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November 20, 1921 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-11-20

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Michigan Minnesota
SPEC I'ATORS BAFFLED Dean....... L E....... Cole
BY BRILLIANT PLAYS Johns.......GL. T....rConklin
Petro.. .... LG....... Grose
Vick........ C. ....... .Aas
Michigan Line and Backfield Prove Wison.......R. G.....Tierney
Mystery to Northmen and Muirhead R. T. Johnsen
Score at Will Goebel.....R. E....Wallace
- Uteritz....... Q......Brown
Michigan ended her 1921 gridiron Kipke....... L. H. .. .McCreery
season in a blaze of glory yesterday Roby...... F. B.......Gilstad
afternoon when the powerful Wolver- Cappon......R. H. ..Martineau
ine machine completely overwhelmed
the Gophers by the score of 38 to 0. SUMMARY
Not since the fall of 1913 has a Yost Touchdowns-Uteritz 2, Cap-
eleven displayed such power as did the pon, Banks, Goebel. Goals after
Michigan team yesterday against Mn- touchdowns-Goebel 5. Field
nesota. . goal-Dean.
Coach Yost treated the crowd with Officials-Referee, H. B. Hack-
his tricks when in play after play the ett, Army. Umpire, J. J.
Wolverine backs sped down the field Schommer, Chicago. Field
to the astonishment of the bewildered judge, F. H. Young, Illinois
Gopher eleven. Michigan plays were Wesleyan. Head linesman, H.
executed with such a smoothness that D. Ray, Illinois.
the Northmen were baffled at all
Shift Fails to Gain yards Uteritz was blocked. Roby
The vaunted Minnesota shift failed yas. ter t h as boe Roby
repeatedly to net the Northmen gains pased to Cappon; the pass was com-
when the Michigan "inspired defense" pleted, but Cappon fumbled, Minne-
refused to yield under its pressure. sota recovering on the 10-yardline.
Even the spectators were at a loss Glstad hit the line for 3 yards. Gil-
to follow some of the plays. When stad gained 4 yards more through the
the game was less than four minutes line. The ball was on the Minnesota
under way, Uteritz slipped around 20-yard line.
Minnesota's right end on a fake play Martineau made first down. Cole
and was well on his way to the goal went through right tackle for 2 yards.
line before the Gophers were aware Martineau hit line for 5 more. On a
of his escape. quarter-back sneak Martineau made
Play Spectacular another first down. Minnesota was
Again in the second quarter Uteritz penalized 15 yards, placing the ball
brought the stands to their feet when on Minnesota's 20-yard line. Gilstad
he intercepted a Minnesota pass on his added 4 yards through left tackle.
own 25 yard line and ran through the Martineau punted to the Michigan 48-
entire Gopher team for a secod touch- yard line.
down. "Cappie" Cappon treated Mich- Cappon made 2 yards hitting the1
igan rooters to another spectacular line. Kipke went around right end
run when he smashed through the for 12 Xards and first down. Roby
center of the Minnesota line and ran drove through left tackle for 6 yards.
65 yards for a touchdown. In the Roby smashed the same place for 3
last quarter Goebel lay out and re- yards.
ceived a pass from Roby for 32 yards r Cappon made 2 yards and first down
and a touchdown. through the line. Kipke failed to
--gain on left end run. Roby was
FIRST QUARTER thrown for 2-yard loss on an end run.
Captain Teberg won the toss 'and Quarter ends with the ball on the
chose to defend the east goal. Mich- Mnnesota 20-yard line.
igan received the kick-ot. . Scoe,-leigan 10, Minnesota 0. I
Minnesota kicked off to Roby on the
15-yard line, who returned the ball SECOND QUARTER
to the 37-yard line. A complicated forward pass failed.
Kipke on a right-end run entered Minnesota's ball on her own 26-yard
Minnesota's 45-yard line, where he line. Grose gained 1 yard. Martineau
slipped and fell. Cappon drove added 2 on a left tackle drive. Mar-
through left tackle for 4 yards. Min- tineau punted out of bounds on Mich-
nesota penalizd 5 yards for offside, igan's 30-yard line. Kipke skirted
which gave Michigan first down on left end in a pretty run for 15 yards.
the Minnesota 35-yard line. Roby Cappon drove through guard for 4
went around right end for 7 yards. yards. On a kick formation Roby
Kipke made 4 yards and first down added 5 yards.- Roby hit center for
on left end run. Uterize lost 3 yards 10 yards and first down.
on an end run.. On a fake play Uter- On the Gopher 46-yard line. Kipke
itz ran 30 yards to the Minnesota one- thrown for a 5-yard loss. Kipke punt-
yard line. ed to the Minnesota 18-yard line. Mar-
Rain was falling very heavily. tineau went around right end for 6
Uteritz went through center for a yards. Brown hit line for 2 yards.
touchdown. Brown made first down on Minnesota

