THE WEATHER _I NO CHANGE IN TEMPER. ATURE TODAY Abp 410 ilk 4,71latt ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXXII. No. 54 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1921 PRICE FIVE CEI M Furton Discusses Policy At Z To introduce his outline of the ENAmerican foreign policy, in a speech E E 1 ! (.( last night at Hill auditorium, the sec- ond of the Oratorical association numbers, Ex-Senator Theodore E. ARMY, OUTPLAYING NAVY, LACKS Burton gave a comprehensive review PUNCH TO OVERCOME of the founding and growth of the SAILORS nation. In speaking of our expansion from a strip of Atlantic coast colonies to a nation stretching across to the RIVAL TEAMS MEET ON Pacific coast he said, "Nature made SLIPPERY SEA OF MUD us an entity. - It was inevitable that we should be one nation, and that Coolidge, Daugherty, Weeks, Denby, that nation, isolated as it is, should and Disarm Delegates See Gobs Win (Special to The Daily) Yonkers, N. Y., Nov. 26.-Playing in a sea of mud, before 50,000 people, the T Navy yesterday defeated the Army . eleven by a score of7 to 0 in the an- nual football classic of the East. The Episcopal Bishop to Address Union teams played practically straight foot- Service on "Soul Values in ball. Education" " The lone score of the game cane in the second quarter when the Navy WILL GIVE SPEECH AT UNION after a series of line plunges and end READING ROOM IN AFTERNOON runs, brought the ball to the Army one-half yard line, where the Atmy Rt. Rev. William P. Remington, held for three downs but on thebishop suffragan of South Dakota, fourth,, Conroy carried the ball over spsuagan of oth ata, on a quarterback sneak. Conroy krick- speaks at 2:30 o'clock this .afternoon ed goal. tin the reading room of the Union on gAmyP.asHr"A Real Life Job," his speech being Army Plays Hard the first of the weekly talks that the Beginning the second half with the Union plans for the rest of the year. Navy strong, a fumble marked "a Bishop Remington is noted as one change in the Army's luck and from the most powerful speakers in the then on they ' outplayed the Navy Episcopal church of America. throughout. After gradually working The reading room has been engaged their way down the field, the Army, for the talk because on such short in the last quarter, got the ball on notice the committee on Sunday after- the middes' 6 yard line, but a fum- noon meetings expects that room will ble ruined their chances. be able to handle the crowd, since the Lack of the necessary final punch numbers that have returned to their on the part of the Army was all that homes for the week end will cut into saved the Navy from being scored on the possible attendance. A part of the severaltimes in the last half when Union orchestra will play to start the a little more and the score would program. have been tied. They were outplaycd Bishop Remington will also be the all the time, the game ending in principal speaker at the University their territory, services at 7 o'clock tonight in Hill Conroy, playing for the Navy, was auditorium, his subject being "Soul the outstanding star of the day, while Values in Education." He has agreed French played well for the Army. to appear at the Harris hall supper at Notables There 6 o'clock and will speak at 10:30 In spite of the rain, which came o'clock this morning at St. Andrew's down throughout the entire game, the church. stands were crowded and the boxes were filled with notables from all over the country, including Vice-Pres- ident Coolidge, Attorney General Daugherty, Secretary of 'War Weeks,S Secretary of the Navy Denby, and representatives of the Disarmament ConferenceN Between halves the secretary of the Twelve lectures in 10 Michigan Betweenxchavesthmpliesretrythetowns will be delivered by faculty navy exchanged compliments with the members this week under the direc- secretary of the army in mid-ield, tion of the Extension division. both the Army and the Navy bands pa- Tomorrow Bruce M. Donaldson, of raded, as well as the Army's mule and the fine arts department, will speak at the Navy's goat. Howell on'"The Appreciation of Pie- Coach Yost was sitting with Coach tures". Daly, of the Army, during the game. Four lectures will be given Tues- day, two at Flint before the chamber Ten Scrub W ay of comierce, one at Detroit, and one at Climax. Prof. W. D. Henderson, of Into Triangles the Extension division, will speak