AND COOLER. TODAY I p 'r . . , I 4by Ap AW ~Ai ,of' ' 1MESS DAY A'ND ANIOII SERVICE :XXII. No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1921 PRICE FIV I T FO INCORRECT LIST Fr GAME AT CHICAGO OF "A" STUDENTS WI V JTO OPEN BIG TEN PRINTED FRIDAY . FOOTBALL SEASON "n.IAIWHILE FRESHMEN I RGS FI S RD TILTB soatdPs) Due to an error in the files at the (By Associated Press) engineering school, the list of all Chicago, Sept. 30. - The Western "A" engineers for last semester pub- ' Conference football season will open lished in The Daily yesterday was in- tomorrow when Chicago and North-c.sIwIaA corc.The list as published was --- western play the only Conference YOST SELECTS, $ VETERANS IN for the first semester of 1920-1921. "VICTORS" STARTS INITIATION game of the day, and seven other_ TEAM THAT FACES OHIO The following students received all "F ' elevens face non-Conference teams. PRESS BUILD COLLEGIANS ' "A's" the second semester: Illinois, runner-up in last year's race, --}- Paul Ackerman, '22E, Barnet Brez- TOS is the only team not going into ac- Students calli CASEY, HARVARD STrAR u er, '21E, .Ralph Cohn, 123E, A. M: - tion. offices are requet IS HUTOR OF VISITORS Courtwright, '23E, Lester Ferris, '21, PROF. R. M. WENLEY The Chicago-Northwestern game correctphone nut William Fink, '21E, Roger C. Glea- SPEAKS FOR I4GULTY will be the first hurdle for Coach lows: . son, '24E, John D. Hauselt, '22E, Stagg's untried Maroon eleven. North- Michiganensian Probable That Most of Squad Will Be George J. Higgins, '22E, John W. Ken- western is considered weak because Students' Direc Given Chance Before FInal nedy, '21E, Kim Lee Khemmani, '23E, Program Ends with "Locomotive" and iof its 7 to 0 defeat last Saturday by Daily, Business Whistle Howard Kingdon, '23E, James N. Lan- Singing of "Yellow and Blue" Beloit college. Wisconsin meets Law- Daily, Editorial dis, '21E, John R. Polhamus, '24E, by Audience rence college, while Ohio State, last Chimes, Editori Michigan's 1921 Varsity plays its Robert Ruthruff, '24E, Henry R. --season's champion, will play Ohio CQhimes, Busine curtain lifter this afternoon against Schemm, '24E, Dean Seitz, '23E, Ar- "Coats" yelled Al. Cuthbert, '22E, Wesleyan at Columbus. Minnesota Gargoyle. ..... Mt. Union college. Coach Yost's new thur H. Stuart, '23E, Theo C. Thonip- from the stage in Hill auditorium will try out its reconstructed eleven machine, upon which Wolverine sup- son, '24F, and Lee Van Horn, '21E. last night as the fourth annual Tra- against North Dakota, while the oth- porters are pinning their hopes for a ditions day meeting opened and while1 er contests will be Iowa against big year, is the twenty-first gridiron every coat was being peeled off, the Knox, Pirdue facing Wabash, and In- fl[meigKaazo011i1 team developed at Michigan by the class of '25 learned one Michigan tra- din etn aaao.U lL~f i famed mentor. The Varsity squad, dition--that coats are taboo on. such which 'has been training since Sept. occasions. NEW TorIRISHI 15, will receive its first real test when The words to "The Victors" were Ihw t o'c(ByAAssocia afternoon on Ferry field. The Maize comIpaned by the Varsity band, the I (Bdyssoct.p30. and Blue coaching staff is not worry- Decie to Send Professor to Plip- entire assemblage sang the selection. FOR M USICUG LUa LondnSept. 30- ing over the outcome of the opener A Michigan locomotive" and Yea 25, inf1ra e m e V but will send the strongest lineup it pines NextYearin Return for led by Cuthbert, followed. tinfomed Premier L can pick against the collegians from Dean of College Goetz Presides F. L. Thomas, 5. of i., Was Director accptance of the p k_.L_____, .of1I, a irco for a conference in: Ohio. Angus G. Goetz, '22M, president of of Freshman Glee and Man- the Irish question, Will Try Recruits GIVE OUT 39 FELLOWSHIPS the Student council and chairman of way for a momento More interst than usual is being AND TOTAL OF 137 DEGREES the meeting, then introduced George dlin Societies te the Irish proble created by the initial game. Enthused 0. Brophy, '22L, general secretary of Relief was expres by early reports of a veteran team, Approval of an exchange of proes of the Union, who gave the freshmen TRYOUTS REPORT NEXT WEEK; thq student body is anxious to wit- s o val of anershy of po first hand information concerning ORGANIZATION STARTS SOON which for some time ness the prowess of the Mze and t Michigan customs. prevent another co Blue gridiron warriors. Although ippines, and the granting of 137 de- Goetz, in introducing the speaker Frank L. Thomas, of the School of ly have been cleared Coach Yost will probably start his grees and 39 fellowships constituted for the faculty, Prof. Robert M. Wen- Music, has been appointed director of "Our respective p strongest .lineup against Mt. Union, it the most important work transacted ley, of the Philosophy department, stated and underst is extremely