THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUEyAY, N a a AlLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1921 Number 82 t Members of the University: Owing to the annual meeting of the National Association of State Uni- ersities at New Orleans, the President of the University and Mrs. Burton 111 not be "at home" on Wednesday, Nov. 9. 'niversity Lectures: The three University Lectures by Dr. A. J. Barnouw, scheduled for Nov. 3,and 4, have been postponed on account of the illness of the lecturer. 'he dates of the postponed series will be announced later. F. E. ROBBINS. ruiversity Lectures: Professor Ernst Cohen, Director of the Van't Hoff Laboratory, Univer- ity of Utrecht, Holland, will deliver one of his lectures. today (Tuesday, rov. 1) at 4:15 p. in., and the other tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov. 2) at 4:15 . m. in the Chemical Amphitheater, room 165 Chemistry building. His sub- set will be, "The Metastability of Matter and Its Bearings on Chemistry and 'hysics." The lectures will be illustrated by lantern slides and experimental dem- nstrations and will be given under the auspices of the University of Michi- an Section of the American Chemical Society. All interested are cor- Ually invited to attend. C. C. MELOCHE. 'Iekets for Minnesota Game: All holders of athletic coupon books should follow the instructions on he back of the application blank for the Minnesota game. At 6 p. m. Wed- esday, Nov. 9, preference according to the number of years a student has een on the campus will cease. The Athletic Association is allotting all ickets for the Minnesota game to students and alumni according to the lan of distribution adopted by the Board in Control of Athletics, which oard is composed of faculty, alumni, and student representatives. The lock "M" will be located in the West Stand at the request of the Student ounci. FIELDING H. YOST. billps Scholarships: Examinations for the Phillips Scholarships for the year 1921-1922 will e held on Saturday, Nov. 12, in room 108, Tappan Hall. Applications for dmission to the examination should be made in writing and handed in at )ean Effinger's office as soon as possible, in any case before Nov. 5. Candidates will be examined upon four units of Latin, all freshmen who resent four units of Latin for entrance being eligible. Those who pre- eut in addition two units of Greek may elect to be examined in both sub- Scts, in which case if their grades are equal to those of other candidates ey will be given preference. The conditions under which the examina- one are conducted and the scholarships are to be held are fully described a pages 106-107 of the University Catalogue for 1920-1921, which should be ad by all prospective candidates. Applicants for renewal of scholarships held during the year 1920-1921 hould present their requests in writing at Dean Effinger's office not later han Nov. 5. A. R. CRITTENDEN, F. E. ROBBINS, Committee in Charge. x-Service Men and Women: All students who were In Military, Naval, or other Federal service dur- ig the European War and who have not sent in a detailed and complete ac- Dunt of their service, are asked to call at once at the Alumni Catalogue Of- ce, basement of the Alumni Memorial Hall, and fill out a blank. This ap- ies to all University students, including those who saw service before en- olling in the University for the first time. Circularizing of all former students has been completed. By means of is notice only will students now in attendance at the University be cir- ilarized. H. L. SENSEMANN, F Secretary of the Military Record Committee. :ygliene Lecture: Freshman and entering sophomore women are required to attend the :ygiene Lecture to be given today, Nov. 1, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall at p. m. MARION O. WOOD. . tudents from Foreign Lands: Some of the ladies in Lansing, Michigan, are willing to entertain stu- ents from foreign countries at their homes during the Christmas holidays. romen who are interested will please consult Dean Jordan at her office