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Telephone 2414
Managing Editor..................Hugh W. Hitchcock
tor ..................... ........... E. P. Lovejoy, Jr.
I. E. Adams C. P. Overton
Edward Lambrecht M, B. Stahl
Hugnston McBain Paul Watzel
Board Chairman....,................ .T. J. Whinery
T. Beach E. R. Meiss
A. Kern Leo Hershdorfer
agazine Editor.............Thornton W. Sargent, Jr.
Editor............ ...................George E. Sloan
[tor....................... ......... Sidney B. Coates
Editr ................................ George Reindel
Editor ...............................Ulizabeth Vickery
ditor ................................ R. Meiss
Byers L. L. Fenwick B. H. Lee
Butler H. B. Grundy J. E. Mack
Clark Agnes Holmquist Kathrine Montgomery
C. Clark H. E. Howlett R. C. Moriarity
-omstock Marion Kerr R. B. Tarr
'.*Dawson L. S. Kerr Virginia Tryon
Donahue M. A. Klaver Dorothy Whipple
Elliott Marion Koch L. L._Yost
ever, this latter difficulty, at least, could easily be
overcome by the introduction of a few of the rac-
ing outfits found in the typical American college
Without compulsory attendance or nerve racking
written finals, with cigars and an invitation to stay
as long as you want for $8o, who doesn't wish he
were going to college in Holland? We don't. But
with some of the glowing features above outlined
engrafted in it, wouldn't the American university
become a real students' paradi'se?
A cut appears in the rotogravure section of -a
Sunday paper to the effect that "Henry Jones is the
youngest freshman ever to enter Siwash univer-
sity." Four years later another cut appears say-
ing that "Henry Jones is the youngest student ever
to graduate from Siwash university," and the biog-
raphy of a youthful prodigy is written, except for
the death notice which mentions this fact under a
medium-sized head in a local newspaper. Such is
the case in the majority of such phenomenons.
It is a natural, though regrettable fact that most
precocious youngsters fail to attain eminence. The
prodigy's very youth, which- would seem to give
him a great advantage over his fellows, is his worst
handicap. He lacks experience, knowledge of men,
physical growth. Often his brilliance is mere re-
ceptivity - he cannot apply his knowledge to the so-
lution of particular problems. Socially he is at a
disadvantage, for he is too young to be really a
member of hi's own generation.
Psychologists are continually advocating that
exceptional children be given exceptional training,
that their extraordinary abilities be cultivated 'and
directed. This is a laudable effort to make the best
use of such unusual capacities, but it may well be
doubted that the effort will succeed unless. some
provision is made for their entrance into the more
serious activities of life at a mature age. It seems
the part of wisdom to allow these individuals the
same time to develop their faculties that is allowed
the average person, and let them acquire more
knowledge in that length of time and develop them-
selves more fully.
In the meantime it would be well to collect fig-
ures on the accomplishments of the exceptional stu-
dent in the outside world in order to have a solid
basis for educating the prodigy in the most efficient
manner, and for determining if he is worthy of
special effort.
A recent issue of the McGill Daily, of McGill
university, Montreal, Canada, contains a column of
"Intercollegiate Notes" giving news of California,
Indiana, Arkansas and other American colleges and
This frank informal recognition of American ed-
ucational insetitutions is gratifying as showing that
the college men of the two countries, which have so
much in common and have at all times in the past
been friendly, are drifting closer together. The
McGill-Syracuse game is another evidence of the
same tendency. Only good can arise from such ex-
changes by those in both countries with an interest
in college life, and they should not be allowed to
die out for lack of encouragemnt on either side of
the border.
Lioth ends of ike diagonal )P'alk
Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars--6.os a.
Mn., 7:05 a. in., 8:,o a. in. and hourly to g: o
p. mn..
Jackson Express Cars (local stops of Ann
Arbor), 9:48 a. in. and every two hours to
9:48 P. in.
