THE MICHIGAN DAILY After the show try a "reel" T H E G REY SHOP cup of coffee with a sandwich a SPOEHR'S BULK CHOCOLATES NUNNALLY'S SOUTHERN CANDIES 600 E. Liberty MII 1 + WrY 1 i+* English. Sport Stripes Lhet Art Thrive; Dusty Attic Is Here. To Inspire "Never was art- without its attic,a nver poetry without its place to hide," decided the inspired bards of old. That cobwebs make for lacy verse or dust for philosophic depths has never been questioned. Michigan, however, strangely omitted this necessary re- quisite to fame and immortal rememb- rance. The Board of Regents has ig- nored it and literature has struggled here without it. The paths of its in- spired pen have been lighted by c'ass electric bulbs, or at worst a fizzling gas light. But the long sought attic is found, and now Michigan, with its poet Rob- ert Frost and its Attic, may shine in inspired verse and literary legends. Is Ex-Cloak Room An ex-cloak room gleaned from the trembling timbers of paled West hall is the history of the attic. It is so small that the coat hooks had to be removed to make more room. An antique desk with its legs sawed off to fit fills a third of the space. Dust covered cupboards filled with yellowed manuscripts add to the philosophy that 'all is not published that's writ.' It hovers under the wings of Prof. F. N. Scott's lecture room and the attic around which the furniture is but a mere setting is that little contri- bution box -labelled Whimsies. In beeping With Spirit It is from here that probably the first literary contest of its kind in the annals of the Univeristy is announced. It is in accord with/the spirit of the place. Competition will be for the best informal essay contributed be- fore December 1st. And, showing that poverty is not a part of bare and cobwebbed attics there will be a $25 prize for the best essay. Judges iof these manuscripts are David Grayson, Samuel McChord Crothers and Agnes Replier, three of the most prominent essayists in this country. David Grayson, probably the most popularly known of the three, formerly attended the University where he studied under Prof. F. N. Scott. Essays will be first judged by the staff 'of Whimsies and the best ones TELEPHONE 214-F1 Students interested in debating are ttlt11 1/ l1Ut lltllH llltl!lttlttltlli invited to attend the next regular meeting .of Alpha Nu, campus debat- ing society, at 7:30 Friday night, at which time a debate'-on the proposi- SCH U ACHER) HAIfUAbfMPANY tion, "Resolved: That the Willis- Campbell anti-beer bill should be im- A STORE OF INDIVIDUAL SHOPS mediately passed by Congress." The affirmative and the negative 308-10-12 SOUTH MAIN STREET PHONES 174-175-M sides will be represented by three speakers each. Previous to the de- bat there will be a parliamntary drill, in which allare eligible to take part. J UST the right dash of colour for a necktie 'that hob-nobs with smart tweeds. It's a Cheney Cravat-one of many that register just the right touch of snap and sparkle. At the store you like to buy from. MOORE CHOOSES WORKS FOR MAY FESTIVAL CONCERTS Announcement has been made by Earl V. Moore, acting director of the University Choral union, of the works to be sung at this year's May Festival. The compositions chosen are Wolf- Ferrari's "New Life," in commemora- tion of the sixth hundredth anniver- sary of the great Dante, and "Psalm- odic Rhapsody" by Frederick Stock, director of the Chicago Symphony or- chestra. Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. New Term Nov. 14th. Type. writing, Shorthand, Bookkeep- ing, Penmanship; Secretarial Training. Day nd Evening. HAMILTON BUSINESS COLL. State and William Sts. Teaches Boys and Girls the Science of Chemis- try. The m o s t com- plete, practical, a n d scientifically c o r r e c t chemistry outfits ob- tainable. Contains no will be forwarded for final decision to these three Judges. The contest is open to all under- graduates with the exception of Whim- sies editorial staff. All essays must be typewritten and double spaced. The $25 reward has been contributed by George Wahr. ALHPA NU WILL DEBATE WILLIS-CAMPBELL BILL STEAM 6 GAS FITTING I Na3 M Ta3 dangerous chemicals. Educational, en- tertaining and absolutely harmless. Also/the Game of Whiff, Sachetcraft, Charactercraft and Starcraft These Outfits Run from 75c to $10.00 , . B"5m -my Of, CRAVATS MATINEE-2:00, 3:30 Adults - 20c Kiddies - 1 Oc I', EVENING-7:00, Adults - 30c Kiddies - I Oe 8:40 N. F. Allen, 211 S. Main St. Mack & Co., Main St. Wadhiams & Cb., 201 S. Main St. F. W. Gross, Main St. S. 0. Davis, Tggery Shop, 119 S. Main St. Llndenschintt Apfel Co., 209 Main -St. Reule, Conlin, Flegel Co., 200-2 S. Main St. G. It. Wild & Co., 811 S. State St. Wadhams & Co., Nickels Arcade J. F. Wuerth Co., 222-224 S. Main St. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY The H4hway of Hilarity .. . _. F ingerle's Cafeteria At 322 South State St. Will serve daily from 11:10 to 1:30 (except Sundays, when cafeteria closes at 12:00 M.) f , -Il- See Piccadilly Circus Westminster Abbey Special Luncheons, Dinners At the lowest prices you've Charing Gross Trafalgar Square Windsor Castle All the exact spots of inter- est in London around which this romance speeds seen for excellent meals 0Ae Roi nTo~ A.OA ~ND 35c 40c The Luncheon Menu: Choice of Three Meats, Three Vegetables, Three Potatoes Baked Beans or Macaroni substituted for any one of the above ,read, Rolls, Muffins, etc. Butter Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Milk Soup, 5c extra The Dinner Menu: Soup Choice of Three Meats, Three Vegetables, Three Potatoes Baked Beans or Macaroni substituted for any one of the above Bread, Rolls, Muffins, etc. Butter V r t J f I I HIV Ili. f i . ' . 4 y * " ! "" r >. " ! s \ , m y .. .. ,.. .. ,.. .. .y ., ., .. ...5.." Coffee, Tea,;Cocoa, Milk c , ; 0 Extra charges, of course, thing additional that is for any- ordered A guarantee--Satisfaction or money back Emily was a luscious "peach"- Herdguardian, the Duchess and the Viscount, were twin "prunes" (harsh words but true). That's why a trim Yank in a "twin six," stole a ride and stole a bride. The boy's a wonder.