THE MICHIGAN DAILY now-"School For Scandal."{ Glee Club Concert Tickets at Gra- ham's and Wahr's.-Adv. r_ lEa B W UaUaU 33anana ,, U! M U *[ Uha EAT SMOKE DRINK REST and PLAY All Michigan men are Invited, requested and ex- pected to make use of IOWA COACH CLAIMS DEVINE GREAT STAR Iowa City, Ia., Nov. 26.-Howard Jones, coach of the University of Iowa football team, says Captain Aubrey Devine, the Hawkeye quarterback, is "the greatest all-around backfield man" he has ever' coached or "ever seen in recent years." Jones, who coached Yale's cham- pionship eleven in 1913, had Coy and Philbin, two All-American backfield selections in his machine of that year, while in his own days as a gridiron star, he played on the same Yale teams with his brother "Tad," an All- American quarterback. "Others have been as great in open field running, there may have been better punters and there may have been his equal in drop kicking, but I have never known of any backfield man whose accomplishments in running, punting, drop kicking and forward passing combined, equal those of Au- brey Devine," said Jones. "I don't believe there has ever been a more ac- curate forward passer than Devine," he stated. "He is also also a. leader and field general of the best type." BILLIARDS CIGARS CANDIE~S PIPES LUINCHES SODAS "We tr~y to treat you riht am - I -A U3E..,REEwuEBW.U* ® Attend that Glee Club Concert, Tues- day.-Adv. Chicken Broth with Rice Olives Celery Roast Chicken with Dressing{ Beef Loaf with Tomato Sauce Lamb Chops Cranberry Sauce French Fried Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Baked Squash Creamed Peas SALADS French Fruit Salad{ Head Lettuce sg # with Thousand Island Dressing MATERIAL STRONG tFRTRACK SQUAD Farrell to Make Initial Call for Try- outs After Christmas Holidays DISTANCE MEN RESTING AFTER HARD CROSS-COUNTRY SEASON Now that the cross-country season is over, Coach Steve Farrell is devot- ing all his time to the track men. The season has not yet begun, and the ini- tial call will not appear until after the Christmas holidays, but many of the men are indulging in light workouts. Friday the pit in Waterman gymna- sium was opened for the first time, and the men were pole vaulting and high jumping. None of the distance men are doing anything as yet, as most of the mem- bers of the cross-country team will handle this branch, and they are rest-I ing up a little after a hard season. They will appear later in the season after a rest. The sprint men have been putt4ng in a little work for some time. Lewis; a member of the Varsity last year, and Captain Simmons have been working out in the gymnasium. Burk, who placed in the Cornell meet last year, is also out, and Weeks, Davis, Martin and Siemons, all dash men from the yearling squad last year, have been sprinting up and down the floor of the gymnasium. Lally, a pole vaulter, has been put- ting in some good work, and Smith, a high jumper, has also been out for the past few weeks. All the men out so .far have been members of the Varsity or freshman team last year, and they hope to get in condition so that when the call Is heard at the start of the new year that they will be ready to give their best. Coach Farrell will be without the services of Butler and Wetzel, two splendid dash men, as well as Forbes, a high jumper and the pole vaulter, Wesbrook. Martin, Dav- is, Siemon and Burk should take the places of the sprint stars, and Smith is showing up pretty well in the jump. Intramural Items Interfraternity bowling will get un- der way Monday at 8:30 o'clock on the Union alleys with Sigma Chi, Zeta Beta' Tau, Nu Sigma Nu, and Delta Upsilon rolling in the first of the qualifying round games. On Tues- day at 7 o'clock Sigma Nu, Phi Chi, Beta Phi Delta, and Trigon will roll, to be followed at 9 o'clock by Delta Tau Delta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Sig- ma Delta, and Sigma Phi Epsilon. Letters will be mailed on Monday to the various fraternities entered in the basketball tournament stating the rules which will apply during the en- tire season, which comprises over 200 games. Such a long list of contests requires the closest and heartiest co- operation on the part of the organiza- tion, and it is hoped that all sched- ules made by the department will be complied with, as no postponements of games will be permitted. SOPH LIT DANCE TICKETS PLACED ON SALE THIS WEEK Tickets for the soph lit mixerto be For the ways of society see "School Cor Scandal."