DEPRTrMENT OF JOURNALISM RECEIVES ,ate j COPY PREPARED BY LEADING REPOR'TERS S''TARKTING T O-DAY From 5oc'eiy Sbecaus~e she Queen to Cheap Dikhwa3Qr- didn t .realize the value of money! Y OU who doubt that D OUR widely differ. truth is stranger 1 ent charatcters art than, fiction must see marvelously portrayet Clara Kimball Young by l31iss Y ounag it in "CHARGE~ IT." You "CHARGE IT," From ivho love screea plays of dazzliag society queen t4 the be tt er kiad, see dishwasher in a cheat "CHARGE IT." You who restaurant, ruaning thi delight in lavish investi- entire gamut of humas tore, perfection in Conti- emotions. It presenti nity of action and me- Clara Kimball Young i, ellence, see "9CHARGE IT:" her most lavish physicn It'S the equal of all and loveliness and in hey the superior of most legi- greatest dramatic aej~q~ timate stage plays at W.O I~ishment, y pr Xsat Or mre. SHlOWING I MATINEE 1:30 -3:Oa --4:30 EVENING 7 :00 AND 8:30 Last Feature Starts 9:00 P. M. N e ws arrives in such handy form to thle reader that many times the labors of the reporter are overlooked. VWe like to think of the greatest of re- porters, those who are assigned to the big jobs,_ such as the arms con- ference, as being men who can sit down at a typewriter and dash off perfect copy by the ream. Not Quite Sol That is not the case shown by a scrutiny of the original stones of sev- eral of the country~s leading report- ers and feature writers, secured by the department of rhetoric and jour- nalism through the courtesy of V. V. MbcNitt, head of the Central Press association. Samuel G. Blythe, Irvin S. Cobb, Ring Lardner, George .Ade and David Lawrence, men who are recognized in their various fields, of- In its in noi- 116; 'PRIV TC 6ECSaN IN "117. kG V... I a7 I entimes are forced to use the correct- ing pencil, or see it used, just as the beginner in the newspaper game. Words are changed, phrases altered Rand corrections made that will make the copy as near perfect as possible under the conditions. Many of the' "stories, written under pressure of time in order that they might be telegraphed all over the country, show the haste of the writer. The report of the Car-; pentier-Dempsey aught at Jersey City, the side-lights of the recent World Series, an)d the story of the cere- monies at the burial of the unknown dead in Washington all show that the writers are hurrying to get theiry stories on the wire and to the many newspapers in the country. The re- port of the opening of the arms con- ference at Washington is a. typical story in which new events continually demand that the treatment-of the story be changed, and that the whole thing to be-fashioned. Can't Edit Lardnees Stories A fable in slang by Genrge Ade and a humorous feature by Ring Lardner attract 'attention. The latter is quite free from editing, without a doubt be- cause of the peculiar style oirthe writ- er, which sets an editor completely at a loss. 'tie typewritten sheets of Samuel G. Blythe are particularly-,interesting because of the fact that the words are run together. and separ~ated only byr heavy vertical, ink lines. The story. is that Blythe has a typewriter that does not space properly, but that he believes it can alone aid him in his work. Offers by editors to purchase him a new machine have met with flat refusals. Open for Inspection The original penciled and. typewrit- ter sheets offer many opportunities for the young journalist &o study. the work of the great reporter's and feat- ure writers, and it is because of this that the works were brought -here. The manuscripts 'are open to inspec- tion to all who are interested. They can be seen in the journalism room, third floor of University hall. MADGE KENNEDY IN "CORNERED" Madge Kennedy who went over to the films three years ago and was sup- posed to have been irretrievably lost, has returned to the speaking stage as the star of '"Corn'ered," a comedy- drama by Dodson Mitchell which ran all last winter at the Astor theatre, New York. In this notabile Henry W. Savage success, Miss Kennedy plays a dual role, that of two, sisters, one of-whom has wandered far afield into .the underworld, the other having re- mained at home and devoted herself to social pursuits. The opportunities thus given the actress call for histri- onic ability of the highest order and Miss Kennedy is said. to give a per- y 3:30 4:05 4:25 5 :i5 59:45 P.M. Lv... Adrian .A ...Tecumseh ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....Clinton .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saline . Ar. Ann Arbor IL ADGE KENNEDY, whc in person at the Whit Wednesday, Nov. 30. ADRIAN-ANN ARBG SCI DUL]; EFF CTIV1t Read Down Central Standard A.M. .P.M. Daliy ,Daily_ 7:30 I.30oILe... Adrian. . 8:05 2:05 ..Tecumseh 8:25 2:25......Clinton.. g:15 3:15......Saline 9:45 3:45 .Ar Ann Arbor L A.M. .P.M. - SUNDAYS AND HOl P.M. "A PAIR OF SEXES". .FEATURING NEAL BURNS AND VMORN DANIEL ADDISD AND AESOPS FABLES . AANT.1I MONKEY SELSNICK NEWS Calkins Fletcher Drug Co. and the Drug Co. invite the inspection TREBOR PRICE ) $6.00 P IPES/4 you have seen Will Rogers as a cowboy, tas a hobo and as a Swede sailor--here he is doub- ling for the greatest lover the world has ever khown! And, take it from us, as a heavy lover,, Will creates the sort of sen- sation that comes. Agents for the United S. GROSVENOR NICHO 12 East 48th Street ~but once time. in a life-, Huron T Al We have never seen a funnier picture in RATES our movie You'll say experience. thle same DAY and IGHT when you see it. formance of undeniable. artistic achievement. This attraction will be presented at the Whitney Wed. Nov." 30. 1DOL LE QF JR-j OM EO:_r WL OGE IS: Phone 4 --- -- - - . s-a ?~Lp andWabash .1,, OOL4DWYN PDS'T Ma'en's Suits oif Distinction .1r, { t T H-E Pitt Model is our ownd desig bought by young men of go taste, season after season. TIT drops gracefully from the shoe iders, and has the straight f ront a back of the English Sack. The std is so- conservative that it achiev distinction by'its 'very simplicity. AT $4500 to $75.00 these suits rc !resent the best values obtainab Prices approximately one-third less than prevailed last year. Mens pure silk ties in a handseome as sortment of new cu a stripes. SPECIAL,. 0Ec PI WILL ROGERS ~DOUBLINWG FAR ROMEO vEL jRJ.RvICE, WILL 1L'OGERSA3IWJ3JJM SHAHK SPEAVRf C~ON O$TIjNZ . BOS WAS FA.?40U$) II 7S~I2LRBST COLLEGE BRANCH-308 So. State St. Over College Inn MACK SENNETT'S [ARD KNOCKS LOVE TAPS"' ADCONTINUOUT SHOW WUERTH Adults 30c Kiddies lOc 0 RC H E S TR s._ l1aEU TJI- Ml~eaA tr.::om r knArjI E r L Ant DIRECTOR-L-NICHOLAS FALCUIN.K FRA-NK TENNENT,