j l

McCormack Will
Give Concert On
Tuesday Evening
John McCor mack, the world-re-
nowned Irish tenor, will be heard at
8 o'clock Tuesday night in Hill aud-
itorium on the Choral Union concert
series. He will be assisted by Donald
McBeath, violinist, and accompani-
ments will be played by Edwin
The great tenor was born in
Athone, Ireland, on June 14, 1884, and
received his early education at Marist
Brothers schools in the place of his
birth. At the age of 12, he was sent
to Summer Hill college, Sligo, where
he was graduated with honors in 1902.1
His vocal ability was discovered by
Vincent O'Brien, director of the Marl-
borough Cathedral choir, Dublin, and
McCormack was persuaded to join the
choir. He studied under Signor Sa-
batini at Milan -during 1903 and in
1904 returned to Dublin, winning
first prize in the Dublin Musical fes-
tival of that year. He made his de-
but in London in "Cavaleria Rusti-
cana" in 1907, which was followed by
appearances with Madame Tetrazzini.
In 1908 he was engaged by the Met-
ropolitan Opera company and later
appeared with the Chicago-Philadel-
phia Opera company and with the
Chicago Grand Opera company. His
singing throughout the country year!
after year has brought him _a repu-
tation which he alone holds. He is
practically the only singer who can
fill the immense New York Hippo-
drome as often as he is announced.

the Fighting 1921 Wolverine Aggre-




Plays National Anthem
Spectators Bare Heads
During Game


Michigan paused a moment yester-'
day to honor her four "M" men who
sacrificed their wives in the World
war as a bronze tablet in memory of
them was unveiled on Ferry field im-
mediately before the beginning of the
Minnesota game.
" The colors were lowered to half
mast as the Varsity band formed be-
fore the flag pole and played "The
Star Spangled Banner". While the
spectators stood withkuncovered
heads, Maj. James K. Watkins, presi-
dent of the "M" club, removedrthe
flag which covered the tablet. Major
Watkins was accompanied by members
of the club. A bugle sounded "taps"
at the conclusion of the ceremony.
The men in whose memory the tab-
let was dedicated are: Curtis G. Red-
den, '04, Howard R. Smith, '12, Otto
Carpell, '13, and Efton James, '15.
Evangelist Gives Lecture Today
Evangelist F. H. Dudley of Lansing
will open a series of lectures dealing
with present day conditions in the
light of the Bible at the Seven Day
Adventists' church tonight. The sub-
ject of the first lecture is "Why- God
Didn't Destroy the Devil."

Class Dues day, which will be ob-
served Tuesday by all classes of the
University, will introduce a new plan
of paying class fees which it is hoped
will become traditional.
The features of this new method
are numerous. It will help the dif-
ferent classes to build up their treas-
uries early in the year and it will re,
lieve the student of a great deal of
bother and inconvenience by setting
one definite time and place for paying
their fees. At present classes are
unable to pay their bills and many ac-
counts stand payable for a long period
of time.
The locations of the various booths
will be announced in Tuesday's Daily
and all students should see to it that
they clear up their class accounts at
this time.
Plans have been drawn up for a
junior lit smoker to be held Tuesday
evening at the Union.
At the present time the program
for the event Chas not been arranged,
but the men in charge are making an
effort to secure the best speakers
available. The usual music, songs,
smokes, cider and doughnuts will be
in evidence and help to make the get-
together a real meeting.
Tickets for the smoker will be
placed on sale on the campus and in
the class rooms Monday, and it is
urged that all those who hope to at-
tend the meeting will buy early in
order that an estimate of the number
can be made. Tickets will sell for
50 cents.
In 1898 Notre Dame spent $20,000
on a new gymnasium and dedicated it
at an indoor meet with Michigan.