Local Cars East Bound' 555 a.m., 7: ooa.
m. and 'every two hours; to g :oo p. in.. 11 :00
p. m. To Ypsilanti only-I:4o p. in., 12.25
a. my.,2x: r5'a. im.
To Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:5o a. m., 2:40 p.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limited cars:
8:48, 10:4& a. m., 12:48, 2:48, 4:48.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited: 8:48
p. M.
Log Log Slide Rules
1 2. 3
. B. Young
Telephone 960
Advertising.......................F. M. Heath, A. J. Parker
Publication .............................. Nathan W. Robertson
Accounts ..................................John J. Hamels, Jr.
Circulation...............................Herold C. Hunt
Burr L. Robbins Richard Cutting H. willis Heidbreder
W. Cooley James Prentiss W. Kenneth Galbraith
I,. Beaumont Parks Maurice Moute J. A. Dryer
Walter Scherer Martin Goldring Richard Heidenann
Edw. Murane Tyler Stevens T. H. Wolfe'
David Park Paul Blum
Night Editor-PAUL WATZEL
Assitant-A.d D.Clark. Proof raders
Robert W. Cooper, Millard H. Pry-
Michigan 7, Wisconsin 7, tersely tells the story of
the hardest game on the latter part of the 1921
Maize and Blue gridiron schedule. Matched with
undefeated Wisconsin on a field of mud the Wol-
verines, "doped" to lose, held their hard-hitting op-
-ponents to- a tie.
Indecisive contests are always dissatisfying. By
defeating Wisconsin Michigan would have come
out indisputably as one of the Conference's best, if
not a title holder. Yet it can't be denied that the
Badgers have a wonderful team. And it is no small
glory to have held it for a tie.
Though the score has not come up to our hopes,
in its refusal to accept defeat in spite of recog-
nized odds, Michigan's fighting team has really
come little short of victory. With the game going
against it, it only redoubled its efforts equaling
the mark of the Badgers, only to be stopped by
equal doggedness and determination on the part of
its opponents.
Michigan 7, Wisconsin 7 - the game will always
be remembered as a great battle between two fight-
ing teams.
Consider any institution out of its natural selting
and if it has any human qualities it will have fea-
tures so different from those familiar to the ob-
server as to be amusing. The customs of Eton col-
lege, or at least the costumes of these English col-
legians with their high hats and queer coats, strike
the American student as humorous. And probably
our unrestrained conduct at football games would
seem equally odd to the young Britisher.
° the same vein Dutch universities, as recently
pictured by Prof. Ernst Cohen, of the University
of Utrecht, 'seem to'approach the popular idea of a
students' paradise. "Attendance to lectures and
laboratory work is not compulsory old no written
examinations are given," reads the account. What
more could the "pipe" hunter desire? and, "When
the final takes place the student may receive his
diploma although he may have been too nervous at.
the critical moment to answer satisfactorily". How
many of us are "nervous" when taking finals!
Following the -description further, it appears that
Holland examinations are social affairs almost to-
tally devoid of the intense strain and business-like
atmosphere of the American counterparts. "First
the Oudent calls on each of his professors socially,
tea or other drinks (exactly what is not mentioned)
and perhaps a cigar being enjoyed". With such a
system here attendance taking would become un-
necessary, though the cigar problem might become
acute.: The Dutch tuition plan, also, gives no worry
to the seeekr of knowledge. By paying an $8o fee
he can take tall the courses he wants to fQr as many
years a.s he likes.
But this students' Eden is not without its small
Irawbacks. "'These universities have no inter-col-
egiate sports except rowing contests and the uni-
versity buildings are so far apart that students have
tq go from one -class to another on bicycles. How-
6 7 8 8 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30
We do all kinds of high-class Hat'
work at pre-wor prices. Hats turned
inside out, with all new trimmings,
are as good as new.