at Flint at noon, and in the evening on the subject "The Golden Age of To- Ten junior engineers appeared un- morrow". Prof. J. R. Hayden, of the der the engineering arch yesterday political science department, will afternoon, scrubbing 'brushes in'hand, speak at Detroit on the subject "The for the noble purpose of eradicating Colonial Problems and 'Achievements from the highly respected triangles of the United States". Prof. R. D. T. embedded in the diagonal at that Hollister, of the public epeaking de- point, the last vestiges of any dirt that partment, will deliver an address at might be lurking about that venerable Climax, on "Paul Lawrence Dunbar". shrine. "The New Palestine" will be the Triangles, honorary junior engi- subject of an illustrated lecture by neering society, held their annual fall' George R. Swain, Technical expert in initiation yesterday afternoon, fol- photography at Grosse Pointe. lowed by a banquet at 6:30 o'clock at Thursday Prof. Ralph H. Curtiss, the Union. Prof. Henry E. Riggs, of of the astronomy department, will the civil engineering department, ad- give an illustrated lecture at Detroit dressed the members. R. E. Swart, on "What Everyone Should Know '22E, R. H. Rowland,,'23E, and E. C. About Astronomy". On the same day Haug, '23E, gave short talks. Prof. Aubrey Tealdi, of the depart- The following men were initiated: ment of landscape design, will speak G. A. Abbott, C. M. Berry, W. A. at Kalamazoo. Cotton, L. B. Curran, E. C. Haug, R. Lectures will be delivered Friday at H. Iland, L. W. Kirkpatrick; R. M. Paw Paw, Vicksburg, Northville, and *Olds, C. E. Proctor, and J. W. Ross. (Continued on Page Ten) L 3 i 1 t 3 1 3 3 3 t t I i 1 l 3 E l t c t 9 9 1 r t t3r 3 j 1 5 7 1 e I ''t x f T "Our Foreign Sphinx Initiates ecture Last Night Ten NekJtMembers hold so closely to a policy of neu- Sphinx, honorary junior literary so- trality. As the leading principles of ...--e ciety, initiated 10 men yesterday. Fol- United States diplomacy he cited neu- Katherine Cooley Baker, S. of M., Wins lowing the horseplay, the organiza- trality, the "open-door" policy, ex- First Prize; Wilcox, Jay, tion held a banquet at the Union. patriation, and the Monroe doctrine. Also Place Prof. H. C. Carver, of the mathematics "In upholding the principle of ex- department, and Prof. C. P. Wagner, ECIERSALL'S PICK FOR THREE patriation," he continued, "we stand STORIES SUBMITTED DISPLAY of the romance language depart- ELEVENS INCLUDES FIVE practically alone. But in admitting new UNUSUAL MERIT, SAY JUDGES ment, addressed the members for the WOLVERINES elements to our body of citizens we faculty, J. G. Fry, '22, spoke in behalf must only include those elements con- A Fool There Was, by Katherine of the alumni, John W. Kelley, '23, genial to Anglo-Saxon standards." a , the in for the active members, and Robert CAPPON MAKES SECOND Mr. Burton also spoke of the League Csaker, S heChimthewcnteist E. Adams, '23, for the initiates. FOR BACK-FIELD WORK of Nations and the Peace Conference. closed Nov. 15, according to an an- The following men were taken in: - "It is fundamentally wrong," he said,clsdNv15acointona- "to believe that a recalcitrant nation nouncement by the judges, and has Robert E. Adams, Theodore Banks, Goebel, Utertz Chosen for Third; can befed to any lineao ation been awarded the first prize of $15. Sheldon M. Brown, Burton E. Dunlop, Iowa Obtains Most can be forced into any line of action The second prize of $10 was award- Bernard Kirk, Robert T. Knode, N. W.Recognition by a combination of world powers. We ed to Harriet C. Wilcox, '23, for her Robertson, D. F. Roby, M. B. Stahl, can only accomplish what the league story, "The Rainmaker Extraordin- and I. C. Uteritz. Is trying to do by arousing public ary", and the third, $5, to John A. Two Michigan men, "Dule" Dunne opinon, a force which statesmen have ,ry, and "hti' "5 tonJohnnA. always feared even more than invad- "The exceptional success of the chosen by Walter Eckersall for'- the ing armies." contest made it hard for the judges IJI't TOI I I mythical All-Conference eleven. Other to pick the winners," Francis M. Wolverines were mentioned in the Smith, '22, 'managing editor of the choice of the second and third teams, LEAGUE MAKES PLANS Chimes, said yesterday, "and the re- THIRTEEN CITIES Cappon being on the second, and Csponse was much larger than we hadUteritz and Goebel placing on the ARanticipated.'"ihenDyVcainTi ilTk third eleven. The three judges of the stories were Eighteen Day Vacation Trip Will Take Hard Fight Wins Prof.