-otd A; Steaks come from- I Tender Neat like you get -at the - ). INTURY MAIN MARKET PHONE 1091 with this issue The Michigan Daily inau- gurates its WEEKLY MARKET PAGE The purpose ofibis Page is to furnish Market Quotations to fraternities, sororities, house clubs and the faculty, for arti- cles for the table. This Page will hereafter be a regular fea- ture of The Michigan Daily. It will pay you to read it. The merchants who advertise here are desirous and worthy of your patronage. Watch This Space NEXT WEEK for Interesting PRIZE MENU CONTEST Next week The Michigan Daily will announce the details of a Prize Menu Contest, Menus to be published on this page. If you can make out a good menu, do so, it will be worth your while. FRYUPRO, FOR YOUR .PROTECTION MILK CREAM h. )Yr. Steward--- - SERVE --- CREAM FRIED CAKES There is nothing else you can serve so economically, There is nothing will be enjoyed more. CREAM FRIED CAKES BUTTER EGGS We Deliver to Your Door Ann Arbor Creamery Co. PHONE 684 123 WEST LIBERTY STREET $100,000 in Plant and Equipment - Equal of State. Every product you purchase of us comes guaranteed as to its purity and goodness. any in to you The Ann Arbor Dairy C Phone 423 HEALTH FIRST ' It- GOOD TO THINGS EAT all the world was made ating people of candy, still would cuister themost. around discrimin- The COLLEGE BAK E RY WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CAKES AND ROLLS FOR YOUR PARTIES PHONE IN YOUR ORDERS AND WE WILL DELIVER PHONE 238 516 EAST LIBERTY The Ann Arbor Sugar Bowi 109 South Main Street And nothing is done without a reason! The reason here is that Preketes make all their own candy and pack it in special boxes and baskets, priced all the way from 40c to $15.00. Nothing could makea better gift for Mother or Sweetheart than a few pounds of our chocolates packed in a Chinese basket. Nothing could more effectively convey the Yuletide spirit. s.~ ty We Advertise? *, a A few days ago one of our customers asked Mr. Geisen- dorfer this question: "Why do you advertise? You have the largest and best equipped grocery and meat market in Ann Arbor and every one knows it." These are the reasons why- We want everyone to know that we aim to give the best in quality and service. We want the name Weinmann-Geisendorfer to be syn- onymous to the best in groceries and meats. We want the name of Weinmann-Geisendorfer to come .to your mind whenever you think of a juicy tenderloin or fresh vegetables, a young fowl or good groceries. We want-you to think of 1 5 0 0 when you think of phoning an order - and we want you to know that there are a corps of efficient clerks ready to answer your call from one of the three phones in our store. , .: . _ . ~ _.. ', t .: t; ,. After the show let us serve you light lunch Our hot chocolate a is delicious I A THAT ARE FRESH AND CLEAN IT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD HOW MEAT IS CUT AND PUT UP. IF YOU WANT A. LEMBLI 530 Forest Avenue POULTRY, GAME AND Fle IN SEASON Y/< 'Wholesale and Retail PHONES 407 AND 399 Fancy Milk-Fed Chickens for Roasting - per lb....... 28c, 30c, Choice Lean Pork Shoulder Roasts -- per lb................... Choice Home-Killed Veal Roasts............. 2 lbs. Pure Rendered Lard .. . .. Fancy Ribs of Beef...,.:,....................... Choice Lean Beef Pot Roasts............ ...14c, 3 Pkg. Armour Corn Flakes....... .......... ..... 10 lbs. Pure Cane Sugar .. .. ........... .... g Cans Choice Corn Peas or Tomatoes ...................... X0 Bars Any Kind Laundry Soap...... ........ I -- 3-b. Can Crisco ..................... We deliver to any part of the city free of charge. Remember - Everything you buy at Lemble's is guarant or your money gladly refunded. YOU WILL DO BETTER AT LEMBLE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 530 FOREST AVENUE ann - Geisndorfer Company A ROAST PHONE US' AND WE FOR SUNDAY JUST YOUR ORDER NOW WILL DELIVER IT The "Quality First" THREE PHONES ONV NU0E 0 N E NUMBER Store A. R.GFELL 223 NORTH MAIN STREET PHONE 393. e