THE MICHIGAN DAILY CENTER COLLEGE FEATURES LL RECODS OF RECENT YEARS Milan Responsible .b From Obsurity To Fame For T SUCCESS- A MATTER USING 31UCH= SPECULATION re college's spurt to football uring the past three years has e outstanding feature of col- aletics. This sudden rise from woods Kentucky school, battl- r the state championship# to resent position as one of the. ootball aggregations in the r has been due primarily to n Charlie Moran, coach, and cMillan, quarterback. Recent Record Good n who at one time coached a a son who plpyed with Centre and his interest was aroused in this manner. After he took charge in the middle of; the 1917 season, things looked brighter and since then Centre has lost but two games. This year they have not lost a* game and have had only six points made against them while they were scoring 263. The climax of their season was the 6 to 0 defeat of Har- vard. That a team from a school of 600 is able to beat the Crimson, so long in a class by itself, is what Moran succeeded in accomplishing. In September 1916 "Bo" McMillan arrived in Danville but he lacked sev- eral credits and was unable to enter college. However he went to high school at Somerset a nearby town and entered the next year. In 1918 he was chosen all-American quarterback and has since been a shining light initrolgad b gIN MO intercoliegiate football. Beside being a remarkable player he has the abilityO to inspire his team-mates to play, a wonderful game, and in doing this he has been a decided asset to Centre. PRESENT VIOLA DANA IN SECOND Wliat Does Future Hold? MOVE OF CAMPAIGN WITH' This is McMillan's last year in col- $15,000 GOAL lege athletics. The question asked - by many is, will Centre be such a "There Are No Villains," with Viola power in football without his serv- Dana in the leading role, Is the pic- ices? Wil it be possible for Moran t tune which the Veterans' Memorial.. to develop another to take his place committee will present in Hill audi- and lead the Centre wonder eleven torium Wednesday night as the second- on to victory or will they again sink of their entertainments to raise $15,- ex-soldier who frequently visits him. Convinced that he is the go-between for a band of smugglers, she watches him so well that love threatens to up- set the careful plans of the govern- ment man-hunters and Cupid and the law have an adventurous time in solv- ing an exciting problem. George M. Lott, '22 and Byron F. Field, grad., members of the Veterans Memorial committee, are in charge of the presentation of thistilm. PRES. BURTON AND DEANS ENTITLED TO R. 0. T. C. SALUTE Companies in the R. 0. T. C. unit have been organized and men assigned to their respective companies. Com- pany G has not been organized and has been left for future infantry de- velopment.- In the future regulation uniforms must be worn to all military science classes. Arrangements are being made whereby men can obtain tan shoes for their uniforms at a reduced cost. , , j:. .. 1 . r , .. I - i , I +", , , . M 1 AMR 1 W i, 1 Iw 1 Mp A W tt/1 + +[D i is i MALTED MANN'S MILKS back into their old position fighting with Kentucky State for their big game, and giving Harvard a chance to try out some of their second string ten against the once great Centre. A deposit will hold until Christmas. a gift box Crane, Hurd, Whiting, Hampshire, and other choice station- ery at 0.. D. Morrill's, 17 Nickel's Arcade.-Adv. 000 to finish the Union Reading room.' This is a Bayard Veiller production: by the Metro Pictures corporation, be- ing adapted by Mary O'Hara from Frank R. Adams' story. The setting is the Barbary Coast with Miss Dana portraying the role of a girl who, as- signed yo watch a wealthy business man, finds that as his stenographer she can discover nothing incriminat- ing, so is assigned to watch a young at Mann's Drug Store 213 South Main Street THE HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES / 0 Y Wednesday W HITNEY Best Seats Nov. 30 T HEATRE $2.00 r _ c , H EN RY W. SAVAG E r - r a rr - A COMEDY DPAM 1Y DODSON MITCHELL Shubert-mich ta n E x T DETROI NOW PLAYING. I Nights at 8:20 Matt3. Daily at 2:20 MICHIGAN AVE. AT WASHINGTON BLVD. THE MOST COLOSSAL OF ALL MOTION PICTURE OFFERINGS GOLDW7YN Has the Honor to Announce the Detroit Premiere of THE GREATEST SCREEN SPECTACLE THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN Copyright 1921 Hart Schaffner & Marx THEODORA What every young man needs I 1.1 Produced by the Uinione. Cinematografica Itallana Sardou'~ famous and sensational love romance of the Empress of the East who lost the throne of the Caesars rather than sacrifice the man she truly loved STHE HISTORY OF THE WORLD HAS BEEN WRITTEN IN LOV STORIES AND THIS IS ONE OF THEM A fine tuxedo or dress su it made by Hart Schaffner & Marx $50 $65 POP. MAT: 15 WED. 50c to$15 YAT. T 2.60 50c *o Wieek 1 GARRICK ' ,(E_ IT) - TON (DETROIT) Sunday, ,, . _ For the tuxedo For the dress suit SECOND WELCQME VISIT THE SENSATION OF FOUR CONTINENTS The Smart Musical Comedy Hit N. The most exclusive tailor couldn't put more style or finer fabrics into them; he'd have to charge you almost twice as much for making t h e m anywhere near a s good. Reule Conlin Fiegel Co. Main at Washington Has entertained Millions of Men and Women in Ebery Part.of the World Unanimously Acclaimed the Masterpice of Its Kind THE NEW YORK COMPANY Direct from 2 Solid Years at the Vanderbilt Theatre POPULAR WEDNESDAY N !