-Roy W. Cowden, and Drs. H., P. Cast Through States in Vick, whose selection had been al- WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS WIL, Scott and Edward S. Everett, of the Mid-West most a certainty among Michigan PRESENT PLAYS BOTH rhetoric department. fans, won his place by consistent NIGHTS The winning story, "A Fool There SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES ANN work. His hard fighting spirit is re- Was", will be published in the Christ- ARBOR DEC. 16 FOR TOUR sponsible for the selection. Definite plans for the Christmas ba- mas issue of Chimes, which will ap- The choice of Dunne, although ear- zaar which the Women's league cam- pear on the campus Dec. 6, and .the A total of 13- cities will be vldited ier believed possible, was somewhat paign committee for the women's second and third prize winners will of a surprise due to the fact that he building is to hold Dec. 9 and 10 are probably be published in the January y te on opera, e has been out of many of the Con- well under way, according to Miriam and February issues, respectively, for Two", in the 18 day trip that is ference games because of injuries. Reid, '23, general chairman. A color ' planned for Christmas vacation. The Again, it was the strong. fight that scheme of maize and blue will be * total number of performances will be never says "quits" that earned "Duke" preserved throughout the decorations, 15, two night stands being made at his berth on the eleven. and there will be booths for the' Chicago and Detroit. Cappon's plunging in the backfield league and for many Ann Arbor Naples, Nov. 26. - Anti-French ao Grad Rapids First earned him the recognition of the churches which are combining with demonstrations, which broke out in Toerans at ts Fitn eadis thcrcofnthenMiddle the, Women's league in order to sub- Turin last night - following publica- The opera opens at the Whitney leading sport critic of the Middle stitute one large fair for the usual tion of dispatches from Washington theater in Ann Arbor on Dec. 5 for a West. His all-around playing, and number of small ones. reporting a flash of words between week's run. The special train that this literally, was responsible for The league will have a fancy work Premier Briand of France and Sena- will carry the cast, chorus, and com- many of Michigan's points. sale, a candy booth, a booth built tor Schanzer, head of the Italian del- mittees on their touir through the Goebel, whose consistent work at entirely of Bubble soap, and a tea egatlon in America, spread to Naples Middle West will leave Ann Arbor on end, both on offensive and defensive, entielyof ubbe sop, nd te egaionin merca, pred t Nalescaused much comment among critics, room. Masques and Mummers will today, where several were wounded in Dec. 16, immediately after classes on (Continued on Page Ten) revolver duels. the last day before vacation, reach- had great opposition. The Conference ing Grand Rapids that night in time this year produced a number of ex, for a performance at the Powers thea- ceptional flankers. Glee Club, In Annual Fall Concert ter. Chicago wilU see the show on Many Schools Recognized Saturday and Monday nights, Dec. 17 Uteritz, at quarter back, chosen for Tuesday, Presents Varied Program and 19, with the Aryan-Grotto theater the third eleven, showed up well as the scene of the performances. throughout the season, and earned his At Indianapolis the Shubert-Marat place by the cool and aggressive Presenting a program without Au Bord D'un Ruisseau (At the manner in which he has handled the vaudeville and resting on an entire- Brook.............De Boisdeffre theater will be used on Tuesday night, Wolverines. Dec. 20. The opera goes from thereWovrns ly musical basis, the Glee and Mando- Mandolin Club to Cincinnati, to play at the Emery The men on the three elevens are club concert Tuesday night will Popular Songs in Harmony auditorium on Dec. 21. It then swings well distributed among the various give the campus such a concert as will Midnight Sons Quartette up north through Ohio, playing at the Conference schools, no team placing appeal to every variety of taste in (a) Morning Song.........'