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December 04, 1921 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-12-04

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"Movies" As An Educational Factor

(By Millard H. Pryor)
'There is absolutely no question
that one of the important educational
factors of the future is to be the edu-
cational film," is a statement by Prof.
W. D. Henderson, head of the Uni-
versity Extension division. "In order,
however, to secure educational films
of high grade, it is necessary that
teachers of experience and profes-
sors in our colleges and universities
become interested in their produc-
tion. The University Extension di-
vision, through its Bureau of Visual
Instruction, is planning to extend and
improve the quality and scope of its
visual instruction material, and es-
pecially that relating to the use of
slides and films suitable for communi-
ty and health instruction."
Like many other branches of the
University this Bureau of Visual' In-
struction which is handled by Kemp
Keena, assistant director of the Ex-
tension division, is heard of very little
on the campus, but such is not the
case throughout the state. In some
of the outlying rural sections where
other departments of the University
are partially known, this bureau is
accomplishing one of its purposes in
forming a connection between the
community and the University. Many
people are meeting in rural school-
houses and being entertained and in-
structed by means of this service. Nor
are rural communities the only ones
to profit by the activities of this
bureau. High schools and grade
schools in the larger cities, Indust-
ries,, and other civic organizations
are also users of the material sent out
by this Visual Instruction bureau.
In operation the bureau consists of
a library of slides and motion pic-
tures of an educational nature, which
are sent free of charge to any or-
ganization that will agree $o present
them to the public. But the service
goes farther than this; the slides are
arranged in sets dealing with some
topic and accompanying each set is a
manuscript which gives complete in-
formation about each slide. By means
of this manuscript interested persons
such as teachers, ministers, or public
officials can prepare a lecture to go
with the presentation 'of the slides.
The slides and films are often used for
straight classroom work as well as
for educational work in factories and
One of the advantages of the slides
A prize of 50,000 Kroner for the best
novel by a Dane or Norwegian is of-
fered by the Danish publishing firm
of Gyldendalska Boghandal. The novel
which receives the prize will be pub-
lished abroad by Gyldenal, and in this
country by Alfred A. Knopf, as one of
the Borzoi-Gyldenal books. Fifty
(housand Kroner, at current exchange,
is about $10,000.
According to the terms of the con-
test, the prize will in any case be
awarded, and will not be divided. The
judges are to be: Wilhelm Andersen,
Professor of Northern Literature at
Kristiania University; Ludvig Ho-
stein, author; Anders Krogvik, Chief
Librarian at the Norwegian Storting;
and Axel Garde, representing Gylden-
al. The contest closes March 1, 1923.

is that they can be used in rural slides called "Michigan Bird Life and sider the fact that some were served
schools and communities where there Its Conservation" which is just an a number of times. The reports that
are no moving picture projecting ma- example of the special sets that are are required with the return of the
chines available, for the Bureau even made when organizations desire. slides or films at the end of the week
goes so far as to furnish lantern pro- As for the topics of the films which show that the total audience amount-
jecting machines. It has been en- are obtained from Washington and ed to more than 94,000. However, it
couraging to note how many of these other centers they range from one call- is estimated that this year the figures
places have been given this service. ed "Suds" dealing with the making will be doubled and perhaps trebled.
Another special branch of the ser- of a washing machine to one entitled It would be impossible to estimate
vice is the slides and films of the "Apple Orchards that Pay" showing the value such a service is rendering
-campus that have been prepared main- a method of protecting apples from both in immediate and future gains,
ly for the use of alumni organiza- frost. The slides for the main part, for like all educational work the bene-
tions in interesting students in the however, deal with academic work as fits are not on the surface. But it is
University although they very often there are, for example, sets on Shake- gratifying to realize that Michigan is
were used for other purposes. In con- speare, Caesar, and Greek history. taking a prominent part in this pion-
nection with the special branches, at- Last year 126 different communi- eer work that without doubt will ac-
tention might be called to the set of ties were served, which does not con- complish great things in the future.
Mus ic-The Sensible Holiday Gift

THE really sensible gift is the remem-
brance which fits in with the spirit of the
Holiday Season, and which can be ap-
preciated every day in the year. Music,
more than anything else, satisfies these
requirements. It is universal in its ap-
peal; it is always enjoyed and appreciat-
ed, and it reflects the good taste of the
THE University Music House has the best
and most co mp l e t e stock of musical
goods in Ann Arbor - arranged with
the view toward h elp in g you select
appropriate Christmas Gifts. You will
find it a distinct pleasure to make your
selections from our large assortment of
musical merchandise.

Mrs.. M . ou
fila -695 East Wi1ium t.

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