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November 10, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-11-10

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l i .i 2T


XXXII No. 40.


Team No. 17, George E. Sloan, '8,
Captain, Still in Lead; Lewis, '2,
Holds Individual Record;
With the first two days of the
Union life membership drive gone and1
but one more day in which to solicit
subscriptions the workers are still
more than 700 short of the goal of
Totals for yesterday reached the
851 mark, exactly 421 new member-,
ships being obtained during the day.
This falls nine short of -the total
gained the first day of the drive.
"Tomorow must see greater activ-
ity than either of the past two days
or we are going to fall short of the
goal," decldred Maynard A. Newton,
'22, general chairman of the drive, at
the close of the work yesterday. "The
spirit of the committeemen has been
excellent but. that manifested by the
men canvassed has been the worst in
the history of these campaigns,"- he
continued. "We have never had as
large a perdentage of refusals as has
been turned in during the past two
At the close of the work last night
team 17, George E. Sloan, '24L, cap-
tain, was still In the lead among the
20 squads with a total of 103 new
memberships. Team 10, Robert. W.
Preston, '24, was second with a to
tal of 90, followed by team 12, C. A-
Campbell, '24E, captain, 80; team 16,
Charles Shearer, '24, captain, 74; and
team 4, H. H. Hubard, '23, captain,
R. P. Lewis, '23, l5ept his lead in the
individual competition, gained the first
.day, but turning in 27 last night for
a total of 49. M. E. Croxton, '23, was
second with a total of 33, C. A. Camp-
bell, '24E, captain of the third place
team, holds third in the individual
race with 28, while M. C. Robinson, '24,
team 17, and A. S. Mode, '24, team 10,
were tied for fourth place with 18.

Contributions from campus frater-
nities, house clubs, and dormitories,
for sending the freshman team to'
Wisconsin have not been forthcoming,
according to R. F. Wieneke, '22,
chairman of the committee in charge
of arrangements. The request that $9
be sent by -each organization to de-
fray the expenses of the trip was,
made yesterday. This is not an as-
sessment, merely a division of ex-
penses among organizations. It is
urged that these checks be mailed
immediately, though no organization
is compelled to send them.
The sum asked this year is much
less than the amount asked last year,
it is said, and when this is considered
there seems to be no reason for the
delay in sending in contributions. One
trip during the year is practically the
only reward the freshman football
men receive for a year's work, and
since the number of men whose ex-
penses can be paid by the Athletic
association is limited, the Board in
Control of Athletics cannot send the


The Conferenpe football season is at its height this.
week, when some of the most crucial contests on Big Ten
schedules will be played off. Probably the most impor-
tant game of the week is the one to be fought out at Madi-
son Saturday, when Coach Yost takes his victory-mad
squad down to the stronghold of the Gophers.
Sixteen- years ago Michigan and Wisconsin met in a
game in which the Wolverines, by their dauntless spirit.
and superior playing, proved beyond any doubt that they
were the only team entitled to be called "Champions of
the West." This year, though they cannot have a cham-
pionship, the Michigan team is still possessed of that same
spirit, that same strength of character, and the same type
and calibre of men - and all that remains now is the time.
and place to make Saturday a repetition of that historic
event of 1905.
Tonight, at io :q o'clock, those Michigan warriors,
grim and determined, leave .for Madison. The entire
student body is behind that team, as events of the past two
weeks have shown conclusively. But tonight that support
will take the form of action, and every man and woman
should be down at the Michigan Central depot to cheer
the team in the station, on the train, and as they leave
Ann Arbor. , That send-off to Urbana played a big part
in bringing about that victory over Illinois, and tonight
loyal Michigan students will have a chance to aid in de-
feating Wisconsin.
Be down there tonight and HELP BRING HOME

