P, Ml CHIGAN D. . The Sports lanner" _ _ __ - A (Conducted by W. F. E.) Editor's note-This column is to be conducted as often as space will per- mit. Contributions are requested, be they humorous, caustic, or what not. If you think anything's right or wrong, tell us about it. If you've a good sport laugh up your sleeve don't hold back on the rest of the campus. We all en- joy a chuckle. All that is asked that you 'be brief and to the point. Send contribs to W. F. E., Sports depart- ment, The Michigan Daily, Press build- ing. Newspapers throughout the state on Monday carried an article by Peter Fagan, correspondent of .the United Press, which has created no small amount of interest. Other than attri- buting a slurring statement to Gover- nor Groesbeck, which the latter denied in a telegraphic message printed in Thursday's Daily, he made a vicious attack on the very heart and soul of Michigan democracy. He insinuates, but does not state outright, that the opinion of state officers in Lansing is that Coach Yost should removed im- mediately, and states further that the Governor has "instituted a search for the men or the influence responsible for the idea that Steketee and three or four other members of the team were ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE OCT. ro, i Read Down Central Standard Time A.M. .P.M. P.M. A Paljy Daily DailyT 7:30 L:3o.v... Adrian ...Ar. 7 :00 8:os 2:S ... Tecumseh ... 6:25s 8:2S 2:25........Clinton......6:o 9:15 3:x5.....Saline......5S:iS5 9:45 3:45 Ar. Ann Arbor Lv. 4:45 A.M. .P.M P.M.AS Read SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS P.M. ' P.M fitlltiltlliltliilillillillilllill[1l1l11UIli 921 THE ONLY &pm REAL HAND PRESS 12.451 IN ANN ARBOR <> Suits made to order at very 10;30 &PM 9Up W reasonable prices LADIES & GENTS TAILOR CHARLES DOUKAS 901 North University Ave. ll litii!!l111 ll i llti111 li11 111111 3:30 4:25 5:15 Lv... Adrian . Ar. ...Tecumseh .... .Clinton .... .Saline . Ar. Ann Arbor Lv. 9:.00 8:25 7:1S 6:45 P.M. IF THE FOLKS FROM HOME Were all here to see you, and you wanted to celebrate, you couldn't do better than to take them to the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INN BECAUSE THEY SERVE GOOD THINGS TO EAT THERE CENTU RY M ARKET FRESH CLEAN MEAT The Excellence of Our Products is Our Best Bid for Your Patronage PHONE 1091 ever intended to be football players." Those of us who saw Stek and those three or four others in action against Illinois on Saturday know full well the paucity of truth in the statement even if Governor Groesbeck had made it. It is doubtful if Mr. Fagan wit- nessed the contest, but even so, the article, coming from one so well known in newspaper circles, is rather a sur- prise. Mr. Fagan states, further, that certain prominent members of the team can show wealth and good fel- lowship but no ability as players. In our despair at the eccentricities of the human race we are inclined to weep. But the most we can do is let that team of ours answer the charge in the game with Wisconsin as it did against Illi- nois, the while murmuring to our- self in tones of exasperation, "where do they get that stuff?" Over in Evanston they have a slogan. It is "Northwestern fights!' It is more than merely a combination of words; it is a living, breathing battle cry! Thrice downed by Conference elevens the wearers of the Purple have put these defeats behind and are polishing up the old spirit of years gone by, when Northwestern was a factor in Big Ten football circles, for the game wit'' -'urdue. They may lose, but watch 'n scrap! In "The Wake of the News" of the Chicago Tribune, ("This Wake is con- ducted by Harvey T. Woodruff, help, help!"), the Vox Populi for hundreds of sport fans, an Iowa contrib breaks forth with the claim that the Hawk- eyes never receive credit for having a good football team. Well and good. We will admit that Iowa has