i [ l .'-7 V +.. rr _ """ _" FFICIAL BULLETIN I SUNDRAY, INOVEMTBER at011991 N(umber 87 C e a ti n n ti a B b, ircles in view of the pending c9nfer- nce at Washington on limitation of rinament and Far Eastern ques- Jons. Washington, Nov. 5.-"The assassi- nation of Premier Hara will resalt in ao change in Japan's attitude toward :he conference on limitation of arm- ment and Far Eastern questions," Baron- Shdehara, the Japanese am- assador,laid today. WYVERN TO COMMUNICATE interest among old Wyvernit WITH FORMER MEMBERS their support in raising a fund - . - a Wyvern room in the Unive -At the last meeting of Wyvern soct- Michigan league. ety -plans were made to communicate with the alumnae of the society. The Try a Daily Want Ad. It pay purpose of this plan is to create an Patronize our Advertisers.- rsaity of -- Special price on eas Wilson-Dimattia. 824 s.--Ady. Cushing Drug Store. -Adv. Adv. to Marshal Foeh : ngements have been completed to have Marshal Foch's train, en Detroit via the Michigan Central Railroad, stop a short time at the i Central station Monday morning at some time between 10:30 and k. The greetings of the University will then be officially presented arshal and the Faculties and students will join in the welcome. In at all may participate, all University exercises will be suspended 10 and 12 o'clock Monday. The student body will assemble at :lock in front of University Hall and follow the University Band tation. The Student council has been asked to marshal the stu- the station. All ex-service men and women are requested to be m. It is highly desirable that all members of the University should is demonstration in honor of the nation's guest. The Books of Robert Frost North of Boston -W .75 Mountain Interval - - $2.00 ABoy'sWil - - - 1.25 Leave your subsoriplion for Whimale's i In a formal statement the ambassa- dor declared that Hara's work in shaping Japan's attitude toward the approaching conference was destined to prove of benefit to mankind. th n' A resolution expressing regret over he death of the premier was adopted n a motion by Senator Lodge. W AHR 'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE M. L. BURTON. Deans and Faculties: e Deans are asked to assemble in the President's office Monday morn- 10:15 to take part in the welcome to Marshal Foch. e Faculties will assemble between the Law and Science buildings, or of bad weather in the Natural Science Auditorium, immediately after Eck, and be ready to precede the student body to the station. The Uni- Marshal, Professor L. M. Gram, .will be in charge. M. L. BURTON. Council: e stated meeting of the Senate Council will be held Monday, Nov. 14, President's Office. The hour of the meeting will be 1 o'clock instead sual time,.4:15o'clock. R. W. BUNTING, Secretary. s of the Faculties: professors and instructors who wish to sign the payroll for the have their checks deposited in the bank, may do so by calling at the ry's Office before Nov. 25. S. W. SMITH. Secretary. Ie Teachers - Seniors and Graduate Students: Bureau of Appointments will hold its annual enrolment for this sday, Nov. 8, at 4 o'clock in the auditorium of Newberry Hall. All o desire teaching positions for February or September should en- is time. Registration at the time of the regular .enrolment is free, e of one dollar is required for late registration. MARGARET CAMERON, Secretary. s of Engineering and Architeetnre: ere will be a meeting of the Faculty of the Colleges of Engineering chitecture on Monday, Nov. 7, at 4:15 p. m. in room 411, Engineering LOUIS A. HOPKINS, Secretary. Don Disarmament Conferene:t fessor Robert Crane will give a lecture to the Cosmopolitan Club on ject of the Disarmament Conference and FarĀ°Eastern Relations in 03 b Hall Monday, Nov. 7, 7.30 p. m. All those interested in the sub- cordially invited. VICTOR GONDOS, JR. atical Club: gular meeting will be held Tuesday, Nov. 8, at 8 p. m. in room 401 Hall. Professor Bradshaw will read a paper, "Remarks on the Fig- Solid Analytic Geometry". W. W. DENTON, Secretary. WHAT'S GOING ON *SUNDAY -University Men's Bible class Bets in Upper room, Lane hall. 0--Zionist society meets in Lane 11.