THE MICHIGAN DAILY TrHT RSDAY, NOi'EMBER 8, 101 Til 1that Lyndon will give Hanson a run P for his place as premier breast stroke artist on the squad, while. the younger 1OO S( DICBI Babcock looks good at the back stroke. Tl vr BUllmann, a free style man, was out for practice last year, but eye trouble ;OACH DRULARD HAS AN ARR AY E forced him to give up the sport. This OF EXPERIENCED AQUATIC PERFORMERS With a turnout of 25 men, a large percentage. of whomare veterans or promising material, the Michigan swimming team has every reason tol look forward to a successful season. In addition to the number which re- ported for the first practice yester-I day afternoon, there are fully 15 oth- ers of known ability who should ap- pear at the tank within the' next two weeks. Several will turn out at the completion of the football season, andi a number of green men are expected to report. Experienced Performers - Captt "Britz" Hyde will havf a goodly ,crowd of experienced perform- ers to form a nucleus of the aggre- gation. Hubbard, one of the belt dist- ance splashers in this section of the country is even better than ever. Val- entine, ineligible last year, is back in good standing and seems sure of a place on the squad. Smith, another veteran, did not report for practice but is expected to put in an appearance at an early date. The Babcock brothers, Lyndon and Kenneth, give evidence of stellar per- formances to come, the former in par- ticular showing a remarkable improve- ment over his breast stroke work of last year. Coach Drulard predicts year he is back once more and gives promise of becoming a highly valuable man. It is sure that he is to be reck- oned with when the 10 men who will compose the team at this year's meets are picked. Fancy Divers In the fancy diving the outlook is bright with White, a veteran of two years, in excellent condition and head- ing all candidates by a narrow mar- gin. Three in particular are expect- ed to push him hard and may even excell his clever work. Clayton Sea- gars, '23, Weldon Benton, '23, and Eric Mildner, '24, make up the trio. Seagars and Mildner are both exper- ienced men, but Benton, new at the game, has been remarkably adept. Gow Heads Freshmen While it is too early to get any sort of a line on the freshman team, ap- pearances point to a good aggrega- tion, with Jack Gow heading the list of yearling candidates. Gow was form- erly the mainstay of the Duluth Cen- tral high school squad, and is probably the best all around swimmer in col- lege today. Coach Drulard expects big things from the husky yearling. Kerr, a New Trier high school back stroke man, is also showing up well. Five students were arrested in '94 for climbing over the fence of the athletic field. MAT COACH SOUGHT I BY WRESTLING MENI A fund of three hundred dollars has been appropriated by the Athletic as- sociation, to the wrestling club for the purpose of securing the services of a competent coach. At present, ac- cording to Dr. George A. May, assist- ant professor of physical education, no one has been secured for the posi- tion, but a coach will be secured after the close of the football season. Both wrestling and boxing have taken pro- gressive steps at Michigan this year, and it is expected that teams repre- senting Michigan will soon compete with other schools in these sports. SHUIE"T (DETROIT) Michigan Ave. at wa hington Blvd. Nights 50C to $2 ('0. Wed. Mat. 5oc to $i.oo sat. Mat. 5oc to s 50 MADAME PETROVA Presenting the romantic play "The White Peacock" GARRICK Nights - 50Cto$2.50 DETRCiT The great romantic actor MR. LEO DITRICHSTEIN In the gay SE flG ' French Comedy ' .' SOCCER NOTICE All freshman lits Interested In class soccer meet Brownfield at 3:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon on Ferry field. All sophomore lits interested in class soccer meet Merner in south reading room of the Un- ion at 3 o'clock this afternoon. TODAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY N O MA asnever osplendid as nowthe- gsthty wife whose innocent past be- comes the guilty present in Channing Pollock's great drama of devotion. 1 I i 1-1 A Last Time Today Henry B. Walihall IN "The Boomerang" I I W HITNEY THEATRE Sunday, Nov.6 SI"THE BEHIND THE SIGN ON THE DOOR? " THE PICTURE THAT AP PEALS TO YOUR TRUER SELF, HIDDEN AWAY BY W O R L D L Y CONDITIONS AND CUSTOMS SO OLD THAT THEY LIVE AS MARTYRS TO THE CAUSE EVENTUALLY, ACCEPTING T H E S E,.,,,. LIVING THINGS AS FACTS THAT LIVE FOREVER! SIGN OR H Directed by [erbert Brenon a e A. Attractive CORSAGES Distinctive Best seats $2.00 I f A Goodhew Floral Co. 'I Phone 1321 225 E. Liberty I +I I vumm U .i 0 TWIPrDAY TIG IlFICA T i4AGiEMNT liotewor by 'Dra m a e G ven A RU CA°S~ FORE Of T STAR, p n (Ier ELF3 nhie supreme success of her brillian caree "91 4wTE P EACOCIC VDs~nduished 1..YCasl- t and Exquisi eProduc on undc-r6fheddirn ), 'TME SELWYN$ S M#AIL ORDERZS mmRECD 1NOW I W e OTHER "SNOOKY'S NEWS ETENTS FEATURES LABOR LOST" ARCADE ORCHESTRA Warm Up LATEST LM Mole Blanket Lined Coats 6.00 Ni A Ji E S rT 11 Sheep Lined Coats 12.00 Pelters Reversable Leather Coats 25.00 TODAY, FRIDAY and- SATURDAY Too! Ahoy There, Matey! It's the "Cood Luck" Star in a Romance awash with the Sea I I W&tJ l THO I1 TAILORS FURNISHERS HATTERS EIOHA 74~ THIS L COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING i I In a Screen Adaption of the Famous Novel by Peter B. KYNE I THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. _ i ; A 71 LOST LOST-Reward for Information re-j sulting in recovery of grey-black belted overcoat lost on Special train to Illinois game. Address Box J. A. 33-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE-One 1919 Harley Davidson motorcycle with side-car. Electric equipped, first class condition, lots of extras. Deal with owner. Hen- derson Garage, 112 W. Ann St. 34 0 LOST-Gold fountain pen with er point. Return to Daily Boxz C. V. D. Park- office, 33-21 OST-A fountain pen in Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Call 2726-M. 34 MISCELLANEOUS IEMSTITCHING and Picot edge work. White Sewing Machine Co. Phone 919. 205 E. Washington St. 32-3 'OR TYPING or mimeographing, phone 1283-J or call at Calkins' Drug FOR SALE-Ford Speedster, in good condition. Five new tires. Phone 1110-W. Call at 1002 Cornwell Place. 32-3 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Share in large front suite. Roommate for double room. Steam heat, desks. Phone 1194-M. 422 E. Washington. 32-3 FOR RENT-Comfortable front suite and single room for ladies. 910 E. Daily Matinees, 25c 2.00 and 3.30 Evenings, 7.00 and 8.30 25c 35c Cast includes Agnes Ayres A tale of the sea and the world of ships. And a man who could face a storm, a fight, or a glorious love, and see it thru. Fighting, rollicking, devil-may-care! A picture that scuds along in a gale of joy All hands on deck for a great evening's entertainment at the Majestic. Also COMEDY NEWS ORCHESTRA It's a Paramount Picture COMING SUNDAY! BETTY COMPSON in "At The End of the World"