MLC ALUMI HIL $50,OQ0 IS NEW (GOAL SETU IOR BLT1LDIMG; $1O,OO ALREADY RAISED Michigan a five-ton dumping truck, which will be a great aid to the Uink- versity, as up to this time the trucks had to be hired by the day, says E. C. Pardon, superintendent of the Build- ings and Grounds department. BROG SAF PAK LAUNDRY CASE S S S IT IS LARGE IT IS NEW IT IS STRONG IT COSTS MUCH LESS- THERE ARE NONE BETTER. IHONE 112 AN~D HAVE ONE SENT TO YOU-. [QAG'S, 2Q9-a11 E. Washington 3t JUST A FEW MINUTES' WALK BUY AT BOTTOM PRICES M ICR OSC OP E S ON EASY TERMS . Histological and Bacteriological Laboratory SupphieS AT LOWEST FIGURES hie Eberbzach & Son Co. he Old Stand-- INS p NLinsing, Sept. 30.-Alumni of the ~Michigan \Agricultural College have decided to resume a campaign to se- cure -for the East iSansin,g college a Union building similar to the Michi- gan Union at Ann Arbor. A drive for $150,000 for a Union building was started a year or two ago andl that amount was raised with comn- pairatively little difficulty. With the money on hand, however, it was de- cided to postpone~ building in view of prevailing high~ prices of material. The newest development in the plans was a decision to raise more money in- stead of going ahead with the building as originaly planned. At a recent meeting of the alumni association, which was attended by representatives from several cities, it was decided that the $150,000 build- ing contemplated would be entirely inadequate for the students at the M. tered thi enaitwa rpointed out, a Indications are that the ~coilege soon will have a yearly enrollment of well above 2,000. The new goal set by the association this amount will erect a suitable structure with -room for everyone. Lost Your Pin ? Don 't :iilame It On The Laundry Men's shirts' Poor~ little shorn shirts! They go to the laundry with but- tons and pins-but when they wanger back! Gone is the dear old butqon that hung by one string, and 'gone is the moss covered cu't link. Nowhere is the borrowed -fountain pen that clasped the front in a paralyzed grip, and alas-ah!-a diamond studded hairpin that cuddled in a bosom pock- 'in the limbo of the laundry It was lost forever. Fraternity pins, quarters and nick- els, even to the yellow backs clasped in the steel grip of a safety pin, lad- ies' kerchiefs, a pale and lifeless wrist watch, contrive the bounteous collectioni that a gentleman's shirt will bring to a laundry. Not only does this pet negligence disturb the owner of this accumulative shirt, and the laundry man as well, but for another dthe tears of the commuunity fall- to the poor, patient worker who stands faithfuly all day long picking fraternity pins from the wash wring- er. Cohsider this thien, men of Mici-i gan. Rise from your pondering with a moist brow and.- Unload the shirt before you send it to the laiundry. , . "WHIMSIES" REAJY FOR SECOND YEAR Whiimsies, campus literary magazine, will lbegin its second year with the November issue. Whimsies is strictly a student magazine, seeking to rep- resent, through student writing, Mich- igan's literary aspirations. Professor Cowden(9( the rhetoric department, will be faculty advisor to the editorial staff. The co-opera- tion of various departments, fine arts, torelgn literature, music and others oftkindred aim isn abeing sought, tion of theibest essays written in these 'fields. The policy~ of Whimsies will con- tinue to be the publishing of verse, essays, one-act plays, and distinctive short stories. Communications and manuscripts should be sent to Box 147, Ann Arbor. Subscriptions are being taken at the desk in the library at West Hall, and at Wahr's bookt- stores. 4Get New Truck for University- The State Highway Department has just turned over to the University of 1111 South University Avenue IEngineers and Arcitects Materials. White Swan Laundry Agenc.) Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Note Books newra Corona wf'ri2 Oter . ke See*u*biore you buy-' SPE CIA L to ST UDE NTS A student without a typewriter Is badiy handicapped these days when most college work must be typed to bring the best marks, For as little as $5.00 a month you can now purchase a high grade TYPEWRITER from 0. D. MORRILL 17 NIckels Arcade some in and s~ Black or Browi SBest Grade Oxfo SBest Grade H igh I Other Shoes at a GROSS A 117 EAST Wi ee the new Brogues, n, Oxfords or Shoes. rds. . . . . . . . . . . .$ 9.( iShoes .. . .. . .. 1O.( / UT TODA ny price you wish to pay NJJ DIETZEL A.SIINGTON STREET UNDER NEW MANACEMENT ST U DE NTS S UP P LY S TO F I U New Victor -Re cords ~uality, Service and Right Prices 1116 SO. U NIVE RSITY FOR OCTOBER WE LIST A FEW OF THE MOS7FNOTABLE$ 5-. %Get 'em froni 0. & H. Men's Shoe Shop DANCE RECORDS A BABY IN LOVE-FOX TROT ....... .......................lacke-Berge Orc'bestra THE L AST WAL TZ-MEDLEY WAL TZ. .. .. .. . .... . .. . . .. Hackel-Berge Orchestra IN A BOAT-FOX TROT.....................................'.... Paul Whiteman SWEETHEART-FOX TROT........................ ............... Paul Whiteman ILO--FOX( TROT ................................... All-Star Trio and Orchestra MIMI-FOX TROT .................................. All-Star Trio and Orchestra JBALTIMORE BUZZ-FOX TRO ....................... Eube Blake and Orchestra BANDANA DAYS-ONE-STEP.......................:.Eubie Blakie and Orchestra BRING BACK MY BLUSHING ROSE-MEDLEY FOX TROT......Silking Oreetra STOLEN KISSES--FOX'TROT ......................... E. Coleman anid Orchestra & 0 0,~ i A Fal Mode & '0'. . IN- - - & H. Footwear RED SEAL RECORDS MY LADDIE BOY........ ....... ..... ........... .. ... .... ... .. . Sophie Braslan HUNGARIAN DANCE-No. 17 In F Sharp Minor.................... Miseba Elman FAUST-Waltz .................................................. Erika Iloriul FINLAINDIA (Symphonic Poem). .. .. ... . .. . .. ... . ... . .. ... Piladelphia Orchestra GOLLIWOGG'S CAKE-WALK ................................ Sergei Uachimanunoff > TILE WANT OF YOU.......................................... Edward Jolrnson We cordially invite every one to call and look over the complete Victor list for October. play any record that you desire to hear. We will gladly do it. Toe THiE CUT REPRODUCES A SCOTCH GRAIN OXFORD Soft or Hard Tde, iit Black or Tan 3~tntlwr0t4J lUun tt *Jnunr O'KANE & HERTLER Featuring Thompson's Brogues 335 SOUTH IMAIN STREET U l~ll~lli Il II Il Ill luiMii 11 HI iii 1111111111 ii III111111111111 i011111111111111111111111 1111111 l111111111111 1111 1 l l IIIs i liln 11111111111 1111111111 111l1 I IIn 1111111 IlIIiIlI In I * ~PACKARD ACADEMYT -- fl II (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) Eery Friday and Saturday Night Iii II I I 3AN UNION ORCHESTRA -TICKETS ON SALE Chaperones designated by the Dean of Women AT WAHR'S BOOK STORE AND THE DELTA TICKETS $1.