ZAT'w TRE THEATERS a I I W I&U - 1 Stage and costuming commit- tees of Masques will meet at 4 o'clock Thursday In Sarah Caswell Angell ball. Other members are in- vited. There will be a meeting of the Wo- men's Athletic association board at 7:15 o'clock Thursday night at the Chi Omega house. Cirls of all classes who wish to play basketball regularly may sign up at once on the bulletin board in Bar- bour gymnasium. There will be an honor point hike, starting from Barbour gymnasium at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, Nov. 12. All women who have signed up for swimming privileges at the Y. Mv. C. A. must enroll in classes there before 8 o'clock Friday night, Nov. 11. The probable hour for the usual Normal course in playground instruc- tion will be at 2 o'clock on Wednes- days. The course will not be given un- less at least 35 girls sign up for it. from 8 to 14 o'clock and 8 to 5 oeloclc Thursday at Dean Jordan's office or at the women's room In University hall. ARMISTICE DAY PABTY PLANS MADE BY BETSY BARBOUR Plans are completed for the Arm- istice day party, which is to be held at Betsy Barbour house immediately after the mass meeting at Hill audi- torium, on Friday, Nov. 11. This cus- tomn of entertaining ea-service people was begun last year. Miss Eleanor Sheldon, social director of the dormitory, is in charge of the affair. A unique feature of the party last year was the dining room, which was transformed into an army canteen. This year, there are to be several tea- tures of this kind. A number of "M. P's." have been appointed to keep order during the dancing. All members of the faculty and their wives, and students, both men and women, who have seen service in the World war, are invited to attend the party. The residents of Betsy Ba - bour house will be assisted in en- tertaining by other Ann Arbor women, all of whom took anl active' part in war work. Girls Attention! Rain water sham. loos, hair dressing, marcel-waving. face and scalp treatment. Wigs for rent. Mrs..~. R. Trojanowski, 1110 S i ,niversity Ave., side entrance. Phone 69-W.--Av, t 0iDA Y All women who are gulag Lto the Wisconsin game must sign up before 6 o'clock' today at Dean Myra B. Jordan's office. SENIOR NOTIC + SHtU SET Twije flfy (rICHAT) Mne - 6atoS G AtR OC N~ The greatest scre eaale DITROWT the world has over known. Thethilo omnot THEODORA ughinteo The history of the world has been written jI --Uin h love stories and this is onle. TS YOUTHFUL 8$A 8 uee r i,, Area de--" prenoe" All-g'#r cast. with an PURITY--- Majestic-Gloria Swason In IUl nor Qlynn', "Thte Great Mom- entt." Wuerth-Pricilla Dean in f'Repu- tation." Only 8 days left to hamA your 'EknsIan pictures tak en. No ex- tension of time can be granted. Organization pictures only are to be taken during the month of January. IIt will not pay you to risk your hea buying impure dairy products. We gi tee olur products to be absolutely pure. Orpheum--Mary Miles Minter "All Soul's Eve." In TIlS WEEK New Term Nov. 14th. Type- writing, Shorthand, Bookkeep- ing, Penmanship, Secretarial Training. . Day and Evening. HAMILTON BUSINESS COLL. State and William, Sts. I Stage When speaking of food nothing b best is good enough. Garrick (Detrot)--The musical comedy sensation, "Up in the Clouds.", Subert Michigan (Detroit)- A Golh y feature, "Theodora." I PARCEL DELIVERY I ewill be a Women's league rorn 4 to 6' o'clock Friday aft- in Harbour gymnasium. Re- ents will be served and there. Special discount on personal Christ- mas Card orders received before Nov. 20. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Ar- cada. Open evenings.-Adv. Try a Daily Want Ad. It pays.--Adv. 1I -1ki LRmsi o canting j~ ULL. w 6 THE AT INN I LANE HALL REST QUALITY OF FOOD- SNAPPY SERVICE Lunch and Dinner, per week-$6.00 OPEN TO MEN AND WOMEN' PRIVATE ROOMS FOR SPECIAL PARTIES Where Do You Buy Your Meat?, order your Meat for Sunday now and we will deliver it at your convenience. We will have Special offerings for THAN KSGI VING GIVE US A TRIAL A. R. +GFELL Phone '393x 223 N. NM. TELEPHONE TRUNKS 'N EVERYTHING LAST TIME TODAY Mary Miles, Minter, TN bAll Sou's Eve"~ ANN ARBOR. DAIRY CO. THE HOME OF PURE MILK~ TELEPHONE 423 W'HITNME yTHEATI Two Nights commencing Friday, 3November i11I Edw ard H. Robins presents Graham Veisry supported by KATHLEEN WALLACE and An All-Star C~ast in the sweelost Love story. ever told "Just Suppi~ose By America's Foremost: Writer, A. E. Thom~as Direct from a years' run at t h e Henry. Miller Theatre, New York Clty 1 Prices: 75c, $1.009 $1.50, SEATS ON SALE THURSDAY 11 F', a W SHOWS AT 2:00, 3:30 7:00, 8:45 Adults 30cl Kiddies' 10c r NOW PLAYING' THE PICTURE THAT IS THE TALK. OF TUE CAMPUS IT'S WONDERFULT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 NOW SHlOWI A romance written especially for the Star by Miss ELINOR NG i4Z1~Nv ~ 11 ~lZ/2 ji _ 6 J! ' - __ r , r Q .- .,. sr - ' .1 11 1 r ' , . r t ' / ' i r+' r r tip. ,. *: r fi 1~ y , , / 3 a... , .I FAMOUS AUTHOR OF GLYVN "THREE WEE CALLED Adolph. Zukor Presents Fxpe r-ienc e WITH A'ddhard Bartheliness Tihe lure of life and all its caressing -ioices. The way of the world with one who has turned to the left. The liand of lore, lifting a broken soul to happiness. Shaped into swift-rushing drama that pnoves -With hundreds of players through scenes of tingling' realism. TWENTY - NINE STARS -- SEE EDNA WHEATON AS "BEAUTY." SHE WAS CHOS-' EN FROM 10,000 GIRLS IN A BEAUTY CON-. TEST, NEW YORK, N. Y., AND DETROIT. A (04EOR -GF ADDED -- "cCountry Chickens FEATURING LOUISE FAZENDA' It's a Scream - Every Scene LATEST NEWS ARCADE ORCHESTRA "tTHE GREAT MOME WITH . ;A f GLORI U' . I SWIANSO] Cast includes MILTON MILLS The girl, a wild gypsy song in her heart, had wasted youth in sheltered luxury. The man, biazing civiliat: path through the wilds, cared nothing for woman or until,. you'll want to see the great momentl OTHER4 USUAL FEATURES Football Game, play by play returns Saturday afto noon. Minatuire gridiron, moving football, and sc board.- GAME STARTS AT 2 O'CLEOCK COMING SUNDAY I 'I I U: I F I George Loane PRODUCTION Tucke "LADIES MUST L HIS ONLY ICTURE I