a cork- ing aggregation this year, but she has no opportunity to prove it. She has not one first rate college eleven on her schedule, with the possible exception of Illinois. She will, almost without doubt, finish her season with a clean slate, but can such teams as Purdue, Northwestern, Indiana, be counted as opposition? Even Purdue held the Hawkeyes to two scores and slipped one touchdown across herselft last Saturday. Yes, Iowa is good, but it will be all but impossible to determine how good. Conference faculties frown OT season games, yet that is the only logical solution of the champion- ship problem. GUSTUS LOSES TO HAMES IN FINALS Weldon T. Hames, '24, is the All- campus tennis champion. Hames de- feated John A. Gustus, 22, in the final round of the singles of the fall tennis tourney Wednesday afternoon by the scores 6-4, 6-2 6-1. The winner play- ed excellent tennis in defeating his op- ponent and at no time after the first set was at all hard pressed. Having solved Gustus' style of game in the first set, Hames proceeded to take the last two with no difficulty. Hames was one of the promising candidates for the freshman team last spring. He has shown improvement this fall and his play marks him as a strong contender for the Varsity next spring. He played through the en- tire fall tourney in impressive fash- ion. FRIDAY 9:00-2:00-Class dues of sophomore engineers payable at desk over arch. 12:10-University Shrine club leaves for Moslem ceremonial. 12:15-Law faculty luncheon at Un- ion. 3:30-Tryot~ts for the senior lit soc- cer team Ferry field clubhouse. 4:10-Upper {oom Bible class meets in Lane hall. 4:30-Tryouts for freshman soccer team meet at Ferry field. 7:00 Meeting of Philippine Michigan club at Lane hall. 7:30-Prof. Francis IV. Kelsey lectures on the Near East at Presbyterian church. 7:30-Meeting of Intercollegiate Soci- alist society 1) room P162, Natural Science buildirg. 7:30-Regular meeting of Alpha Nu, fourth floor, University hall. 8:30-Benefit dance for St. Thomas' basketball team at St. Thomas' par- ish hall. 9:00-Sophomore engineers' dance in ball room of Union. SATURDAY 10:30-Freshman cross country try. out. 1:30-Varsity band meets at Hill au- ditorium. 2:30-Catholic students' party at Un- Ion. 7:00-Upper Room Bible class meets in Lane hall. 7:30-Chinese students meet at Lane hall. 7:45-Craftsmen club meets at Mas- onic temple. The University registration number- ed 2,500 names in 1894. Also the New TUXEDO WAISTCOATS Dobb's Tuxedo Soft Hats The New Models Have Arrived and Await Your Inspection WIAT'S GOING ON "'"""" TINKER & COMPAN 8O. STATE ST. AT WILLIAM ST. Today and Saturday Promise Great Things in Our Ten Day Disposal Sale of Men1 Furnshings We're Unloading the Entire Varsity Toggery Sh( Stock at Prices which In sure the Utmost in Valu A Women's Haberdashery Special in Wool Hose Friday and Saturday only--98cts. ane. inglelion hoF: 8 Nickels Arcade The Ann Arbor street car commenced to run regularly in line 1894. I TM1S THIS ADETSNGACOLUMN CLOSESo CLOSES AT 3 P. , ADVERT"I SING AT 3 P Ml THE SGHOOL PREMIER ANN ARBOR'S MOST Beautiful and Refined DANCE STUDIOS WE TEACH ALL BRANCHES OF DANCING BALLET, TOE, SOFT SHOE CHILDREN'S CLASS Saturdays: 2-4 BALLROOM DANCING EVERY DAY BY APPOINT. MENT Hours: 1.5, 7-10 WERTH ARCADE Shirts, for Instance $2 Arrow Shirts with soft cuffs................65c $2' and $2.50 Lion Dress Shirts........... ...68c $1.50 to $3 Arrow and Lion Stiff Cuff Shirts.... 79c $2, $2.50 and $3 Arrow, Lion and Monarch Soft Cuff Shirts, in excellent patterns..$1.45 $3 Arrow Shirts with Soft Collars Attached. .$1.55 f$3 and $3.50 Arrow Soft Cuff Shirts in fine neat patterns...........$1.69 $3 $3.50 and$4 Arrow and Lion Soft Cuff Shirts . $2.19 Fine $2.50 White Polo Shirts..............$1.79 With Soft Cuffs and Collars attached The Best Shirts in Our Stock. Regular $3 and $3.50 values ..................