ours. Men will please consult with me, Thursdays and Fridays at 4 'clock, 302 University Hall; phone -1451, or University exchange 110-J. J. A. C. HILDNER, Adviser to Foreign Students. colytes: Regular meeting of Acolytes will be held Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. in X8 Mason hall. Martin Ten Hoor will read a paper on "George Santayana, hilosopher and Poet". A. C. BENJAMIN. arsity Debating Squad: The first elimination tryouts will be held Saturday morning, Nov. 5, at o'clock, room 302 Mason Hall. A brief of one side of the question, showing ur analysis of the issues, must be presented. Present evidence and proof r some one phase of the queston. Speeches limited to seven minutes. anddates come in alphabetical order except as prevented by classes. RAY K. IMMEL, Intercollegiate Contest Director. inior- Research Clubs Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 1, at 8 p. m. in room F 426 New Science building. Subjects: - Timber Rot Studies in California.- Lee Bonar. Infra-ree Band Spectra. -Dr. E. F. Harker. H. R. SNOW, Secretary. medy Club: Try-outs for the cast of Shaw's Pygmalion will be held for members of >medy Club in the auditorium of Newberry:Hall Wednesday and Thursday -ening at 7 o'clock. Copies of the book have been placed in the Upper eading room at the Library. J. RALEIGH NELSON. he Players Club: Those who wish to do practical work in the design, construction, and inting of scenery and in stage setting in connection with the Players .ub are asked to meet Mr. Milton R. Landy,-Chairman of the Committee on agecraft, at 4 p. m., Tuesday, Nov. 1, in the auditorium of University Hall. R. D. T.HOLLISTER. FIRST SWIMMING f PRACTICE TODAY Y. M.G C A. Pool to Witness Opening Work of Year in Aquatic Sport CAPTAIN HYDE HANDICAPPED BUT READY FOR HARD SEASON First swimming practice will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the Y. M. C. A. pool. This announcement, according to Coach Elmer Drulard, is expected to bring forth one of the larg- est turnouts of Varsity material'that the sport has experienced since its first bow to the world of Michigan ath- letics three years ago. The Wolverine tank men face what should be a difficult, but successful season. Several of the men who have been most counted on have not return- ed to school, and others will be unable to devote as much time as had been hoped. One of these latter is Capt. G. Warren Hyde, '25M. The entry of Cap- tain Hyde on the rolls of the Medical school will prevent him fromgetting in as much of the all-important prac- tice as is desirable, but the Michigan leader is in good shape, and should be able to head his squad throughout the season. Candidates in all events, free style, breaststroke, back stroke, plunge for distance, and fancy diving are expect- ed to report this afternoon. No charge will be made at the pool. TAXI! TAXI! PHONE 2012J PAUL ZAHNR, Prop. tltltltttt1 lttlttlittliltlll1 ltl1m lmllitl lip Dr. George E. Xickle OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Office hours daily by appoint- ment Telephone 526 Rm. 12, Over Arcade Theatre 11 1. University Ave. MICHIGAN DECORATIONS We have the best in the City of Michigan Pennants, Banners, Pillow Covers, Table Runners, etc. tA Reliabl JewelerI C HAPMANI w A-H R 's UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE S _ _ Facts that you probably know Agoal from place kick* won I the game. Each menu puts the 'WHAT'S GOING ON TUESDAY 11:00-Dr. Van der Hoeve speaks to Medical students and faculty in Medical amphitheater. 4:10-Dean's advisory committee meets 4:15-Chemical society lecture by Prof. Ernst Cohen in room 165, Chemistry building. 6:00-Cabinet club initiation banquet at Lane hall. I 6:15-Press club luncheon at Union. M. W. Bingay and Alan Schoenfield, of the Detroit News, will speak. 7:00-Choral union rehearsal at the School of Music. 7:00-Union Orchestra rehearsal in assembly hall, Union. 7:15--Mt. Clemens club meets in room 321, Union.1 7:15-Friars meet in room 325, Union. 7:30-Boxing club meets in room 323, Union. 