-. -President Holmes of Drapse uni- rsity speaks at the University serv- e in Hill auditorium. MONDAY 5-Students meet at University ,11 for Foch welcome. -Editorial staff and tryouts of rgoyle meet in staff rooms, Press ilding. -Professor Crane lectures in dis- mament conference in room 303, aiversity hall. -Dr. Dantzig lectures in room 8, Engineering building. -All Varsity Glee and Mandolin ab committees meet in room 308, tion. TUESDAY -Union orchestra rehearsal in as. htbly hall of Union. -Aero club meets in room 825, ion. -Monteith club meets in Lane reign Women to be Entertained tea for members of the Y. W. C. abinet and foreign women of the ersity will be given at 4:30 o'clock afternoon at the Pi Beta Phi e. Miss Pauline Sage who is a ber of the national Y. W. C. A. aittee for friendly relations among gn women students will be a News of the Day IN BRIEF Washington, .Nov. 5.-A proclama- tion setting aside Nov. 11 next as a legal holiday as a mark of respect to the memory of those who gave their lives in the late World war, typified by the unknown and unidentified American soldier, who is to be bur- ied in Arlington National cemetery on that day, was issued tonight by President Harding.' Honolulu, Nov. 5.-- Pakashi Hara, Japan's "commoner premier", fell under the assassin's knife with the s'ayer's cry, "you traitor!" ringing in his ears, according to the correspond- ent of the Hawaiian Shinto. The Nippu Jiji, afternoon Japanese daily of Honolulu, prints a cable from itsI Tokio correspondent that the assass- ination of the premier had caused great consternation in government Ul y M i i 4 r rr.nrri i i' i i .rte. rr ir rr iiii f I wr. Two nights only commencing Friday, Nov. 11-12 Edward H. Robins presents The Young Romantic Actor Graham Velsey in the Charming Comedy Romance of Love Youth - Laughter "JUST SUPPOSE" A. E. Thomas With the same great Cast and Production that played the.Henry Miller Theatre, New York, for one whole year. . A laugh, a thrill, a tear; one receives all these in charming "JUST SUP- POSE."-Mail. "JUST SUPPOSE" is magnificent in its simplicity. It brings a lump to- your throat; it gives many a thrill and much laughter.-Times., PRICES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 SEATS ON SALE THURSDAY MAIL, ORDERS NOW The popularity of "JUsT SUPPOSE" is due to the good material of its au- thor. It. is genuine and it is well done.--Clobe, Aug. 9. ,. I Oratorical Association THOSE OF NEW YORK SAID W/hitney Theatre It is a human document that makes one long to see more of the same sort.--World. LEC TURE COURSE Ten Numbers Nov. 18-CHARLES RANN KENNEDY, playwright, actor, and EDITH-WYNNE MATTHISON (Mrs. Ken- nedy), leading lady with Henry Irving. Scenes together from the drama. Nov. 26-THEODORE E. BURTON, ex-senator, now con- gressman, Ohio. Subject:$ "Our Foreign Policy" (with a discus- sion of the Conference for the Limitation of Armaments.) DEC. 1-PROF. S. H. CLARK, University of Chicago. Reading of John Drinkwater's play, "Abraham Lincoln." DEC. 9-EX-GOV. CHARLES S. WHITMAN, of New York. Subject: "Administration of Criminal Justice." t" Before the Ashes are Cold A fire is a disagreeable experi- ence under any circumstances, but cover your property with a Fire Insurance Policy and it is only this" a disagreeable experi- ence not a disaster.. Before the ashes are cold your money is forth omir g- ready to give you a new start. Don't fail to cover your property at once! JAN. 7-JUDGE BEN LINDSEY, of Denver. Subject: "Why Kids Lie." JAN. 28-SIR PHILLIP GIBBS, of London, nalist. Subject: "The Social Revo author, jour- lution in England." CORRECTION yesterday's Daily it was an- ced that the meeting of men god in the Union life mem- hip drive would be held at o'clock Tuesday evening. was incorrect, as the meet-. vill be held promptly at 8:30 ck Monday evening. ge line of Xmas novelties, just FEB. 16-HARRY FRANCK, author, traveler. Subject: "Oriental South America." (Illus- trated.) FEB. 24-IRYIN S. COBB, humorist, journalist, author. Subject: "Home Folks." THE LAST TWO NUMBERS of this course to be an- nounced later. BUTLER INSUJRANCE 209 FIRST ATIONAL BANK BLDG. Season tickets on sale now at campus bookstores and will be sold at booths on the campus Tuesday, Nov. 8. Prices $2.50 and $3.00 'I par"