unlikely that the first by the Board of Regents of the Uni- mentioned the fact that this was Pro- the University of Michigan Glee and and unfer t string men will finish the game. For- r fessor Wenley's twenty-fifth year on Mandolin clubs for the year 1921-1922. is the fontrncc I versty, whch metheis wthePres-stfpractica tified with a large number of capable vert wich L. ere wthe si- the campus, and that in that time, he Mr. Thomas has been with the to an understanding substitutes, the Wolverine mentor will Negotiations for the exchange of had made for himself a reputation School of Music but one year, having era's messge give many of his new aspirants a si that an introduction would belittle. chance to show'" their wares in theprfsoswtth Pilpneu- In speaking of the traditions, their versity have been under way for some He obtained his education in music at PROF. SHULL RET -opening battle today. A large score establishment, and their significance, int peedee fheops-time. Prof. J. R. Hayden, of the de-Presr Wnyrcaldtefc the University of Chico and with EUGENICS 1M is no expctedevenif te oposi-Professor Wenley recalled the fat yg tion should prove unable to hold the partment of political science, and that while 30 years was the average private instructors, in the study of rushes of the Michigan backs for the a a a the ol length of a generation, four years voice, piano, and pipe organ. After Prof, A. F. Shullr Wolverine team will use notfiing but sufficed to change college genera- 10 years studio practice in Colorado, partment, returned straight football. sity, have arranged- the trade through tions, and that Michigan, in her he. was compelled in 1919 to come East NewYork City, whe Casty Coaching Visitors the heads of their institutions. The eightieth year, has witnessed the for his health. He was employed by meetings of the se Little is known ofet ar the da hn t an et passing of many college generations, the Buick Motor Car company in con- congress of eugeni Mt. Union except that Eddie Casey, and that through all these years the nection with the Flint community was made up of offi former Harvard halfback and All-Am- of pogitions will be effected. traditions had become permanent. music program. directing choruses of various countries, erican player, is coaching the Ohhoans Is Yeungest Dean \ Professor Wenley refused to offer from 100 to 3,000 members. Last year learning :nd scient for the second year. Casey was one Dean. Kalaw is the youngest person any advice, saying that so much had he came to the School of Music as fessor Shull was th of the most brilliant backs in the East under this flag to hold a position as been given him in his freshman days instructor in voice, and directed the the University and during his days on the Crimson team dean of a college of higher education. that he had been trying to avoid it Varsity Mandolin club and the Fresh- Society of Naturalis and probably has his team educated He is but 28 years old. He has made ever since. Nevertheless, he stressed man Glee-and Mandolin club. concerned with the with the Haughton system to meet a study of government and has writ- th'e idea that service to Michigan is From his experiencer last year with and comparative he the tactics used by Yost. ten several books nd published nu- the greatest duty of a Michigan man. the freshman clubs, Mr. Thomas states led the program w Steketee will open the game at full- merous articles on the subject. Re- Learn Battle Cries that there is enough material among determination. back. cently he was then thrown on the sophomores on the campus this year (Continued on Page hree) of the Philippine ,commission to con- screen and was followed by a num- to insure an excellent season if up'- DEPARTMENT CO gress. ber of yells for the purpose of famil- perclessmen turn out in any numbers. ON UNIERR PENNANT RACE IS Professor Hayden has made a study iarizing the new men with the Mich- He and G. F. Godley, '22E, student -- of the government of the insular pos- igan battle cries. The Varsity quart manager of the clubs, expect to com- New defiectors ha STILL UNDECIDED sessions. He intends while in the Is- ette sang "College Days," and the first plete the preliminary organiation of Law building by t lands to study at first hand the situa- verse of "The Yellow and Blue," the Glee club earlier this year than Grounds departmen New York, Sept. 30.