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November 13, 1921 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-11-13

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The Spirit gi State Street
By V. E. Anthony without giving a perspective of the and so in after years we shall look ous courage, and mighty beginnings
If streets possessed gender. State whole; while memory is like a tele- back and marvel at the hopes and as- of all-daring youth, the Spirit of State
Street would surely be feminine, for scope which magnifies the outlines, pirations, dreams and deeds, audaci- street.
its nature is many sided and unstable
-"varium et mutabile semper

What street of equal length can lay
claim to residences, to rooming, board-
ing, and fraternity houses, a Y. M. C.
A., Y. W. C. A., an Old Ladies Home, a
thriving business section, a model
High school, four churches, a Uni-
versity campus and buildings, a Union,
and afootball field. What sources of
influence on head, heart, mind, body,
soul, stomach, and pocketbook are
massed on this thoroughfare.
No matter what your mood, State
Street in one of her aspects will har-
monize. You can be studious, lazy,
pious, fun-seeking; with money to
spend or money to earn, and the street
will cater to you. She offers you a
Editor's Note-The Michigan
Daily Sunday Magazine has made
arrangements witih Prof. John L.
Brumm to print from time to
time the best specimens of work
submitted in Journalism 33, a
course in Interpretative News
Writing. The first article, "The
Spirit of State Street" is printed
po this page.
score of opportunities to barter, td
sell, to study or loaf, eat, sleep, dance,
work, bowl, to engage in charitable
work or play billiards, sing in the
choir or read the bookstores magazines
gratis, to buy expensive nick nacks, or
rake lawns, to improve or neglect
your health and mind. For decades
she has offered these chances. And
what difference does it make to her
if you choose wisely or foolishly, No
difference at all, but it is hard to rea-
lize, while under her spell, that you
are the only one to whom yur choice
of opportunities is of lasting conse.
State street is a versatile actress
changing her role tmany times a day
with lightning artistry. In the morn-
ing she is alertly active, intent, busi-
nesslike, at noon hurried and self
absorbed; contented and leisurely con-
templative in the afternoon, and by
electric light either drowsy and pre-
occupied or gay, curious, eagerly alive.
She can effect sedate manners or
"Hail, Hail the gang's all here" at-
titudes at a moment's notice. She
can be reserved and clamlike or she
can overflow with western breeziness;
she can run after you or elude your
grasp; make friends with you or re-
main a stranger. She is a bundle of
extreie contradictions, antipodal, be-
ing at one and the same time inter-
ested, indifferent; vital, forceful, sup-
erficial, a North star and yet a will-'
the wisp; In truth a puzzle and a para-
dox, but most of all she is a magnet
attracting and bringingout whatever
is hidden in those who come under
her influence.
Daily contact is like a microscope
which reveals all the minute flaws

Random Suggestions
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The New Note in
Women's Hand Bags
Really they seem to make last season's hand bag look much
Ie last season's hat.
The hand bag is such an intimate accessory - always in one's
lap, over one's wrist or lying on the chair or table - always in
the limelight. That's why it will be such a satisfaction to
carry one of these newest models that just came forward this
You'll know the reason as soon as you see them.

A Colorful Festival
in Fashionable Ribbons
Ribbons, Ribbons everywhere, with radiant colors wherever
they go! Ribbons on every sort of frock - for sashes, for
rufflings, for jabots. Ribbons on so many smart hats. Rib-
bons for blouses and negligees. Ribbons for Lingerie. Rib-
bons for Baby's wear.
And these are just the Ribbons most wanted, with some inter-
esting price-news as well.

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The Dainty Neck-Piece
that Brightens the Whole Outfit
Every woman has expressed delighted surprise when she came
to our Neckwear counters and saw the charming effects that
this season has brought forth.
For several seasons the importance of the Neckwear has been
growing, and most women depend upon collars and cuffs or
guimpe, to give the finishing touch to suit or other garment.
And now the charm of these dainty pieces is greater than ever
before. You'll be glad to see the new effects.


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