I., vollcn City Y.W.C.A. Opens Cafeteria NNAt Custom Tailor 14 NICKELS ARCADE Junior Girls' play manuscripts Excellent service, superior quality should be handed in to Elsa Oiesen, home cooking, and the usual Y. W. C. '23, by Oct. 15. A. low prices on food will prevail at - the new cafeteria which is to be form- Tryouts fof junior and senior class ally opened to .men and women by the hockey teams will' meet at 5 o'clock, city Y. W. C. A. at noon today. Monday, Oct. 3, in Barbour gym'nas The hour fo ervng are fm 11:30 +_ -,ant-n~n ~ 3 m r *,.n 7 ln k - ~s-C-ANDIRts STEAM &GAS FITTING _ TELEPHONE 214-F1 a'iiii 1111 liii 11111111 ii IHi IlltlNlli[ttllifli l[lldllli i 1111lllllllllll Satisfaction I um. KNICKERS TUXEDOS RIDING BREECHES EVENING CLOTHES GOLF SUITSa WHITE FLANNEL VESTS AND TROUSERS Here TheyAre! ,_ Mm, The surprisingly new French - English squared toe oxfords-originated by Walk-Over dekigners. Smartly low heeled. Women have been seeking just such a style innovation. soft, very flexible Scotch Grain. The smartest walk- ing shoe in many seasons. R. J. HOFFSTETTER 115 South Main Street Girls who wish work may see Dean Myra B. Jordan at, her offce. Any person wishing to have type- writing or stenographic work done may get in touch with experienced girls wishing to do this kind of work by notifying Mrs. Jordan's secretary. Chaperones for the dances this week end are to be as follows: at the Un- ion-Mrs. H. G. Berger; at the Arin- ory-Mrs. H. B. Lazzell; at the Pack- ard-Mrs. H. W. Cake. All University girls are invited to a Y. W. C. A. tea from 3:30 to 6 o'clock Friday afternoon to meet Miss; Mary Ross, general se'cretary of the Y. W. C. A. of Northwestern university.O. Information may be obtained at the; Y. W. C. A. office at Newberry hall at all hours of the day. Tryouts for the University School of Music Girls' Glee club will be held frem 10 to 11 o'flock Saturday, Oct. 1, and from 3:30 to 5:10 o'clock, Thurs- day, Oct. 4. Junior and freshman grls are in- vited to the junior adviser dinner for freshmen at 6 .o'clock Monday, Oct. 3, at Barbour gymnasium. A student's athletic book has been found and turned in to the office ok the dean of women. The ownermay re- ceive it by applying to Miss Sherman, Mrs. Jordan's secretary. A sorority pledge pin which cannot be identified. has been broug1t in to Mrs. Jordan's secretary, where it may be found by the owner.. tO O C tclc and r om 5to 7o o on week days, and from 12 to 2 o'clock on Sundays. During October, the cafeteria will be open each Saturday from 11:30 until 7 o'clock continuous- ly. Accommodations may be secured for parties, luncheons, afternoon teas, and banquets. Home baked goods may be purchased after a reasonable length of notice to the director. Health Service Reports Few Calls UJniversity students are in good physical condition this year in the opinion of Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, of the Health service. There have been the usual number of calls at the dis- pensary. for the treatment of minor cuts and bruises, but nothing of a serious nature has appeared yet this yekr. Only three students are under treatment at ,the University hospital at the present time. Visible Remington typewriters for sale. $35.00 up. 711 N. Univ., 2nd floor.-Adv. li a USE OUR OPTICAL DEPT. EYES EXAMINED I{ Broken lenses replaced the same day you leave them. Gold and Shell Frames Repaired. *R. co. FULLER 4 .£ lIE ISTE RED OPTOMIETR~IST NXTT T-T~ Mau ATOO BLACK ANR BROWN-$9.50 .. L A SSIF I "THIS CLOSES ADVERTISING , AT 3 P.M. Law text books. .new and second hand, at WahT's, 316 S. State St.