Annz Arbor churches are to hold a
short union service tomorrow in the
Methodist church, lasting from 12:30
to 1 o'clock. The object in making
this service short and holding it at
this time is to enable a larger num-
ber to take these few minutes as a
memorial to the dead of the World war.
Emphasis will be given the signifi,
cance of this Armistice day coming at
the same time as the disarmament
conference now in session in Wash-
ington. Similar meetings are being
held all over the country as part of
the plan of the commission on inter-
national justice and good-will of the
Federal council of American church-
es, which includes more than 30 dif-
ferent denominations. This commis-
sion is backing the disarmament con-
ference and has for its slogan "A
Warless World".
The Ann Arbor service is being a -
ranged by the Federation of Religious
Workers. Dr. L. A. Barrett, of the
Presbyterian church, will preside, Dr.
J. B. Silcox, of the Congregational
church, will deliver a short address
on "Reconciliation of the Nations".
Gilbert, '22E, Announces Places of
Assembly and Line of

Al Cuthbert, '22E, to Have har
Cheering; Varsity Men Wil
Give Short Talks
Plans for a mammoth send-o
the team when they leave tonigb
Madi.'.c were made at the St
council meeting last night and a
crowd of students is expected to
hand to cheer the squad which
face its crucial test Saturday.
Promptly at 8:30 o'clock tonig'
Varsity band. will assemble in
of Hill auditorium to head the
cession to the Michigan Centra
tion. Al Cuthbert, '22E, will t
hand to lead the cheers and s'
members of the team will be
upon to give the student body
As the team must be in bed a
o'clock it is planned to make th
gram short, though the train wi
leave the station until 10:42 0
Officials clain this to be a sp
opportunity for students to le
team know that they ar obehind
Much of the success and fight
the squad makes in the game a
the Badgers will depend on the
ing tonight.
The Student council commit'
charge of the send-off consis
Earl F. B.oxell, '23L, and Rob
Adams, Jr., '23.
avid GraysoiA
Among Whimsi
Contest !ua


Musicians Play with
to a Well Filled


From the widened mouths of music-
al instruments came notes that meant
dollars, and dollars that 'meant the
Varsity band is to go to the Wiscon-
sin game.
More than 4,000 students of the Uni-
versity, a living denial of the recent
diatribe against Michigan spirit, pack-
ed Hill auditorium for the bounce last
night. And the band played in the
first part of the program as it has
never played before to show that they,
too, are anxious to give the team
their spiritual support in the battle
of the coming Saturday.
Every act was an animated proof
that Michigan spirit is alive. A banjo
quintette, the offering of the Varsity
Mandolin club, brought the house
down with applause. Graceful little
Theda Bryl DeVries won her audi-
ence over with her interpretive danc-

New Head of Union, Which Includes
45,000 Men, Shows How It
Can Be of Service

Major Robert Arthur, professor of
military science and tactics, announc-
ed yesterday that an R. O. T. C. band
has been organized. More than 40 re-
sponded to his first call for bandsmen
-and as many more will be enrolled as
signify their desire to join the organ-
ization. There are no eligibility re-
quirements since the organization is
to be conducted on an educational
basis. Freshnien will be permitted to
join the R. 0. T. C. band.
This band will do away with the
difficulties encountered at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, where the R. 0..T.
C. unit is compelled to borrow the
university band for its own purposes.
The new band will in no way become
a competitor of the existing Univer-
sity organization. It will be used
solely for R. 0. T. C. purposes or a
system of co-operation will be work-
ed out.
The R. 0. T. C. band will begin
practice next Tuesday and it is ex-
pected that it will make its first ap-
pearance as a unit shortly after
Christmas vacation.
Subscriptions for the 1922
Michiganensian will be solicited
from Nov. 14 to Nov. 18. The
price of the 'Enslan will be $5.50
cash or $6.00 on time.
"The Michiganensian this year
will be the only one in the coun-
try printed in a 9x12 inch size,"
said R. F. Wieneke, '22, business
manager. "It will be one of the
best 'Ensians ever put out and
will be a book that every stu-
dent will want to own."

