barbour gymnasium. 8 :00--Quadrrangles meet in room 804 of Union. 8:00-Literary club meets at Union. 8:00-Prof. Aubrey Tealdi speaks to Cercle Francais in south wing of University hall. 8 OO-Circalo Itaulano meets in Cercle Francais rooms. 8:1&--Union opera, "Make It For Two," at Whitney theater. THURSDAY 416-Organ recital in Hill auditor- 7:15-Varsity Glee club rehearsal at Union. 7:1$-Spanish lecture by Garcia Prada inTannan hail 7:15-New York students meet in room 205 of Mason hall. 7:30-Gun and Blade club meets in reading room of Union 7:80-Round-Up club meets at Union. 8:15-Union opera, "Make It For Two," at Whitney theater. U-NOTICES There is an exhibition of water colors hr Paper, Leather, Wood and Celluloid the Mayer- Schairer Company S12 South Main Street ... I - EVERY NUMBER A HIT Get the music now. A bock of the scores will help you enjoy the opera more when you see it; or, if ou saw it last night, it will serve to bring back pleasant memories of Michigan's sixteenith Union opera in days to come. i BEGINNING SUNDAY. FOR ONE SOLID WEEK THE PRICES WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS THE WONDER PICTURE Book of Scores In Sheet Form OF ALL TIMES I - $2.00 - .40 H Ov erehe ill i ONE SOLID YEAR ON BROADWAY 7 STRAIGHT WEEKS IN DETROIT fiill-flsfast Wholim mt., ONLY A G R EAT PICTURE CAN ESTABLISH SUCH A RECORD . MICHIGAN'S MUSIC- HEADQUARTERS