$2.15 White PoloStyles with Collars attached All Ha6s and Caps 5 dozen Felt Hats with narrow brims, in light and dark colors, $5 and $6 values......$1.15 A group of $3 Hats clearing at... ..........39c Men's Smart Winter Caps. $1.50 values.......69c $2.50 values... ......................$1.13 Men's English Tweed and Herringbone Caps in browns and grays.....25 PER CENT LESS Men's Hudson Seal Hats for'Driving. $8.50 and $10 values .................$4.75 Arrow Collars, 3 for 50c Pajamas, Nightshirts $2 to $3.50 Lightweight Pajamas in white and colors. . ... . . - .$1.39 Heavy li'lannel Pajamas, worth $2.25 to $4.25..$1.53 Boys' Flannel and Lightweight Cotton Pajamas $1.50 values ............ c Boys' Lightweight Cotton Night Shirts $1.50 to $2.25 values .........85e Boys' $1.50 and $2 Flannel Night Shirts .........95c Lab. Coats, Aprons $3 Dental Clinic Coats. .................$1.85 $2 Waiters' Coats......... ..........$1.39 Only Five Linen Lab. Coats. *$8values.......$1.13 $1 Rubber Chem. Aprons ........79e 55 Lab. Aprons, made of brown duck. Reg. ularly 90c. Now ....... ...........49e Neckwear Values Price Redutions on Neckwear are very $1.50 -values ........................ .. $2 Ties ........................... $2.50 Neckwear................ .... $3 values,.......................... .. Men's IHose, Too Sheepskin and Leather Coats Six $20 Sheepskin Coats .............. Four $25 Sheepskin Coats....... ... Gordon Leather Coat, $45 value........ Underwear in All Weights $1 Athletic Underwear ................... $1.50 Athletic Underwear ..... ..... $2 Athletic Underwear. Some of it reg. B.1 Two-piece Reg. B.Y.D. runksE and Shirts, $1 Gym Pants... ....... 50c Porosknit Drawers, Shirts........ $1 Cotton Balbriggan Undershirts....... $1 and $1.25 Heavy Ribbed Cotton Drawers and Undershirts ... .... Lightweight Woolen Drawers, $1.50 valuer. $2.50 light and heavy weight fleeced Cotton Union Suits.. Five Heavy Cotton Union Suits. .$1.75 vai $2.25 Lightweight Cotton Union Suits. Heavy Wool and Cotton Mixture Union Su $3 values. .................. All Belts at 57c 50ci Cotton Lisle Socks in blue, white, brows and gray......... .. 75e Fine Lisle Hose, in black, cordovan, na white, wine, and Palm Beach..... 3 pairs for ....... ..... $1.25 and $1.50 Siik Hose in black, cordova and dark green ... ......... $2 Laundry Cases, $1.13 I FOR RENT FOR RENT-One half of a large well furnished room at a reasonable rate. Board may also be obtained at the house. 119 Park Terrace. Phone 765-W. 35-2 FOR RENT - Very desirable single room. Pleasant and comfortable. Reasonable. Block from campus. 715 Ho.en Ave. 954-M. 35 FOR RENT- Large well furnished front room for one or two students, private family, with board if desir- ed. Phone 1072-J. 85-3 LOST LOST-Leather cover notebook, name on cover. Finder please call Knep- per, 1741-R. 85-2 LOST - Blackshell glasses without case. Reward. Call 2816-J. 35 FOR SALE OR SALE-Overcoat in good condi- tion. Price reasonable. 215 South Thayer St. 1884-M. 35-2 FOR RENT-Comfortable front suite and single room for ladies. 910 E. Washington. 33-3 WANTED WANTED--Fifteen men to go to Mad- ison in automobile truck at $10 per man. Call Ralph Deiterle, 557-J. 35 1rISCELLANEOUS LOOK-JUST what you want! Why not make your clerical work easy by using the new pocket size add- ing machine. See one. Demonstra- tor on display at Sugden's Drug Store. 85-3 FOR TYPING or .mimeographing, phone 1283-J or call at Calkins' Drug Store. 34-3 i- I- Class Toques at 65cI 1 t And Scores of Other Equally Remarkable Values that will mean Tremendous Savings Van Boven :,Y Cress Formerly the Varsity Toggery Shop : Z.' I buys a brand new Corona portable type- wrjter. Other makes at attractive prices. See us before you buy.' 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade AAn Arbor. Mich 1107 South University Avenue Open from 7-30 A. M.