ing. Then came an oriental sleight-<
of-hand number, followed by an orig-
inal song and piano act. "Madamet
Anna" and "Monsieur Svengali" of-K
fered something new in the way of
a burlesqued mind reading sketch.,
Tommy Thomas' orchestra and en-
tertainers in "The Spirit of the Mardi
Gras", rounded up a well balanceds
program. .
The band will go to Wisconsin.
TO Sell Poppies
Armistice Day
Wear a poppy Armistice day!
You can buy one on the corner or
on the diagonal from the girl with
the basket on her arm. She'll be there
both today and tomorrow so that every"
man and woman will be able to secure
the symbolic flower and ' wear it to
honor tie memory of our heroes in
Flanders field.
The Girl Reserve club and the wo-
men's auxiliary of the American
Legion are selling these flowers, and
your pennies will aid in the Y. W. C.
A. work in foreign fields.
A poppy on every coat Friday!
Every candidate for re-election on
the Detroit city ticket was re-elected
in Tuesday's election, complete re-
turns showed Wednesday morning.
James Couzens was returned to office
of mayor by a majority of approxi-
mately 32,000 over Daniel W. Smith.
The trackless trolley amendment,
beaten in the primary, was carried
Tuesday. The amendment providing
for the erection of a Soldiers' Memor-
ial hall was carried by nearly a 2 to 1
Normal Club Meeting Postponed
The Western Normal club meeting
scheduled for 7 o'clock Thursday has
been postponed until further notice.

Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the
Colleges of Engineering and Archi-
tecture, explained yesterday the pur-
pose and policies of the Federated
American Engineering societies. Dean
Cooley was elected last month to the-
presidency of the organization to
succeed Herbert C. Hoover, who re-
signed last April to accept the posi-,
tion of secretary of commerce. Dean
Cooley recently returned from a six-
day trip to Washington and New York,r
where he conferred with members of;
the organization's executive board and1
attended a meeting of the American1
Engineering council, through which
the federation functions.
The purpose of the federated so-
cieties, according to the dean, is the
accomplishment of general projects
for the advancement of engineering1
which because of their scope could
not be undertaken by any of the con-
stituent societies. From the nature
of the organization, which is compos-;
ed of engineering societies having an
aggregate membership of more than
45,000 men, it is the only body exist-
ing which is in a position to achieve
these ends. "It is not the purpose of
the union to interfere in any way with
the work, in special fields, of other
organizations," said Dean Cooley.
Dean Outlines Endeavors
As an illustration of the general
scope of the association's endeavors,
the dean mentioned the suggestion
that the federation propose definite
educational policies for technical
schools. "This we will not do," he
stated. "While we will foster any
general plan for the advancement of
engineering education, we shall leave
all details to the schools' faculties."
Although the organization has been
in existence only since last year, sev-
eral of its undertakings have been al-
ready carried well toward comple-
tion, according to Dean Cooley. Among
the most important of these is the in-
vestigation of the possibilities of the
elimination of waste in industry.
"Industrial Waste", a volume just
published by the federation, is a re-
port based upon a five-months' ex-
haustive investigation of .methods of
production in six. leading industries,
inaugurated by Mr. Hoover. This work
is being continued in connection with
other industries.,

In spite of the vacation Friday1
on account of Armistice day, The.
Daily will put out a Saturday
morning issue as usual. This is,
in accordance with the policy of
The Daily to put out issues regu-
larly during the school year re-
gardless of one day vacations..
projects, headed by a member of the
cabinet, has resulted in the introduc-
tion of a bill into congress for the
general reorganization of the cabinet.
The bill may come up 'before this ses-
sion of the legislature, according to
the dean, and it is understood to have'
the support of the administration.
Issue Weekly Bulletin
A weekly bulletin sent to some of
the members keeps the engineers of
the country awake to the accomplish-
ments of the federation. The bulletin
lists the week's government papers of
technical interest and legislation of
engineering importance, in addition to
giving a resume of the organization's
activities for the week and engineer-
ing news of import. Dean Cooley plans
to extend the circulation of the bul-
letin to the societies' entire member-
Each movement fostered by thegasso-
ciation is handled by a special com-
4nittee. "It is splendid," exclaimed the
dean, "the way the committees' go at
their work." All the committees are
framed by the American Engineering
council, which is composed of more
than 50 delegates, selected from the
members of the several societies, in
ratio of their membership, one delegate
being selected for each 1,000 mem-
Dean Cooley is in hope that as engi-
neering organizations observe the
growing influence of the federation,
more and-more will become members,
until it becomes the direct representa-
tive of the 200,000 engineers in the