Football Scenes SOPHSVC
Taken For Daily
Camera men andrassistants from the
with which The Daily has arranged
for a University movie to "be produc-
ed within a year on the Michigan CLASS SPIRIT HIGH DESPITE
campus were at the Michigan-Min- HEAVY RAIN AND MUDDY
nesota football game yesterday after- FIELD
noon to film the first scenes of the
picture. Work on various locations YEARLINGS WIN SPREE;
around the campus will start in a few SOPHS TAKE FLAG RUSH
Students who are working on scen-
arios for the motion picture are urg- 24 Men Succeed in Capturing Poles
ed to turn In their manuscripts with- by Thqrmng Flying Wedge
in the next few days if they wish Against Fresh
their ideas to be given careful con- Battlingthe way to victory thugh
sideration. Work on the continuity Batigherwyovcoytruh
must start at the earliest possible hoards of yearling warriors, the soph-
moment and, although the contest will omores conquered the men of the
not close until Saturday, Dec. 3, the green war paint with a score of four
plot outlines should be in the hands of to one in the annual Fall games yes-
the scenario editor of The Daily in a terday morning. 'After Friday night's
few days. A complete synopsis, with skirmish, the class spirit was run-
detailed descriptions and an elabor- ning higher than ever in spite of the
ate story, is not desired by the pro- heavy rain that drenched the con-
ducers during these preliminary stages tenders and made the field a swamp
of the production. of muck.
If the manuscripts are turned in in Numerous hand to hand encounters
good time and a satisfactory plot can between the freshmen and sophomores
be developed soon, the. producers ex- were halted by the timely intervention
pect that the actual process of film- of officials.
ing can be started before Christmas. 25 Wins Cane Spree
The general locations that are now The cane spree was the first event
being photographed will be used for to be launched. Twenty-one canes
short cut-ins, and, according to pres- were- distributed to pairs of 21
ent indications, can soon be followed sophomores and 21 freshmen. A spir-
by real intensive work. ited tight, in which the freshmen se-
cured 11 canes, the sophomores five
with five canes drawn, netted the
Eyearlingsone point toward the games.
Sopis Win Flag Rush
In the flag rush, three telephone
poles about 15 feet high were placed
at intervals of about 100 feet. At the
top of each pole a flag was fastened.
The freshman class was required to
Japan Joins with France, Great defend the three 'poles by surrounding
Britain and them. Their numbers were so divided
Others however, that the sophs made a flying
wedge of their entire number and suc-
EMANCIPATION AND INTEGRITY ceeded in capturing the three flags,
SOUGHT FOR EASTERN COUNTRY the first encounter being declared dis-
qualified because so many injuries re-
Washington, Nov. 19.-Japan joined suted.
with the other powers today in an sBy capturing the two flags, the .
expressiontrf sympathy forthe na-I sophomores added four points to their
ona aspirations of China, but added score, two for each flag, making the
a postscript regretting any tendency score at the end of the game: Sophs
toward a detailed examination by the 4, freshmen 1.
arms conferenec into "innumerable
minor matters" in the Far East. S aturda y 9s /Rame s
In astatement omitting mention of
specific points of controversy between
the two countries, the Japanese dele- Chicago 3, Wisconsin 0.
gation informed-the conference dele- Illinois 7, Ohio State 0.
gates that their government claimed Iowa 14, Northwestern 0.
no special rights and privilege. Indiana 3, Purdue 0.
In turn, GreatnBritain, France, Harvard 10, Yale 3.
Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Brown 7, Colgate 0.
Portugal, expressed in broad terms Syracuse 14, Dartmouth 7.
their desire for the emancipation of Rutgers 17, West Va. 7.
China through commercial liberties Centre 25, Wash. and Lee 0.
and preserved territorial integrity, a Notre Dame 21, Marquette 7.
general position already having the Kalamazoo College 15, Alma 0.
adherence of the United States. The Oberlin 7, Western Reserve 0.
committee adjourned until Monday, Johns Hopkins 17, St. John's 3.
when the discussion of principles is to Carnegie 21, Maryland 0.
give way to a more detailed consider-
ation of China's declaration of rights.
X-COUNTRY MEET Soccer schedules for Monday are as
follows: sophomore lits, Merner,
355, vs. senior engineers, Cuthbert,
Bloomington, Ind., Nov. 19.-Illinois 1909-R; sophomore engineers, Arner
won the eighth annual Conference vs. junior e'ngineers, Iland, 1460; Ze-
cross coutry meet here this morning. ta Psi vs. Beta Theta Pi; Delta Chi
Ames, of Iowa State college, finished vs.1Phi Delta Theta.
second and Wisconsin third. Ohio The Fraternity cross country run
State was fourth and Michigan finish- will be held at 4:15 o'clock on Tues