-The. American tion there and also to devote ntuch of when the crowd joined in without the has been customary leretofore. God- more evenly. Heat league pennant race was still unde- hs time to a study of the colonial accompaniment of the band. Two ley is now arranging an engagement the campus buildi cided tonight. governments of the powers in nearby more yells, one for Goetz, and a final schedule. according to Supt. Cleveland gained half a game by territories. locomotive, ended the program. - Tryouts for the Glee club, including be kept .on if th defeating Chicago today, while the The exchange will belthe first nbe- Edward F. Moore, '22E, was chair- last year's memb'ers, are requested to continues. tween the t Philippine islands adaymno h omte narne Yankees were idle, but the local club ha an of the committee on arrange- report at 7 o'clock Monday, Tuesday, The work of enla needs only one more victory, or a d- university with the states, ments. L or Wednesday in room 308, Union. Dean J. A. Bursley feat of Cleveland, to romp home with Degrees were granted to 197,-wh ' G. Hall has been p had been enrolled in and graduated' the flag. The Yankees decided tonight from the various schools and colleges Prof. K elsey W rin s Collection edas has the wor to play a double header here with the Ev t of th new false skylight Athletics tomorrow in order to playU niversity mwhs represented in the Of Ancient D ocuments From .gyt ing over the Law l off the game postponed because of Phldlhi oa.lists.,(o eloshp rain at Philadelphia today.The granting of 29 feowships was STUDENTS ASKE] decided upon. Seventeen of these 'Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, of the Lat- cepits for wages, official orders, peti- DEAN OF A] Craftsmen Meet Tonight were University or State college fel- in department, has brought to Ann tions to public' officials, tax receipts,. All Masons on the campus are in- lowships and the remainder were from Arbor one of the most important col- accounts, agreements regarding loans, All student w vited to the initial smoker of the year, various companies interested in spe- lections of ancient documents discov- a contract of indemnity, a receipt for changed their addr given by the Craftsmen's club at 8 cial lines of work. ered in recent years. Professor Kel- dowry, discussions relating to the to make a change i o'clock tonight at the Masonic temple. Establish Loan Fund sey has been in Europe and Egypt ownership and transfer of slaves, quested to r gister The regular meeting will be followed A loan fund for Junior and senior on a leave of absence and Just re- and a part of a register of deeds. the office of J. A. by entertainments and refreshments. women was established, known as the turned with his valuable gathering There are also contracts of sale cov- IStudents, to keepa Sarah Caswell Angell fund, in honor of papyri. ering both personal and real prop- curate directory a of Mrs. James B. Angell. More than 120 legal papers dating erty. those seeking add SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Authority was received from the from the time of the Roman emper- A perfect example of ag ancient enrolled in the Un adjutant general's office in Washing- ors Augustus Tiberius, Caligula and scroll of- the kind referred to in the' - The subscription price for ton for the establishment of a senior Claudius, together with a few frag- bibl'e, particularly in the book of No Directory Ch The Michigan Daily Is $3.50 per infantry unit in the R. 0. T. C. at the ments, make up the collection. All Revelations, is a roll pearly eight feet Today is the ha year to loca and. out-of-town University. the papers are dated in the lifetime long with writing on both sides. making changes or subscribers By writing The The University will receive one- of Christ or of the apostles. A number of papyri written in the dresses and telepha Daily office or signing a sub- quarter of the estate of the late Pro- The documents were a part of the Coptic language in the early Chris- Students' Director scription card on the campus you fessor Kent, of the Law school, files of a record office in or near the tian centuries were also included in did not put down will be assured immediate de- amounting to approximately $20,000. city or Tebtunis, Egypt, and were the collection brought back by Profes- dress or telephon livery. I written in Greek with the exception sor Kelsey. The most important is a registration blanks All Michigan Dailies should be MAJOR LEAGUE SCORES of a few in Demotic. They were dis- papyrus book consisting of 12 leaves, ed since registering received regularly, ont p od con- ecovered about four months ago and on which are written out.the incznta- son atfthe Director dition and on the porch before Amerlcan League nearly all of them were perfectly tions and formulas used by a master ing, today. seven-thirty in the morning. . C Cleveland, 3; Chicago, 2. preserved. To properly interpret and magician. Subscribers will confer a favor 1 Washington," 6; Boston, 4. explain these papers in their relation The entire collection was damped Alpha Nu Hol on The Daily if they will report to the history and life of the Roman out and made ready for decipherment Three former i any unsatisfactory delivery. National League empire at that time will require from in the British Museum, which has a the first meeting Boston-New York (rain). 