years now has an outside fire exit andj VFOR is equipped with arm chairs for ap- proximately 250 students. [ION Ilo~~l To the right of the main entrance 101 nuoM::: :r:: is a recitation room reserved cx- been remodeled ,elusively for the latin department. classrooms and a Historical philosophy, ethics, french., The auditorium and psychology classes will be trans- used for several ferred to the recitation rooms. DEN CABOT OUTLINES MEDICL SCHOOL POLICY LAUDS PREDECESSOR, DR. GRIAN, IN OPENING ADDRESS 'CAN DAILY VAU- PROMINENT CHURCHMEN COMING TOST.ANREWS Due to the fact that no regular rec- tor has as yet been appointed to fill the pulpit at St. Andrew's Episcopal church, the vestry has made an un- usual schedule of preachers for Sun- days from now until the first of the year. Three bishops have signified their willingness to fill the pulpit. Bishop Wiliams, of this diocese, will preach Nov. 5 and one other date to be an- nounced later, Bishop McCormick,of Western Michigan, on Nov. 13 and 20, and Bishop Remington, of South Da- kota. for two Sundays late in Novemb- er or early in December. Next Sunday morning , Dr. Henry ST, (k, rector emeritus of the parish, will fill the pulpit. DI At last a plh been waiting meal that you Rates Three Beals a. Luneh and Si SOLOMO ARE YOU EATING?" "TUTTLE'S OF COURSE," YOU'LL ANSWER IF YOU'RE WISE. Ask the ones who eat there TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 MAYNARD STREET _.___. { .: and Home SuppliesI "I find myself this morning in ,a difficult position. bifficult for two reasons, firstly, because I am taking up the reins laid down by a great man, and secondly, because this is a, time when many problems in the teaching of medicine press for solu- tion," said Dean Cabot in his address at the opening of th.e medical school Tuesday. Praising the work of his predeces- sor, Dean Vaughan, Dr. Cabot pointed out that the medical school and its faculty stand as Dr. Vaughan's monu- ments. In conclusion of this praise Dean Cabot remarked, "we may prop- erly regard him as one of the greatest medical educators that this country has ever produced." After discussing his policy, Dean Cabot stated his attitude toward the relation of the faculty andthe medical profession: "I think I may safely say that the faculty will be found upon the side of the medical profession, that it will always sympathize with the demands of the public for im- proved medical service but that it will cast the weight of its influence in favor of those changes which main- tain' the dignity of the profession and olppose those which reduce the profes- sion to hirelings of the state, of the community, or of the corporation." Eastern Artist xahibits Pencil Drawings Here - A ON EXIIBIT Ar 308 SOUTH STATE STREET 2nd Floor ASTARR BEST (IN C.) RANDOLPH AND WABASH CHICAGO COLLEGE DEPARTMENT A STYLISH OXFORD FOR FALL READY TO SHOES. DOMESTIC HATS t MADE OF GENUINE IMPORT SCOTCH GRAIN LEATHER IN EITHER A BOX TOE OR A NEW SOFT TOE. BLACK OR BROWN $15.00. THE QUARRY Drug and Prescription Store JAMES H. C Repres4 AUDE DRAKE, Prop. STATE and N. UNIVERSITY F.. PHONE 308 % and Laboratory Supplies } Self-filling, of course - and takes a long drink with a regular 1918 thirst. THE Parker' End-Filler is Safety-Sealed. .No "do-jigger" on the barrel. (By L. 0. Gs.) Twelve pencil drawings by 0. R. Egger, the New York artist, are on display in the architectural corridor of the Engineering building. A more intriguing collection is rarely to be. seen anywhere, and it can be held only jhrough the month of October. Pencil" drawings have a sort of in- formal charm anyhow. But especially these of Mr. Egger's; they verily elic- it wonder and admiration for what he has been .able to do with an humble stick of graphite. The scenes are bits of architectural setting, unescapably charming, embodying our early Am- erican ideals. The Old Courthouse, Philadelphia; Rossville Tavern, Stat- en Island; Trinity Church, Newport; Street Bridge, Hartford; to name a third of the number, are pictured in all the appeal of antique surface, cool shadows, and 'picturesque suround- ings. This Mr. Egger has been able to rub off the end, of a pencil. The drawings can be seen anytime during the day, and at night a light is kept burning in the corridor until the building closes. Tryouts for School of Music Glee Club Try-outs for the School Hof Music Glee club will be held frgm 10 to 11 o'clock Saturday morning and from 3:30 to 5:30' o'clock Tuesday after- noon at the University School of Music. All women who desire to try out must be interested in voice and enrolled in The School of Music. The Glee club has plans for a Most suc- cessful year, several trips being an at- tractive feature. Tickets for Packard dance at $1.00. -Adv. NEW FALL WOOLENS IMPORTED NEW F2 WOOLE DOMES] RN ILORING ANNOUN CEMENT Ntr S '1 FALL TA The New Woolens represent the pick of the Imported and Domestic markets. These are the garments with the real hand-tailored excellence. They give that feel of comfort, always fit smooth- ly over the shoulders and stay Up well around the neck. .,AUC KY CERe R SA F~ T - S EA L7 Fountdin Pens Drop in and inspect these neW materials 'WINKER & COMPANY SOUTH STATE STREET AT WILLIAM CLOTHIERS, IURNISHERS & HATTERS --- ------ ------ EIICHIGAN'S BEST BOOKSTORE has all summer long been preparing to Serve You Better than ever before with an enormous stock of New and Second-hand TEXT BOOKS for all departments. Drawing Instruments, Lab Supplies, Loose-leaf Note Books, Fountain Pens,etc. You are assured a cordial greeting and your moneys' worth at WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 316 STATE STREET