ed in the fifth position. day afternoon.
Finkle of Wisconsin was the first
runner to cross the tape with a time
of 29 minutes, 12 seconds. Chute was SENIOR LI DUES
the first Michigan man to score, fin-__
ishing seventh. The run was held
over a hilly course, muddy from the Senior lit class dues must be
rains of the last three days. paid if the various class func-
tions and traditions are to be
FRIENDLY FEELING EXISTS carried out according to Walter
BETWEEN TEAMS AT BANQUET B. Rea, '22. Expenses will run
especially heavy during gradua-
Friendliness was the keynote of the ation week and a class memorial
Filnuess wh a jne- must be provided by the out-go-
banquet of the Michigan and Minneso- ing class. This year the duesI
ta teams held yesterday evening at have been reduced from the us-
Willitts cafe. The little brown jug in nal fee ofr$3.50 to $2. The sen-
its original home occupied the place f ior booth will be in.University
of honor.
Coach Henry L. Williams and Coach hall across from the registrar's
Yost made brief talks, and the cap- office from 9 to 3 oclock, Nov. 22.

Play had been going 4 minutes.
Goebel kicked goal.
Score-Michigan 7, Minnesota 0.
Martineau kicked off to Roby on the
25-yard line, who returned to the 35-
yard line. Dean kicked to Martineau
on the 10-yard line, who fumbled on
the Minnesota 25-yard line. Michigan
recovered the fumble.
Kipke slipped on the wet field, los-
ing 4 yards. On fake play Kipke was
held for no gain. Michigan was pen-
alized 5 yards for off-side. Uteritz
dropped Roby's pass. Dean dropped
back for kick to the 45-yard line.
Place-Kicked for Three Points
Score-Michigan 10, Minnesota 0.
Martineau kicked off to Roby on the
30-yard line, who returned to the
Michigan 46-yard line. Time out for
Wallace. Kipke made 4 yards on a
right end run. - Cappon goes through
the Minnesota line for 43 yards to
Minnesota 1-yard line. Uteritz tries
for no gain. Kipke slipped on an
end run and lost 3 yards. Goebel off-

10-yard line. Martineau thrown for
2-yard loss on an end run. Gilstad
hit center for 2 yards. Martineau
punted to Uteritz on 15-yard line, who
returned ball to Michigan's 33-yard
line. Kipke went off right tackle for
7 yards. Roby smothered on a tackle
drive. Kipke punted to Martineau,
who returned ball 5 yards to Minne-
sota's 30-yard line.
Grose made 11 yards and first down
on a right end run. Steketee was ub-
stituted for Kipke.- Uteritz intercept.
ed a Minnesota pass for touchdown
after a run of 60 yards through the
entire Minnesota team. Goebel kicked
Score-Michigan 17, Minnesota 0.
Martineau kicked off to Roby on the
15-yard line, who returned the ball
20 yards. Roby gained 5 yards on
the first play. Steketee lost 5 yards.
Steketee punted to Gilstad, who re-
turned the ball.10 yards to the Mich-
igan 40-yard line. Brown went through
right tackle for 6 yards. Brown made

Policies And Aims Of Micihigan
Boosters Organization Outlined

Michigan Boosters, a new organiza-
tion composed of 200 picked men, is
in the process of formation on the
campus. The stated aims of this
group primarily involve service to the
University along lines which are not
covered by existing organizations.
During the last week meetings were
held for two groups, the representa-
tives of fraternities and house clubs,
and representatives chosen from the
campus at large. The purposes of the
movement were explained by the men
who are its sponsors and plans were
laid for more definite governing rules
and policies. A committee has drawn

will be pasedon by the entire body
of 200 men at a meeting at 7 o'clock
Tuesday evening. in Lane hall.
The Michigan Boosters, it is said,
have no desire to encroach on the
work of other campus bodies; their
purpose is to direct their efforts to-
wards filling in the gaps where the'
work and influence of 200 picked men
would prove an asset to the Univer-
sity. In accordance with these aims,
the club will pursue a policy of min-
imizing personal publicity.
The temporary, committee re-
quests the entire personnel of the
boosters to be' present at 7 o'clock

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