10 to 15 years of steady work. workroom for the treatment of fragile Debating society l Pit'ohm'ah. R. t .is. 12 AmAne the naners arel eae. re- and valu a e rinzo sita ball R E O T O N O N WBU S I N E S S I N I T S H I S T O P S I' 9FM I L O ING PHONES mg publication sted to use the umbers, as fol- . 176-M :tory .. 176-J .. ...960 . ... 2414 fal .... 946 ss ....176-M ...... 176-M [IRS WAY PROF. HOLBROOK SUBMITS PORT FOR YEAR ENDING AUGUST 81 CLOSE MARGINS HOLD NET GAIN OF $5( Balance of $7,500 from Opea Is portant Factor in Preventing Deficit On business. exceeding the million dollar mark, the Union sh a net gain of nearly ;600 for tb cal year ending Aug. 31, 1921. Evans Holbrook, financial seci of the Union, submitted his repc the board of governors, and with approval made public the fl ted Press) -In a brief mess- .lera ,this evening] loyd George of his" remier's invitation London, Oct. 11 on thus clearing the us attempt to set- m. sed -in official cir- hat the difficulties e seemed certain to nference apparent- d away. - ositions have been ood and we agree of correspondence,. l and hopeful way said Mr. de Val- 'URNS FROM EEETING IN EASTI of the zoology de- Thursday from ere he attended the coid international cs. The congress ial delegates from institutions of ific societies. Pro- e representative of of the American ts. He was chiefly section on human redity, in which he th a paper on sex MPLETES WORK SITY BUILDINGS ve been put in the he Building and t 'to distribute heat was turned on in ngs Friday, and, E. C. Pardon, will e present weather rging the offices of and Registrar A. ractically complet- k of putting in the yesterday. Total receipts for year were $509,727.69, the large history, while the net gain $593.15. The outstanding feature of statement is the net gain shov contrast with the deficit of $3,0 which resulted the previous year. the Union is doing business on a close margin is evident when i noted that the small profit prov be only one-tenth of one per ce the (otal business. Efforts of off to sell practically at cost is s by the insignificant net gain. Club Features Cost $70,000 It cost the Union nearly $ last year to provide its members the comforts of a club - de ments which are strictly non-rei producing. For superintendence fice expense, social activities-, chanical plant and the operatin count which Includes house sui house wages, taxes, telephones, i ance, etc., the bill was $69,899.4 The opera, which showed a balance of approximately $7,500 the strongest, financially, of all dent activities, and was an impc factor in meeting the heavy revenue producing activities n above. The annual show to $12,450 during its Ann Arbor rui $19,350 on the road, or total gro ceipts amounting to $31,800. Tl pense of producing the opera in Arbor was $8,800, and $15,31( route, which left a credit balai the opera account of approxin $7,500. Operating Loss Is $29,815.4( Every department of the showed a small credit balanc cept musical activities, which sl a deficit of $1,267.53. Food, sod, stand, billiards, lodgings, bowli: leys and barber shop returned ance of $27,996.15. Opera, music tivities, spotlight, opera trip, d and rentals showed a balanc $12,087.47. These amounts, cl against the $70,000 general exp finally show an operating loss o ual activities of the Union of 815.40. Memberships, both dues at the Law build- ' ibrary. P TO NOTIFY )DRESS CHANGES ho have recently esses or who expect n the future are re- r such changes in Bursley, Iyean of a complete and ac- at the disposal of resses of students iversity. anges After Today st opportunity for r corrections of ad- one numbers for the ry. Students who an Ann Arbor ad- e number on their , or who have mov- g, should call in per- y office, Press build- ds First Meeting , members addressed of the Alpha Nu last night in Univer- students and annual members, $30,408.55, however,9which ma net ;gain. eiactly $593.15. The total amount of subscr to the building fund to date, d' not due, paid and unpaid, total 060.81. Of this amount $88' has actually been 'paid, while 090.90 is not yet due. The past due, $82,211.14, which is b six and seven per cent of tb paid in, is considered small. Building Subscrlptins He The total amount of money has been received from various Ies is $1,418,258.77. Building subscriptions have* yielded 758.77, a loan from the Michiga IWar board $260,000, a mortgagE Peoples State bank $200,000, loan from the Ann Arbor bank $71,500. The Michigan State War bo, been paid $162,810.91, cost estate $65,338.82, expenditu building $830,911.17, expenditi equipment $225,589.05, campa pense and collection of funds 372.93, interest on loans 9,585. on sale of state war bonds $4 paid to war board, $2,400, tax enue stamps on mortgage and ing same $1,045, interest on in $24,000. Cash on hand was. $ .C"141.i3 FJU.1 jEa Y' U. J.Rf itl ,Lfr. A-X"AV Lr= GI.LG l)alic20 arG IXMOGam, ,_lc alLU vatuaL),kV W.[j.ttU6b, ri y - tl