-Adv. Shorthand, Typewriting, Secre- tarial, and Commercial Courses. New Term - Oct. 3rd I HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 'A Reliable Jeweler 1 ,12 South Main WS. MILLS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN OFFICE: 616 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 321-F1 SiOrhand, Typewriting, Secre. tt al, and Commercial-Coaurses. New '+erm -Oci. 3rd IIA'4ILTON 0 , UUSINESS COLLEGE I,- _. llALLE1R Royal Master Model Typewr FULLER, STATE STREET JEWEL. A' I .Compare the Work'' WANTED [-Boarders by day or week. . Huron St. $7.00 per week ee meals. $6.00 per week for 1. Single meals 50c. $1.25 y. Special tabled for clubs. 2-21 D - Work between classes g cars in order. Applicant is Sweeney's Automobile School Experienced. Archie Morley, Tashtenaw. Phone 1576-R. 5-2 D - Student Washing, ladies ntlemen, to do at home. First work. Colored lady. Phone 5-3 D-Board job, one, two, or meals. One year experience in nity. Phone 2459,-M, evenings. 6 D-A desirable student wants nate in pleasant suite at 429 ision. Good location. 5-3 M-Home board, fine men stu- $6.00 per week. Inquire 623 ision. 5-2 MD-Club of 20 or 25 to board hool year. Box R. W., Michi- aily. 6-2 ID-To fire your furnace. Ful- >erienced. Phone 215-M. Kel- 6-2 D- Students' and nurses' ry at 329 S. Seventh St. 6 FOA SALE LLE - Several Dodge Broth- 'ourings, prices from $250 to Ford Chassis just what you for Speedsters, priced, very See these and get our prices erms before you buy a used Ann Arbor Garage, 206 -W. i St., dealers in Dodge Broth- Motor Cars. 5- \LE-A fraternity building site. >f the best in the city. L. D. 17 A. Al Sav. Bank Bldg. 6-3 ALE - Hammond typewriter. condition with three type shut- 25. Phone 2139-R. 6 ALE- Two invisible Reming- one for $5; one for $7.50. /711 iversity, 2nd floor,_Room 2. 6 ALE-Willys six, wire wheels. ondition. Only $375. Apply krbor Nash Co. 6 FOR RENT x FOR RENT-Suite for two, newly fur- nished, second floor. Twelve dollar suite for nine, lessee going into fra- ternity will pay difference. Near campus. Snap. 332 E. Jefferson. 4-4 FOR RENT - Share in large front suite. Steams heat, desks. Also roommate wanted for double room. Phone 1194-M. 422 E. Washing- ton. 6-3 FOR RENT-Two large well furnished front rooms, 1309 S. State St., oppo-. site Ferry Field, with board if de- sired. Phone 2196-4. 4-21 FOR RENT - Fine newly furnished single room. Also other rooms.' Reasonable.Four blocks from cam- pus. 1107 So. State. FOR RENT-Large light rooms. Just opened. Steam heat, rooms kept warm., Two blocks from campus. 422 E. Huron. 6-4 FOR RENT-Double room and suite for two or three, steam heated. Two' blocks from campus. 311 Thomp- son. FOR RENT-Fuinished rooms, 2 sing1- es $4 each; one double $7.50. Phone 579-M._1212_E. University. 6 FOR RENT-A large room at $10 for 3 or $12 for 4. Two blocks from campus. 507 E. Liberty. 6 FOR RENT-Suite, three blocks fdom campus Steam heat. $10.00. Phone 233-J. 5-2 FOR RENT-Nice furnished suite, 2nd floor. 924 E. Ann. 1288-W. 6-3 There are several positions open to girls who wish to work in private fam- ilies cooking and serving dinner, fronx 4 o'clock in the afternoon on. Miss Sherman, Mrs. Jordan's secretary, will be glad to talk to girls who wish work of this kind. Dean Myra B. Jordan will receive the women of thc freshman class at 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon, in a meeting which is primarily intended to acquiant the.members of the class xvith one another, and to form plans for class organization. Rent a Maste . .JO0 $3.00 aMonth 4 Months, $10.00 I I I STUDENTS! A REAL OPPORTUNITY Do you want to save three or four dollars on high-grade guar- anteed shoes l Call at my sam- ple, room, 712 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., or phone 2849-J for ap- pointment. ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO., I6 - A. C. Stimson, Representative 421 S. Division Strdet | FOR RENT-Single rooms. 424 So. Fifth Ave. Price reasonable. 6 FOR RENT-Attractive double room. Reasonable. 915 E. Ann. 6-2 FOR RENT-One suite, one block from campus. ,Phone 2143-J. * 5-2 FOR RENT-Room. Good sized single room, 604 Mary Court. 4-3 LOST LOST-A pocketbook with money and personal visiting cards in it. Last Thursday morning, somewhere around State St., or campus. Finder please notify 1001 S. State St. or phone 1872-J. , 6 LOST-Gold bar pin with 1Harvard seal. Please return to Margaret Gam'ble, Martha Cook Bldg, Phone, 627. Reward. 6-3 LOST-Leather note book withi name, initials of which are T, E. D. Please call 1505. 6-2 LOST-Four $5.00 chemistry labora' tory coupons. Call Newcombe at 5-M. 4-3 LOST-Silver fountain pen with initi- als E. S. H. Call Miss Hoyt, 2226-M. 5-3 LOST--A pair non-rim nose glasses. Call Smith, 2738. 6 ALL NEW WOMEN- TO HAVE ADVISOR.S All entering upperclass women are being assigned advisers either from the sophomore or the senior cMass. Gamilla Hayden, 1'22, has charge of the senior advisers while Doris Crouse, '24, is in charge of the work being done by the sophomore class. The work of these committees-comes under .that of the intercollegiate committee of the Women's league and is similar to that done by, the junior advisers for the freshman women. As soons as- the file of names of en- tering upperclass women is complete, definite hours will be announced dur- ing whih. senior and sophomore wo- men may consult with the chairmen of the committees and ascertain the names of the .new upperclass women which have been assigned to them. Announcement of these hours will be made through the columns of The Daily early next week. Someone will see the Wisconsin Game at the expense of the Arcade Barber Shop. Ask about it.-Adv. Portable Underwood and Remington typewriters for sale or rent. 711 N. Univ., 2nd floor, Room 2.-Adv. We can't go to the Wisconsin Game but will send a representative. Ar- cade Barber Shop.-Adv. MISCELLANEOUS TWO STUDENTS, energetic and re- sponsible to sell food product in' wide demand to housewives, restaur- ants, etc., throughout the college year. Write stating sales e perience to C. E. Shaffner Company, 1711 Ford Bldg., Detroit. 4-21= HAIR-DRESSER makes residential calls. Facial, scalp treatments, man- icuring, shampooing, French mar- celle, hair dyeing, Marinello cream and powder. Marinello system. Phone 1822-R. 6 BOARD-Real home cooking, $7.59 for three meals. $6.25 for two. Mrs. Wm. Flynn, 607 Hill. . 5-3 Telephone" 1 p 1.... , QUALITY. 0r" 11 A CLEAN i1I28- H OW do you feel as you walk into class with the, assigned work for that course not done - a trifle guilty, don't you? And you wil agree that you feel as uneasy Alen you walk into a class knowing. that you. could "stand" a shave.o Do noti neglect either of these duties "SHiAVE', -prepare your work and yourself for any sort of an examination and you know that you are always fit to meet it. We carry a complete line of Gillette's (new and old style) Auto-strop, .Keen butter, Gem, etc. Blades, soap, in fact every thing that you need when you shave yourself. :0 , I_ 4 The Washington Street entrance is the nearest to the counter were razors are.kept. NO*I~u o # ALE-Dining Room Set, Desk Chair and three Phone 786. Desk Book 5-2 I 1 - Bicycle. Price 415. 6-M. Address 219 South 6-2 -Boston Ifull dog. Excel- raternity. Phone 2422-W. 6 FOUND ne lightweight top coat at t June. See Loeffler at 410 fter 7 P. M. 6 >untain pen Friday. Call Monday, 7-8 P. M. 6 Up-to-the-3linute Hardware 4' QUJA1:TY. tS rj ' da 'Pi Near the Corner of Main and Washington Streets / 41 .. i , - _ rte, .