A"DEFENSE (By Eva Anderson) ing by the naturalists Theye appeared in these columns cal and spiritual tex last week an attack on naturalism. life? New values tod The writer no kdoubt expected an ones that are constan answer. He perhaps knew that there ing and changing. In are among students here too many ad- form new values we herents of the naturalistic writers know in all its intim for his views to stand unassailed. But from which alone su upon starting to write, I hesitate, This arise. The fundamen struggle between the real and the which rest all sciences ideal is as old, of course, as the fac- istic art is that the con ulty of expression. And compared to ly significant. all that has been said on tioe subject However, Mr. How in the past, this latest man festation stumble upon these v seems puerile-a tempest in a tin can. in what he terms "o But such is the calibre of the usual ments." He and the r colege discussion. . ists seem to prefer t The first point upon which I dis- mediate facts of humas agree with Mr. Hoover, the author of lude themselves with the article, is his affirmation that fectionism. Their "ido naturalism is hostile to man's pro- more than meye empty gress in living. He considers the they are not bi evolved ugliness and sordidness of life; to give longings of the huma a photographic view of life and to rest The second charge content. This fallacy is an old one, Hoover against the nat and I am rather surprised to find it is that it "consciously so persistent. ly avoids the climax." As a matter of fact, the spirit of our naturalists will havei naturalists' endeavor to understand max" as this device is and present the facts of human life explained in the avert just as they are is somewhat the same class. To them clim spirit that governs the scientists when lumber. Life-the st he tries to discover and understand they deal, and'deal ho that which is. These moderns observe work towards "curta: life with stringent closeness and as it series of conveniently is; even as science has seen the pro- sodes. Going a.step fa cesses of nature as they are. The sci- essential to art? If s entist sees the processes of nature not for climax in a song,i as some theological preconception statue? would have them be; in the same way Mr. Hoover objects the naturalist of the first rank sees exclusion (he callsi life not as some moralistic preconcep- once) of climax on t tion would have it be. human experience isa And what is to come of 4l this delv- maxes" and not a "mo OF NATURALISM into the physi- ture of human displace the old tly disintegrat- n attempting to must strive to acy, the reality uch values can tal truth upon and all natural- crete is eternal- ver prefers to alues tr ideals our nobler mo- est of the ideal- to veil the im- n nature and de- a hollow per- eals" can be no y figments since d by the genuine n soul. brought by Mr. uralistic method and deliberate-- It is true that nothing of "cli- so ponderously age "literature" ax is so much uff with which nestly-does not ins" through a y arranged. epi- arther, is climax o, why not look a painting, or a further to the it "expunction" he ground that a "series of cli- notonous level" 1 I E 1 t 7 7 "_ 1 i . . , c j .t # 3 ,1 : y 1 f 1 I f as he sees it portrayed in naturalistic fiction. But, I question, do not cli- maxes become monotonies after they begin to repeat themselves? And many repetitions are inevitable, especially in the mental life, because a man's tend- ency is to react rather than to act. The article then cites history as a record of a series of climaxes, but he neglects the fact that history is not art; the writing of it is a science. His two. main charges against natur- alism concluded, Mr. Hoover begins to argue "constructive criticism." I won- der if in so doing he is aware that he disposes of Voltaire, Swift, and a half hundred other famous critical writers. In this "constructive criticism," I find Mr. Hoover contradicting directly what he set forth in the first part of his article. At first he is prone to condemn naturalism and naturalistic methods because such a view of life would keep things static, hinder all progress. Now having advanced through a half column, he is ready to affirm that it is not a matter of pro- gress, but of moving in cycles. He is also-ready to prophesy that the "litera- ture of tomorrow" will be profoundly influ'enced and reinforced by the nat- uralistic method. Thus, he has proved nothing. He is also given to the making of bold statements, to back up which he makes no effort whatever. For ex- ample: "The writer does not -naintain that naturalisi is not art-but he does say that it is not the highest art." Who is to stand judgment? Mr. Hoover needs to learn from the naturalists a lesson about drawing conclusions. The great naturalistic artist sets down his vision of life and is silent. / At the end of his article Mr. Hoover seems to demand that art be a sort of short cut to cheerful living. Of course, there is nothing of this kind in natu- ralistic writing any more than there is in the "Iliad" or in "Lear." The natu- ralists recognize life for "the vast and awful business" that it is. They are trying to understand and conquer an unfathomable world by grappling with the facts of life first-hand. Can life, which contains so much meaningless monotony and common- ness, be other than tragic? Persons who have not the courage to face this fact may seek refuge in reading fairy tales with the children. Men of stern- er stuff will turn to Whitman who, feeling only "underfoot the divine soil. overhead the sun," desired also that man in literature should be treated "as he is in himself and in his own rights." Enssell's Book Seli in England In October 1919, Alfred A. Knopf published a first book of short stories of the South Seas by a young Ameri- can writer, John Russell,- under the title "The Red Mark." Only a few hundred copies were sold, and both author and publisher were according- ly much disappointed. The book was published this year in England under a new title, "Where the Pavement Ends", and proved one of the chief successes of the London season, run- ning through eight editions in the month immediately following publi- cation. It has now been republished here by Mr. Knopf under the English title, the American edition having two more stories than the English. Comfort and a Convenient Light will create a desire to do more studying The Adjustable FLOOR LAMP ---is the solution The Detroit Edison Co. Cor. Main and William Sts. Phone 2300 I i _I PHONE 2508 Company r "Mee }Come of Sner~ine" S CIENTIFIIC CLEANING Our equipment makes it possible for us to clean cleaner than any other way. Try us and be convinced. r "SWISSILIZED GARMENTS STAY CLEAN LONGER THE HOME OF ENERGINE PHONE 2508 209 SO. 4TH AVE. The Only Place Energine is Used in Ann Arbor