.....F.....................m.....T...I more than six. Iowa and Chicago are music, say those in charge. (b) Evening Song.............. Farout opera house in Lima on Thursleaders, with Wisconsin, Ohio State Varying from selections from popu- (c) Carpe Diem .............dStanley ec. at thedMasonic tp and Michigan running close second. Stne)in Cleveland on Friday, Dec. 23, and andichianrnnincloeseond lar dance pieces sung in harmony, to Glee Club in Toledo on Christmas eve. a chorus from a grand opera and a "Der Hirte blast im Manden- Trip Ends January 2 LAY FOUNDATIONS classical string sextette number, the "Deirt ....s;.....AndT EyF U program will hit all the variations scheim .Arnold King Resting over Christmas day in De- OF MASONS HOME in between. String Sextette troit, the company leaves for Pontiac, Probably the most-striking number Old Bohemian Folk Song... Schwahm where it will appear at the Oakland Foundation for the new Masonic on the program- from the point of Popular Ballad .............Selected theater on Dec. 26. Towns through- temple on Fourth avenue between view of old concert goers will be the A Toast to Michigan .....lbel, '00 out southern Michigan will then be Liberty and William streets has been new arrangement of "The Victors". Varsity Quartette visited, appearances at the Majestic laid, and work upon the superstructure Written in four parts originally, "The Ole Uncle Moon...........Lamoth theater in Port Huron on Dec. 27, at will begin in a few days, as soon as Victors" has been changed by popular Breeez of Night.............Scott the Washington-Strand theater in the plans of the building are turned usage into a simple tune, but the Glee Club Bay City on Wednesday, Dec. 28, at over to the building committee. The Glee club will revive the old form (a) Mellow Cello the Palace theater in Flint on Dec. 29, new structure will probably be com- and present the song in an arrange- (b) Say It with Music and at the auditorium in Saginaw on pleted by next fall. ment which is called the most thrilling (c) Medley, "I Ain'ts" Dec. 30 being listed. The tour will The first floor of the new building that has ever been sung.^. Banjo Quintette be concluded by performances at Or- will contain the auditorium; the sec- From the old song books obtained The Victors.............Elbel, '00 chestra hall in Detroit on New Year's ond will have the parlor and the club at the beginning of the year, the club Glee Club eve and Monday, Jan. 2. (Continued on Page Ten) i 7 1 1 i i 1 n,' i"' 1 3.''?', '' b:'' will also sing three songs not now known upon the campus, written by Dr. A. A. Stanley in his first years at Michigan. The banjo quintette from the Mandolin club will present novel selections, while the string sex- tette is promised as an innovation in musical lines in any campus enter- tainment. For its three songs the Varsity quartette has chosen a type of pro- gram which was popular in the past. A folk song, a popular ballad and a Michigan song make up the group. The program in full is as follows: Laudes Atque Carmina ......Stanley Oh Hall Us, Ye Free! from "Er- nani" ......................Verdi Glee Club Eckersall's All-Conference Selections Position First Team Second Team Third Team Right End .....Crisler, Chicago ...............Belding, Iowa ................Tebell, Wisconsin Right Tackle ..McGuire, Chicago..............Brader, Wisconsin...........)piers, Ohio State Right Guard ...Trott, Ohio State..............Redmon, Chicago............Minick, Iowa , Center ........Vick, Michigan ............... Bunge, Wisconsin ..............Heidt, Iowa Left Guard ....Dunne, Michigan.............Mohr, Illinois..............McCaw, Ingiana Left Tackle ....Slater, Iowa.................Huffman, Ohio State"..........Carmen, Purdue i Left End......Myers, Ohio State .............Gould, Wisconsin..............tGoebel, Michigan Quarter Back ..A. Devine, Iowa, Capt...........Rommey, Chicago.............Uteritz, Michigan Left Half ......Peden, Illinois ...............Cappon, Michigan ............Martineau, Minnesota'_- Right Half .. .Elliott, Wisconsin .............tWalquist, Illinois, Capt. ........Stuart, Ohio State Full Back .....Locke, Iowa ..................,Thomas, Chicago ............ Sundt, Wisconsin, Capt. As appearing Chicago Tribune. PLAYER'S CLUB presents a, "The. School for Scandal" U, Tues. and Wed. Nov. 29-30 8 P7M. Sarah Caswell Angell Ha Tickets at Wahr's Graham's e.nd Slator Reserved. Sea'uts 73c General Admission SOc b