7:30-Meeting of underclass conduct committee at Union. 7:80-Upperclass advisers meet in reading room of Union. 7:30-Commerce club committee meet- ing in room 302, Union. 7:30-Meeting of Adelphi House of Representatives, fourth floor, Uni- versity hall. 7:30-Dixie club meets in room 819, Union. 7:30-Alpha Kappa Psi meets in room 306, Union. 8:00-Junior Research club meets in room F426, Natural Science building. 8:00-Acolytes meet in room 106, Ma- son hall. U-NOTICES Freshman Lit elections will be held between the hours of 9 and 2 o'clock Wednesday in the lower cor- ridor of University hall. REGENTS APPROPRIATE FUND FOR SCIENTIFIC PAPERS (Continued from Page One) quest from the city of Flint for Dean A. S. Whitney, of the School of Educa- tion, to direct an efficiency survey of the schools of that city was acted on favorably. The board also voted to establish a dental clinic in Ypsilanti under the direction of the Dental school. Prof. C. H. Van Tyne of the history department was granted a leave of ab- sence in order to go abroad for the purpose of doing some special re- search work in connection with the book he is writing. Notice was receiv- ed at this meeting also, that the Unit- ed States Radiator company, of De- troit, would continue their fellowship of $500 a year and this fellowship was awarded to Lyman J. Ballard. Congratulate Former Regent The Regents took luncheon at the Betsy Barbour dormitory and passed a resolution congratulating Levi L. Barbour, of Detroit, former Regent and doner of the funds for the dormi- tory, upon the successful operation of the institution. Dr. P. C. Lowery, of Detroit, was appointed lecturer in prosthetic den- tistry. Earnest F. Barker, who holds a research fellowship in the Univer- sity, was made a lecturer in physics. The Varsity band was formed in 1896. A rcade Cafeteria in the kead ! It's upstairs in Nickels' Arcade 0 UT TOD A Y VICTOR RECORDS For November DANCE RECORDS DANGEROUS BLUES-Fox Trot...........Original Dixieland Jazz Band ROYAL GARDEN BLUES-Fox Trot.......Original Dixieland Jazz Band SOUTH SEA ISLES-Medley Fox Trot. .Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Rosy CHEEKS-Fox Trot..................All-Star Trio and Orchestra I AIN'T NOBODY'S DARLING-Medley Fox Trot All-Star Trio and Orchestra Yoo-Hoo--Fox Trot ........... ............ Hackel-Berge Orchestra SWEET LADY-Medley Fox Trot..........Paul Whiteman and Orchestra SAY IT WITH MUSIC-Fox Trot..........Paul Whiteman and Orchestra IT MUST BE SOMEONE LIKE YOU-Fox Trot.. Benson Orches. of Chicago WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN-Fox Trot............Shilking Orchestra RED SEAL RECORDS ETUDE IN G FLAT MAJOR, Op. 10, No. 5 (Black Keys) (b) ETUDE IN G FLAT MAJOR, Op. 25, No. 9 (The Butterfly) Alford Cortot MOTHER OFEMY HEART ................. ........ ..Frances Alda QUARTET IN A:MAJOR.. ............................Flonzaley Quartet LOVE'S MESSENGER WALTZ...................... .Amelita Galli-Curci TO SPRING............... .........................Fritz Kreisler LITTLE TOWN IN THE OULD COUNTY DOWN.........John McCormack SYMPHONIE PATHETIQUE..................... Philadelphia Orchestra This is but a partial list of the Victor Offering for November. We invite you to call and look over the complete November list. We will be glad any record that you may desire to hear. 4 OR SOCIETY ELECTS NEW MBERS; INITIATE THURSDAY ior soceity, an honorary organ- n of senior women, has elected 'ollowing girls to membership: Lovewell, Dorothy Ide, Florence n, Margaret Zeller, Elizabeth ry, Rita Beebe, Olive Lockwood, 4argaret Beckett. Initiation will Id at 4 o'clock Thursday. Prof. Cohen, Holland, Lectures Today Prof. Ernst Cohen of the University of Utrecht, Holland, will deliver two illustrated lectures, one today at 4:15 o'clock and one tomorrow at the same hour, in room 165, Chemistry build- ing, on the "Metastability of Matter and Its Bearing on Chemistry and Physics". Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. 3An lWELIit j tAuik I Duor Mrs. A. A Root fil 05 Eait 3William $'trggt i