THE MICHIGAN DAILY s.-Adv. Calkins Fletcher Drug Co. and the Cushing Drug Co. invite the inspection ol o'-~y BRU'd REBRPRICE IPES$6.00 4ONONN11- Ivory. stopper in the stem stvps aol moisture Agents for the United States and Canada GROSVENOR NICHOLAS & CO., Inc. 12 East 48th Street New York City - } i I .. RULE IN MEXICO SHOWS PROGRHESS, HARD STRUGGLE MADE TO JOIN COUNTRY TORN BY WAR AND STRIFE LACK OF RECOGNITION HINDERS GOVERNMENT Many International Problems Together With Questions of Foreign Poli. cies Baffle Solution Mexico City, Nov. 29.-The first year of General Alvaro Obregon's admin- istration as president of Mexico which ends Nov. 30, has been one essentially of reconstruction and reorganization. He became the head of a republic torn and worn by revolution, split by fac- tional strife, its finances a wreck and its rehabilitation an almost superhu- man task. Many Complicated Problems The federal-owned railroads have been completely reorganized in the managerial departments and some pro- gress is being made toward their re- habilitation. Rolling stock has been acquired and an alarming port con- gestion, which threatened bankruptcy to ma.y interior merchants who were unable to obtain shipments of goods, has been appreciably relieved. The agrarian question still vexes, although the administration claims that its program in regard to lands is on the road to completion. Under the direction of the National Agrarian comnmission, several hundred thousand acres of land have been -expropriat, d from the large haciendas and delivered to the peasants. Radlealism Changed The Obregon government has been charred with a trend tovWard radical- ism. Various state governments, not- ably those of Veta Cruz .and Pnebla have enacted laws that are regarded here as radical and pleas for federal intervention to prevent their enforce- ment have been met with the official statement* that he chief execuive will not encroach upon the sovereignty of the states. There are frequent san- guinary clashes in the states of Yuca- A year, then, of Obergon finds a thing should tan and Michoacan between radicals nation more united and outwardly necessity of and conservatives with the former still peaceful than in years; still strug- any one of t retaining their power. gling to arrange its finances but handi- departments. The War Department announces that capped by lack of recognition by three organized. progress is being made in the reduc- great powers; a nation making some ployed durli tion of the federal army to 50,000 men, progres along the lines of reconstruc- night. All o entailing the dismissal of many score tion anc reorganization. ployes of coi generals and other high ,officers. The only contact dismissed soldiers are being given an STATE OPERATES TELEPHONES department opportunity to colonize. IN NEW OFFICE BUILDING mercial exch Failed to Secure Recognition ------ mercial excl Pres. Obregon has been unable to Lansing, Nov. 29.-A state owned nection with secure recognition of his government telephone exchange, larger than many calling party by the United States, Great Britain of the commercial exchanges in the state exchar and France. To many observers, this smaller cities, is operating the tele- through in t failure is the greatest deterrent to phones in the new state office building There are stability and prosperity now confront- and in the capitol. phones tappi ing the chief executive. The United With the completion of the new of- service is giv States has said that the Mexican presi- floe building it was decided that some- night. dent must sign a treaty of amity and commerce-as a prior act to recogni- tion and this Pres. Obregon has stead- fastly declined to do, asserting such REMOVE THE DA action would be neither legal nor within the dignity or pride sof the nation. Step into either of our offices and 1 The financial rehabilitation of Mexi- co is still a subject for study and the only ,idfinite information on that sub- You will feel at ease knowing your ject Is the official assurance that the government wishes to arrange its safely deposited in your individual debts, those massive doors - Claims against the government for damages suffered by foreigners dur- lug the revolutionary periods are to be treated by a mixed claims commission, according to Pres. Obregon's sugges- FARMERS & MECHANI( tion, but thus far there is no intima- 101-105 South Main Street. tion that such a commission has been established. be done to eliminate the calling, through central, he twenty or thirty state The state exchange was Five operators are em- ng the day and two at of them were former em- mmercial companies. The the person calling a state now has with the corn- hange is the to the com- hange requesting a con- "the state." When the .y is connected with the nge the number is put he regular way. approximately 200 tele- ng the state exchange and ven on all of them, dtay or - i_ a I_ V 1 I NGER oak over our pnAent valuables are box behind X ttti ttn ir, AL FOR SALE BY in Boxts CS BANK 0 South State Street (Nickels Arcade) o. D. Morrill 17 Nickls Arcade --at- __ i The Fountain Room Beautiful Nickels Arcade I' I -I., Ud 8'Io C ::' 1 're I Fischer's Reminder In order that the reading room at the Union may be finished the Veterans' Me- morial Committee is going to put on a real movie starring I-. Viola Dina I w mI N. N her0 are No Vill ins a Added Specialities-. Buster Keaton Comedy---Kennedy Society Orchestra The entire proceeds will be applied on a fund to complete the reading room. You owe it to yourself, to the Union and to the University to see this picture. a And it's going to be some picture How could it help but be when it involves a mysterious romance of opium smug- glers, secret service and love. You will be held spellbound by the great struggle in which love and the law both fight for the same man. Which got him? Well, we won't say because that would be telling but just you see this picture-you'll be surprised. I -35 cts.- Tickets at Bookstores - 35 ets. LET'S GOTHEN-ARE YOU BACK OF US TO HELP SHOVE THIS ACROSS? It's your opportunity - Let's pack- that Auditorium A !MM OWN I I 0 .' ' inco mu d1 u i