Meeting Places
The various sections of the Univer,
sity division of the parade will meet \
as follpws: color guard, in charge of
A. W. Speer, '24L, at the engineering!
arch, together with the band; the
Allied forces, commanded by Proft
Rene Talamon, at the north end ofX
the engineering building; the Ma-s
rines, in charge of Gordon Gale,'l
'23L, in front of the Tappan school, ate
the corner of East University avenue~'
and College street; the sailors inc
front of the medical building, com-l
manded by Lieut. J. R. Hayden; the
soldiers, in charge of Maj. John A.-
Brooks, in front of Waterman gymna-
sium; the R. 0. T. C., Capt. F. E. Col-1
lins in command, at the 'R. . T. C. of-w
flee; men not in uniform on the cor-
ner of Twelfth street and North Uni-z
ve.rsity avenue, Capt. F. W. Hoorn
March Starts, at 1:380 O'clock
The University section of the parade'
will march promptly at 1:30 o'clock
down North University avenue to
State, up State to Huron, and down
Huron to Main, where it will fall in
behind the float division, at the cor-
ner of Huron and Main streets. All
who will march in the parade should
assemable without fail promptly at 1:15
o'clock at the place designated, re-
gardless of weather conditions, as the1
parade will be held whether the
weather is fair or not.
Any University organizations In-
tending to enter floats in the parade
must see that their floats are on Di-
vision street, south of Huron, by 1:30
o'clock. A cup has been oered by
the Conopus club for the best decorat-
ed float in the parade.
Immediately after the parade, which
is expected to consume an hour from
the time it leaves the corner of Hu-
ron and Main streets, a mass meeting
will be held at 3 o'clock in Hill audi-

Arrangements are complete for the
biggest Armistice day celebration in
Ann Arbor since 1918, and general or-
ders for the places of assembly and
the order of march were issued late
yesterday by W. V. Gilbert, '22,
chairman of the Univeristy section of
the Armisthle day parade committee.
Major Robert Arthur will be grand
marshal of the parade, with Major
Willis Shippam and N. K. Chamber-
lain, '22E, as aides. Col. A. H. Lov-
ell will be marshal of the University

David Grayson, author an(
Samuel McChord Crothers, a
"The Understanding Heart",
nes Repplier, prominent as a
ist, will be judges in the es
test now carried on by Whims'
pus literary magazine. Dav'
son, probably the most r
known of the three, formerl3
ed the University of Michiga
he studied under Prof. Fred
of the department of rheto
The essay contest, the fir,
kind ever carried on here, v
Dec. 1. The manuscripts v
be criticised by Whimsies'
staff, and the 'best six will
warded to the three judges,
mark their preferences. TI
receiving the most favorable
rill be awarded a prize of
award has been contribi
Geoarge Wahr.
The manuscripts may be
length and on any subject, '
be typewritten' and double
Suggestions for subjects arE
old and now; alarm clocks,
spirit, the quality of humor
'disabilities of old age. The
essay will be printed in the f
of Whimsies following the c
the contest. Others receivin
able mention will perhaps b
Stoliker Wins Trip to X
Edward R. Stoliker, Spec
won the raffle to go to M,
witness the Michigan-Wiscon
which was held by the Arca(
shop. The final drawing of
which were given to custon
held at 3 o'clock yesterday.

Classic Numbers
In Concert Today

Earl V. Moore, of the School of
Music, will give the next concert in
the Twilight Organ series at 4:15
o'clock this afternoon in Hill audi-
His program is as follows:
Concert Overture ...........Maitland
Vesperal ...... .....d'Evry
Piece Heroique............Franck,
In Paradisum, Fiat Lux ......Dubois

torium. All of the first floor and part
of the first balcony will be reserved
for the marchers, and the rest of the
auditorium will be open to the gen-
eral public.
Program Announced
Announcement is made by the pro-
gram committee, of which Charles A.
Sink, secretary of the School of Mu-
sic, Is chairman, of the complete pro-
gram. First will be the organ prelude
by Earl V. Moore, University organ-
n"-ra-n- n 'nM.

All Daily subscription
ing unpaid must be pi
the 10th,. After this ir
be necessary to cancel
subscriptions, and char
the rate of five cents
issue received. Mail
call in person at The I
between the hours of 8
5 p. m.

Introduce Bill into Congress
The efforts of the federated socie-
ites to obtain a United States depart,
ment of public works for the super-
vision of government engineering

tvouuuu o age 5U LeJ.

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