THE MICHIGAN DAILY a _ as Today From New York /Iarion L. Burton will re- om Buffalo, N. Y., where erday to address amees ew York State Teachers'' he went yest Dng of tha T association. .r_ N I 1/l rl l \1_,11-1/, l/"Vl rth i I/U111i i I 11 WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY May Allison rr jAt the last meeting of junior girls it was voted to levy a tax of $1 for the expenses of the -Junior Girls' play on all junior women. This is payable at once either at the office of the dean of women or to Margaret Kraus, '23. Bluebooks are now being sold at the League booth in University hall. There will be no vesper services -Wednesday because of Thanksgiving vacation. Solicitors for the Y. W. C. A. fin- ance campaign are requested to sub- mit their returns at Newberry hall immediately. The Stanley chorus of women's voic- es will give a matinee dance from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock Saturday afternion, Dec. 3, at-the Armory. Tickets are on sale at Graham's bookstore. Not enough girls have signed up for the course in playground instruc- tion. It will not be given unless at least 35 are signed up by the end of the week. Information about the Women'sI Athletic associationtmaybe had from a member of the athletic board from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock on Mondays and Thursdays in Barbour gymnasium. Memberships will also be taken at this time. All graduate women in the Univer- sity are invited to attend a tea given by the Graduate Women's club from 4 to 6 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. WHITNEY Mon Eve. 28 MAIL ORDERS NOW English Caps A h I AYRES AND SMITH NOW IN $300 "EBig, Gamie" There will be a social meeting T-Square at 7:30 o'clock tonight the home of Mrs. Floyd Bartell. of at . , / EDWARD RE-CILI-N Organist of Immanuel Lutheran Church, New York City Members of the Masques costume committee will meet at 4 o'clock Wed- nesday afternoon in the Women's league room at Barbour gymnasium. There will be no Y. W. C. A. cabinet meeting this afternoon. Corresponding Sec'y Chosen by League Lucy Huber, '23, has been unanim- ously elected, corresponding secretary of the Women's league by the board of/ directors. The filliTig of this vac- ancy was provided for in accordance with the amendment passed by the league:this fall which states that any vacancy in the board of directors shall be filled in the following manner: The class representatives shall make three nominations which shall be voted upon by the board of directors and that girl receiving the unanimous vote shall be elected. Most Popular Play of the Day Prices 75c $1 $1.50 $2 Seat Sale Opens Friday Wadhams & Company IN RECITAL a LAST TIMES TODAY HILL AUDITORIUM HELD OVER, AN EXTRA, DAY! SO THAT EVERY ONE MAY HAVE A CHANCE TO SEE WHAT WE B LIEVE TO BE THE BEST PICTURE YET SEEN THIS SEASON Thanksgiving Day, November 24th AT THE THEATERS 4:15 P._M. "THE CHILD t } TODAY screen Organ Compositions by Lutheran Masters THOU Arcade-"The Girl from God's Country," an all-star cast. Majestic-A John Stahl' produc- tion, "The Child Thou Gavest Me." Wuerth-Harold Lloyd in "Nev- er Weaken." GA VEST ME " ADMISSION FREE *-- Orpheum-1May Allison Game." in "Big Press agents' adjectives are not satisfactory to use to tell you about this show. But frankly and honestly, we believe it has a big appeal to every person that can move a muscle. No, it's not a sob story nor an old problem play, but a great entertain- ment that will make you laugh heartily and earnestly and then stop you with admiration for the way the plot is worked out. I s'pose if this ad says the show's a "bearcat" you'll come quick- er so - it's . . . ask anyone! G. H. HOAG, Mgr. EXTRA COMEDY ATTRACTION I ( THIS WEEK Stage Garrick (Detroit)-Doris Keane in "Romance." Shubert Michigan (Detroit)-- Goldywn's spectacle, ."Theo- dora." Monday, Nov. 2S Whitney-"East is West." Sandwiches, coffee, milk, chocolate, pie, French pastry, delivery free to your room till 11 P. M. We are giv- ing soup, choice of three meats, bread and butter, coffee or tea, dessert, all for 35c. You can eat what and when you like for $6.00 a week. Ham's Lunch, call 1526-M, 538 Forest Ave.- Adv. "OH! BUDD Y" A Christie comedy that makes 'em all laugh TOPICS ORCHESTRA 11 BIG THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY SHOW "THE GREAT IMPERSONATION" By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM YOU READ THE STORY - NUF SED! V WRtki You heard McCormack? EVENING 7.00 -- 8:45 Adults ......30c Kiddies ......lIOc MATINEE 2:00 -3:30 Adults ....... 20c Kiddies ...... 1l0c I Then his records mean more to you than ever before: His singing need not become a half-forgotten memory but may readily be a part of your daily life. i You can hear this great tenor as often as you wish with a Victrola in your home-the same superb art, the same distinctive personality. LAST TIME TODAY DOUBLE FEATURE 41! I Lloyd lifts you high in clouds of laughter.. I t Q 8 EaIglu Ortt LLOYD NEVER, Lloyd, gives you goose-flesh at his mid-air antics: He's the greatest funster in the world and his latest is the greatest laughter-thriller you ever saw. "WHERE LIGHTS t' a ARE 1 See it once "you'll times.", see it ten LOW,, You'll "Never Weaken."