THE MICHICAN DAILY TURgDAX, __ , e 12 HOREPO EH MOTOR-S COMING WILL SAVE SAS COLGATE STUDENTS PETTINT rPACLTY; GET FRIDAY 1OLIDAY Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 9.-Upon a peti- tion .of the students, the faculty of Colgate University have discontinued classes on the Friday following Thanksgiving. Acoerdingly, triple cuts will be attached to all absences on the following Monday. Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. Graduates Entertained at Teas Graduate women in the University were entertained at a tea given by the, Graduate Women's club on Monday afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. STUDENTS LUNCH 409 EAST JEFFERSON OPEN 6:30 A. M. TILL 11:00 P. M. FUILWEILER PRvOPHECIES CARS WITH GEAR BOXES OF GREATER RANGE New Term Nov. 14th. Type- writ ng, Shorthand, Bookkeep- ig, Penmanship, Secretarial Trainig. May and Evening. HAMILTON BUSINESS COLL. State and William Sts. ii I ii I j, MODERN AUTOS WASTE I 75 PERCENT OF POWER Public Wants Speed, But ,Will Be; Forced to Submit To Innovation -2 ST U D E N TS We carry a general line of supplies to meet your requirements. RICE, QUALITY and SERVICE STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE 111 1SO. UNIVERSITY AVE. Why pay more to have your Shoes repaired, when you can 'have guaranteed work at the following prices. YOU SHOULD HEAR THESE New Victor Reors for November RED SEAL RECORDS Mother of My Heart (Montanye-Grey) ............... Frances Alda 64990 Mattinata (Carducci-Fatuo) Italian ................-Guiseppe De Luca 74711 Serenade Melancolique (Tschaikowsky) Violin......Jascha Heifetz r 64993 To Spring (Grieg) Violin.......Fritz Kreisler Eugene Onegin-Aid di Lenski (Faint Ech of My Youth) Giovanni Martinelli 64994 Little Town in the Ould County Down (Pascoe-Carlo-- Sanders) ..................................... John McCormack DANCE RECORDS 18798 Dangerous Blues-Fox Trot ............Original Dixieland Jazz Band Royal Garden Blues-Fox Trot.. ...Original Dixieland Jazz Band 18801 South Sea Isles-Medley Fox Trot.. Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Rosy Cheeks-Fox Trot.........All-Star Trio and Their Orchestra 18802 I Ain't Nobody's Darling-Medley Fox Trot All-Star Trio and Their Orchestra Yoo-Hoo-Fox Trot.....................Haekel-Berge Orchestra 18803 Sweet lady-Medley Fox Trot.......Paul Whiteman and Orchestra, Say It With Music-Fox Trot........Paul Whiteman and Orchestra 18804 It Must Be Someone Like You-Fox Trot. Benson Orchestra of Chicago When the Sun Goes Down-Fox Trot.............Shilking Orchestra POPULAR RECORDS 54254 The Old Road ......................................... Merle Alcock Ship o' Dreams.................................. Merle Alcock Saturday ("Snap Shots of 1921") Piano Duet Victor Arden and Phil Ohman Oh Joy'..........................Victor Arden and Phil Ohman 45253 Within a Mile of Edinboro' Town. ............Lucy Isabelle Marsh Twickenham Ferry............. ...........Lucy Isabelle Marsh 18805 When the Honeymoon Was Over.................... Henry Burr Jealous of You................. ............... William Robyn I Wonder If You Still Care for Me?................... Charles Hart Remember the Rose........... ................... Elliott Shaw 18808 Some Blessed Day ................................ Criterion Quartet The Wayside Cross .. .. ... ... Criterion Quartet 110 SOUTH MAIN STREET Schaeberle & Son Music House 110 South Main St. (By Associated Press) Lansing, Nov. 9.-Twelve horse- power motors for automobiles and gear boxes of greater range to give the necessary hill climbing power and speed are coming very soon in the motor industry, according to W. H. Fulweiler, chairman of the technical section of the American Gas associa- tion. According to Mr. Fulweiler, motor cars of today, with their high horse- power motive plants, need only about 25 per cent of the power at ther dis- posal. They burn up every year, he claims, millions of gallons of gasoline uselessly. The low horsepower driv- ing plant, with remodeled gear boxes would take the motorist over the roads as fast and as surely, and would cut' out the gasoline demand to a great extent. Not olntary Mr. Fulweiler, however, does not beieve that the motor driving public is coming voluntarily to the small power plant. The process of evolu- tion, or revelation, he thinks, will be a forced one. As the thing now stands there are 9,000,000 registered motor vehicles in the United States. The curve of motor car production has been steadily upward since the in- ception of the industry and indica- tions are that it will continue upward Sooner or later the number of motor vehicles is going to become so large that the demand for gasoline will pro- hibit the conversion of any part of crude oil into gas oil or other com- mercial products. Then the thing will resolve itself into a contest between commercial-industry and the motor carriers of passengers and freight. When that time comes, or before, he declares, the motor vehicle power plant will have to be altered to avert a tieup in the oil and gasoline supply, Common in England According to the Gas association official, small power plants are used successfully in European motor cars The twelve horsepower car in com- mon in England. Mr. Fulweiler was in Lansing to testify before the public utilities com- mission concerning the cost of usine oil in the production of gas. Michi- gan ranks sixth as a producer of !I- luminating gas from the consumption of gas oil. The tendency now, ac- -ording to Mr. Fulweiler, is toward a steadily increasing cost of gas oil and other commercial oils. He blames it largely on the vast amount of gasoline used by motor vehicles. OFFER 25 FR FNCH SCHOLARSHIPS Twenty-five American field - service scholarships for French universitie will be offered for 1922-23. These fellowships sare competitive and open only to those who are gradu- ates at the time of making application. The amount of the scholarship is $2001 plus 10,000 francs, with payments in three installments per year. De- tailed information as to procedure in this matter may be secured from the ffice of Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, of th graduate school. The field service scholarships arc at memorial to the 127 field service men who gave their lives in the late war and to perpetuate among futur generations of French and American youth the understanding and fraterni- ty of spirit which marked their rela- tions udring the war. The Michigan team used to receive rather harsh criticism when they only won a football game by one point, ac- cording to the old records. -. lot of argument that no one can dispute- Th fact tt i it evss ay is proof of low prices at the chigan Cafeteria! , On Last Liberty betiveen Alaynard and State Streets . .:. -8 Y+s : " S= 'i ~~® i~A 4'.aa i.r.awstA4AA ®'4