Telephone 1792
Read Down Central Standard Time
A.M..P.M P.M. A&P
Daiiy Daily Daily Daily
7:30 1:30 Lv... Adrian ...Ar 700 12.45
8:*5 2:05 ... Tecumac'..6:25 1210
-:25 2:25......... Clinoor.......6:o5 x x:5o.
9:15 3:15......Saline .. 5:5 11:00,
9:45 3:45 Ar. Ann Arbor Ly. 4:45 10:30
A.M. P.M. P.M. A&PM
Read Up
P.M. P.M.'
3:30 Lv... Adrian ..Ar. 9:00
4:05 ,... Tecumseh .... 8:25
4:25 ..... Clinton .... :o
5:15 daine . 9:15
:443 Ar. ' Ann Arbor Lv 6:45
P.M. P.M.
A deposit will hold until Christmas
a gift box Crane, Ilu rd, Whiting,
Hampshire and other choice stationery
at 0. P. Morrill's, 17 Nickel's Arcade.
He-fe teCt Y .C . al
r -
r r
- -
_ r
Hereafter the City Y. W C.A. will
hold open canteen every afternoong
from 2 until 5. It's an opportunity to
meet your friend . D e li cious light
lunches will be served.=
Cream Tomato Soup
ttoast Lamb with Peas =e
Individual Chicken Pie Beef Loaf with Tomato Sauce
Escalloped Potatoes - Mashed Potatoes
Baked Squash Macaroni and Cheese Yellow Wax Beaus
Waldorf Salad Head Lettuce Cottage Cheese with Peppers
Pumpkin, Apple, Raspberry Pie Cake
Pineapple Souffle
,r t
r ~508-510 EAST WILLIAM:.
-. - try ,..
- :a utr~t~ r g ttuu~ttt ttttt~~t tnt u ttn
Hard is the life of an ex-president! The of-
ficials of Washington won't even let him build a
second story on his garage.
The Telescope
To a Pyramid
(Shades of Fine Arts I.)
O monument of an immortal past,
Thou which hast stood through all the blast
Connecting link between the past and present;
What hands six thousand years ago
Erected the huge blocks that form thee,
What men breathed forth their last
To make thee monarch of the ages?-
Men in passing come and look on thee,
Still others comeand pass along,
But thou dost stand serene in all thy glory.
What dost thou care if all creation jdie ?
Thou shalt live on forever; yea, until
The world shall falter on its axis thou shalt stand,
A monument unto the memory of man.
G. W. Bean.
Soft Job
Line repairer for a wireless telegraphy company.
Quoth Eppie Taff:
The bones of Alexander Doe
Lie under here intact;
He saw an actual vodvil show
Without a slap-stick act.
.Jltr ltlEIIE1Ir tInr11 11rilirimt11r111r1n1tt11Eilrr011 1lllllrllrnrrtitu ilfrlll1111tltlflllililllllllllillHun nin tl
a This week we are leaving the old stand and
movin to our big, store on Street -
ner ianac
_ ~ which has just been completed. We are proud of=
VV~e- r-,-O-
our new home and cordially invite you to come '
in and look it over. Music lovers will be impress-
ed by the splendid facilities with which we are
now equipped to serve them.
w a
Come in and use us. We have
all the latest hits and will be glad
a to play them for you. Kook over =
our sheet music. We have some
very pretty, pieces that are just off-
from the press.,-
If you are thinking of buying
any musical instruments you will
surely want to look over our stock.
We have some exceptional values
r in guitars, ukuleles, mandolins,
- a
banjos and saxophones
i w
M w
The latest and best in music al-
ways means-
a -
i w
i P
305--asnard Street
: EU- aUlIHII1tinNIINnnlun uttlum IIrulilunrtlnnl nn ununnnnu
v . ,
Our Latest Song Entitled:
"An Actor Can Usually Subsist on a
Role." -Watta
The Reason Why
She runs an elevator,
So please excuse her frowns,
For even :more than most folks
She-has her ups and d6wns.-
Famous Closing Liens
"After-math," said the student as he laid his
problems on the table and went home to take a nap.