-Adv. Music Galore. Clee Club Concert, Tuesday.-Adv. ', ,..1 held from 3 to 6 o'clock, Saturday, Dec. 10, in the Armory will go on sale this week, according to an an- nouncement made yesterday by Guy C. Hill, '24. The price of the tickets will be 50 cents. All Musical Program-Varsity Glee and Mandolin Club Concert, Tuesday. -Adv. For the ways of society see "School For Scandal."-Adv. The Way of a Man With His Clothes "pecial discount on personal Christ- mas Caro orders received before Nov. 20. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Arcade. Open evenings.-Adv. Tickets for Glee Club Concert at Graham's and Wahr's.-Adv. i. S OME men leave old clothes lying around where they soon become moth eaten and useless. Others sell their gar- ments the minute they're discarded-and realize considerable on them. We want to buy men's used suits, trou- sers and shoes. We'll pay high cash prices for them. Look yours over; then sell what you don't need. Telephone 2601 We 'll call at once CLAUDE BROWN Opposte Court House on Fourth DESSERTS Apple Pie Cocoanut Cream and Mince Home-made Suet Pudding with Hard Sauce Jello with Whipped Creain Home-made Cake Coffee Tea Milk CITY Y. W. C. A. 508-510 E. WILLIAM ST. i t "4 .\' ''' '' . , °s/' ) / Basket all Supplies Special Prices on Team Equipment rr3 p0 M 3 ! I I 711 N. University Avenue Next to Arcade Theatre ~ - - muiin n netan. l h ae susens,,a. thhr. o r u II dver+tir edyh.titf likegoig toan xJ ui ~ .rP_ per formnc ofte wrl''0.e Does a brilliazt singer score a fresh triumph, here or abroad; does a new musical comediy create a fresh group ot popular song hits anc dances? Ahost as soon, you may hear in your own home the recent successes of the crntie world of music- through Victor Records on your Victrola. Only through this combination-Victor Records played on a Victroht -can you enjoy tle WOrid' 8 r'atest ar-tisits mn music and entertakmiien t Get your Victrola in time r the holidays. Come in and select it today!I Weil gladly expain r club plan for convenient p ylents you wish.j~ Schacherle &: Son 0 So. Main St _ s 4 I TRIS THIS COLUMN LFCOLUMN COSES AS IFECLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. . . - -! WANTED WANTED - For second semester of this school year, unfurnished, heat- ed light housekeeping apartment by married student. Kitchenette and private bath desired. Call Townley at 968-W. 52-4 WANTED-To rent, microscope, re- mainder semester. Good care guar- anteed. Call Tews, 2121-R. 54 WANTED - Roommate by engineer. Large front room, well heated. $3.00. 1220 East University. 54 WANTED-Double room for women,' second semester. Phone 1512-R. 54-2 WANTED-A garage near State and Monroe. Call Kindel, 396. 54 FOR RENT WOR RENT-A clean, warm, single and double room. 311 Thompson. 53-2 FOUND FOUND - Sum of money, Saturday. Gall Polek, 2577-.. 54 FOR RENT FOR RENT - Three furnished light housekeeping rooms. Hot and cold water in kitchen. 110 N. Ingalls St. 51-5 FOR RENT - Share in large front suite, steam heat, two double desks. Phone 1194-M, 422 East Washing- ton. 5 2-3 FOR RENT- Steam heated modern apartment, unfurnished. 1713-M or 1661-J. J. Karl Malcolm. 52-3 LOST LOST - Brown silk umbrella with black and white crooked handle at Majestic. Reward. Return to Daily. 53-2 LOST-Pair of tortoise shell rimmed glasses in long leather case. Call Alberta Houle, 2166-W. 54-3 LOST-Gold pencil with initials S. T., Tuesday evening. Reward. Call 253-W. 54-32 rr l/' y /li .,?- .?q NE ASKS NO QUESTIONS He simply strolls in in the middle of the night while you and the family are in the midst of your slumbers and helps himself to all your valua- bles. You wake up in the morning and count up your losses. Without your policy of Burglary Insurance you will probably never get back a cent of your loss. With our policy you will get it all back. 4 4 BUTLER INSURANCE Phone 401-M 209 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO,